Home 20-man ambush in Texas

Marty's audio recording of confrontation

Marty Rathbun ambushed by 20 DM-bots in Texas

Click here to read the article describing the confrontation
Audio recording of Marty and Michael Doven

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Thursday, 29 April 2010 23:36

Posted on Marty's blog this morning, 29 April 2010:

Twenty DMbots descended upon Corpus Christi Texas on Wednesday.  They were despatched to recover a veteran DM insider who only days before blew from Int. The individual headed straight for my place.

Mike Rinder flew in from Clearwater as reinforcement.  The three of us were able to repel the twenty.  DM has gotten so desperate for resources he sent CCHR execs, and CC public with his shrininking corps of  “trusted” SO members. It’s tough for them to be effective when all they are able to do is repeat the same tired lines they hear at events like DM is the almighty one who has never done anything wrong and only has the best interests of everyone at heart.  One little problem, many of those who spout his PR bs weren’t there and haven’t experienced the “non-public” DM for themselves.  Others, like Tommy Two Tone, just blantantly and obviously lie. It is like trying to persuade a concentration camp survivor that the Holocaust never existed.

Further details will be forthcoming as they unfold.

Uneasy lies the head of the guilty.

on Marty's blog this evening, 29 April 2010:

On Monday night a dear old friend and SO comrade of mine arrived in the Corpus Christi bay area. I put him up at the Best Western Port Aransas Texas. I checked him in under my own name, knowing the blow drill would have dozens of DMbots calling every motel from LA to here and beyond asking for my friend by name. He had ditched the vehicle he left the base in and made his way by circuitous means. Nonetheless, within thirty six hours of arrival, four SO missionaires ambushed my friend before six a.m. on the motel balcony when he went out for a cup of coffee.

Tommy Two Tone lead the charge. He was accompanied by WDC Idle Orgs, Angie Blankenship, and two of DM’s Int Landlord Idle Org construction aces, Bob Wright and Laurance Stumbke. They peppered my guest with unkind thoughts about me and how damaging it would be for him to connect up with me.

My guest managed to juke them, get back into his room to phone me. I threw on some clothes and headed from my home on Ingleside on the Bay. As I pulled my pick up around to head in the right direction, four rental cars blocked the entire road before me. I pulled to the side of the road in front of my home as sixteen doors flew open and people began piling out and approaching my truck. Tom Cruise’s long-time personal assistant, double-hatted as DM’s spy into Cruise’s personal and professional life for fifteen years, Michael Doven lead the charge. Unable to look me in the eye, Doven mumbled “Marty, let’s talk”. As I reached for my video camera to record the event, I suddenly realized why they were there. DM had dispatched those he thought may be able to “impinge” on my friend, and separately sent a team to try to distract me while the “Ace Team” at the motel did their business. So, I got right back in my truck, ignored the stray dogs yapping at my wheels and headed for Port Aransas.

I phoned the Port A police who went to the motel and debriefed my friend, helped him gather his things and stayed with him till my arrival. By the time I arrived, there was not a sign of Tommy and the Shondells.

The police escorted us out of town and back onto my turf. By then there was no sign of the sixteen (there were four people in each of the four cars that assaulted me first thing in the morning). My guest and I then proceeded to the airport to pick up Mike Rinder.

As we arrived at the airport I received a cell phone call from Michael Doven begging me to chat with him. The entire Doven conversation was recorded and the link to it is at the end of this post. I encourage all to listen to the entire conversation. It is very revelatory on a number of levels. Think of the mentality of the individual who pitted Doven as his best shot against me. Think of the mentality of the individual who would send Cruise’s long-time assistant along with Celebrity Center stalwarts Micheal Roberts, Michael and Denice Duff and Chris Smith to “handle” Mike Rinder and I. Consider the mental state of an individual who would send twenty people (including two Freedom Medal winners) half-way across the country in an attempt to commit human trafficking.

At the end of the phone call you will hear me approach Mike Rinder at the arrivals gate. He was being assaulted by some CC punk with a video camera in his face, Chris Smith, Marla Filidei (CCHR spokesperson), Jan Eastgate (CCHR Freedom Medal winner) hollering in each ear. When my friend and I arrived, the two women fled (along with a third unidentified one) the camera boy turned the camera on me while Smith started goading me. You can catch the beginning of that exchange at the tail end of the call with Doven.

