Home David Miscavige: Valentine's Day Massacre/Purge
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Monday, 03 May 2010 07:20

In 1995 we were briefed at Int on a major security breach that had taken place at Incomm. Down in LA weeks later I saw a hunted pale platoon of Incomm crew being marched from a backlines corridor into a doorway. Back up at Int, David Miscavige bragged at a briefing to Int base staff that he was going to catch the spy and that the staff were undergoing an RTC ethics program that Miscavige was personally directing. As a note to these and any other ex-SO who were coerced to sign contracts for non-disclosure to enforce silence, you can determine the validity of all such documents with a simple test: were you provided with a copy of the contract or agreement? If not, then the "contract" is NOT binding and has NO legal force on you whatsoever. So let the power of truth ring out. ~ Thoughtful


This is probably the worst incident that occurred in the history of the Church OUTSIDE of infamous INT BASE.

It is the worst incident of kidnap, held against will, breaking laws of the land and it happened on Valentine's Day 1995.

It lasted 4 months and was perpetrated by RTC and COB breaking many laws of the land.

For 4 months, INCOMM staff members  were under complete lock down, unable to see their spouses or children marched only to their berthing to sleep by security Guards.

A Mission arrived "to get ethics in" on the alleged criminal "out ethics scum" that were INCOMM SO members. Liz Ingber and Suzanne Bolstad were head honchos.

"INCOMM" definition:  The organization of SO members that manage everything to do with Church computers; short for "in communication."

Liz Ingber -- this woman is the "Cold Chrome Steel" as described in previous article. She is detached, emotionless, cruel, unable to feel but happy to mete out cruelty  I have known her personally for more than 3 decades and I will state she is an unconscionable evil witch.

Liz Ingber orders INCOMM staff into 2 lines, all males in one line, all females in another line. Circling in between the lines were a bunch of INT Missionaires with lanyards and the fruit salad of colored insignia.  They carried batons similar to the German swagger sticks.
These are Batons giving a symbol of authority (and ability to strike or beat ~~ British cops carry batons)

Every single SO member is  handed a manila envelope, told to write their name on it and empty their pockets and if wearing pagers, it went into the envelope.  The SO member then had to spread the legs  and spread out their arms while a metal detecting wand was frisked over the body from head to toe.   This kept on going for a while.  A new person would enter the room.   They were ordered to empty their pockets, spread eagle for metal detection and go stand in male or female line. There was an uncomfortable silence and sense of heavy ethics.

Liz Ingber called the room to "ATTENTION!" in a toneless disassociated unemotional cold voice spat out "You are all assigned a condition of Confusion.  You are all suppressive with hidden crimes of magnitude for allowing an SP to infiltrate INCOMM.  Your daily massive crimes have blinded your perception which is the only REASON you did not detect the infiltrator.  You obviously do not care in an SP  destroys the Church.  You are hereby under House Arrest.  You will not leave the base, you will not leave INCOMM, you will not talk to your family, you are under total lock down.  Your crimes permitted your minds to be so blinded to this enormous threat that could have taken down Scientology in totality~~ man's only help and only solution."

Happy Valentine's Day!

The Sound of Silence in the room was deafening.  There is a certain kind of mental mass that builds up in a group when they are being maligned, threatened and their immediate future is taken away in a lock down.  The group's awareness level drops to the bands of Catastrophe and Disaster.  There was  a frozen numbness.

There were no KRs. No data of WHO this infiltrator SP was.   There was no Court of Ethics, no Comm Evs being called, there was no consideration of whether anyone was upstat or downstat, everyone was to do conditions and write up their overts and withholds.  This then started a massive and endless cycle of sec checks, rejected conditions, re-done conditions, write ups of every "CRIME"  these dedicated, billion year contract SO members were committing.

A young guy from Denmark approached Liz Ingber.  He explained to Liz Ingber that he had a big overt he had given up in his Sec Check and felt he should route out as he was not up to SO standards.  Liz Ingber, did not ask what he gave up in the sec check, she did not ask him to work through a condition on it, but instead told him he would be instantly declared suppressive and could go join the walking dead.  She tells him he would never *EVER* in ANY LIFETIME, *EVER* GO OT.   She is detached as cold chrome steel.

The next day Liz Ingber berates an INCOMM staff member for masterbating she does it publicly to humiliate him.  This is 1995, a decade before the infamous INT SP Hole, and pc folder withold of masterbation is read out to the entire crew to mock and humiliate the SO member.

