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Monday, 20 April 2009 21:40

ANOTHER BEDTIME STORY (Little Dickie Series #4 )

Disclaimer - each month, starting in November 2007, I have posted via Little Bear Victor a fictional bed time story. Although some people have suspected that Little Dickie may be referring to David Miscavige, the head of the Church of Scientology and that characters like "Couch Jumper" may be referring to Tom Cruise, I want to assure you that this is not true. I want to make sure this is clear so that the many lawyers, PI's, exhausted staff and paid minions are not distracted from trying to fight back at the river of truth leaking out about them.

Daddy, before I go to sleep tell me how you participated in the church that Little Dickie runs?

Well, as a staff member I worked at such places as Palm Springs where the founder lived. I also worked in LA, England, Hemet, Clearwater and on board the cruise liner in the Caribbean. I worked as an executive for over 20 years and was on staff for almost 30 years. I was audited on and audited others on just about everything the church delivers. I did some case supervising as well. I also did the officer training and highest level administrative training available. Oh, and I also did the infamous "RPF" which is the rehabilitation program for the church.

Then maybe you can answer something for me...

What's that?

Well, you have told me about how destructive Little Dickie and his "church" has been to families. I have also heard about story after story coming out on the internet and in the news about these abuses. Even Little Dickie's niece has been going public about how her family has been totally torn apart and abused by the church. Three church PR's came forward saying how the church just loves families but then specifics came out on how the families of even those three PR's had been torn apart by the "church" as well.

That's correct.

I get how the church uses "family disconnection" as a means of blackmail and control, but what I don't get is why more family members don't just walk away from the church when a member of their family is being lied about and attacked by the "church".

That's a very good question you bring up. There is actually another "hook", another lie, another blackmail and control method far more effective than even the threat of family disconnection and ruin.

That's hard to imagine. What is it?

It's a very old and effective trick. It's been used by medicine men, cults, religions and even the imperial families of countries like Japan. It has many twists but basically it comes down to convincing people that you hold the secret or lines to their eternal happiness, survival, health, increased power, etc. They convince people that they are more powerful, more godly than other men and they hold the only hope for such things. If they don't toe the line then they will dwindle in the abyss of darkness, they will spend eternity in hell, they will have a future that is too gruesome to imagine. BUT if they keep the money and goodies coming and they do exactly as they are told then they will have eternal power, happiness and survival. Throw in some truth, a bunch of ceremony, smoke, mirrors and lies while putting some heads on pikes of the non-believers and you are half way home. This method has proven extremely effective throughout history.

The founder of the church was a very intelligent man and one of the better speakers and writers of our time. He did a very good job of boiling down, compiling and presenting some basic data that could be applied to life. Things like administrative technology, study technology, prediction of human behavior, etc. I also think that through his studies and research that he took the subject of the human mind and spirit a huge step forward. I have personally experienced and seen others experience gains and certainties of a mental and spiritual nature. It's enough to make people believe that the rest of the gains being promised could be true. It's enough to make people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, dedicate their lives and yes - even desert their loved ones.

What are these people being told?

They are being told they can become total cause over matter, energy, space, time and life itself. At even the lower levels, sickness will become almost unheard of.

They will regain the full potential of their mind. That they will recover the ability to recall not only everything from this life but from the trillions of years behind them.

They will be able to operate exterior to their body. They will be able to die, avoid between-lives traps and causatively come back in another body with full recall.

I remember the monthly magazines from the advanced church in LA back in the 70's. They used to print what was supposed to be "success stories" from public on the upper levels and they would talk about the most incredible abilities. Things like going to the library and reading books while their body slept. Stopping some crime from occurring miles away while they drove down the L.A. freeway. Playing hide and seek in the clouds with others at their level, etc. At the same time, us new public were invited to free tape plays where the founder would talk about how all these incredible abilities were available through his simple processes. He said that he himself had accomplished levels far beyond anything released but that these would eventually be available to everyone.