Finally, some thoughts from our friend: “Tommy, Angie, Bob, Laurence and anyone else who reads this: I’ve seen a lot of indicators over the years and things that I just could not rationalize, but I did somehow rationalize them and figured out how they were “right” (as it was taboo and guaranteed doom to ever voice my true conclusions while in that group). All my successes in my Sea Org career came from the application of real Scientology and an unshakable faith in my fellow group members. If you ever worked with me on some of my larger projects you will know what I mean. My decision to leave, when I did and how I did was carefully thought out and calmly decided upon and executed. Was it difficult? Damn right it was. Did I have a “good life” up to the last day? Yes, in a materialistic sense. I wasn’t in trouble, I was in good standing and trusted. But I have 8 dynamics and I could no longer support actions that were diametrically opposite to all I learned in the SO and Scientology over the last 34 years. My leaving gave me no personal immediate advantage. Quite the opposite actually. I did it for the 3rd and 4th dynamic. I love people and want to help them. The world out here awaits you, without recrimination and nothing but genuine support of true Scientologists really applying LRH tech. You can change your environment to one that lets you apply what you know to be real Scientology, instead of daily experiencing all four flows of the opposite being enforced. Once you honestly realize that for yourself, your need to continuously rationalize the outpoints you see will vanish.

Written by Marty Rathbun



# Guest 2010-04-30 00:29
Dear Marty,

My name is Henk van den Dorpel and I live in Holland.
I recently left the church after having been a member for 17 years.
During those years I observed that more and more things got added to the Tech, that the Org in Holland didn't expand a single bit in those 17 years, that seldom Clears were made or auditors got trained.

I listened to your conversation with Michael Doven about the subject of "help" and I like to tell that I fully agree with you.
Sure, there are still lots of people in churches around the world having wins from auditing or training.
But I believe that the only real future there is for the church, is when truth gets exposed, when the people in it have clean hands, and when Keeping Miscavige Working is no longer being followed.

Thank you very much for the work you're doing!

Henk van den Dorpel
# Patrick 2010-05-10 06:10
Hello Henk,

(to English readers, apologies for the Dutch intro)

Goed om te zien dat de realiteit over de huidige toestand binnen de scientologykerk ook in Nederland aan het doorsijpelen is. Welkom! Ik hoop dat je op een redelijk positieve manier afscheid hebt kunnen nemen en geen dierbaren voorlopig moet achterlaten door disconnectie.

Perhaps you are willing to answer some questions that I have.
- How bad is the regging at the moment? Can you please google for 'Wet Oneerlijke Handelspraktijken' (for English speakers: a law prohibiting the kind of hard selling prevalent in CoM) and give it a read through. My suspicion is that many of the articles are violated. Personally, I would like to see action taken by the 'Consumentenautoriteit', but there's little I can do as an outsider. I hope lodging a complaint (if indeed appropriate) is something you will consider.
- How many Dutch people are in the Sea Org at the moment? I know Julia Rijnvis is in Denmark, so she probably is. Do you know if she is in the RPF or not? - I would find it comforting to know if she isne't. Anyhow, Sea Org conditions are a violation of ARBO-laws (labor condition laws) which also apply to volunteers. But for us critics, it is pretty pointless to report to authorities since we have no actual information about Dutch members. Again, please consider what you think of the condition they are working in and whether you feel you need to undertake action to pretect them against themselves.

Anyway, I wish you all the best. Sorry should my post comes across as demanding - I totally respect if you are a bit done with demands for action/time/money. On the other hand, it is rare for Dutch critics to have a chance to get a peek at what the current scene is like, so I hope you won't hold my questions against me. Hopefully, you will be able to get some other Dutch members to take a look at the difficult thruth.

Thanks in advance, an anonymous member.
# Sergio Mora 2010-05-01 16:58
You most likely don't know me. As usual I'm speechless - don't know what to say or think every time I read your blog(flabbergasted is the word). One thing I can tell you is that you are helping me tremendously - I feel so much better thereafter - I can see clearly how things are shaping up. Hope you are well and taken care of - this is heavy duty stuff. Let me know if I can help. Sergio
# Barney Rubble 2010-05-02 00:21

You and I know one another quite well. Please contact me.

You can get my private email via: Dan Koon, or Marty.
# ROY 2010-05-01 17:46
Here's a quote from LRH Tape, The Service Facsimile Part II, 25 October 1951:

"Now, in a fascist state, it is the purpose and principle of the state to reduce people down to a point where they will go along with the motion of the state, and a fascist government will unwittingly always reduce them down to a level where they will go along with any state, any movement. So they set up their own revolutionary groups the second they do this. Therefore, only a government which restores the self-determinism of human beings is a government which is safe."

My opinion, and per the above, a fascist group or government is bound to fail, sooner or later.
# Satori 2010-05-07 09:34

Just want to give you a big "Thank You" for all you have done and are doing for the cause and benefit of keeping true to LRH and for giving people such as myself some measure of hope (those of us with bad org and/or bad auditing experiences within the formal organized group). You've thrown out postulates of time, space and hope so our progress and enlightenment are not stopped by current Church practice. Such hope allows us to once again envision and experience and create a future for ourselves with the use of LRH tech, doctrine, training, processing. It's good to feel and expierience within myself a glimmer of the rehabilitation of my past goals of helping others and helping all the dynamics, and just generally moving forward with the purposes and goals that LRH himself postulated and envisioned.

God Bless and Godspeed,

ML and wishing you and yours the best always,


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