Suzanne  Bolstad now starts a vitriolic attack on the shell shocked numb SO Members.  "I see most of you are not OT III.  This is plain evidence of the criminal out ethics of the group.  Good up stat SO members  go OT, only the criminal downstats would withold themselves from case gain and Bridge.  You all have serious crimes and as criminals you are subconsciously witholding yourself from becoming more able !'   There was no mention that there were no auditors, or staff enhancement personnel within INCOMM to get them up the Bridge.

Days turned into weeks, turned into months.  Over and over and over the word CRIMINAL is given as an ITEM to SO members who had nothing to do with any breach of security.   It was sec checking, O/W writing, and conditions.  NO contact with family, complete and under isolation from the rest of humanity.  They were herded by security to berthing which was isolated from rest of crew and herded back to INCOMM.  In order to do Amends over the above a group member, many lost sleep doing heavy deck cycles ~~ hours and hours of manually  moving back up tapes from storage in Burbank.  Another amends was destroying 14" cartridges that stored data files.  The reflective backing had to be obliterated, hard drives had to have the magnetic media sanded off.  Sleep, amends, sec checks, O/Ws with a complete cut off from family and the outside world.

When you have to figure-figure on your crimes day in and day out, hour after hour, week and after week, it is damaging spiritually.  It is Black Dianetics.  It is Reverse Scientology.  It is a David Miscavige perversion of the tech.   Even psychiatrists are not that cruel.  This demand for crimes 8 hours a day for months is not only unhealthy, it introverts the person into depths of case they may not be able to extrovert from.

Normally, one of the steps of Liability is to get permission of the majority of the group to complete the step.  As a complete arbitrary, the Mission announced that every INCOMM  liability  formula had to get the approval of ALL the Missionaires, (a bunch of them), all RTC involved. and ALL INCOMM who had been upgraded.  This was tough.  Rejects by RTC were common.  No typewriters existed and because INCOMM  staff were such a bunch of "untrustworthy criminals" every single formula had to be hand written with carbon copies to make duplicates, and so it dragged out.  Time was endless.  Work, study, ethics conditions and amends were in the same room for these 4 months.  Sleeping was under guard.  Walking to the Shower was under guard by escort.  There was no other life.  There was no free hour or free minute.  Every hour of every day was controlled and taken over with dire threats of suppressive person declares which would result in complete disconnection from family.

Finally after 4 months of complete lock down and captivity INCOMM staff were threatened once again to not reveal ANYTHING that happened under further dire threats of declare and doom forever and forever disconnection from family and friends.  It was not to come up in any future session!  In other words the orders were to withold the lock down from here on out.  Some were taken to sign documents swearing secrecy on video camera and reminded what would happen to them if they ever spoke of this lock down EVER.

Now the purge finally started. From approx 60 Incomm staff, it was down to 10.   Many were further punished by being sent to PAC estates from whence they blew.  Some simply blew after the 4 month incarceration.  This TERROR side of Scientology was beyond what many could stomach.  Not everybody has a threshold of tolerance for such absue ~~ 4 months of interrrogating for CRIMES. These fine SO members who had passed high HCO qualifications to get clearance to be in INCOMM were IMPLANTED to think they were the criminals of all time.   The last 10 SO  Members  instead of going back on post were ordered by Miscavige to be RPF'd after surviving the 4 month brutality.  Not a single charge or specific.  They were handled as BLOB.   The BLOB  had no individuality.  The BLOB was responsible for the out security.    Almost all of those remaining 10 fled. (blew)

One of the worst tactics of Church of Miscavology is treating the crew like a BLOB.  Everyone is penalized for one person's conduct.

This is remarkable given that there are many references to the fact that A does not equal B, does not equal C.

In fact A=A=A is a known reactive mind flaw.

Not with Miscavige's implementation of ETHICS.   It somebody BLOWS, severe punishment and abuse is inflicted on those around, as the conclusion is that "bad indicators" were missed, by those around.   The reason they missed these indicators were they had there own crimes and overts hence making them unable to perceive the indicators around them.  I have known of SO members sent the RPF for YEARS due to someone ELSE blowing.

Meting out the exceptional cruelty in the SP HALL where everyone was treated like one mad mob with no one able to get up the conditions is an example of squirrel Miscavige ethics.  THE BLOB treatment.  There are no upstats, there are no producers, there is no ethics  change acknowledged, the blob is to remain a continuous BLOB.

The Sea Org has a knack of recruiting good people.  Extremely good personnel.  Bright minds.  Spiritually aware.  Recognition of the Legacy of the tech.  Wanting to help others, wanting to be of service.   But the SO cannot maintain good people.  It just does not happen.  It is a revolving door and many flee to get out of  the Church of Miscavology.  They flee from the abuse.  They flee from the brutality.  They flee from the Insanity.

