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Monday, 18 January 2010 11:50

Boyd Hutchins started posting insightful comments some months ago on Marty's blog and elsewhere as "StarsAwait." Boyd spent many years in the Sea Org, stationed in the Eastern United States (EUS) office of the Continental Liaison Org. As detailed below, Boyd was literally pushed out of the Sea Org for following and pushing in LRH orders and refusing to violate Policy. Boyd still has many friends inside Scientology in orgs across the United States and I'm sure he is missed at org level. And unlike Tommy Davis and his arrogant rat pack chasing their tails in Miscavige's squirrel cage, Boyd is a man of action who cares and gets things done. In fact, as you are reading these lines, Boyd is hauling a emergency tanker of drinking water bound for Haiti to help keep survivors alive. That is a man who has his heart and mind in the right place. - Thoughtful

Photo of Boyd Hutchins, aka StarsAwait


I planned to go over why I decided to do what I'm doing but that's covered on these websites. Instead, here's a snapshot of my experiences at CLO EUS, and new statistical info on David Miscavige's Church of Scientology.

When I worked in External Comm I was ordered to call orgs to get telexes answered. We weren't sending missions except for when we sent I think two "Saint Hill size missions" over the years. This was very Miscavigesque, ridiculously out gradient to our green missionaires and then current resources and it wasn't to handle the flappy orgs on a gradient and establish basics. They were doomed to fail. There's some LRH policies that apply that I don't have access to, but they only expand on the only management style allowed, covered in HCO Policy Letter "CLO's, OTL's and Orgs." This PL only reinforces the Sea Org policies -- there is no other way. Here's an excerpt:


To construct an example of a real CLO in action.
The Asst Management Aide of a CLO finds her project board blank for Bongville. CIC of the CLO states no reports are coming in from Bongville org. The last stats sent were poor. There is natter in Bongville's field. On A/Mgmt Aide request, CLO's Action Bureau writes the MOs for, briefs and fires a single observer missionaire. In Bongville, the CLO's missionaire manages to find the "Exec Director" Bongville (who is not the ED supposed to be there according to CLO personnel records).

The following conversation takes place: The org's ED says, "Your CLO has no reality on what's going on here in this org." Question: (from CLO missionaire) Do you ever send any data or reports or stats? "No, we haven't time for that. We keep going broke." Question: Do you know Flag policy relating to pricing and financial planning? "No, we're too busy. All this questioning is just too distracting. The landlord is threatening eviction." Question: How much money have you invoiced in the last month? "Oh, very little." Question: But I see you have a full classroom of students. Have they all paid? "Oh, they've been here a year. They paid long ago ... I think." Question: Have you put the Flag Word Clearing Project into effect so they'll finish their courses? "The what?" Question: Have you sent anyone to the CLO Tours Course? "Please, I've got to go now. The HAS just transferred the Course Super to the Estate Section and our only auditor to Ethics Officer and I've got to tell our afternoon pcs to come back tomorrow. . . ."


Now the observation mission went out because the CLO Data Bureau found Bongville was not reporting. This telegram meets up in CLO's Data Bureau CIC with a ton of public complaints in the Bongville area. A rapid evaluation is done by the CLO CIC Evaluator using any current data on Bongville. The WHY taken from CLO CIC evaluation turns out to be an illegal promotion to Bongville ED of a blown PTS staff member from Chongton Org who put the whole staff in treason and blew them. The CLO Product Officer goes into action for the product of a functioning org. CLO ACTION Mission Orders for a new SO temporary ED and HAS for Bongville are quickly written, the mission briefed and 24 hours later they are in Bongville handling. The GO is put in touch with the landlord. The CLO Finance Office sends an FBO. A/Dissem Aide reroutes a tour to include Bongville. The new FBO forces $7,000 in collections by Friday, and gets a Treasury Sec on post and hatted and the Flag Invoice Pack goes in. The HAS phones the fired Bongville auditors, gets three back. Auditing resumes. Six students are word cleared and completed on course and the Flag Intern Pgm goes in and they begin to work in the HGC making nine auditors now delivering. The tech member gets the Mini Super Hat on the Course Super. The Flag Word Clearing Pack goes in. Two tours students and two execs get routed via the CLO for training on the Flag checksheet courses. The ex-ED and the ex-HAS are put on as "HCO Expeditors" pending further handling. The HAS reverts the org to cancel out the mad musical chairs, begins to recruit, form an expeditor pool, train and hat by Flag project orders and checksheets. The temporary SO ED produces by coping. The scene begins to untangle to the degree that policy and Flag projects begin to go in. The Flag ARC Brk program begins to go in and begins to straighten out ARC Brks in Central Files. One month later, the tours students are back from CLO. The org is rebuilt enough to deliver. Money begins to roll in.

