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Friday, 29 January 2010 22:06
"Hey,.....despite your concerns about our church, you should come back in, get squared away and help get our beautiful Ideal Org up and running." the email reads. It keys you in instantly. With that one, seemingly innocent little sentence, an abrasive sequence of mental image pictures flashes across your mind's eye and reminds you of all the reasons why you walked away in the first place.

The email is from a public you haven't heard from since you left. A little red flag goes up and you think it a bit strange that they waited this long to contact you. It's somebody you used to hang out with. Laugh with. Confide in. Somebody you liked. Simply deleting it and carrying on with your life isn't quite as easy as if it had come from a staff recruiter, an SO member or the like. Your first thought is of how badly you'd like to enlighten this old friend. Dangerous territory if you are still technically in good standing, with multiple relatives on the inside. Your next thought is about how you know you'll never go back to that stinking, horrible mess (Courtesy of Thoughtful), until the Midget is expelled and sanity restored. So.....what are you going to do?

Enter in some good, old-fashioned, reactive "stewing".

You solicit the advice of a few trusted souls who themselves had enough common sense to leave the Circus Tent in Midgetville.

Through excellent and thorough two-way-comm (utterly shunned inside the tent), your misemotion settles and you regain your own, true point of view. You pop back into valence. At this point you are better able to take notice of the intense, temporary feeling of terror-stomach you had just experienced. You hadn't felt that way in quite some time. You notice that you'd been just a little too keyed-in for the given situation. A little too reactive, maybe. 'Strange', you think. 'Ah well'. You move on.

You write an email response that says you are glad to hear from them but that you are taking some time off, without going into any slightest detail as to exactly why. Per the advice of the trusted souls, you do, however, leave open a small window of opportunity for this person to possibly offer up any concern they themselves might have about the current state of affairs. You hope that they are perhaps starting to pay some slight attention to the 800lb gorilla, whispering in the back of their mind, that everything is not necessarily okay in Midgetville. You hit "send". You wait. And, annoyingly, your stomach begins to churn again. "Damn!", you exclaim.

That night, you don't sleep too well. In the morning you dart out of bed, blurry-eyed, to see what awaits for you in cyberspace. There it is! You open it: "Understood.....we ought to hook-up and talk." You gulp, and continue reading. "I know what you guys are up to. I know who you all are, and you need to come in, for your own good." A much bigger red flag practically clubs you over the head. Gosh, might there be "others" behind this sudden "re-connection" with your old "friend"? Now you are keyed-in for real. The email reads like a direct threat.....because it is! And a frustratingly ignorant one at that.

You know that nothing good can come out of meeting up with this person. You know that, face-to-face, you'll say too much. You know that you won't back down once your "friend" tries to cut your comm and "change your way of thinking." You're far too passionate about helping people rid themselves of their nasty, Koolaide addictions and, because of this, you'll talk-up a storm. You'll knowingly be putting a bulls-eye on your forehead. Worst of all, your "friend" won't budge one single inch in their pathetically sad and heavily suppressed fear-stance. You agonize for hours. 'What the fuck do I do now?'

Terror stomach in full swing once again, you call upon your trusted souls. Much like an auditing session, the two-way-comm is more than just therapeutic. It's eye-opening! During the lengthy, uptone and causative exchange, you notice your old, happy self resurfacing. It's an amazing phenomenon. You share your views on the best approach to take with your "friend". You compare notes, and through the multiple-viewpoint system you come to realize that a wave of "old friends" are simultaneously "reconnecting" with you and your fellow indie's. Aha! The red flags never fail, if you are able to listen to your more responsible side.

The conversation with your trusted souls carries on. You stand in disbelief at the size and stubborn nature of the ethics blinders with public today, like ping pong paddles, bolted to either side of their craniums.  The ideas continue to flow amongst you just a little further.........and a little further........and........suddenly...............BAM!!! The cognition hits you in the kisser like a Mike Tyson roundhouse. Although you may have rather glibly pondered this in the recent past, you suddenly realize like you've never realized before:

Public and staff are incapable of sane communication or viewpoints while under the suppression of David Miscavige!!!

