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Monday, 04 January 2010 15:16

In case you didn't know it, in 1971, LRH found out that org registrars and Sea Org members were using "crush" sales techniques. Camouflaged under the mantle of "hard sell" - public were being exposed to seriously crush-sell techniques to force payments out of them, and it also opened the door to other financial oddities such as post-dated checks etc. LRH clamped it down and issued hatting materials to orgs on how to properly enlighten and sell - such as Big League Sales etc which came into the scene then.

Today David Miscavige has created a whole new order of crush-sell - and just in case you reacted to it at events and thought it was odd that you were having bags of books or tapes or new releases shoved in your face and asked whether you wanted to pay with credit card, check or cash, and just in case you quietly thought to yourself (like most of us) that you would NEVER bring a friend or family member to these events because you'd be too embarrassed to expose them to this treatment, you were right.

NONE of that has anything to do with Scientology.

David Miscavige once proudly announced to all management staff of the Sea Org in one of his video talks that HE makes sure that every event he puts on is fully paid for by the new releases he puts out. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that every Sea Org member has to sell those materials, that MAAs, Execs and RTC personnel are roaming the event space policing everyone to ensure that they are staring at public with a dedicated glare and executing the "bag drill." Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that no one is allowed to secure from these "bag drills" until sometimes 1 or 2 am or later, until the "quota" is met. But of course, the event has to be paid for and the "release stats" have to be impressive before the report goes up to David Miscavige.

Add in a serious dose of  invalidation and evaluation along the line of "oh - you did your Grades, or went Clear or did your OT levels before the Golden Age of Tech?" with a look of sympathy... all intended to make you feel like you really missed out on the real Scientology that David Miscavige has branded since 1996 - and of course - feeling sufficiently invalidated about your life changing wins which you had from your previous auditing and training - you possibly give in.

The point...?  It's called crush-selling - because that's what it does - you feel crushed. It is NOT hard sell at all - as they have all bought into. We used to do hard sell back in the day and that had to do with CARING about the person, helping them, and training them and auditing them on Scientology - the book sales usually took care of themselves.  

What David Miscavige has done is an elaborate stat push. He has made events a horror to attend. I have watched public streaming out of the events before the bag drill could start, because they didn't want to endure it.

I have a suggestion, if you must go watch a David Miscavige propaganda event, and if you enjoy clapping for him and standing up every time he announces another false statistic - at least don't support his stat push. Then maybe he won't have all the money he expected from "his release" and won't be able to waste all this money on future lavish events that accomplish nothing. Then maybe - without a "great PR" image to support him - the true David Miscavige will come into view to the general Scientology public.

Just thought you should know.

Written by Outside the Box




# Unity Mitford 2010-01-04 13:06
Maybe it's just me but obviously "crush regging" is bad but I think even "hard sell" is truly appropriate for a religion/tech/etc... I never like Scientology using "Big League Sales Tech" as part of their program. I understanding wanting to "help" people with what members think is great, life improving tech but these "sales tech" are manipulation and trickery - not help. Sales techniques aren't about "helping" anyone, they are about manipulating people to spend money (many times when they shouldn't be or don't have it to spend). I don't think it should have any part in a religion/philosophy. If the religion/philosophy works, people will give and buy. No doubt, some of the most powerful religions in the world don't need to use any force, people freely give to something when they feel it benefits them or humanity. Scientology will do its self a world of good and improve its public image massively if it leaves the "hard sell" & "crush regging" to used car salesmen and the cult of miscavige.
# Thoughtful 2010-01-04 20:14
The original machine LRH designed to bring people onto services was the letter registrar. It was done through mail. Today, all that has been short-circuited into thousands of telephone calls and reg interviews morphed into "ethics handlings."
# jim logan 2010-01-05 05:23
The awareness level of the registrar, on the LRH authored org board, is 'understandings'. THAT is the function of the reg, to bring about understandings. This other gibberish is not Scientology.
+1 # Eldon Braun 2010-01-05 09:25
Unity, here's an incident I found amusing. Back around 1975, I briefly worked on staff at ASHO. Recently, the desks of the registrars had sprouted cheap, tacky little lamps with red gingham shades. I sat down one day to talk to a guy I knew, and for some reason reached under the shade to turn on the lamp. He sputtered. When I looked underneath, trying to find the switch and saw a microphone instead, I burst out in laughter. Just couldn't help it! ;-)

Turned out there had been a recent order to bug the desks of registrars so someone, somewhere, could listen in and critique their sales tech. I don't know if that "training aid" was personally ordered by LRH himself, but whoever did it ignored the obvious fact that people in orgs gossip enough to know what's going on.
+1 # RJ 2010-01-05 18:30
Unity, unfortunately services cost money to deliver. Therefore, the fact is that some sales are involved and Les Dane's Closing techniques are quite useful whether you are selling a car or the next level on the Grade Chart.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where commerce is king. Those are just the facts of life.

That said, when you do sell someone something it has to have value to the person. The person has to have some benefit. You don't sell the public lemons which is what Miscavige is doing by threat and extortion.

The fact is I was never sold any training level. I just bought it because I had so much benefit from the last. The only thing that I was actually regged to buy was the Golden Age of Tech "Certainty" more like uncertainty course for my level, something that I paid more for than all the training I had bought before that on my own determinism (I personally never paid for auditing with the exception of the OT Levels because I was a trained auditor and could therefore coaudit) which was a total lemon!
# barney rubble 2010-01-05 18:30
The misunderstood point here is hard sell is NOT crush sell, case in point look at Mary Jo Levitt's KR about her experience lockdown moment where she was basically gang banged by crew of 5 PAC SO exec's in late 2009.

Point being, crush selling has gotten worse and worse the past 15-20 years. Any idiot can see from these websites that these momento's are more and more prevelant.

Hard sell is an LRH reference point from 1970 or 1971- please don't not compare this to the current IAS crush sell BS. It's a particular reference about one doing the bridge (much less expensive in 1970 or 1971 then), for the tech for a chance for freedom. As for many other religions this has gotten way too pricey for most of us, now.
# Boyd H 2010-01-07 13:37
You can't care about the person in front of you if you're regging for non-exchangeable donos. If someone asked me for IAS money I'd tell them to hard sell me on it, which is impossible. That quote on a true group member not being defined by money donations would be a good addition. Maybe Jim or someone will see this and could quote it.

I was thinking about exactly this recently myself, crush regging vs hard sell. This has happened a lot with Thoughtful's and your articles where you guys say it first. I think we're connecting up esp-wise.

Another thought on regging is I've run across some more LRH quotes on regging on wiseoldgoat's blog, which isn't formatted well but there's a lot of good data there. Every single quote assumes money will be donated for exchange. This no exchange regging wasn't even on LRH's radar.

In effect what it does is takes money from org staff and sends it to Int. But then Int doesn't feel the urgency to fix non-e auditor training because they've got plenty in reserves. Everything from Ideal orgs to ABLE to WISE, books to libraries (large cut of that going to SO reserves per a report), it's all a mechanism to get money to Int. Like a conspiracy or something.

The excuse for hard selling IAS donos now is, "I want you to get through liability and this is how you do it".

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