Two months later the first FEBC comes back, is genned in as Exec Dir. The second one returns. Is genned in as HAS. They are told to get two more people to the FEBC fast and an A/G is sent to the GO for training at GO request.
Flag projects are well in. The CLO mission pulls out. The org remains stable but is carefully watched by the Asst Management Aide at the CLO via her project board. Meanwhile, all reports and data have been flowing to the CLO and to Flag. Flag compares its data, evaluates this and other orgs. Finds ex-staff members who have blown from an org are uniformly PTS. A local Flag project to develop more data and tech on PTS begins.... And the cycle repeats, The CLO gets in the PTS project. When an org doesn't get it in according to a CLO Management Bu project board, data is looked for in the files and an evaluation is done on the orgs that didn't get it in. If no data, an observer is sent.... And that's the cycle. The Flag WHY for the Bongville incident would be a CLO in that area not manned up and operating fully and not getting Flag projects in. The CLO basic WHY that let Bongville go to pieces would be that the CLO did not watch its Flag project board and did not notice Bongville was not getting in any projects and was not reporting. The basic WHY in Bongville was the promotion of unqualified persons to ED and HAS who did not know or try to get in Flag projects and instead went ethics mad when they began to fail.


A CLO is there to observe and to get Flag programs and projects in. When a CLO doesn't report or backlogs, it gets Bongvilles. It handles Bongvilles. It must have its Assistant Aides, its bureaux, especially a Data Bu, and a Mgmt project board, a Missionaire Unit, and an Action Bureau to handle Bongvilles. But every Bongville it has to handle will be because Flag programs and projects weren't going in, in Bongville and the CLO didn't find WHY they weren't going in soon enough. Flag level-international WHYs applying to all orgs. CLO level-continental WHYs to remedy to get Flag pgms and projects in. Org level-divisional and departmental and individual WHYs that prevent Flag programs and projects from going in.

So that's the reason for a CLO: To observe and to send all data to Flag and to continentally find out WHY Flag projects and programs are not going in, in an org and remedy that WHY and get the programs and projects in.

That's a CLO."

-- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO POLICY LETTER of 22 JULY 1971, CLO's OTLs and Orgs

Compare this org-specific handling of a downstat org to the sweeping solution of image improvement going on now. Nevermind that this type of image improvement isn't even allowed based on currect production levels as covered in the reference on www.friendsoflrh.org. Also, the straight up and vertical approach of miscavige is the opposite of putting in easy basics one at a time per LRH. (see quote below) From every angle DM is incorrect.

LRH wants the CLO to get programs in. COB never cared about the programs, he only pretended to care while forcing overwhelming amounts of orders onto the orgs via the CLO, swamping already broken comm lines, never inspecting, never evaluating, when it was all so obvious. Don't doubt that a different leader merely ALLOWING standard tech would make a change, nevermind the reneissance that would occur with direct orders to follow policy. I used to talk to CLO managers and they agreed with me. "But what can you do about it?" was the question.

"WHEN YOUR DESPATCHES OR ORDERS AREN'T GETTING ANSWERED OR ACTIONED, DON'T EVER KEEP ISSUING MORE OF THE SAME. In the special case of E you haven't got a chance of attracting attention. There are many things you can do in the case of E. Whatever you do, if observation and real data to hand (not rumor or opinion) shows E to be the case, there is one basic rule: WHEN A PERSONNEL OR PLACE IS DISTRACTED, GET IN ONLY EASY BASICS ONE AT A TIME. Problems of Work data applies. Stable datum and confusion."

-- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO POLICY LETTER of 8 MAY 1970, Admin Know-How Series 24, DISTRACTION AND NOISE

Some orgs had 500 staledates. When the telex isn't answered another was sent. Then Ext Comm called the org. This happens in every Ext Comm on the planet. In fact we're ordered by Flag Ext Comm (in LA) to call orgs to nudge telexes.

