“1.1 -- Uses sly means of controlling others, especially hypnotism.
“1.1 -- Ingenious and vicious perversions of truth. Covers lying artfully.
“1.1 -- Nullifies others to get them to level where they can be used. Devious and vicious means. Hypnotism, gossip. Seeks hidden control.” (LRH - Science of Survival)
Ever hear the word “pretexting”? Pretexting is a ruse where a private investigator lies about his identity or purpose to obtain data about another individual they can use to their advantage. This article is intended to warn you so you are prepared and won’t be caught off guard.
Pretexting is the act of creating and using an invented scenario (the “pretext”) to engage a targeted victim in a way that will likely result in victim divulging information or doing something that gives the other side an advantage. This is often done through a phone call or a text message. Examples to follow.
More than just a lie, it most often involves some prior research or setup and the use of assumed information for impersonation (e.g., date of birth, Social Security Number, last bill amount) to establish legitimacy in the mind of the target.
This technique has been used on myself, and on two other occasions when by a fluke I happened to be standing there: with Mike Rinder and another time Marty.
The ploy is intended to trick you into disclosing information such as your exact location. It’s run by private investigators working for Church attorneys.
A pretexter may use a variety of strategies to obtain personal information. In one scenario, for example, the pretexter might call an individual claiming affiliation with a phone company, survey firm or credit agency. In another scenario, a pretexter might claim to be a customer, client or employee of a company to gain access to phone or electronic records.
My experience
Last month I went to Los Angeles as a witness in an upcoming trial involving the Church of Miscavige
The night before I left, Miscavige wanted to know where I was so made seven pretexting attempts to find out where I was -- four text messages and three phone calls as follows. Now in their case, they mix it up with a little hacking:
7:31 PM
PHONE CALL from 1 (214) [displaying my own cell phone number so it looked like my own phone was calling me] TX, USA
7:32 PM PHONE CALL from 1 (214) [displayed my own cell phone number] TX, USA
7:33 PM TEXT MESSAGE from 1 (410) 000-001: FMR:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
MSG:Your account is over the limit please call 866-377-0940 ext 2592 to resolve this issue if we don’t hear from you the account will be disconnected(End)
7:43 PM TEXT MESSAGE from 1 (410) 000-002: FMR:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
MSG:Your account is over the limit please call 866-377-0940 ext 2592 to resolve this issue if we don’t hear from you the account will be disconnected(End)
8:07 PM PHONE CALL from 1 (214) 911-9111 TX, USA This one I answered by accident. A woman said, “Hi, this is Sarah from the 911
8:09 PM PHONE CALL from 1 (214) [displayed my own cell phone number] TX, USA
9:25 PM TEXT MESSAGE from 1 (410) 000-003: FMR:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
MSG:Your phone repair is ready for pick up. please call 866-574-9536 ext 2000 thank you for choosing att
At right is a photograph of that last text message I received.
In addition, there were 113 failed attempts to hack into Scientology-cult.com on the same day, a spike.
How stupid is this?
I think I know who they've hired for their PI work. Napoleon Dynamite... who sub-leased the work out to his brother Kip... who in turn gave the job to his moron Uncle, the one who lives in an old van. I mentioned by sheer cooincidence I happened to be standing with Mike and later with Marty when the Church pulled the same stunt. But how do I know for sure it was the Church? Well, when it happened with Mike, I took a photograph of his phone.
You'll note the phone number is the SAME.

Written by Thoughtful
It is as illegal as hell to hack into a website.
Please let me know if this happens again.
While Miscavige and his minions were jubilant on the sentence given to the Anonymous guy Dmitriy Guzner, it is beyond hypocritical that they hack in themselves.
One more thing. You cannot be tracked by cell phone when you remove the battery. If you want to be invisible for a few hours, just remove the battery.
This is the best instant hat on how to know if your cell phone is bugged and how you can tell.
Please do click and listen ~
For best security, I recommend pre-paid throw away phones. They can be purchased for cash with no ID and no ability of anyone to know inbound and outbound calls.
Great Essay !
War and Peace
Well, no worries. Eventually they will be driven into apathy.
Thanks for informing the world of the continuing DM's desperate antics which consume tons of Parishioners (suckers) contributions.
It sure seems to be just a lot of Dev-T to put up with!
Is that correct?
Could you not simply respond with something along the line of "Sorry I'm on my way to visit my old friend Tom cruise"or"I'm on my way to an Interpol conference"?
Or does this somehow automatically give them a location when you answer?
2) Observe all attempts by those "reaching toward" you especially if it's someone you don't know, or know little. For example, if you get called once, does the same number try to reach you again in an hour, a day, a week, in 30 seconds? Such data put together tells you the urgency of the originator.
3) Next is why? If there is urgency, why?
4) Never commit to having done or said or been somewhere to anyone you don't know and even to some of those people you do know. "No answers" are great.
5) Read and understand the two chapters on "The Art of Cover, Part I & II" from Chris Felix's book. Understand what a plausible cover story can do and why a good no answer is sometimes better than a lie.
6) Security is not letting unwanted particles on or off the ship right? (loosely paraphrased from the Admin Diction) That includes information from you via ANY source. Common sources: your mouth, your written word, a message you left, a facebook update that communicates where you are or what you are doing or who you are with, answering surveys, online, at the front door, in the mail. Tweeting, blogging, etc.
7) Buy and read JJ Luna's How to be Invisibile book and/or visit his blog. He's smart on security and being invisible.
8) If you need to make confidential calls, I suggest finding a few different pay phones around town that can receive calls. Label them phone A, B, C (in your mind) etc. and set up what this means with who you want to talk with. Then let them know A-8PM or some such in a txt message or some other means.
9) Don't make them on your home-landline. And consider instead of using your regular cell phone to get a pre-paid with a random number, then go to a location completely random to phone or turn on some music to interfere with any audio listening devices or bugs.
10) Consider locking up your hard-drive when you leave the house, hidden is the best way and wrapped in foil. Put in a dummy drive. There is a chapter dedicated to where to hide things in JJ's book. Encrypt your drive.
This is just 10 simple things and there is a vast amount of information available on countering PI's, nosy people, neighbors, whatever and staying ahead of the curve. It makes sense to hat yourself some in this area as the PI's and OSA-bots are apparently hatted in this area as well. No need to walk blind.
Also they can track your location through emails you might accidentally send to them
Be careful with who you talk, try to verify their identity and do not send emails to people you don't really know if you do not wanna be tracked.
Irritating little bastards, aren't they?
Is it legal to trace cell phones and is it done with special equipment or through the cell phone provider?
For you ::
If you remove your cell phone battery, tracking cannot be done.
All cell phones only operate with the power of the battery.
Sometimes it is fun to deliberately use a known phone number so that when OSA's PIs purchase the phone records, they can do some further time track of the subject and *THREAT ANALYSIS* or *THREAT PREDICTION*
Hours and Hours of Sea Org member time analyzing former Sea Org member time track
War and Peace
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