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Saturday, 19 June 2010 14:12

If you haven't already read it, click here to see "THE UK -- PART ONE: The IAS and British Scientologists"



When you’re dealing with a purity of technology, the weapon in your hands has such velocity, that it isn’t the airy-fairy days where you couldn’t cut below the reality of the PC and louse him up. There were years past where the technology as it went along did not plow under and overthrow the reality level of the PC. Well, you’re not dealing with it now. You’re dealing with pure dynamite.

-- L Ron Hubbard, September 1968, Class VIII Tape 4, Standard Tech Defined

The vicious out tech perpetrated on Scientologists by David Miscavige regarding the state of Clear is a worldwide disaster and of his many crimes is the one that has been perhaps the most damaging to Scientology and Scientologists. But there is nowhere in the world the destruction was more concentrated than in the UK, for a number of reasons.


Firstly, the UK is a small “continent” distance-wise and in terms of its number of orgs. It has only eight Class V orgs plus St Hill Foundation and most of them within a couple of hundred miles of London. And it’s a small “continent” with an AO (Advanced Org --AOSH UK), so that AO is able to easily reach across the relatively small distances and influence the orgs.

Secondly, prior to the implementation of Miscavige’s “handling” on the subject of Clear a project had been done in the UK by AOSH UK (and pushed down CMO lines) to round up all the PC folders of all UK Clears. So they had all the folders and a full list of all UK Clears and OTs. In other words, and most uncharacteristically for the UK, they were actually well organized and set up for once. Only in this case, and just our luck of course, they were wonderfully set up to effectively unleash what I term David Miscavige’s out tech Clear virus on all the unsuspecting Clears and OTs in the UK and Ireland.

And lastly, one other factor has to be taken into account – the FSO or Flag as it is known.  Set up by LRH in the 70s, it took over the mantle from his St. Hill org of the 60s and for more than two decades did a stellar job of holding a technical standard but with the advent of Miscavige’s outrageously misnamed “Golden Age of Tech,” it became utterly dominated by him and he insisted that all major technical staff for all orgs in the world be trained there, so it became his primary means of injecting his out-tech viruses into the Scientology system, and remains so to this day. In fact, FSO made it very easy for him. All Miscavige had to do was beat FSO technical terminals into submission (personally and via his army of representatives there) and they would do a job for him on the rest of the Scientology world – which is exactly what happened.


As Birmingham Org executives and long term staff, both Lucy and I had felt a number of qualms over the years, but our first real feelings of foreboding took place in the UK and at the hands of David Miscavige himself. It was just after the IAS event in 2003, David Miscavige decided to do a “special briefing” for a select number staff which included Lucy and me.

It was at this hastily arranged St Hill briefing, filmed by Gold, that we heard Miscavige announce his quickie grades, saying that LRH had placed the major grade processes at the end of the grades checklists so as to prevent people quickying them (his exact words) but, in Miscavige’s “infinite wisdom”, he was going to change all that and make them much shorter. That he had neither the right nor the qualifications to set aside LRH’s tech he didn’t bother to mention.

But what he did mentioned was the subject of Clear. Looking around the room at the hundred or so faces he rather blithely announced “most of you in this room did not attain the state of Clear.” Besides a chill passing through me, I remember thinking: "Man oh man, how could he possibly know that without studying the PC folders of everyone in the room?" which he certainly had not done, and even if he had there is no way anyone with any decency or any tech training would make such a statement in public, but there he was with his broad, sweeping and all encompassing assertion. And it also struck me that inventing a hidden data line on this subject was a safe bet for Miscavige because the LRH issues that covered it were highly confidential, so few if any people in that room could run off and review the LRH issues and compare them with Miscavige’s verbal tech.

But it got worse; Miscavige intimated other things at total variance with LRH issues on the subject of Clear, the key one being that as far as he was concerned, there was no such thing as a past life Clear. He made it sound like it was merely something people had invented to trick him. I mean are you kidding me? I saw storm clouds brewing on the horizon.

[As an aside, this was the briefing in which I saw him give his wife Shelly a searing glance of pure hatred, the first time I had ever seen him drop his guard in public, lower his public façade -- a precursor to her eventual banishment no doubt].

