Home A Friend of Ron david miscavige's Birthday Present 1984
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Monday, 25 January 2010 02:55

When the stripper walked in and performed a lap dance on one of the most respected, admired and trusted S.O. execs, I knew there was something very wrong.

Norman Starkey looked embarrassed, but tried to be a good sport. After all the grinding lasted just a minute and – hey – what are Bullbait TRs for. It was his birthday and the room was full of “friends”, or at least so he thought.  

Mr. Starkey goes way back, being one of the first Sea Org Officers, working with LRH on the Apollo, a famous drummer in the Apollo Stars and doing some of the most sensitive LRH missions over the years. No doubt he had gotten many personal birthday presents from LRH over the years, but this type – a stripper performing a lap dance on him -- was certainly a first and most definitely not something that LRH had arranged.

In fact, back on the Apollo, the next step after receiving such a lap dance would have been the RPF or the beach no doubt. But this was 1984 and LRH was off the lines busy with writing the Mission Earth series and working on the upper OT levels. He thought his tech, his legacy and the churches he helped to build in the course of a lifetime were in good hands.  Little did he know how dirty one particular set of hands had become, devilishly busy undermining the Sea Org’s finest OTs.

On that day, in 1984, most of us sat there stunned, red faced and with our jaws dropping.  It was the last thing we had expected. Being part of this degrading scene, even just as spectators, made us squirm hoping it was all just a bad dream, one that could be reviewed with an auditor in the next session in confidence.

But not all present were flabbergasted. There was Marion Meisler, now Marion Pouw, who was clearly proud of herself for having pulled it off, able to report another “Done Sir” to dm (d. miscavige). (And no wonder then that she is one of the few who have survived under the little man to this date.) Two or three other close confidants of his were also standing in the doorway grinning.

And one of dm’s attorneys had fun fondling the ladies naked breast, as she made her way out of the conference room to go and collect her check for a job “well performed”.

And then there was the mastermind behind it all, dm himself. He was in stitches – bending over laughing, proud of his own genius to always come up with stunts that no one would expect.

"The joker is advertising his symptoms. He is also advertising an area of the org where there is enturbulation and down statistics as well as staff members being victimized." - LRH

And yes this kind of a stunt none of us had ever expected. The little man had taken us by surprise once again and repulsively so. We sat there staring, forced to gaze at this disgusting spectacle, watching in disbelief.

What world had we entered, when would we wake up from this unreality? But it was reality, reality in a new “brave” world being created by dm. It took many of us, like myself, years to wake up to what we all had become party to.

It was July 1984 -- LRH was under heavy attack by the Department of Justice, which was conspiring with private attorneys in order to destroy LRH through the court system. The IRS was gaining ground on their eternal war to wipe us out, since they were still feeding off the crimes committed by the Guardian Office execs, so well documented in their G.O. files, which were all taken during the raids in 76.  Mayo was on a roll trying to create schism. The Mission Holder Network was in shambles and the Finance Police had managed to destroy the financial reserves of most orgs and missions. Criminal and tax investigations had to be dealt with in other parts of the world – Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, England, to name a few.

So yes, we were stunned.  We had the defense of the tech, the protection of LRH on our minds, when we were sitting there in the conference room on Sunset Boulevard where Special Project and ASI were housed then. We all had given up so much in our calling to protect what we all knew was the true knowledge of man’s spiritual nature. The end of the search mankind had been engaged in for so long. The path that would make the creation of real peace on earth and true freedom possible.

So yes, dm had us surprised. We did not expect a stripper (or was it a hooker?) at our high level legal meeting. Most of us had spent years if not decades learning the Ethics principles and Moral Codes of LRH. We had been working hard at perfecting our own application of them, some of us having spent months on the “decks” or the Rehabilitation Project Force for offenses much smaller than what we were witnessing here and were forced to be party to. In the end none of us spoke up, we all tried to be good sports and get on with the more important business in front of us – developing effective strategies against world wide attacks to wipe out Scientology and destroy LRH in the process.