These 60 SO members were not just removed from post, they were abused 24/7 for 120 days breaking many FEDERAL Laws of lock down and enforced kidnap against their will with unconscionable threats.

Dan Garvin is acknowledged for having the guts to post this dark episode SO history on the Internet in 2003 on Operation Clambake.  I am now  in touch with blown INCOMM staff  who endured this ..still decompressing !   More about the terror imposed on good staff will surface in due course.  It was Dan who called it "Valentine's Day Massacre" and the name was just too apt to try renaming it.  Dan was another computer whiz wasted by the Church.  He left soon after this incident  as well.

This dark episode needs to be on record in Scientology-cult.com because it shows Scientology Management via David Miscavige executed his total authority over the lives of SO members even at PAC base, and in the first years since 1995 when this occurred, the brutalities intensified but the odor and fingerprints are unmistakeable.  

My next posting will reveal the story of the Infiltrator, what he stole, what he posted on the web and why Linda Hamel of OSA freaked out so badly.....

Written by Karen de la Carriere/Jentzsch (posts as "Karen#1" and formerly posted as "War and Peace")
Anyone who wants to contact me privately can do so at:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Home page: Karendelac.com



# Misha 2010-05-03 04:05
Thank you for the account War and Peace. Sounds all too familiar. we've experienced that type of treatment at the Int Base. It is damaging, enturbulating, off-policy, wasteful and illegal. I just had a slight disagreement that SO members are shown as over-sensitive weaklings. SO members in fact are overall an extremely sturdy bunch. So I just wanted to add a couple of most damaging, in my opinion, factors that you touched upon but did not isolate: these SO members were not allowed to produce the products of their posts and also their production on post was discarded as the miracle cure to get them out of the mess they were in. Sea Org members usually join SO to contribute which means to produce. If production is taken away as the stable datum they have no reason to be there and endure all the crap.
+1 # Moving Forward 2010-05-03 10:29
Wow, thank you so much for telling this story.

One of my good friends, and my roommate at the time this happened, was in Incomm. She literally just disappeared one day, along with all of the Incomm staff, and no one knew what happened. Someone else came to get all of her things from berthing.

All we were able to find out was that there had been some 'out security' and that the Incomm staff had been isolated. Some time later, I saw some of them early on being escorted by security guards and 'hunted' is definitely the word.

I had no idea what had happened, but it seemed like a huge injustice that the entire org was getting such heavy 'ethics' action. I didn't have any idea that it was such a severe situation and am so sad for all of the wonderful people at Incomm who had to go through this.

My friend was one of the those who ended up on the RPF. She was later posted back in Incomm, but never spoke to me again. I also saw that she had changed considerably. She'd been such a bright and friendly person before. I thought it had something to do with the discouragement of fraternization with people in 'lower orgs' that had been becoming more prevalent, along with this screwed up idea of 'ethics presence' requiring one to be serious and solid all the time, but now I see that it was so much more than that.
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 10:37
The pain and suffering and "in your face" and
"SRA" (severe reality adjustment) are the reptilian predator's (DM) specialties.

He imposes his will by threats with the certainty that he can take away your spiritual future and cause disconnection from your family and loved ones.

That is his modus operandi and he is incapable of change, viewing everyone else as enemies.

Thanks for telling me about your friend and what happened with your comm line. Understood.
# Fidelio 2010-05-03 12:12
War & Peace, that is so extreme it made my heart bound and my blood boil - it is beyond of the beyond - time and again.
Thank you for writing it up for us to know.
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 10:48
Pain and suffering is a psychiatric concept.
DM indulges in behavior modification through
"Severe Reality Adjustments," threats, lock downs,
perverted "sec checking" where the meter is not used for spiritual gain, but for interrogations that stick the person in the incident.
The reverse of As-isness !
# Fidelio 2010-05-04 03:22
Dear War and Peace,

thank you for taking the time to answer. I saw your posts with Marty and Jeff and I appreciated very much your direct reports which even were s.t. sort of edited for being "too realistic, too literal, to rough". But I believe that the unmasked truth accelerates decompression on all levels of involvement in the Church. To me this is valuable since as a public I understand the mindset of SOM I encountered better, I understand the regime of terror they exuded while just relaying "command intention" of an outright highest criminal by all categories. And still, just thinking about your story, my heart pounds up to my neck....breathtaking.
# Henk 2010-05-03 13:10
Thank you very much for exposing the truth.
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 10:48
A special Thank you to Steve Hall for having the platform so that these incidents can be published.