Now as a Clear I felt as though the rug had been pulled out from underneath me but my wife Lucy also felt destabilized, here was the King of Scientology telling all his subjects (Clears and OTs alike) that they weren’t Clear so even she introverted and started wondering about her status and she was OTV.


Just before the briefing by Miscavige, another key event took place in this epic tragedy, AOSH UK’s newly Flag trained Senior C/S (Peter Thompson) returned from Flag with all of Miscavige’s out tech on the subject of Clear fully trained in on him. I know all about this because a few months after Miscavige’s special briefing Peter felt the need to come up and brief me on Clear and other issues – Birmingham Org was important to AOSH UK as it was sending a lot of public there for CCRDs and OT levels.

Now, I’ve known Peter since 1977 and love the man but what he told me about Clear as we sat together in my office chilled my blood. The story goes like this: once upon a time everything was going more or less fine on the subject of Clear in the world of Scientology until one day David Miscavige (who other than doing some Academy Levels way, way back when, is not trained and is certainly not a C/S, CCRD C/S, NED Auditor or C/S, Grad V auditor or C/S, Grad VA auditor or C/S, Class VI auditor or C/S, Class VIII or IX, or XII) discovered something every tech trained person in the world had somehow, miraculously,  failed to notice or discover, and something that isn’t written anywhere in the works of L Ron Hubbard – the fact that most Clears weren’t actually Clear! Peter briefed me that, according to Miscavige there were 7 separate points all of which had to be present for a person to be Clear. Consequently, very few people in the world were Clear -- only a very small percentage of existing Clears and OTs had really attained this state, less than ten percent (his exact words).

Now, as it happens I’ve seen the confidential LRH Clear issues, long after I’d attested Clear, while on the RPF in Los Angeles in 1989 and they said absolutely nothing about Miscavige’s 7 points. And thousands upon thousands of people attested to clear while LRH was still on the tech lines and did so according to his parameters so how Miscavige could set all that aside was beyond me.

I pressed Peter on the point of past life Clear and he hemmed and hawed, perhaps because he knew that, unlike confidential issues on the CCRD, LRH issues on that subject were publicly available, and though he didn’t come right out and say it I got the definite idea that past life Clear did not fall within Miscavige’s 7 deadly points. Besides, Miscavige had already said as much in his “special briefing”.


Now, I am a trained C/S. I have read the C/S Series perhaps twenty times. Nothing, but nothing about LRH tech is complicated. Each auditing action has an exact EP, the grades and rundowns have exact EPs. If the exact phenomena are present then – bang – that’s it, PC is done. Hell, LRH said it better than I ever could when in the same Class VIII tape he said:

And it’s the one thing the bulk of you who are studying this course don’t know. You don’t know that you’re dealing with an invariable science. It has no variables. It is absolutely clank.

-- L Ron Hubbard

Miscavige was squirreling and complicating the LRH published issues of Clear beyond belief and it is a serious Scientology ethics offense because he is C/Sing cases without being trained, and you can’t even say he is committing the offense of “C/Sing above his level” because he never had a level in the first place, he is not a C/S, so his crime is much worse than that and I knew then it would have dire consequences because this was executive C/Sing of the worst possible kind (executives interfering in tech matters which cause a deviation from standard tech) and on an incredibly broad scale.

And the mistake he makes is he now thinks he can case supervise also. This is another field. It’s based on the same principles, but you have to know. If you have to know it well to audit it you have to know it ten times as well to case supervise it.

L Ron Hubbard, September 1968, Class VIII Tape 4, Standard Tech Defined

Obviously Peter, a Class VIII, bought into this rubbish, and I can tell you he was not alone, because he was trained on it at FSO so all the tech people at FSO must have bought into it too, forced into it by Miscavige and his RTC Reps. In fact, I learned later that Miscavige interfered directly in cases at Flag even though not trained and no one stopped him so obviously the tech people there were and are very backed off. The tragic case of Miscavige meddling with the auditing of Lisa McPherson, resulting in her death was an infamous example of his interference but not the only one. And because the tech staff at FSO feared Miscavige (with good reason) they couldn’t confront him, but because they didn’t confront him and allowed him to do whatever he wanted technically, they opened the door to accepting his out-tech complexities and they were doomed at that point. But unfortunately for us that also allowed Miscavige to compound his felony many times over by interfering with the cases of a great many Clears and OTs!