The subsequent cogs pop out of your head like a Jack-In-The-Box! That "terror stomach" you had........it was simply PTS-ness!!! The hard key-ins........PTS-ness!!! Tossing and turning at night......PTS-ness!!! And what causes PTS-ness???   Suppression!!!

It's oh-so-simple, thanks to our founder, L. Ron Hubbard! Sometimes it just takes a real, live demo to re-hash your knowledge. And with this writing, it is hoped that you won't fall into a similar trap. Stay sharp!

You see more than ever that orgs are literal cocoons of ignorance. Forced and threatened ignorance, that is. You decide to send back a final email that will end the comm cycle with zero make-wrong and, at the same time, zero self-invalidation. It takes some doing but you finally nail it. Your Personal Integrity lives to see yet another day!

Phew!!! You've managed, with the help of a few true friends, to narrowly escape the trap of cowardice, PTS-ness and slavery, once again!

Now you are free to move on to help those who are ready to dump the Koolaide out of their cups and begin living again. You re-commit yourself to this purpose. Taking what you've just learned, you busy yourself, flowing power to the Middle Pathers. After all, it was their willingness to help you that gave you the knowledge you needed to be free yourself.   :-)

With respect,
Idle Org


# Old Auditor 2010-01-29 18:03
I received one these "reaches" and decided to play dumb on my first response. I asked what they were doing these days and got no answer, just a request to talk with them on the phone. I said that I had a busy schedule and it would be far more convenient to discuss things by email. A few more exchanges where they were trying to use the tired old "mystery sandwich" routine and I said let's drop it until you can tell me what this is about.

I could see that they were trying to push my guilt button, but unfortunately mine is broken.

Now when I get any church communication asking for support on a project, I ask directly, "Is it possible that you are unaware that Heber Jentzsch and other top execs have been locked up in sheds at Gold for several years?"

"Are you ignoring the off policy activities by management or are you covering up for David Miscavige?"

I finish by saying, "If you need any assistance resolving this for yourself, I will be happy to help in any way that I can."

No one has taken up my offer and I am still on the church mailing lists.

Most staff I exchange email with are on the edge of overwhelm. I am sure that these "volunteers" are much in the same state of mind.
# RJ 2010-01-29 18:04
Keep writing 'em and I'll keep reading 'em Idle babe, seems like you're handling the source of suppression just fine as Lennon & McCartney say "with a lil' help from my friends."

I vote to make the following our theme song:

# Thoughtful 2010-01-29 18:07
What a great article. You're right, IO, about those ping pong paddles bolted to the sides of their head for blinders... that is unless maybe even those aren't large enough. What's bigger than a ping-pong paddle? Maybe closet doors? They're so PTS it isn't funny.

And true to the phrase "potential trouble source" all those who worship the midget make trouble. The more they worship, the more they make trouble.

Most of us... take that back... ALL of us, every single one, who left Int were bothered by nightmares. Many still are -- especially those who have not taken any action to do something about their situation. In other words, they have yet to move to "slight gentle cause." In some cases, we aren't being so gentle about it.

Funny thing, however all the nightmares stopped when I launched this website. Now I sleep well. No colds anymore either. No accidents.

So you're right, it is PTSness. And you don't need a PTS Rundown to figure out who the SP is.

Being an independent Scientologist is about taking back your knowingness, taking back your sense of integrity, and taking back your sense of honor.

If you don't wish to connect with someone, then DON'T do it. That is called integrity. I applaud your fortitude and setting a great example for the rest of us. Great article!
+1 # thought provoking 2010-01-30 18:37

"Being an independent Scientologist is about taking back your knowingness, taking back your sense of integrity, and taking back your sense of honor."

I agree with this statement completely. Great article, Idle!
# TheEmperorIsNaked 2010-01-29 18:51
Do you also know what I had for breakfast?