This has taken the place of missions and results in no management - the SO never goes in and sends people off for FEBC etc.; the comm lines have no ethics presence to them. The org needs to know they'll get a mission for non-compliance. But also they need to be managed sanely with less instructions until they're big enough to handle that much. Staff are very dedicated and willing and the best of them are as competent as the best of the SO. I'm not saying force is the only answer, I'm talking about when orgs go bad.

"I wouldn't be caught dead calling an org." - LRH, CBO FOLO PHONE LINE

This isn't my hobby horse because I was in the area. This is "Does management exist or not?" The CO FOLO would have 40-50 stales to the FB. Sometimes he'd not secure till the stales to FB were handled. We'd be up till 2-3 AM and him and the Programs Chief would comply with FB (i.e. send out multiple orders of all kinds to each org with already broken comm lines).

The FB sent a mission to CLO one time. Managers couldn't send telexes to orgs for a week. FOLO EUS won their Birthday Game that week, which showed how much we were glutting the orgs with telexes.

Later I stopped all off-policy traffic, cutting down probably 60% of telexes leaving the building and refusing to call orgs. Two months later the FOLO had won their birthday game for 7 weeks straight, date coincident with me putting in LRH Policy. It's unprecented. This was one half of the equation solved. But now the CLO and FOLO had to start sending missions to repair comm lines and cut down on the orders. I wrote reports infoing all WDC, IMEC, Eval corps, RTC, 20 to 40 infos per report, several reports just reiterating the same stuff -- no change. WHAT WAS GOING ON? THIS IS THE ONLY THING WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING. It's obvious now. I always dubbed in "COB is an idiot, but for no definite reason he's good, so I'll keep my mouth shut." Doesn't make much sense, I know. I never told anyone my disagreements after leaving the Sea Org. I paid my freeloader debt and paid for 12 intensives and gave some money to the IAS but I was tired.

Anyways, FSO (who sent a lot of traffic to EUS orgs) was KRing me and the org Dir Comms for not allowing and instead deleting personnel and logistics telexes (I was ordering Dir Comms to do this), saying these telexes were "urgent" even though LRH forbids them. The FOLO and Snr HCO was on my case. My senior in LA sent a private comm not meant for me to the FLO Rep CLO (like an org Flag Rep), saying she's concerned I'd start dramatizing "stop" generally. She had no policy she could point to that I was violating. She had all Ext Comms calling orgs with abandon in other Conts. A new CLO and CMO command team fired in sometime soon after the Birthday Game wins. I was taken off post and Comm-Ev'ed for disrelated nothings that happened a long time ago. The Committee of Evidence findings plus an "Urgent Directive" were issued one day after I was told by Chief Off CMO to call orgs and refused. He had no respect or recognition for the policies I was showing him, he was parroting DM's robotism madness, LEC was on his ass.

He walked out of my office and down the hall to HCO and ordered an investigation on me. The Comm Ev gave me blank stares and admitted to not even reading my writeup yet I was found guilty on generalities like insubordination.

Eventually I wound up at FSO and was put on regging money to send books to India. It came up in the routing-in sec check that I had some vague family connection issue, and something else in the sec check was taken seriously when I even stated I was joking, so they told me I basically was unqualled. It was left ambiguous and they wanted me to say I wanted to leave the SO, to "speed up the process." I'd had my fill and left.

With even a halfway decent Inspector General functioning (not a COB), what I'm describing would be near the top of the list of things to handle. IT'S THE FLAG-FOLO-ORG line! It's probably half the reason the Sea Org exists. And Miscavige has alter-is'd it for 20 plus years. He calls the shots.

Church of Scientology Current Statistics

Lastly and most importantly, in November 2009 I verified by phone with two terminals at Int (FLO in LA, STO ITO, Mem Off Int) that delivery statistics are still down on their long-term death slide (which started in 1990). Both of their responses were "I won't deny that's the case." When pressed further about any stat turnaround after 2004 or 2008, (start of the Miscavige's Ideal Org Program and his Basics Program, respectively), their response was the same, they didn't even put up a fight. Both of them were at a loss for words with the data I presented to them, so I asked to speak to OSA. OSA never contacted me, I've phoned them twice and had requests to speak to them for over three months. Also I told the STO ITO that Buffalo was a flap and I knew that from internet reports. She confirmed this with "Yes, Buffalo is a flap." I went over other Ideal orgs which weren't successes by any means and it wasn't denied.