The CIA has its motto inscribed in stone just inside the front door :

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

I like this motto
# OnceUpona 2010-05-03 13:24
War and Peace,

Wow! Keep on writing.

Good thing about today: shorter decompression time, more outlets for expression, more opportunities to help and be helped.

Much love,

# War and Peace 2010-05-03 16:51
I have enjoyed your posts on Marty's blog and and feel a kinship with you.

Your postings are well received.

Warm wishes to you and your signficant other.
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 15:01
Thanks Misha.
Excellent points ~~ Production being the basis of morale, so of course morale slides down.
No, I don't think I portrayed SO as weaklings. It was just overwhelm. The gang of RTC missionaires used constant threats and the force ~~ SP declares which would disconnect them from family created overwhelm. House arrest can be overwhelm even to tough souls, and no word was permitted to spouses and kids as to where they were, why they did not come home and what was going on.
# plainoldthetan 2010-05-03 15:30
I was on the PAC base as public in this timeframe. There was a huge "evolution" where every Sea Org member who was being audited by public auditors-in-training was unceremoniously removed from auditing lines; in some cases, leaving the public auditor-in-training with no solution as to how s/he was going to get through their training or course.

Of course, if news of this holocaust even leaked the slightest to non-INCOMM SO members, the leaked-to SO members would then be expected to withhold in session, since you can't tell a public anything. This of course violates HCOB HONESTY AND CASE GAIN and HCOB CLEAN HANDS MAKE A HAPPY LIFE, among other Scientology basics.

I remember talking to an SO recruiter during this timeframe and when the recruiter asked me "Why don't you want to join the Sea Org?" I answered: "Because the SO doesn't use LRH Tech."

Okay, it took 15 years, but now I know that my response was spot-on.
# Thoughtful 2010-05-03 16:14
I first went to Int in 1984. I was horrified. The thought that kept resonating in my mind on the subject was "these people are all about slavery but Scientology is about freedom. I believe in freedom."

Okay, it took 24 years but now I know that my response was spot-on (i.e., you got me beat by 9 years). One lesson we are all probably learning is not to negate first impressions. :-)
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 17:04
You must validate yourself for the response.

INCOMM SO members were deeply threatened to never reveal the content of the 4 month persecution, it was clear that it could not be brought up in a future session. They were ordered to have a perpetual withold of this House arrest and all the brutality that occurred.

Good HCOB references. Good post.
# plainoldthetan 2010-05-05 12:51
I forgot to mention that after I made the "the SO doesn't use LRH tech" response, I was taken off course for a month-long product-free "ethics" (no, it was an in-justice) cycle, including getting sec-checked at my own expense.

Governor Tarkin: You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life.
Princess Leia: I'm surprised that you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
Governor Tarkin: Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.
Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
............................STAR WARS (1977)
# War and Peace 2010-05-08 02:09
I continue to enjoy your input.

When you try to put in KSW. you must buy Sec Checks at your own expense.

Sound familiar ?
# War and Peace 2010-05-03 17:22
There is no site on the web likes yours Steve, that permits writers to submit essays of SO time track.

Please take a bow for allowing the TRUTH to be REVEALED.

Your "lavishly funded" website penetrates through the veneer and gloss of the Church websites and the "unprecedented explosive expansion" with DM at the helm.

Your site is being read far and wide.
Good job Steve.
# Thoughtful 2010-05-03 21:24
Well, thanks very much, but the real kudos have to be shared with all those who have read and contributed their viewpoints and observations to this website, and most of all to LRH since his deep insight into the game of life and how to overcome nearly any obstacle no matter how large (or short) are what made this project possible. ;P
+2 # Robert Pastirrano 2010-05-03 19:32
Hello! Extremely good post and very eye-opening! By the way, INCOMM actually stands for International Network of Computer Organized Management....
# War and Peace 2010-05-04 01:20
Hey Robert,
Thanks much for explaining the acronym to the readers especially since the word INCOMM is used over and over again.
Good job.
# Guest 2010-05-03 19:52
War and Peace -- utterly horrifying. I'm truly surprised that out of 60 people no one went completely crazy. Shows the strength of each of these people.

What is even more chilling to me is the key torturer was Liz Ingbar. Not that many years earlier Liz Ingbar was cared for, treated and her life saved thanks to the daily auditing of Bruce Hines. She was dying of ovarian cancer. Had surgery and was told that it had spread beyond the uterus.

Gene Denk (died of cancer)was her primary care physician -- don't know who her oncologist was.