I am not going to get into Miscavige’s 7 weird points that a PC has to achieve to qualify as a Clear in his complex and out tech universe, I am trying to lessen confusion not add to it. But suffice to say that in the months that followed I saw some strange things pass across my Birmingham desk as the folders of our PC’s who had originated Clear came back from AOSH UK with notes in them. One lady was rejected as Clear because at some point in her life she had once taken a tranquilizer pill. I mean, how crazy can you get? And the sad fact is that, true to Peter’s prediction, only a tiny percentage of people were allowed to be Clear in the UK.


Somewhat like Madame Guillotine during the reign of terror after the French Revolution, working night and day, AOSH UK called the Clears and OTs in the UK one by one, brought them to St. Hill and gave them the word they were not Clear. This resulted in a myriad of unnecessary programs for OTs and the dreaded going back onto Dianetics for the unfortunate Clears and I was no exception because eventually they got round to calling me. I really didn’t want to go because I’d seen the writing on the wall and it didn’t look pretty. But I went and it felt like going to see Madame Guillotine.

They went through elaborate motions of giving me “set ups” and a CCRD – really don’t know why they went to so much trouble. And I can tell you that auditors staring myopically at the meter hoping to see one of DM’s squirrel, has to have three swings FN, did not help me because I sat there wondering what the hell they were staring at. Then came the not Clear R factor. Well, I exploded; I went off like a rocket. I threw down the cans, kicked over some furniture and the next thing I knew I was in the St. Hill parking lot, trying to find my car while Peter Thompson tried to persuade me to stay and attempted to calm me down.

I can’t say what others went through when given the not-Clear R factor, I can only tell you how I felt, that after 30 years in Scientology, at the hands of such invalidation it took every ounce of my being and strength to force myself to stay on staff and stay in Scientology. The overriding urge was to disappear into the woodwork – I’m not kidding. Every minute of every day I forced myself to keep going and not pack it all in. And I wonder how many people didn’t force themselves to stay and did pack it all in because I’ve heard of people just disappearing and dropping out of Scientology. Suddenly and first hand, I knew how they felt.

I know that mistakes were made on this Clear line even before Miscavige’s insanity was added in which resulted in people spinning out of the Scientology orbit. Well, imagine the vast destruction now a production line was specifically set up to botch Clear cycles, mistakes that were no longer honest errors but were being done by design and with real intent. All forced in by Miscavige via his personal RTC representatives stationed at AOSH UK who policed the whole thing and had to approve anyone AOSH UK wanted to declare as Clear.

Next for me came the hours of persuasion to accept the R factor and I look back now and it seems very strange because there is absolutely nothing in Scientology tech that requires that degree of persuasion so it obviously wasn’t Scientology. And I’m sorry to say that between that persuasion and never wanting to re-experience that CCRD again I was beaten down eventually and I went back in session on Dianetics which was without doubt an overt I committed on self because things just jammed up, went nowhere and … well, I’ll say no more.

But I do know a number of Scientologists that utterly refused to go into orgs once word got out what AOSH UK was up to with Clears and OTs. The only problem being that they were now caught in a catch 22, accept Miscavige’s evaluation they are not Clear and receive gross out tech in the hope that they might make it to OT one day or hold their ground, keep their integrity intact but go nowhere on the Bridge because no one was about to accept that they were Clear.

And I know people in the UK who have bounced between that persuasion to go back on NED and having another CCRD, resulting in some having 5, 6, 7 or more CCRDs in a desperate attempt to sort themselves out. And as LRH said above, nothing in Scientology tech is that variable so that alone proves my point -- that something has been implemented that is absolutely not Scientology.

So AOSH UK methodically worked their way through the UK Clears and OTs giving them the R factor. Hell my wife got two different ones. One that said she was definitely clear, and one that said they weren’t sure which kept her hanging mid air, such was the complexity of the so called 7 points. And I know even OT8s have been pulled in.