I don't think it's going to be terribly hard to get rid of Miscavige and then make some big orgs because there's so much truth on these websites. Sure it'll happen organically because of this recent push but would it be too late?  It'd be a crime to not try and push it along faster if you've been on the fence. It's nice to know you've been right but there's bigger mountains to climb. Lets make it happen faster!

Written by Boyd Hutchins
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# Paolo 2010-01-18 11:50
Thanks Boyd.

What a pity that management gets done that squirrel way...

I am certain there are quite a lot of good administrators in the Sea Org even right now, yet they are constantly cross ordered and micro managed into non existence.

Basic policies aren't being applied, no wise planning gets done, just emergencies and flaps.

It seems that the main strategy of CSI right now is no strategy at all but just a dramatization of somebody who perhaps hasn't sold a book, delivered an auditing session or tried to sup a basic course since long long time.

HCOPL Ethics and Executive (3 May PL) certainly applies to that situation in that whoever is in command just sees and puts there a false environment "to handle".

# Sinar 2010-01-18 13:24

Thanks for the great post, it really exposes an area many of us aren't aware of. This really then raises the question of where Int Management really is -in the Hall???

Welcome to the Independents!
# RJ 2010-01-18 14:59
Thanks for the background Boyd.

I remember when Observation and Action Missions were pretty routine and started to kinda fade to black in the early '90s, about the time Miscavige announced a "New Era of Management" where orgs supposedly ran themselves.

Followed of course by the "Golden Age of Tech" that supposedly didn't need a "gazillion technical experts" or a Snr C/S Int any longer.

About the time that Davy decided to eliminate Div 6s with Tom Cruise and all policy with 'Message to Garcia' was about the time I decided to get the hell outta Dodge.

You see all those nice pictures of Dave's ideal ideal org totally void of public and staff. You sorta get an idea of what the lil' guy's aiming for....

Real estate.
The Church of Century 21 :-)
# jim logan 2010-01-18 15:15
Wow!! Thanks for that write-up and the de-brief on the areas. That dog's breakfast you describe would make it impossible to manage. Man, what a dog's breakfast.

I'm bolstered immensely by your contribution to the resolution of the scene. It's not a 'welcome back' because you've obviously never left, but 'thanks for sticking through', my friend and colleague.

p.s. what is Mem Off Int? Cheers.
# Mary Jo 2010-01-18 15:23
Dear Boyd, Thank you and welcome!

It was a relief to read this, an account from inside a CLO! I can relate from a public viewpoint: I observed and reported how CLO LATAM was butchering the orgs and field, directly running the "Ideal Org" programs - otherwise known as "crush reg the public dry for buildings (and books, Libraries and IAS, among other things)". The OTCs disappeared back into the Non-E ranges they were at when I had started running the area. The actual stats of Scientology expansion disappeared, the only up-trending graph was "funds raised for buildings" which isn't even an LRH stat!

When I wrote this up to COB there was no answer, and RTC simply sent my reports to CLO Latam for handling! Those were the guys that were violating the policies and demanding every ED of every org of the entire cont do the same!

So there went my hope for reform.

I am sure this is the case in every cont. It is both pathetic and infuriating how the CLOs sold their soul to the devil a long while ago.

Again, thanks for all your past and future contributions! I look forward to more articles.

Mary Jo
# Tom 2010-01-18 16:04
Great write-up. I also really appreciate the stat data. You said "I paid my freeloader debt and paid for 12 intensives and gave some money to the IAS but I was tired."

Failed purpose?


If so, I think you are in the right place.
# Joe Howard 2010-01-18 16:41
Boyd, I've been enjoying your posts for some time now. Glad to see your official declaration of independence. Looks like even the staff know they are living in a house of cards. With each Int event I'll bet that their disaffection grows. How can they see all the fancy visual effects graphs and not know it's all crap?! At any rate, welcome!
# Boyd H 2010-01-18 18:57
Jim, Mem off Int is Membership Off Int which is in charge of increasing IAS memberships, not regging money. This same person was the FLO Rep CLO EUS back then, mentioned in this story, and a good friend of mine.