In any case -- she had her surgery. Went down to Mexico which was the alternative cure de jour -- with Jimmy Keller and paid cash weekly for daily treatment. Which lasted at least a few months. ( LOTS of money!)
Bruce Hines was auditing her every day after she received her treatment. He drove from Hemet daily to San Diego. She stayed as the guest of Bernando Lan (later died of cancer) and his wife, Jeannie.

Gelda Mithoff was her full time helper, care giver. Fixed her meals when they stayed occasionally stayed at a different place. Cleaned her room.

I knew OF her at Flag -- she was rude, unfriendly. Sort of the standard fare of CMO Messengers. A terrifying bunch of people, IMHO.

Truly sad how ungrateful some people can be. How utterly self-absorbed they are.

The only thing that I can say is --

Those tortured INCOMM staff will have a future that is bright -- they will destim from the torture.

And the torturers -- well -- hell is pleasant compared to the REAL hell of souls.

And it's nearly ENDLESS.

# War and Peace 2010-05-04 01:39
Thank you WH.
The evil witch/wife of Mark Ingber had her spell of cancer and re-occurring cancer on and off for some 20 years.

Yes, she was down in Tijuana at the same time Jens Bogvad (with Jeanie) were trying hard with Jimmy Keller to beat his cancer with alternative treatment.

The Incomm DM atrocities were the fore-runner or grandfather of the SP room or SP Hall at INT BASE~~ which DM orchestrated ~~
Upon arrival, the inmate is subjected to a group interrogation of "what are your crimes" which is quite SURREAL and unlike anything that could possibly be Scientology.

The other inmates demanding you cough up every single last overt you have and the "vile and disgusting crimes" that underlie those overts. This can go on for days.

The psychological abuse is mind boggling.
It is appropriate Marty declared the Church of Scientology DEAD.
# windhorse 2010-05-04 08:14
WH --

You and others are opening up my time track which has been bunched up for many years.

Indeed Jens was there but for a fraction of the time that Liz was -- and a fraction of the cost. SOR paid for Liz (I'm pretty sure) while the AO had to pay for Jens - (he had been captain I believe at the time) -- thus it didn't go for long.

PLUS he never received standard medical treatment which could have included delicate surgery but possibly life saving and radiation. Instead it was ONLY alternative.

I never knew anyone who went ONLY to Jimmy's to survive their cancer.
No one and I knew several who refused or couldn't afford medical care

Just another atrocity ... and misapplication of LRH tech.

I've had many people tell me that the abuse within the SO causes a condition called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome -- of course unpopular as it's a "psych" term but in actual fact ---

More research is showing the effects ON the brain, it's wiring etc from PTSD -- I believe that what we are doing HERE as independent voices will help all from within the SO, those kids born (and effectively abandoned by their SO parents or staff parents to be cared for in substandard nurseries) -- to overcome PTSD and be ever stronger
as a result.

I still grieve for Jeannie --- cast off to some org in the midwest --

+1 # AlexMetheny 2010-05-03 22:49
Thanks War and Peace!

What struck me is that DM is systematically destroying the cream of the cream of Scientology.

It never made sense to me to see the obsessing over getting people IN to the Sea Org and then to treat them like the scum of the Earth is pure insanity!

Thanks for exposing this and I look forward to your next installment.

# War and Peace 2010-05-04 17:11
One of your greatest posts was that old Nazi verse....
"THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. ..."

That was SUCH a great post, please re-post it on Marty's site..it is the ultimate classic !

War and Peace
# Obnosis 2010-05-03 23:32

"IMPOSED SILENCE: The simplest and most common implant--and its lightest but not least deadly form--is the command to withhold. Implants could be said to be 'methods of preventing knowledge or communication' and this can extend to the point of the person himself denying himself the data. The commonest 'imposed silence' is probably the threatened child--an 'if you tell, you will be punished.' Or simply ordering him not to tell. This tends to occlude his own memory and can be classified as an implant.

. . .

"Confronted with a still needle that should react but doesn't,one begins with 'Is this something you are not supposed to tell?' . . . ."
# WomanSetFree 2010-05-04 14:47
A brief episode to illustrate that the abuse of sec checking and 'tell me all your crimes' implant has ever earlier iterations (I am sure there are others with similar or worse episodes):

I was posted at Gold/Int Base in 1988, at the ripe old age of 16. My 2D was moved 'uplines' with me along with the others posted to our project. To be quite honest I don't think any of us were qualified to be at Int. But the motions were gone through to make a pretense of investigation and determining our readiness for 'uplines' posting.
Approx 8 months to 1 year later my same 2D and I were being investigated because stats in our unit were down and someone must have 'crimes'. Since we were dating we were the prime targets for investigation and sec checking. DM's typical wrong why, perverse nonsense. During the course of my sec checking we began to enter serious overrun land telling for the umpteenth time something 'sinful' but absolutely unrelated to my post or production. I looked right at the gal across from me and said the following, "Is someone listening to this? Who is telling you to keep this up? There is nothing more to tell, I'm not going to make stuff up here. We are done." Needless to say the sec check was over in short order & I had unwittingly just plastered a huge target on my forehead....
# War and Peace 2010-05-05 03:22
Thanks for sharing the story.