Stop spying on me! :-)
# Idle Org 2010-01-29 19:02
Thoughtful, Old Auditor and RJ, Thank You! This was a personal story which actually did occur. A brief key-in, but, more than that a great opportunity to learn a few of the tactics going on. I wrote it to protect people who might run into this sort of thing (and many will), so your comments are great additions to the overall message. Compared to what you dealt with uplines Thoughtful, it doesn't even compare. I haven't had any nightmares. Just "daymares" :-)

I sure didn't get into Scientology to be playing any of these covert ops games, but, since it's in fact the situation I find myself in, well.....play ball! Idle Org
# Freedom Fighter 2010-01-30 10:44
What's most amazing is that, with almost every post of one person's experience -- be it this type of thing or others -- there ends up being a steam of comments on this and other blogs of others who have had similar experiences.

I haven't had anyone contact me yet (basically because they wrote me off months ago because I wasn't donating any money), but I know people who have been contacted like this.

On the reverse flow, I've lightly tried to take the koolaid cup out of the hands of some of my friends only to be confronted with Stepford-wife-like responses that really surprised me. One of these is someone I've always looked up to as being quite "standard" yet when I pointed out a small but pervasive outness to them, they quickly dismissed it in the most ridiculous way. I found myself experiencing the same knot in my stomach and sleepless nights. I finally realized that, until they hit "need of change" like I and many of you here have, they won't be able to see the squirrel trap that they're in.
# lunamoth 2010-01-30 11:24
Idle Org- great post!

We, too, have run that process: Get "in" the case by talking to church terminals; get "out" of the case by talking with sane people who care for you.
Out. Now look at what it is - OH! It's suppression! *POOF*

Getting oneself to slight, gentle cause is pretty easy after that.

I think your metaphor of a cocoon of ignorance is inspired. That describes it exactly. Small. Insular. Cut-off from the rest of the world yet, to those inside, it IS the world.

Glad to finally be on the outside looking in.
# Freetothink 2010-01-30 11:58
I love it! You're so right, some people are so immerged into the kool-aid that although their words could be very sweet & sugary their thoughts & actions are very sticky LOL. I've experience a few of these cycles & heard of a few more. The intentions are apparently good but the actions show that your "friends" never address or confront the glaring outpoints you bring up but rather gather info to nail you with. Makes you wonder how do these nice, bright & honest people became so blind??!!! I say many need some "brain-drying" LOL. Keep up the good writing IO
# emldubu 2010-01-30 12:37
Idle Org, Thanks! Terrific article - Smack on! I've been there, done that. I even had a "friendly" face to face. Oh, woe, the obvious, almost humorous, intolerance of viewpoint in the name of spiritual freedom. Ugh. I held my position, didn't talk too much, give too much. Fortunately, I walked away without being too shaken, but as you said it certainly wasn't comfortable. Since, with each email, call or contact, I take a truthful, non-cooperative position and reply.

I liken it to building my freedom muscles with consistent exercise - practicing my rights. I admit, I enjoy it - like physical exercise, while you're doing it sometimes you wonder WTF am I doing, this isn't fun, it hurts. but, afterward the endorphins kick in and you're stronger. Hmmm, I need to find time to do that more often!
# jim logan 2010-01-30 14:59
Beginning in 1981 with the infamous declare of 13 of the top execs in Scientology, carrying forward to the instant, and squirrel, SP declares at the SF Mission Holders conference, and carrying forward all these decades, DM has systematically invalidated and brought into disrepute the body of knowledge on PTS/SP.


# RenegadeX 2010-01-30 15:44
Excellent article IO! Great cog's on the PTSness aspects. It's amazing how freedom of communication seems to be, I mean is, a major sin in the church today.
# Fancy 2010-01-30 16:32
My awakening was unusual and it was like a hammer to the soul. Soul ripping but I am in a better place now that I can see and know.

I did not buy some of the church actions when in but I did buy the koolaid to large extent.

It took me years not to go back to that addiction but now I am past it. I wrote my last bye letter as well to a person who drank it worse than I did to the point he on purpose did not keep his integrity in because he was told he was not allowed to talk to me.
# Sinar 2010-01-30 17:41
IO - great article and perspective for one who's thankful that there are currently no contact details with CoM. Cocoons is an apt term.

