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Thursday, 28 May 2009 06:14

The Pied Piper of Scientology

Alan Rosenberg of the Church of Scientology Paris, pushes back reporters as he leaves court. Photo: Reuters
Alan Rosenberg of the Church of Scientology Paris pushes
back reporters as he leaves court. Photo: Reuters

In the 1970s and 1980s, LRH did a great deal of research into the subject of delusion. He found that people who live unethical lives don't see the real world. They live in their own delusional reality. That's why when you talk to someone who is involved in some unethical practice, your attempts to help may fall on deaf ears. Like the 130 children of Hamelin, Germany who followed the legendary Pied Piper to their deaths June 26, 1284. No one could get through to them until it was too late.

Today Scientology staff in organizations worldwide are following a corrupt piper named David Miscavige. I write from personal experience. He has them coercing and badgering parishioners for every last penny as part of programs that he instituted or through puppets. Swept up in his lies and propaganda, convinced they are following "command intention," following cherry-picked LRH policies that David Miscavige has emphasizes totally out of context, these staff are heading for a fall. As LRH says, when the individual disregards his own responsibility for ethical behavior, eventually blind Justice herself has no choice but to act.

Hence the photo at above.

Do I think French courts will succeed in shutting Scientology down in France? I doubt it, because in most cases auditing and training actually produce results. But do Church staff have clean hands? No they don't. 


Recently a friend of mine who had moved to a new city made an experiment at my request. He attended a Scientology event his new city. Within days he was receiving 6 to 12 emails a day -- all spam -- inviting him into the org for various "brifings." Each of these briefings was thinly veiled ploy to get him into the org to shake him down for a donation to help finance their new "Ideal Org" in direct contravention of LRH policy.

Soon he started to receive 3-5 phone calls a day, 7 days a week. Each of the phone calls were to invite him into the org for a "briefing," again the briefings were a ploy to get him in so he could be shaken down for a donation for their new "Ideal Org."

When that did not work, someone from the Scientology Church called him and left a voicemail actually requesting a donation of $5,000 -- in a voicemail! The staff menber did not know my friend; they had never met.

He confronted her on this and her response was, "Well, you're in the field and the field is expected to support the org." This line comes directly from David Miscavige. There is nothing in LRH Policy that says Scientologists are expected to buy the org's building. This was crazy. But it got even worse. 

Soon the staff started calling my friend's wife, too. She was not even a Scientologist. They called as late as 10:30 PM to "brief her on their plans to get a new Ideal Org."

David Miscavige (center) parties with buddy Tom Cruise at a motorcycle race.
David Miscavige (center) parties with buddy
Tom Cruise at a motorcycle race in 2008.

My friend also attended several events. One of the events turned out to be a cover for a mass recruiting drive. A classic "bait and switch." In other words, the person arrived, the briefing took place, and then abruptly changed with a, "Does everyone agree we need to do all we can to ______ ?" People agreed. So the speaker continued, "Good, that's why we want everyone to join staff tonight. So I want everyone to decide to join staff and stand up and come up here to the front." For the next 15 or 20 minutes, he sat through the painfully embarrassing process of remaining in his seat while two plants in the audience stood up and pretended to join staff. One of those people had told him two weeks before that he had just joined staff. So even that was fake.

One of the other two events turned out to be a cover for a "group reg cycle" where donations are demanded from everyone in the audience. Another bait and switch: "Okay, are you guys excited?"  (fake enthusiasm)...

Audience: (groaning) "Yes"

"Are you really excited?"

Audience: "Yes."

"I don't hear you! Are you REALLY excited?"

Audience: "YES."

"Okay, then before you leave tonight, everyone needs to donate at least $100 for our new Ideal Org. We need to raise 4 million dollars in the next two weeks. So everyone needs to do whatever you can, okay? Okay, who's going to be first?" And for the next 10 minutes he sat there while a few people donated money, starting again with a plant in the audience who got the ball rolling with a $500 dollar donation. This sort of thing is 100% off policy. In fact, if a Scientologist from the 1970s could have been transported to any of these events in 2009 he would have been ashamed. Let me explain.

Eric Roux, head of the Paris Celebrity Centre of Scientology, answers questions at the court house.  Photo: AFP/GETTY
Eric Roux of Celebrity Centre Paris at
the court house.  Photo: AFP/GETTY 

Leading You Astray

In those days (before Miscavige wrested control of the Church from those Hubbard assigned to run it) there was no IAS membership whereby Scientologists donate hundreds, thousands and even millions of dollars in exchange for status pins and a photo with, you guested it, David Miscavige. There were no donation programs for "Ideal Orgs" of which there is nothing in Policy.

Organizations had but one job, to sell and deliver books, training and counseling. That's it. Any donations were refundable. Orgs were instructed to EARN new buildings by delivering actual services in exchange for money. Not any more. Not under Miscavige. Now staff simply demand (non-refundable) donations of cash.

In the year 2000, working at the Int Base, Miscavige made it very clear he was after money. He stressed the events were all about making money. The production of new releases was designed to generated money. To demonstrate, he took over the production of LRH lectures and produced a special run of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures to do one thing: generate the cash to buy CD equipment. The CDs he knew would be a huge money maker because, as he pointed out over and over, CDs cost only $0.12 to produce whereas cassette tapes were far above that. Miscavige needed a lot of cash because he is the worst money manager anyone has ever heard of. He wastes millions like most people waste bread crumbs. You think I'm kidding. I'm not.

Scientology-Cult.com is putting together a detailed article to expose how many millions we know David Miscavige has wasted. The total figure is staggering... a small preview:

"...The wood paneling in David Miscavige's office was replaced twice and is African Zebra wood that costs $500 per foot. There are 1,000 feet of wood = $500,000 parishioner money. His hand-built desk rises up out of the floor. Cost: $17,000 of parishioner cash. Miscavige's Egyptian cotton tailor-made shirts cost $500 each. Parishioner cash."

Meanwhile staff like Alan Rosenberg in Paris generally make very little and risk going to jail for being stupid enough and pathetic enough to follow the programs and orders of a pied piper named David Miscavige.

Written by Thoughtful


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