I can’t even begin to calculate the destruction this has brought about in the UK and Ireland nor count the number of people that have been plowed under by this gross out tech. But I can tell you that it is one of the major factors and reasons why Scientology today is only a shadow of its former self in the UK.


And there are only two sensible explanations I can give you for Miscavige perpetrating this technical treason.

The first is money and lots of it. Multiple CCRDs and unnecessary NED rundowns for Clears delivered at the Advanced Org (and at their rates) plus extensive additional PC programs for every level of  OT, all delivered at very expensive NOTs rates or even higher in the case of Flag and the Ship, which was and is a veritable gold mine for all Sea Org orgs. And don’t forget that all Sea Org orgs are forced to send huge sums of money to Miscavige every week, including AOSH UK. In fact it’s no secret that Miscavige personally tells the heads of AOSH UK and St Hill Foundation how much they should be sending to him. Lucy and I know this because the heads of those orgs both told us.

Miscavige manufactured a cruel and false demand for “Clear handlings”, his representatives implemented and controlled it and in return he reaped a fortune which no doubt helped fund his millionaire life style.

The second reason can be summed up in just one word – CONTROL. People achieved states. Those states were taken away by Miscavige and could only be gotten back with his blessing, all controlled by his representatives. As part of learning this severe lesson and regaining their Clear status, people had to accept him unquestioningly as their high priest, higher even than LRH, no longer able to query or confront him, just like all the tech staff at FSO.

But hope is far from lost because I believe that LRH’s prediction will come true for David Miscavige when, in the same Class VIII tape, Ron said:

… you were given some folders to case supervise. Then doing a case supervision of them you decided what was wrong with the PC. Which is a direct violation of the Auditor’s Code. Evaluative case supervision will be your downfall.

-- L Ron Hubbard

T Paine
(Haydn James)

If you haven't already read it, click here to see "THE UK -- PART ONE: The IAS and British Scientologists"



+1 # PlainOldThetan 2010-06-19 12:20
Thanks, Haydn. That explains EVVVVVRYTHING.

After my disastrous painful grind through OT V, after which I decided I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER again pay the Church of Scientology actual money for hideously out-tech handling, I was contacted by AOLA tours reges and FLAG tours reges to come into their org for an "R-FACTOR".

Well, I wouldn't do it. There was no reason to get an "R-FACTOR" if I was never ever going to go into the org ever again, after all.

What I now understand is that my past-life auditing was going to be invalidated by the "Mecca of Stat Pushes".

When I came into the CofS this lifetime it was NOT to get declared Clear. I only wanted some stuff handled. I was very surprised at one point early on in my auditing to be routed to an Org for a CCRD.

I did it, I enjoyed it. Was fun. But I still had attention on the stuff that was bugging me.

BUT! I was pleased to find that with my new Clear status I could route right onto the SHSBC. Which I did. After the SHSBC, while on my Class VI C/S course, I got full (non-abbreviated) Expanded Grades (delivered by an SHSBC student auditor who was OT IV). Then I did my Class VI C/S internship. During the internship,

I got another CCRD (which made sense to me as I hadn't had Expanded Grades at the time I did the first CCRD). Still Clear.

Then onto Solo I, Solo II, and into the non-interference zone.

My OT I, OT II, and OT III, went, as far as I can tell, by the numbers. Of course, I was auditing myself.

Somewhere in here, the Golden Age of Crap came out. OT IV and especially OT V were miserable.

I knew one of two things. Either the tech didn't work. Or, as a thetan, I was too f-ed up to get anything out of further OT levels. So I quit.

I even did the SHSBC Certainty Course, but refused to do an internship because I never ever ever wanted it recorded on video that I was invalidating my preclear's cogs by only applying the altered definition and application of "floating needle".

Now it comes out. The problem wasn't me. It was that the Tech had been altered so it didn't work.

Gee. I guess one of the unreported stats of the Church is "Number of preclears alienated by altered tech".

"Straight up and vertical!"

Way to go, Davey.
# War and Peace 2010-06-19 12:21
This was an extremely well written piece of UK time track.

Absolutely tragic. I am guessing that John Danilovitch is still CO AOSH UK and I wonder how he makes it.

