Home 2010 Independent's Day Celebration
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Wednesday, 07 July 2010 06:28


As announced on Marty’s blog, the first Independent Scientologist wedding was held at Mike and Christie’s house in Tarpon Springs, Florida on Saturday, July 3rd. Mike Rinder was the Scientology minister. It was a joyful occassion to say the least and you will soon be able to watch it yourself on video.


On Sunday, July 4th, was the first Annual Independent’s Day party!  I designed a logo, a flag, and a couple of banners for the occassion. There was a pool party, great stories, great food cooked by Mike and even fireworks. While Jackson and Michael Laws were lighting fireworks, a PI hired by the Church rolled to a stop a few yards down the lane aiming for the fireworks and people who were standing in the middle of the quiet neighborhood street. The PI floored the accelerator. Jackson stood his ground and the PI swerved at the last minute failing to do any damage at all.




Coffee shop protest

So the next morning we all had coffee at Starbucks in downtown Clearwater across from the Flag training building and the Coachman Building on the corner of Ft Harrison and Cleveland.


Secretive Scientology security guards watched from a safe distance. As soon as they saw my camera, they scurried away which got everyone in our crowd laughing. Tiziano walked over and caught them trying to figure out who was present by comparing photos on a clipboard. He said I can tell you who's there. It's not a secret!


Dramatizing the missed withhold of near manslaughter from the night before, OSA took drastic action by demanding an armed SWAT team from Clearwater police... okay, come on I'm joking about the SWAT team, but these total goony birds DID call the police! Can you imagine how insane that must appear to the Clearwater police -- to call the police on a bunch of well dressed people having coffee at Starbucks? Oh, brother. Anyway, a lone officer arrived who pointed out it was not against the law to drink coffee. Jim Logan got in comm with him and he was a sharp and intelligent professional gentleman who clearly understood the real situation. This brings up an interesting situation which is the reality gap. When one refuses to deal in reality... what happens? Well, I'm sure if Rod Serling was here he would tell us that as one journeys into unreality he or she finally arrives at the last waystop: delusion -- as illustrated in the curious case of the Church of Miscavige. In situations like this, when the rest of the world is just dumbfounded at how whacking crazy the Church is acting, the DM-bots are doing high fives -- congratulating themselves for "putting in ethics!" It's no different from some guy just ripping someone apart in the city park... only no one else is there... and giving high fives to a tree. Everyone else is looking at him and thinking "Wow, that guy has been sniffing crazy glue."  The reality gap is getting wider and wider.


Of course we had a good time at our coffee shop protest with plenty of laughter, stories and smiles.



















After the party, those with an early plane went to the beach while others went fishing. At Clearwater beach, the sea gulls swarm around like IAS regs after money.





I noticed that David Miscavige’s intentionally unfinished 12-year building project to scam Church parishioners out of hundreds of millions is still “incomplete” -- why finish it as long as it works as a cash cow?


And downtown Clearwater which once thrived is now largely deserted since no one is allowed to do any shopping. So much for supporting local businesses. Here is what actually happened: (1) Through RTC Reps David Miscavige declared going shopping “out ethics.” (2) By cutting off customers, he starved out local businesses and drove them into bankruptcy, (3) Any liquid cash brought by Scientology public could then more easily be re-routed into the pockets of David Miscavige via the IAS for “urgent Church programs and defense” but really so David Miscavige can live wealthy. Because Sea Org staff and public are not allowed to come and go freely, he is basically a slave-holder shielded by a cloak of religion, dealing in human trafficking and growing rich through extortion.

But alas, Miscavige’s master plan has backfired: the “friendliest place in the world” is a ghost town.


BTW, according to Shelly Miscavige before she “disappeared,” Dave was having an affair with Jenny De Vocht. God, it’s good to be free from that immoral, hellish perversion of everything L. Ron Hubbard stood for.

Written by Thoughtful




# TRUTH 2010-07-07 08:23
Wow, Wow, Wow!!!! What an amazing experience. The party will continue and get even bigger next year.

Thank you for sharing this theta event with us, Steve.
# Jim Logan 2010-07-07 08:55
Touche! And delivered with the finest aesthetic. A master at work.

p.s. the Clearwater police officer, in perfect beingness as an officer when I first encountered him at the front doors of the FH, as the 'event' progressed observed for himself the contrast in the OSA portrayal of the individuals and group, and the irresistable joy that he witnessed. As I was leaving to go on the fishing excursion I approached him again. We shook hands and I introduced myself personally (he already 'knew' who I was from whatever OSA had provided him.)