You are one kick ass thetan to call it like it was and say you were done. At least further case screw-ups did not occur...
Want to share the rest of the story of you having plastered the target on your head ?

I'd like to hear it !
# Maurice 2010-05-04 16:57
Absolutely mind boggling. Thanks very much for your account, W & P.
# War and Peace 2010-05-05 02:48
Thank you Maurice.

Miscavige and RTC have tried to lie, malign, attack and Black PR Marty and Mike Rinder while lying to the inner flock of how "entheta" the web is.

It isn't working. Can't the beat the actual TRUTH being revealed.
# War and Peace 2010-05-04 17:12
These SO members were commanded to NOT even THINK, NOT TO SPEAK, NOT to UTTER a word of what occurred after 120 days of atrocities.

This was IMPLANTED with fear and terror and threats after 120 days of calling them CRIMINALS.

The reptilian predator DM is the mother of all Psychs and shrinks. He is a master of using psychiatric techniques while pretending to attack psychiatry ~~

Great reference, thanks for posting.
# Virgil Samms 2010-05-04 17:33

Once again your mighty pen has created a materpiece - this time a horror movie Stephen King would be proud of.

I remember when this happened. We watched it unfold day after day. It felt like the time on the ranch after the pig got slaughtered. That little bit of holocost key-in one experiences.
Unreality that the peace got shattered in an utterly arcane way, the way only DM could do it.

We inflowed one of the refugees from St Valentine Day Massacre. She was a disaster. I never saw someone so keyed in - just like a holocost survivor.

I just had a thought. Maybe we all are the EP of OT VIII! We be revealing.

ML Virgil
# War and Peace 2010-05-05 02:42
Interesting on visually seeing one of them after the 120 days. Looking a like holocaust survivor.
This Reptilian Predator DM must go to JAIL. Removal is not enough. He is the ultimate criminal.

There was a veteran 21 year Sea Org member called Vaughn Young ( deceased in 2003)~~ you might have known him. He was at ASI for a while..

He predicted something shortly before his death of cancer

"The Internet will be to Scientology what Vietnam was to the United States"

(It is a war that can't be won.)
Nothing can now stop the ABUSE being exposed.
Marty and Mike Rinder blazed the trail and many more ex SO like us will continue to expose the DM atrocities.

# windhorse 2010-05-05 03:20
WP --

Was Foster Thompkins still at INCOMM at this time?

I've wondered what happened to him and to his wife Barbara. She was an old friend from early CC days. After Bob Mithoff (Ray's wife) had an affair, they divorced. Awhile later she married Foster -- formerly wife to Bitty Miscavige and mother of their twins.

Anyway -- I hope they have both left ... but I would not be surprised if they have hung on -- hoping for a change.

I would be utterly surprised if Barbara has become a dmbot -- Foster? Well - not AS surprised.

# War and Peace 2010-05-05 22:06
See your Hushmail account.


War and Peace
# windhorse 2010-05-05 08:05
Sorry -- was caught up in memories and said Bob was Ray's wife --

No -- his brother.

# Barney Rubble 2010-05-05 09:26
Thanks for this great story W & P, it goes to show these insanities spread beyond the Int Base.

I myself experienced an intense 24/7 security watch in the 90's. While not as horrific as this INCOMM one, it still causes strange dreams on a monthly basis- decades later to this day.

One thing I cogged on regarding DM is that he is taking individuality hostage from the so called 3rd dynamic. One has to foster individuality all he can, esp. in a group environment.

As a sidenote to a prior posting on this Blog, Jens Bogvad was CO LA D, then was I/C of the mission that purchased the Freewinds ship. Interesting how so many connections on this blog by W&P obtained cancer.
# War and Peace 2010-05-06 16:24
You see he started these brutality techniques even when he was the Action Chief and when he had the the title "Special Project Ops".

No one stopped him. The predator was ferocious.
He screamed louder than anyone.
The Loudest Screamer won time after time.