So what did you find when you chased the dream?

Well, I eventually did the levels that were available in the 70's and more. I also read the folders of many people who did those levels while acting as a "case supervisor". I also associated with and became friends with many, many of the people who had done the highest levels available. These people could recall some parts of past lives that came up in their counseling sessions, a few felt they went exterior to their bodies with some perception during a session, but they also had more serious physical problems than could be considered normal for their ages and otherwise they had the same problems and concerns as the next guy. No super beings.

Did the "church" have anything to say about that?

They changed their PR line. They now called the services available "pre" levels to the real power levels. They explained that the "pre" levels gave "negative gain". Basically that is the removal of things which a person was probably not aware of and probably never considered a problem in the first place so they might not see or feel a change. They said that this negative gain was necessary in order to get to the real power levels but in order to get the power levels released a lot more people would need to give their lives and money to the church. Additionally the church stopped putting out "success stories" that sounded like someone's LSD trip.

But what about the founder? Wasn't he a "super being"?

I'm going to try to give you an honest answer because I think you deserve one. As I already mentioned, the man has all my respect for the research and discoveries he made into the subject of the mind and human spirit. I feel the data that he compiled and left behind is very valuable. I believe the man had tremendous courage and tremendous competence, especially as a writer and story teller. BUT - little of what you have been told about the man and his life is true.

The man you know through PR is unfortunately completely different than the actual man.

In his works, the church founder laid out scales for both sanity and competence that range from the best to the worst. He explains that these are separate scales -- a man can be very sane but not very competent or a man can be very competent but totally insane. Well, he himself is a good example of this. The man was very competent but not very sane. I know that this concept will be immediately rejected by church members because they have been so heavily PRed. I didn't want to believe it myself but I have spoken to dozens of people that I have personally known and been friends with since the 70's who worked directly with the founder day in and day out for years. They all had the same story. These are all good, honest, sincere people with no reason to lie.

You can go on the internet and look at the documentation done regarding the man up to say 1975 and its gruesome. From there I take the first-hand accounts of the staff who worked with him. I could go into great detail but I'll just give you a quick outline. EXTREMELY paranoid. Thinking his staff were trying to poison his food, drink and air. This type of thing came up quite often. Thinking he was being followed to the extreme. Thinking he saw an alien go by his window, ... Many examples of physical and mental cruelty to crew, young children and even family members. Not having his mouth wash in place or the water temperature correct for his shower could set him off into a rage about how no one gave a #@!% about him. As one of his personal staff pointed out, you never knew what personality would show up for the day. He just couldn't be wrong, he shifted the blame and lied as it served him. He used extremely fowl language and frequently caved in and overwhelmed those around him.

Health-wise he came close to death a number of times even in the 70's. By the 80's he had full time medical assistance. By the last year of his life he could only drink fluids. In his waning years his mental and spiritual state was such that it is safe to say that he would have been institutionalized if not for the dedicated assistance of a few personal staff. I am not exaggerating. I am actually understating the severity of the reality that each person confirmed from first-hand experience.

No, this man had not achieved anything mentally, spiritually or physically that you would wish on your worst enemy. I'm sorry to tell you that's how it was. I'm sure some of this was the result of him using himself as a guinea pig and exposing himself to the research into the unknown regarding the mind and spirit.

Wow. I think all of this is going to take some time to sink in for me.

Here is my actual point and why I am telling you this story. There are a lot of pretty flowers and interesting things along the yellow brick road but it doesn't lead to Kansas. There is a wizard but he isn't a god. He is a man, for better or for worse. The truth is you can survive just fine without the "church" but it can't survive without people like you. Their blackmail is false. They hold nothing worth leaving your family and friends for. The sooner this is realized, the sooner the "church" will stop suppressing and ruining the lives of those who have offered them their trust and support.

As a wise man once said - man can only be controlled with lies.

I love you son.

I love you too, daddy.

Good night.

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