We shared a laugh over something or other and left each other with an unspoken understanding of who was who on the detail he was assigned that day.

The pictures above show the contrast between the Scientologists, the beings in the joy of creation, and the cowed (hiding behind the blinds for example) and withdrawn in DM's thrall.

I lived and worked in that city, Clearwater, for some of the up to then, best years of any life. It was my space. It still is. I look forward to the day when it returns to life from its moribund state. That day grows ever nearer Dave, inexorably.
-1 # Thoughtful 2010-07-07 16:05
The officer while under duty to act professionally, actually did look completely uncomfortable having to stand guard over a group of laughing people having coffee. How STUPID of the Church of Miscavige... and we all know one gets STUPID by committing too many transgressions. Jim, getting to see you after all these years was a real treat.

Marty said about Mike he is the anvil that will shatter DM's hammer... and I think that is even more true in the third person: we are the antimatter anvil against which DM and his minions are blowing to bits.

Thank you for all you do and continue to do in support of independent Scientology.
# Ex GEM 2010-07-07 09:16
Looks like you all had a terrific time. I wish I could have been there for everything! That coffee shop protest was a great idea. Loving that symbol and flag too Steve and the stories and nudges are just too funny.
# Bryon 2010-07-07 09:32
What a beautiful wedding. It is great to see Scientologists free to be themselves, and free to really go up the bridge. Sorry about the state of downtown Clearwater. I'm sure it will be temporary, since LRH policy is for Flag public to lavish cash on local businesses. It's called "safepointing". Just get LRH policy applied.
# Christie 2010-07-07 09:32
Thank you Steve for your contributions to this amazing event. The logo you designed was unbelievably perfect as well as the banners!
-1 # Thoughtful 2010-07-07 16:11
I believe it was Mareka James, 29 year old daughter of Lucy and Haydn James aka T Paine who originally asked me if I could do a logo for the Independents. Genius just runs in that family... mixed 50/50 with insouciance. =P
+1 # Mareka James 2010-07-20 20:49

Great article! Your written words and beautiful photos really captured the feel of the wonderful weekend.

I'm not sure if I'm so deserving of such a great compliment but thank you very much all the same! Kudos to you for such an awesome logo design! The black and white simplicity with the S/8 intricacy fits our style and movement perfectly.
+1 # Barney Rubble 2010-07-07 09:56
Fantastic photo's and captions,love it.

Man, you guys sure have a hell lotta balls, starbucks on Fort Harrison no less! I see lots of old friends, wish I was there.
+1 # Quicksilver 2010-07-07 09:56
Steve - just excellent!!!

The photos, the logo, the gang - just so impressive!

Thanks so much for what you are doing - and continued flourishing & prospering!
+1 # George 2010-07-07 10:07
Hi Steve,

now I understand why there were no new postings in the last 2 days ... PARTYING!!!!!

Well, happy Independent Day to all independent Scientologists. Congrats to the newly weds.

But now Steve, please go back to production. Can't have that: exposing a corrupt dictator AND having fun.

:-) George
+1 # Cured Robot 2010-07-07 10:09
Hahahaha, an affair with that blood spitting bug-eyed vampire look alike, actually it's quite fitting! It would have to be someone as mean him.

Thanks for the pics, looks like a good time!
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-07-07 16:17
In the end, when I think of all the worst examples of oppressive, abusive, goose-stepping Int base Nazis like Jenny Devocht and Lisa Schroer, Danny Dunagain and Gary Weise, I have to admit I do find a sense of closure in knowing each one of them indeed got his or her just reward: each other.
+1 # Heather G 2010-07-07 10:11
This post made me smile a LOT!

Brilliant pic of the Coffee Protest. And the IAS reg's / sea gulls pics could form a triptych!

Finally, why is it whenever I see Tiziano I hear the words "You f'n piece if sh*t!"?? LOL
# Karen#1 2010-07-07 11:53
I wish I had not missed all this by catching an earlier flight back. (had important deadlines.)

Oh the fun I see in the images. No way will I leave earlier next time....

Absolutely priceless ~~ the meetings, the communication.
# stella 2010-07-07 11:53
calls a swat team on a bunch of people meeting up for coffee?