Nothing has been as insidious to the rank and file Scientologist as the tampering with the Clear Status.

This write up on FSO and the 3 swings of the needle is very enlighting Haydn :
# T Paine 2010-06-19 22:02
Thanks W & P, John is such a nice guy that he
somehow manages to steer a course through the carnage that goes on around him and still tries to do right by his staff and public. But it gets harder and harder for him.

# Songbird 2010-06-19 15:05
This mass generalized C/Sing is so suppressive, it's not even funny. I knew something was WAY out when my Flag auditor told me ON THE PHONE that I might not be clear! Are you f***ing kidding me? ON THE PHONE????

Thanks for the details on the origins of this massive bunch of squirrel tech. I have friends who got sick and virtually died after being given this non-Clear 'indication'.

If it hadn't happened to me, I probably wouldn't have believed it.

# uk public 2010-06-19 16:37
This article and Part 1 about the destruction wrought by the IAS will strike a chord with all UK scientologists. I have seen personally dozens of PCs thoroughly messed up on their Clear cycles; some having done the CCRD over and over. One prominent OT in the EG area had a near fatal road accident just last year after a handling on it in the NOTs HGC. Another local Clear VERY recently told me he had given up hope of getting ANY standard tech at AOSH UK. At the same time another prominent OT's wife tells me her husband has been branded out ethics for not donating another $20k to the IAS because they have an electric gate (and therefore are wealthy...). The UK is a mess; the public are being told of "highest evers" at SH graduation, while SHF doesn't even make its FP 1 week after week and there are no new Clears being made.

The good news? Mary Jo Leavitt's KRs have been widely circulated by some savvy and brave souls and the truth and correct "Who" is impinging on many levels. The MAAs and OSA are busy bees.
# T Paine 2010-06-19 22:07
Thanks UK public. As an Englishman I really feel for my homeland. I will do all I can to help handle this mess. The next artice will be an evaluation of the UK because, IAS and gross out tech aside, the UK has still been run into the ground all these years by an utter refusal to apply LRH writings on how to best deal with the UK.

Watch this space.

# Axiom 38 2010-06-19 17:12
DM's arrogance and evil purps appear to know no bounds.
The little dictator will be brought down very soon....and it won't be pleasant for him.
Spread the word everyone,his days are numbered and true scientology tech will prevail.
# Me 2010-06-19 17:19
Very interesting stories Haydn. Please keep writing.
# Marta 2010-06-19 19:00
Well, I guess we can't say DM isn't somewhat of a "problem solver". If he can't solve Div 6 stats and get more new "subjects" in, then by god, he can just bloody well recycle the ones he's got! Recycling is so "now", everybody's doing it har, har, DM chuckles while sipping Scotch. I bet he thought he was leading the recycling pack. True to form, the devious prick.
# Li Po 2010-06-20 01:58
Thanks for those important data. Typical briefing from DM with his now well known use of "Everybody" and "Nobody". From his generous viewpoint, we are just a Mob. BTW, the exact same scenario happened all over the world.
# Duckman 2010-06-20 10:15
DM is not lazy, and he is not stupid, but I have observed that he is not doing the same "Program" as Scientologists. He is getting excellent results on his "Program", but it has nothing to do with the Scientology Bridge.
DM is corporate raider.
He seems to get his Ruds in with physical exercise, personal luxury, money, and power. His stats are in power, but he is not on the same program as everybody else.
# Virgil Samms 2010-06-20 12:57
Haydn, brilliant - as usual. I have never been in a room where the Chairman of the Board, the "King of Scientology", the "Man" told a few hundred people that they aren't clear. That must have been something to behold. I can see the cognition forming after that: "Oh my God, it is he - is the Mother of All Squirrels."

Unreal dude.

I was doing a mission in Stevens Creek while it was still a mission and I found out they were "recycling clears". The Tech Sec would be told that the GI needed a "stiff handling". He would find folders of rich people who recently attested to clear and then he would pull them into his office and tell them that "upon further review of their folders they were not, in fact, clear". They needed FPRD. "And so I need you to write a check for $20,000 for a 12 & 1/2." Brutal. So I asked the Tech Sec how many people he did this with and he told me about 40. I showed him HCO PL CLEARS, INVALIDATION OF and declared him on the spot. He wrote me a year later and thanked me for declaring him. He said "You save my life."