By not speaking up and not walking out of the room we had become part of the incident, we had been subverted. Our silence and inaction was testimony to our corruptibility and gave power to a new “morale” code, which, unbeknownst to us then, was to be implanted subtly at first but then more and more forcefully and overtly over the years.

As a result I said nothing, a decade after the stripper Implant, when dm told me to “get my ethics in” and minutes later a Sea Org Officer whom I had respected highly up to then for his on-sourceness violently slammed me against a wall with my shirt ripping. My once firm resolution to stand up to suppression, internally or externally, and to put honesty and my own perception of things above others’ views had all but disappeared.

Later that day, spinning and busy writing up “overts and withholds”, I somehow managed to convince myself that lots of OWs must be there, that I was responsible for the condition I found myself in. Why else would I upset and outrage a Sea Org officer to the point where he would physically attack me -- surely the cause must be me. The degrade that had started when I did not object to the Stripper Implant had taken its toll. My personal integrity was in shambles and so I did not dare to do the right thing – walk out right there and then and blow the whistle.  

My first dynamic goals to proudly stand up for the tech and practice KSW without compromise had been denigrated to: Don’t be a troublemaker.

But lies just do not as-is. No matter how many overts and withholds one dreams up and how many evil purposes one digs up and invents in order to make the attacker of one’s self-determinism right, the charge just does not blow.

Sometimes pressure builds up for years. We all put up with it at first, knowing we are dealing with whole track issues, so who knows what else is sitting there waiting to be uncovered that will then as-is the pressure. But truth is a funny thing. It really is the “Exact, time, place, form, and event” that creates the as-isness. When a problem does not resolve – and in my case that continuing build up of the pressure did become a growing problem – then there is a lie. So first you search every corner of your mind for every sign of an overt and false purpose. And, as in my case, you do this some times for 15 years and more. Then, since the pressure is still there, you decide to go your own way, grant beingness and decide that “we just have to agree to disagree”. But then the pressure keeps coming back. It starts building again. It forces you to keep looking and searching for the real source of the problem, the real lie one is holding onto.

And one day you are looking at that first crack, that first seed of doubt, that first alarm bell which went off in your head and which you did not listen to. What you then perceived as a frightening crack that might lead to mental hell if heeded -- since it is a crack in the wall of “command intention” you had so religious enforced for so long --- now turns out to be a crack where sunshine is peeking through. With distance, time having passed and in the light of a new day self-determinism is asserting itself once again and the clarity of perception returns. And, it turns out, there is sunshine, the light of truth, shining through behind the implanted darkness that one false perceived earlier.

Well, now looking back, that first crack that unheeded alarm bell for me was that stripper walking into my Church in 1984 and giving a veteran Church leader a lap dance.

It was watching this little guy, who was meant to be our spiritual leader and the embodiment of KSW, bent over laughing as our attorney fondled the strippers breasts, engaging in one of man’s oldest degrades of women.

And the 2nd crack --- well that would be when that Sea Org Officer who was “putting ethics in” on me dm style – a violent smash against a wall. Oh yes – that guy too survived under dm and to this date is one of his loyal enforcers.

Truth and theta really are timeless. Eventually it all comes out and with the as-isness comes the relief of the pressure.

A bright new day for me

The pressure is gone

Thanks for listening to

A Friend of Ron



+1 # RJ 2010-01-25 06:17
Interesting story Friend of Ron.

And to think that I was just a few blocks down the street studying on the BC, thinking things were all right with the world.

My education came later when I saw Miscavige's wrecking crew take a booming org (AOLA) and totally destroy it.
+1 # Trey Lotz 2010-01-26 03:00
Oh yes, David Miscavige is very strict about other people's out ethics.
+1 # Ed 2010-01-26 14:49
I see a problem here, I really do. We all seem to know that Miscavige is a sociopath. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here, reading this website. But we need to realize, that David is smarter than we are. That is how he can hold his position of power while surrounded by people who are opposed to his real intentions. Personally, I recognized Miscavige as an SP 30 years ago, but I never realized, until I read the above story, just how clever he was/is.
Please humor me for just a minute, and ask yourself this question. How is it that David Miscavige has been making fools out of all of us for more than 30 years? I think it is because he is just smarter than we are.
Remember, the solution to a problem is the exact statement of the problem itself. Shame and blame are no better than service facs.
+1 # Chuck Beatty 2010-01-26 14:52
Thankyou "Friend of Ron."