So glad to see you all out having a grand old time!
# Thoughtful 2010-07-07 17:59
The section about the swat team was just a little bit of humor on my part... poking fun at the idiocy of people trained to "confront" life and situations head on. But all the rest was true. Certified fully 100% out of present time, the actions of David Miscavige and his plucky band of serious nincompoops are always good for laughs galore at their own expense.
# Duckman 2010-07-07 12:00
The logo was a nice touch. But why protest at all? Why not just fly the independent banner right across the street from the "Branch Miscavage" and celebrate our freedom to use the tech?
# Thoughtful 2010-07-07 18:01
Dang, too bad no one thought to bring our flag! Next year!
# Kathy Gold 2010-07-07 12:49
now that's the funniest thing i heard in a while lol. so miscavige went out-2d with jenny lol, typical 1.1 wouldn't you agree.
+1 # Tatiana Baklanova 2010-07-07 12:54
It sure looks like Independent Scientologists are having fun! :-)
In Los Angeles Aida and David Thomas were hosting a 4th of July party where about 100 Independent Scientologists gathered together to enjoy freedom and a friendship.
I have taken video-interviews with some of guests, that you are welcome to see at freezone-tech.info.
# Deirdre 2010-07-07 18:07
It'd be nice to get some acknowledgment that this really isn't the first Independent Scientologist wedding, as that term had been in use in the field for years. I don't mean to step on Marty and Mosey's happiness, of course, they look radiant.

It'd also be nice to get some pictures from the west coast gathering over here, which had about 100 people. There are some picture links in this ESMB post. (www.forum.exscn.net/showpost.php?p=443034&postcount=43) This is an annual gathering that goes back to 1982.

It's just having 28 years (or more, for some people) of the field not ised that's not okay with me.
# Thoughtful 2010-07-07 19:22
Well, sorry. I had no idea you were here. Are you Freezone? What is your story?
# Deirdre 2010-07-10 08:34
I've never been a part of the Free Zone Alliance, but I've been an indie Scn since 1994 and regularly posted on ARS and ACT back in the mid-90s.

Naturally, this cost. http://www.spaink.net/cos/rnewman/harass/timeline-95.html

I posted my story on scnforum:
# Tintin 2010-07-08 01:27
Shame on you!
All you guys and dolls partying, leaving poord little me sitting here longin for the next horror story.
-1 # Idle Org 2010-07-09 14:06
So you're saying that Jenny knows every square inch of DM now?

A match made in heaven, based on what I saw of her on AC 360.

Glad you all had a nice time.

Great logo Steve! Maybe it will be recognized permanently now as a symbol of ethics, confront and freedom.

-1 # Ceileen 2010-07-09 23:59
Brilliantly designed logo, Steve. Nice and clean, movin' on up, standing tall for Eternity.
Damn! You are good.

On the empty streets thing: when I was there in CW there was a huge campaign done by OSA to work with the City folk to bring all those businesses to downtown CW. There were massive surveys done and all kinds of research into what kinds of businesses would be wanted in the area for the public and staff. Seems like derMidget has not only sliced across the survival potential of Scns and SO Members in CW, but also all the merchants who were seduced to come there with promises of millions of dollars worth of business from ALL THE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD TO STAY AT FLAG, THE FRIENDLIEST PLACE IN THE WORLD.

Do ya think that might fit the definition of "Y'all been sold a Bill of Goods"??

Nice job, you theta mob! Brought some real Life to the place for a change. Won't miss it next year, no sirree bob!

Loved the pics, too, Steve.

L, Eileen
-1 # DFB 2010-07-10 09:08
It feels like I was there. Like I should have been there. It just feels like a good group of people.

I got a promo for superpower the other day.
It said they are working on finishing the facade. I remember @ 2000/2001 in a promo piece it said the facade was going up. Must be one hell of a fancy facade.

The promo for superpower donations always includes the LRH quote on how it will put planetary clearing within reach and save a dying society. If thats true it makes sense to put such a huge barrier to its release- we have to build a huge monolithic "mecca" with all the trimmings.

And shopping is "out-ethics"??
That seems weird. At the least it's out-PR.
Maybe it's an attack on the city of Clearwater? Flag sort of has the power to cut tax revenue to the city. Did someone in Clearwater government get on COB's bad side?

In 2000, the last time I was there I hated how it's all locked down. You are supposed to ride those stupid vans around instead of walking because apparently "Clearwater residents" dont like to see all the Scientologists walking around. Didnt make any sense to me. It's really not a comfortable place to go. Unless maybe you are Tom Cruise or something.
# Hadley 2010-07-11 06:50
sounds like you had a good time , though no prewarning of event was made, no non-US could attend and not announced either.
In regards to DM's methods to cut any one shopping from Fort Harrison off the public streets will only simply make it worse for him in the long run, and will back fire.

I think you will find a few Scientology weddings have been done in The independents Marty/Mark and again in independents as it is for years, and not just in the USA but Europe as well.

The postings of smiling people attended looked good.

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