In 1995 when he ran this INCOMM brutality, the Missionaires were brutal because he coached them to act this way.

Again, nobody stopped him. INT personnel were already too intimidated to cross his will.

So of course with natural progression of a Monster out of control, SP Hall occurred a few years later, with the Meglomaniac sociopath thinking he could do whatever he wanted with other human beings under the religious "SO contract".
"Religious" indeed.
# Ceileen 2010-05-07 23:11
You are correct about Jens being CO LAD, but I was a missionaire on the Ship Project and Jens was not on the mission to purchase the ship, he was on the recruit mission, he toured in EU with Bob Desimone and someone else I don't recall right now. Of all of us who had anything to do with the Ship Project or search/purchase of the ship, none of us are left in the SO or alive with the exception of Sue Price. Dave Englehart was I/C of the Ship Project, I was 2nd until Sue Price took over as I/C in early 1986. By Oct 86 we were all casualties of war, so to speak. Sue came out relatively intact, but the rest of us not. Nan Starkey died, Jens died, another Sarge died, others routed out of the S.O. or were RPF'd, there was quite a list of casualties. None were left unscathed. You would think that having accomplished such a feat, we would have at least received a commendation. No such thing ever was issued, by anyone to anyone. Instead, we were all hit, in various ways.
# War and Peace 2010-05-08 02:01
LRH has said that acknowledgements are very important.

You did accomplish a feat and you should have been acknowledged.

Only someone who has done SO missions with a tight Mission Ops and daily production targets can know the blood sweat and tears that goes into those weeks/months of mission life.

The wear and tear and casualties of the SEA ORG are very very high. Thank you for covering the Ship project.

War and Peace
# Bil Straass 2011-06-01 09:22
I was on the Ship Project and arrived on the ship the day the Church took possesssion. I was then the Mechanics Chief for 16 years until I was pronounced Dead of AIDS from a bad blood transfusion in Curacao. I had HIV for 13 years while staff on the ship. I was offloaded the instant the MLO had me tested for HIV and I was found positive. I told people I knew on the ship for the last 8 years of so that the only way off of the ship was "IN A BOX" I did not know that I had HIV but there was a lot of increasing duress. It bacame like in the movie "Gladiator" where Proximo, the owner of the gadiators, said "Ultimately , we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot determine when. But we can determine how we meet that end, so we are remembered as men. GO, AND DIE WITH HONOR"
# plainoldthetan 2010-05-05 12:58
"There is a certain kind of mental mass that builds up in a group when they are being maligned, threatened and their immediate future is taken away in a lock down."

LRH sayeth: "When threatened with unmocking, a thetan mocks up obsessively." HCOB 8 Jan 1969
# CL 2010-05-06 12:07
Thank you for continuing to reveal these stories. It is hard to comprehend that this brutality and suppression can exist. It is very sad that those who experienced this believe that they are not able to expose these crimes (or they are afraid to do so).

To Thoughtful, that is a great observation you noted about the problem with the copies of the "contract". I bet there are many more problems with this "contract" including: 1)Duress-if a party is "forced" to sign a document, there is no "agreement" to the terms. Therefore no "contract" exists; 2)An agreement not to report a crime (kidnapping, torture etc)is not enforceable legally or practicably - are they really going to take someone to court to complain about breaching the agreement and revealing their crimes? There are probably many more reasons that this is an illegal contract. It would be interest to see a copy of it.

+1 # Thoughtful 2010-05-06 18:12
You know you are absolutely right. Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now. It just goes to show how in the absence of knowledge any person can be victimized. The more people know, the safer they are.
# War and Peace 2010-05-08 02:03
Good catch.

Good on pointing that out.
# War and Peace 2010-05-06 16:25
Thanks for posting it.
Good job.
# Ceileen 2010-05-07 23:20
Thank you for all that you've written so far, I look forward to your further postings.
It blows a lot of charge for me to have holes filled in, even if the truth is not palatable, at least I know now what I could only question and wonder about at the time.

Thanks again, so much, for keeping this site going. Your time, effort and care are very much appreciated.

# Thoughtful 2010-05-08 01:38
Thank you Eileen for lending your support and viewpoint to the cause.
# PERIKLES 2010-05-08 10:34
# War and Peace 2010-05-09 23:02
While the reptilian predator Miscavige does everything in his power to cover up the truth....like sending execs to St. Pete Times with lying affidavits and PIs to stalk Mike Rinder and Marty.....because he is spooked out on what BBC's Panorama will air....

I AM DEDICATED TO EXPOSING DM'S corruption, abuse and atrocities.

Like the old saying goes...."You can run, but you can't hide..."