Even though I am not a friend of Ron any longer, I really enjoy hearing true accounts of life in the ranks just under Ron.

I was at ASI from 92-95, and in the summer of 95 we had a squirrel group off policy eradication session, where the ASI staff looked back through their history to pick up any off policy policy that had inadvertently been set by ASI staff in years past.

Needless to say, the ASI staff, you may recall some like John Allcock, Al Koch, Marcus Wuethrich, Steve and Marie Buffington, Leslie Potter, Luci Huff, Hugh Wilhere, David Bloomberg, while we did this squirrel group session on ourselves, the above were ever so correctly muzzled about saying anything that showed disaffection or that DM was the source of any of the long entrenched off policy policy that ASI was still dramatizing.

As close as it came, and what made me remember this, is your lap dancing lady reminded me of a story Lucy Huff originated as off policy, which was the demeaning stuff done to ASI women, in particular, an incident that Lucy said she was urged and goaded to get up on a table and dance seductively in front of the ASI men.

So, you're probably understating and there is a lot more of the demeaning partying that went on under DM at ASI.

By the time I got to ASI, it was powerless, and in 1994 Norman Starkey was busted from ASI, him and Maria left and never returned to ASI, they went to the Int Base and did the elite decks, the faux decks that the top people get away with, at least until the latter part of the 1990s, when DM made the decks for the top ranks a gruesome ordeal.

There is so much irreligious bad news stories originating because of David Miscavige, but I don't think it's all just DM.

It's like you said, people put up with his crap, and also, even earlier, LRH got away with a good deal of demeaning stuff against staff who didn't supposedly pull their weight or wear their hats.

It's not all DM, in my opinion, but DM's definitely not helping and hasn't helped by what he's done either.

Chuck Beatty
+1 # Lise 2010-01-27 01:11
That is an unbelievable story and so well written for duplication and understanding. DM is just disgusting, thanks for exposing this to us.
+1 # Helmut 2010-01-31 09:27
I have spent many years in the SO and seen many staff members ocassionally watching porn. Thing is, you have to realize life in the SO would be so much better if people got laid a bit more often.

This stupid policy about Out-2D (meaning no sex unless married) is bringing the whole place down. Let's face it: the SO is FULL of sexually frustrated beings.
-2 # Curious person 2010-02-14 17:50
Is there any evidence that this hooker-thing happened? Like an affidavit, photos, videos, audios?

I am not saying that it did not happen. I just would like to see more evidence than just an allegation.

Also, who ordered the lap dancer? And what did DM actually say or do when it happened?

Can somebody get a statement from the dancer or her agency?

+1 # friend of ron 2010-02-18 12:38
Curious person,
The evidence is my eye-witness account. I was there, I saw it and know everything I wrote is true. I know others who were there but they are still on staff and I do not see a reason to add their names. As to who ordered it -- not sure as I was not part of that exec level. My guess is Marion Pow, current RTC exec.
+1 # Watchful Navigator 2011-11-02 12:48
Thank you so much for this Friend of Ron. This is a powerful ethics gradient here and it's creating a powerfully good effect in the right direction. The truth is what really matters.
# Dan 2012-08-07 07:43
About this time, maybe 1983 or 84, I remember reading an SP declare order on a sea org missionaire.(I won't give his name because he's not an sp).
This misionaire was declared for going to a strip club while on a mission.
Back then I thought this was weird, because;
1) this might be an overt, but it is clearly not a suppressive act per Intro To Scientology Ethics.
2)this was a very bad example of writing an ethics order because there was nothing else on the guy. The order was really 3rd party.
3) It puts every staff member in danger, since you could go in anyone's pc folder and find some sexual deviance.
So, this raises the question. Per HCOB The Criminal Mind, LRH says the criminal accuses others of what they themselves are doing.
What similar overts is dm up to?

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