It was impossible to manage. There are more specifics tying in exactly how DM caused this but I figured I'd leave it for another time to keep it short because that needs an article. Thanks for help digging up the reference and for writing such great posts everyday. To get a picture of the FOLO in action imagine them sitting in data files looking at screens then typing away at their desks then going to meetings. Nothing happens. "This is the Sea Org. Our business is missions." -LRH

Joe, Thanks, you're one of my favorite writers, I love your new article, you did good by LRH IMO. I think staff do know it's crap but like me there was a big non-confront there for a long time because we had no venue to change it like we do now.
# Boyd H 2010-01-18 20:15
Paolo you summed it up. There is so much competence in the SO. The group taken on it's own was an impressive crew. I'd like to rejoin after we fix this. My affinity isn't alloyed for those FOLO and network managers who I knew there. They worked long long hours with dedication but unfortunately the net result was down stats. That same dedication level put towards managing correctly is the goal.
# BC Boy 2010-01-19 08:29
Thanks Boyd,

I hope OSA is reading this article. It's another great example of what happens when you don't follow policy.
# Thought provoking 2010-01-19 09:31
Welcome home, Boyd!

Loved your write up! Again it shows that staff are trying to put in KSW but won't be heard. We are not a bunch of disgruntled Scientologists.

Thank you for the stat update. I would love to hear more on that, particularly the stats of the ideal orgs, morbid curiousity overcomes me.
# Sherry Katz 2010-01-19 17:01
Reading your account from inside blew a ton of charge for me. These are the exact insanities I experienced as the Tech Sec of Pasadena. Programs on top of undone programs on top of other undone programs. All of them unrealistic in the first place given the lack of resources to complete even one of them. Insane telexes coming in and computer generated to boot, demanding completion of targets for some program written blanketly to orgs. For instance, I once got a program sent to me directly from the A/Tech Aide CLO WUS(no bother to go thru my senior) that was written god only knows how many years back, for whatever was going on in the AO's Solo Courses. The targets were crazy and not even applicable to our little Class V Org.

Of course, when I protested, queried, refused to go off policy..I was the one targeted as "a troublemaker".

Oh boy..could I get on a roll here. So thanks for your write up. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Sherry Katz
# Boyd H 2010-01-19 17:02
Thought provoking, thanks, there's going to be something more in depth soon.
Tom, Sinar and BC Boy thanks for all you're doing.
Mary Jo I appreciate it. Posting your KR's early on was key to getting this off the ground.
RJ, yeah there's been a "networks handle it all" rationale since the New Era of Management. "Network cross policing" was DM's "final solution".
# DragonFly 2010-01-19 17:07
For such a great write up. I have to admit I was sad after reading LRH's HCOPL and realizing that was then, and this is now. I really believe Miscavige needs a goldenrod SP declare. ~
# Chuck Beatty 2010-01-20 17:40
thanks for being public about it all, Boyd.

I'd recommend you for WDC Sea Org, or at the ILO level, I'd recommend you for "D/CO CLOs ILO" for a few years, and then WDC Sea Org.

Even though I'm NOT a Scientologist nor Sea Org member, nor will ever be one again, I do wish someone who thinks with the Hubbard stuff, who takes it seriously, and if someday in the future when Miscavige is out of the picture, that whoever is left standing at the top ranks of the Sea Org, if those new people are smart enough to order a wide unconditional
International Amnesty, and they undeclare all the tens of thousands of people incorrectly declared SP, I hope some of the ex members who were/are saner, go back and lend a hand to fix up the mess.

I think whoever does really take the full task of figuring out how to apply Hubbard's full layout of top management rules/regulartions, there will need to be some thoughtful RETIREMENT of some of Hubbard's rules and procedures (the OSA tactics for one, are just recurring problem causing tactics that have to be stopped someday).

If the independent movement grows and grows, that will be a problem Scientology will have to face eventually.

