Wednesday, 29 April 2009 12:15 |
 | Frederick Douglass, one of the greatest and most courageous Freedom Fighters who ever lived. |
Many veteran Scientologists and even non-Scientologists are working hard behind the scenes to expose the crimes of David Miscavige and bring him to justice.
We're not a "new movement" or a "counter movement" or a "revolution." Just real Scientologists playing the game where everyone wins. Our intention is to make a safe environment.
As to your own role in this, there is a time when silence becomes betrayal. There is a time when real Scientologists have to stand up and recover their own sense of right and wrong. LRH defined it as personal integrity: having the courage to observe what you observe, and say what you have observed. That's real KSW.
This means taking a stand and doing what is right regardless of consequences. You have to draw the proverbial line and step forward. It takes courage, but the beautiful thing is on the other side of that line... that's where your integrity is, that's where your OT abilities lay. So in actual fact, you have everything to gain: self-pride, belief in yourself and stability of gains. Here is what you can do: "Do something about it" by picking any of these actions or thinking up your own: - Write a Knowledge Report and send it to us to be published online in a new section just for public KRs. You need not reveal your identity.
- Read all the information on our website for a complete picture of David Miscavige.
- Help more people find out about the website by sharing it on social bookmarking and sign up for our RSS feed.
- Set a good example by reconnecting with any friends or family that have been falsely declared. Just throw off the chains.
- Ask other Scientologists if they've read this website.
- Read these classic works and get other Scientologists to read them since they all directly relate to dealing with slavery/suppression: a) Narrative of the Life of an American Slave by Frederick Douglass, b) Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, c) The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine. Frederick's Douglass' descriptions of various slave masters fit David Miscavige to a tee. Viktor Frankl survived 4 Nazi death camps and brings great insight for anyone who has suffered from extreme suppression. Thomas Paine wrote The Age of Reason while he wrongly imprisoned in France.
- Flourish and Prosper: you can go up the Bridge outside the Church. Frankly, it's not possible to attain OT while connected to a suppressive person (David Miscavige) or his minions.
- Select a date (like 10 Aug.) and circulate word throughout your area, and upon that date re-connect with someone who was wrongly declared/disconnected. That can be as simple as sending us an email to request the special report exposing the crimes of David Miscavige.
Now you don't have to do all the above. Some of these ideas may get you in "trouble" with OSA, but maybe that's better than being enslaved. LRH says in the HCOB OT Maxims when OTs exert their power they have to do it cleverly or else it can be destructive. So don't do anything you don't feel you're up to.
Think of the consequences and choose your battles.
But remember, SPs have no real power of their own. All they can do is enturbulate. We are the ones with real power because we wield the truth.
Written by Thoughtful
I think I read somewhere that OSA monitors these messages? I hope so. Hear this OSA: I am using my real name. Please send my regards to your criminally intended ED in Santa Barbara.
Manfred Mayer
This evening’s theme is – TRIPPING – and there is a man who is “himself tripping it on the light fantastic toe”, a serious power-trip. And, as a result of this man’s power-trip, this man’s power-tripping, people suffer and will continue to suffer until he gets off his power-trip.
This song is about one person, sweet Lisa McPherson who died a sad and lonely death caught up in the web of lies and deceit woven to conceal this man’s
crimes against humanity allowing him to continue his power-trip.
We may never know the real truth about the circumstances surrounding Lisa McPherson’s death but we do know she did not die in vain.
For Lisa McPherson
This is the story 'bout Lisa McPherson
17 days then she died
One man made a difference to her
One man and his vicious lies
Isolation room
174. No love or friends
Slowly passed away, a life confused
At the bitter end
Lisa… Lisa,
Lisa McPherson
One man made a difference to her
One man made a difference
Too late the doctor saw her
D.O.A. was the sorry news
Undetermined, then an accident
Made the case too hard to prove
One man and his vicious lies
One man made a difference to
Lisa… Lisa,
Lisa McPherson
We know who the man is,
Bolivar on the way down
Fighting battles that don't exist
And causing pain all around
Now we are legion and we come back
Get ready there’s a big surprise
We're shining the light of truth,
That the sleeping giant will arise for
Lisa… Lisa,
Lisa McPherson
Song to come
It would be awesome if you could post Luis Garica's letter here on your blog.
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