David needs a stiff declare.I wonder how he exists with all of these people not liking him. Do you think he feels the flows from us?

ML Tom
# T Paine 2010-06-21 12:22
Right on Tom!

I think the little clinker he calls his soul is such a black and charred cinder he feels absolutely nothing!
# Thought Provoking 2010-06-22 08:43
Interesting history about the Creek's clear flap. So if the Steven's Creek was a mission then, they had to send their public to SFO or higher orgs. Where these other orgs involved too?

I was SFO public and at one point in the late 80's they were not able to handle clears and Steven's Creek had become an org but also did not have okay to handle CCRDs. Both my husband and I had to go to LA to handle our cycles having done DCSIs earlier.
# Dennis 2010-06-20 13:39
Well, this brings back some memories for me - and they aren't pleasant.

I had completed OTV which was promoted as the definitive OTV (as were all the 'New'ly branded levels. At the time we were told that attics, garages, etc, etc., had been searched and 'finally the complete unadulterated LRH OT Levels were available. What could be better, I thought - my timing appeared spot-on!

I completed, and shortly after returning home, I was ordered to return ... unfortunately, the New OTV |I was given was 'Mayo-nized'. My intitial reaction was similar to yours on the Clear cycle. To top it off I live about 8,000km from the UK. So, I made things go right, arrived and met up with the others I had done the previous NOTs with - needless to say we were all pretty glum.

To add insult to injury, we all had to purchase intensive to do this New New OTV - for me about $60,000 with living expenses. And to add even more insult to what was fast becoming an uncomfortable trip, we all had our Clear states removed ... I received mine in between Nots sessions in the cloisters. I sat there stunned. I don't even remember what happened after that, but I did make it thru OTV a second time & left. This was prior to Peter's arrival and after Eddie Dodd - Eddie, I loved!

I know Peter very well too ... I can understand the position he was in at Flag when they had their retrain/briefing - that's tough.

This surely weighs on his mind every day.

As for Miscavidge, his actions are despicable, the damage to all concerned is mind-boggling. I feel for each & every one of the dedicated staff & public. It is truly unfortunate that so many fell prey and agreed.
# Archbishop T 2010-10-11 15:18
I knew Eddie Dodd, his then wife Jenny (later Jenny Wood if I recall correctly) and Linda Harrington, later Jones.
Does anyone know if these opeople are still in the SO?
They are good people, I especially admire Linda, and I would love to know if they are OK
NB I have been out of the church since 1999
# Delilah 2014-09-02 01:50

I am old Birmingham too and I also left in 1999.
I would love to hear more about Linda and co.
If you hear anything do let me know
# Thought Provoking 2010-06-20 13:47
Not only did this invalidate all the clears and OTs contacted, it invalidated all future clears as well.

I happened to attest just prior to the coming down the pike, later to be given an r factor of not clear which I now know was bogus. I hadn't really progressed too much after that so was not seriously affected by the non clear r factor.

But, I can't help but wonder about another person that I knew who had been getting NED during this time period and had originated at least twice that she was clear, each time coming back not clear. Case change had clearly been made and it may have been correct, but maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was simply more out tech regarding Clear. But to see this person vacillate from very theta, powerful being to suppressive tyrant for most of my staff tenure had to make one at least wonder if all this psycho behavior was simply straight up invalidation of case gain.

I can't wait until DM gets fully exposed and cases then can be reviewed, repaired and acknowledged for any case gain that had been achieved and denied.
# Maria 2010-06-20 20:56
Well, this did not happened only in UK. This happened in Flag. I know personally many people who were given the R factor that they were not clear, and many of them left for good.
The R factor was also given for OTs V, who were rich. Many of them never returned, and are blown forever.
Thus the greed of wanting more money backfired, and now, it will not be ease to fix it.
# T Paine 2010-06-21 12:18

You are absolutely right. I wrote this from the UK perspective because a number of the events occured there and because the bad effects were so all encompassing for the UK.