If I were at the top of SCientology, I'd:

a) Declare an unconditional International Amnesty

and then see the fireworks and confusion that blows off from that, alone.

b) Somehow retire Miscavige

c) man up WDC and Exec Strata, and give them 5-10 years of hatting, including outside college education and specialized outside education in religion history, stuff to make them actual sane leaders of Scientology, NOT just Hubbard material.

c) Make Sea Org staff contracts more like military contracts, 5 year clumps of re-signing. Allow for honorable discharge. Screw the Freeloader debt as an automatic, and Freeloader bills only to those that didn't pull their weight, which almost all Sea Org members DID pull their weights in their years and decades in the Sea Org, sheesh!

In the meantimes, if the independent movement people just act like normal citizens, be decent to one another, official Scientology will have to take notice, and maybe somehow Miscavige will retire himself one way or the other.

IN many ways, this independent movement is "wearing the hat" that the top leadership of the official Scientology movement has failed to wear.

Namely had Exec Strata researched out the blocks going on that really DO matter, they'd have come to the same conclusions that the independents have come to.

Prices are just out of reach to the average citizen.

The upper Sea Org fad rules are resulting in a growing independent movement.

Minimally, the Exec Strata and WDC members should be allowed to surf the internet, and absorb the valid complaints against the movement, and DEAL with those complaints.

Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org (1975-2003)
# Martin Padfield 2010-01-20 18:15
Good luck on your current noble adventure in Haiti. Thanks for stepping forward. Your postings have provided a valuable contribution to the overall picture of a church that has gone bad. A lot of what you wrote has an awfully famililiar ring to it when looking at the UK scene since the early 80s. I look forward to hearing a lot more from you.
# Li Po 2010-01-22 14:10
"With even a halfway decent Inspector General functioning (not a COB), what I'm describing would be near the top of the list of things to handle. IT'S THE FLAG-FOLO-ORG line! It's probably half the reason the Sea Org exists. And Miscavige has alter-is'd it for 20 plus years. He calls the shots."
You nail it, man! In a little org (let's say a "normal" org), it was the best way to create a madhouse! As Ron says in OEC 7, you create a huge ARC break if you distract somebody from the job he is on. Don't permit him to finish his cycle of action and you will get a wonderful upset! This insanity happened weeks after weeks...
Thanks for your integrity, StarsAwait
# Boyd H 2010-01-23 02:23
Sherry, You did the right thing, LRH wrote org pgm #1 for a reason.
People look at org program #1 as "historical" or "not used now" but senior policy says that takes precedence. People can read it and see it would be a good thing but there's so much force holding in place this idea that RTC has some master plan with a number of programs running in one dept. with a 30 man org with three people on study. DM has even talked about this before in one of his verbal tech conferences and he's spotted the multiple programs outpoint himself but then even years later he did nothing to change it.

I remember a moment when DM was kind of off the cuff and he says something like "there needs to be a program which undercuts the fact that high level programs aren't going in". Yeah there's a couple LRH programs already for that but you haven't allowed that to happen for years, Dave.
You and Mary Jo both got this movement up to the next level, thanks again.

Li Po, Martin and Dragonfly, thanks.

Chuck, I agree with large parts of that. I don't know about a college course prereq but I think I know where what you're getting at. I think the CLO's need to start small. The concept of gradients need to be reintroduced into management. One time someone at FLO ordered that no Ext Comm was to call orgs anymore. It lasted for about two weeks.

Realistically a CLO needs to put this in in one org, handling it using missions then withdrawing, and never calling. Then when that one's under control they move onto the next one until eventually there's no flappy orgs. But the rest of the orgs they should just keep managing in the same squirrel way. Eventually every org exec council would be FEBC's and it would keep moving up that way. No calls to orgs period could be mandated at that point, each org would have several stable terminals.

The CLO doesn't have the resources to be going out and firing missions to all orgs but they can work up to that. The policies in mission school packs about sending out a vet. missionaire with someone green and building up the pool that way have been out so long that it would take a while to get consistent results but it's the only way.
You have a good point about the WDC and exec strat level having to be hatted. DM isn't building up anything right now. If he cared he'd have people studying and getting the experience but he sent them all to the hall. I wonder what's going through Yager and Leserve's heads right now when they think about DM not getting an experienced crew lined up for the future...
Also I heard the OEC/FEBC training for Class V staff is almost totally dead right now.
# Sarah leclair 2012-03-31 22:04
Had a dream about u ..,,

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"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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