I am going to make sure DM's crimes are not hidden....

STAY TUNED. More revelations coming...
# brendon 2010-06-02 18:50
So where is the continuing story of what was behind it? I'm having trouble finding it (though I actually know the story!)
# Karen#1 2010-09-10 17:04
I formerly posted as "War and Peace".
I was a pretty innocuous anonymous poster with no Email address.

But Office of COB decided to REALLY raise my presence on the web by outing me as

Karen de la Carriere.
Boy, did that increase my Email from the field !!!!!!
My name was passed around verbally like
wildfire !

People googled my name and found Marty's site !!! They are now daily reader's of Marty's blog.

DM's cult did not have the guts to mail me a copy of my SP declare, but as a silent "whispering campaign" mailed it discreetly to certain destinations.

A few weeks ago copies started being mailed to me from STEALTH sources. (under the radar)

Even though I am the mother of Alexander Jentzsch, Heber's only child, DM's cult carefully left the Karen Jentzsch name off the Declare while using absurd names of step parents and so on, names not used since I was 5 years old ! So the Jentzsch name must be a hot button, so I will therefore use it liberally.
As a thank you to an SP declare full of lies, I decided, since DM's cult has such an aversion to the Jentzsch name being connected with me, I will use this prior name liberally.

For many years, and 1000s of Ls pcs and Power Pcs, I was known as Karen Jentzsch.

My name is Karen de la Carriere and I was formerly Karen Jentzsch
I post as Karen#1
and I was formerly the poster War and Peace
# Bil Straass 2011-06-01 09:33
Yes, I remember you from FSO when you were the L's C/S. You flew my cramming ruds in 1980. I was in the SO for 23 yeas, the last 16 as Mechanics Chief Freewinds until I was offloaded for testing positive for HIV and almost dying of AIDS from no medical care. The cult has good reason to be afraid of the Jentsch name. I don't think that anyone in Scn aside from LRH has the respect that people have for Heber. I heard that he was being held somewhere. I would be honored to be allowed to do battle if necessary to free him.
# Max Bleiweiss 2012-03-03 16:04
Dear Karen,
I've been a Scientologist since 1973 when Heber was at CCLA. I'm just now exposing myself to all the information that has been going on with the Church.
Although, I never personally met Heber, he is one of the people I have always admired and would like to know what happened to him.
# Carol 2011-02-20 10:09
Karen, you are one strong warrior. I have a lot of respect for your getting the truth out there. This is more proof of the criminal actions of this group. To think that this is allowed to happen in the 21st century is nuts.It is time for those who enforced this type of action be taken down. I support all that you do.
# Greg Williams 2012-01-27 02:52
Hope I can help too. I met Heber once and was very impressed, but sadly wondered what happened to him.
And it saddens me too to hear stories about good SO people being burnt. DMs days are running out.
My love to all the good guys.
Greg :)
-1 # free online casino games 2012-09-29 01:35
Thanks for the good info! Very helpful stuff
# IdealGoal 2012-11-09 18:15
Thanks for this report, thanks for sharing.

What about legal issues against the CoS for torture and so on?

# Charles Carmichael 2012-12-03 17:35
Man, I miss out on all the good ethics actions! I was in INCOMM until 4-5 months before this whole deal. I remember I had to head back to INCOMM a few times for a sec check but I guess I passed because that was the last I heard of it. I routed out a couple years later.

Maybe I will tell my story some day. I did my EPF when I was 11, was not allowed to go to school, often worked 2-3 days in a row with no sleep when I was 13 - 15, then went to the RPF when I was 16 for wearing the same uniform a couple days in a row. The fact that I was on 3 day, no sleep project and hadn't even been home in days, didn't seem to matter. The CMO person that RPF'd me (yep, no comm-ev, just assigned on the spot), was later FB'd out for being a psycho abuser of power.

I wonder where some of the folks from that time are? (John Dunn, Glenn Briggs, Mark Whitta, Hank ?, etc)
# Thoughtful 2012-12-03 17:50
Hi Charles, Glenn Briggs is now an Indie and you will find his name on the Indie 500. http://www.scientology-cult.com/declarations-of-independence/268-the-indie-500.html
# Cece Kruchko Smith 2014-11-01 11:11
Interesting article. I was AOLA staff and saw across the street the paraded Incomm staff and wondered. We were told there had been a security breech. Coincidently this is the very same day/evening that my daughter #1 and her friend decided to split a bottle of over the counter sleeping pills and do themselves in. They were transported from the PAC ranch to Antelope Valley Hospital to have their stomach pumped and survived.

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