Also, I hoped that people such as you and others blogging here will contribute to the motion with their own accounts.

Thank you.
# eyeswider 2010-06-21 04:58
When these 'mass undeclares' started, I was lucky - I walked out and refused to ever go on the cans again. This was not only because of all the out-tech I observed, but because I had been through the same cycle in the early eighties. Does anyone remember that? Same thing - mass undeclares. I was undeclared then, but re-declared after a year. But during that year the effect on my case was so bad that I came close to death, literally.
But this time around, I personally know 4 people who were undeclared, and every one of them had very bad indicators, yet they had been allowed to return home 'handled'. Is that part of the new DM tech?... F/N, Cog, VBIs? Expanded that would be F/N (twenty sweeps), Cog (that DM is source).
# T Paine 2010-06-21 12:15

Your on target comments reminded me of another deadly factor at play here which had slipped my mind. Of course the auditor, staring desperately at the meter hoping to see one of the new DM Brand FNs, is only too happy to see the widely swinging ARCX FN of the thoroughly upset PC and call that.

In fact, an ARCX FN is really part of the new EP. And yes, the PCs go home thoroughly ARCXen, and because this has gone on for some time it's really an ARCX of long duration -- sad effect. And, per LRH, what's the only thing that can worsen a case? Yes, you got it, ARCXs. Not to mention the big fat wrong indication to go along with it.
# Freedom Fighter 2010-06-21 16:09
Haydn, that explains a lot. I can't tell you how many times my auditor called an ARCX FN! Ugh!!! I kept stating that I felt my needle wasn't floating and a few times even looked at them in amazement when they called it, but none of that made any difference. I finally stopped getting auditing because of it. It became just too unbearable. I totally know the effect this creates as I've been living with it for years now.
# Ralph Hilton 2010-06-21 14:09
I have been auditing outside the CofS for 25 years. I have repeatedly been astonished to find messed up Clear attests as the biggest problem with people coming to me. I wondered - how can they be so incompetent? Now its apparent that it is not incompetence but evil intent.
# Ex UK staff 2010-06-21 15:22
Thank you, Haydn. I remember that time period, including the sincere actions taken by CMO UK just prior to that to get some lines straightened out so AOSHUK had all the info on the UK Clears. The idea was to contact them and get them further UP the Bridge, not send them BACK DOWN! The prick DM then took this productive program and twisted it into a thing of evil. Reminds me of the efforts to get all of CF sorted out in AOSH UK and London Orgs. Again, all done at the behest of CMO. Then what comes down RTC lines? Call everyone in the CFs and sell, sell, sell them those f*&ked up squirrel BASICS! No individual study of those files to see what the person needs. No, just a blanket "C/S" from DM to sell everyone the Basics as MANDATORY and further swell his coffers. So much for that CF program...
# Maria 2010-06-21 17:40
Thank you T. Paine.
Now, I understand better. Thank you for speaking all those truths.
Now, we can complete the puzzle, and have a better understanding of what was wrong.
# Archbishop T 2010-10-11 15:14
I was on Birmingham staff in Mosely many years ago and have been absolutely enthralled to read your various write ups.
I am pleased to say I left the church at the end of 1998 and missed therefore much of the madness. I am so glad I left when I did.
I wish you very well in all you do from now.
# John A. 2014-09-01 12:00
Thanks, good article. No way in Hades should the COB not be highly trained. No wonder Scientology has hit the skids. I don't know about other groups, but in this Church the splinter groups are far more ethical in handling the flock than is the original Church.

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Massive Ponzi Scheme

"So, on the model of an elaborate Ponzi scheme, Scientologists are coerced to 'invest' in the dissemination of Scientology... The Cob makes a show of carrying through, but in reality he pulls the funding..."  Learn More...

$70 Million Fraud

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$100 Million Swindle

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"Specifically, on four separate occasions The Cob physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next. Three other times he threw heavy objects at me or at my staff..."  Learn More...


"Assaulting staff members at the Int base became routine with many individuals being physically attacked over and over and over again. We are talking about repeated blows to the face, choking, dragging to the ground, ripping clothes, hitting with heavy objects and so forth..."  Learn More...

Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

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Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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Is David Miscavige a crook?
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