Really wondering if this is just "Volunteer" work or some kind of OT Committee thing or project.
# DragonFly 2010-01-30 20:56
Always, always, always trust YOUR knowingness. I've done so many conditions and this has always been my downfall over and over. Now, having said that...I live in one of those areas where one of those mazillion dollar new orgs has just been bought. I got a text message from one of the Execs recently: Hello there! Are you going to come and see my new building? It's really wonderful! I text back: No.

I left that Org 10 years ago, and I have no intention of ever returning. I did a demo of the factors 10 years ago and realized that we are not even remotely on the same page.

To me, DM is not a midget. He's like the chief flying monkey from the Wizard of OZ. He even looks like one. Give him a banana, throw the skin on the floor and hopefully he will not notice it and skid off into hell where he belongs. Ooooopppsss..did I say that?? Uhhh Ohhh..it's that damn FPRD case rearing it's ugly head again. ~
# L 2010-01-30 23:47
Old "friends" crawling out of the woodwork. Not a word in decades, but now it's time to get back in comm (meaning back on VII as one of the arbitrary 10,000). It's pure one-way comm. They hear nothing of what I say. I grew weary and stopped answering. Now the "Public Officer FSO Sea Org Mission I/C into the WUS" e-mails, "I was sent on a Sea Org Mission here to work with you, but I will be frank, the response I’m getting from 800 OTs at the top of the Bridge, its not quite what I was expecting." Oh? I must not be the only one who isn't playing ball. Ah. Is that a goldenrod I see? (:-))
# Fellow Traveller 2010-01-31 12:40
Speaking for myself here, I now see a trend:
1st I compromise (or loose) my personal integrity.
2nd I loose my self respect.

Then I wonder why I am lost, misemotional...!?

Thank you all.
# Idle Org 2010-01-31 19:12
One of the best parts about this forum is that my fellow indie's continue to validate the horrid operating basis in the circus tent with their valuable comments which follow the myriad of usefull and informative articles.

"L", hearing that 800 OT's at the top of the Bridge are putting in their Personal Integrity is indeed uplifting. Hopefully this person's report to you was accurate. Them telling you this data seems a bit off but then so is Midgetville.

I received a somewhat pathetic "survey" on email today from Flag, asking, basically, how they might improve their email promo. Never do they ask: "What about the church is troubling to you???" Only, "What would you like to see in future emails?" What kind of survey is that? Can you imagine if I answered that survey honestly? Can you say Goldenrod?

Now, based upon reports I've seen on this site, Flag is dead with a capital D. And these recent "surveys" as well as other promo being sent out by FSO do indeed have a sort of "Oh Shit.....we're dying" tint to them, I've noticed of late. DM is reaching through cyberspace, cell phone, MAA's, snail mail, old "friends", etc, to key us in and make us PTS. Period. He either wants us drinking koolaid and giving away our life savings toward his big mess or he wants us silenced. He does not want you flourishing and prospering in your personal life. Why do you think this stuff keeps coming back on our lines continually? To key us in. Period. Thus, my article.

I'd bet the church is not only unable to get new public in (as was and is the case in my org for sure), but is now confronted with their former public fighting back and saying "no".

Do not go against what you know, ever. It utterly sucks when you do. If you lose your integrity, you have absolutely nothing left, really. No power. No pride. No joy. I would bet that Tom Cruise is sitting very uneasy in his multiple, palatial mansions and sports cars. I do not envy him one bit, despite his wealth or his quickly fleeting fame. (Another DM product, no doubt). Idle Org
# idle org 2010-02-03 07:43
Boy does your description fit right in! I think we all seem to experience what you've described, whether we're on the inside (which I am definitely guilty of having been and inflicted upon others in years' past) or on the outside (where, thank God, I am today, after seeing Marty's video last year). The part we can take comfort in about ourselves is that we don't put up with suppressive reasonableness once we spot the correct target! Thanks! Idle Org

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