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Sunday, 29 May 2011 00:48

by Karen de la Carriere

The Religious Technology Center (RTC) was ostensibly created in 1982 to protect the Technology of Scientology. However, what RTC actually protects is David Miscavige — even when this means altering the Tech. For example, LRH designed the Tech so that a pc could say anything in the sanctity of the session. Per the Auditor’s Code, both the auditor and the Church promise:

  • Not to evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case in session.
  • Never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain.
But what has happened in David Miscavige’s RTC? Is the pc protected? No. In fact, in direct violation of LRH, here is what a pc may or may not say in session:
  • It is strictly forbidden for a pc to name David Miscavige as an SP or an antisocial personality. Such an origination is not accepted by the auditor.
  • The auditor will become adversarial if a pc names David Miscavige as an SP.
  • The pc cannot name DM as an item in a Search and Discovery (searching for the SP)
  • The pc cannot name DM in a PTS Rundown
  • The pc cannot speak his or her thoughts, opinions, considerations on DM
  • If a pc named DM as an SP, he or she can expect to be put onto lengthy security checks
As reported by ex-Freewinds and ex-Flag pc’s who come for repair to the Independent community, David Miscavige is absolutely “off limits” in session. Nothing negative may be said about David Miscavige inside of the Cult of Scientology. Said another way, David Miscavige may only be lavishly praised and glorified inside of the Cult.

Even when DM engages in brutality and human rights abuses he may not be spoken of as an SP. In the normal course of events, what person can get away with beatings, assault and battery? Not only has David Miscavige gotten away with this under the guise of “ministerial exception” granted by a judge, but DM has routinely engaged in:
  • Sadistic lockdowns and sec checks
  • Serving Oliver Twist slop as food to prisoners in the RPF
  • Cutting off air conditioning in midsummer to dozens of RPF prisoners locked inside two trailers against their will
  • Using Sea Org members as if they were Federal Marshals in an attempt to take custody of a fleeing Sea Org member
  • Ordering husbands and wives in the Sea Org to divorce — or otherwise ordering them to posts hundreds or thousands of miles apart so they can never see each other
  • Setting the state for wholesale abortions for some 25 years — only recently stopped because of Internet transparency and lawsuits.
  • Making staff clean the sewage treatment lake (feces pond) at the Int Base without hazmat equipment
  • Forcing executives to clean the oily bilges of the MV Freewinds without proper safety equipment
  • Cleaning grease traps at PAC base.
(The grease traps are passages that run under the PAC base kitchens. These passages are approximately two feet in height and are referred to as “Rats Alley” by PAC base RPFers and are the ultimate punishment detail for errant Sea Org Members.)

Rats Alley cleaning detail consists of crawling along the hot, stinking, roach-infested passageways on backboards with wheels to deal with pools of stagnant grease from the kitchens above.

The stock in trade of RTC is abuse.

The stock in trade of David Miscavige is sadistic abuse.

Miscavige is protected from the consequences of his crimes by $1,000-per-hour attorneys. DM’s legal team is led by his personal Lawyer Monique Yingling. She carefully covers his misdeeds along with her husband criminal defense Lawyer Gerald Feffer. What they have covered up, what they have enabled Miscavige to get away with, is a remarkable lesson in just how dirty and profitable practicing law can be when Miscavige opens the flood gates of parishioner money. Unlimited budget.

Inside of the Church, David Miscavige’s sadistic campaign of terror is carried out and enforced by RTC. The staff of RTC fawn, placate and do whatever Miscavige wants — even if this means routinely violating LRH policies, church doctrine, or spying on people. These people are toadies who Miscavige rewards with status, cars, shopping trips, cash bonuses, and better pay for their abject obedience, blind loyalty, and cruelty in carrying out DM’s brutal dirty work.

Early on, Miscavige decreed the beingness of RTC members as "cold chrome steel." Thus are warm only to each other and steely cold to everyone else — to hell with affinity, reality and communication. The RTC network has absolute power over the rest of the Sea Org and exercise that power with cruelty.

RTC has announced that they are responsible for safeguarding the very technology they sabotage and undermine by order of David Miscavige. From 1992 forward, their obsession grew insatiably for power and domination over Sea Org members.

Declaring decent people, physical attacks, screaming, inflicting penalties, canceling auditor certificates, ordering demotions, and invalidating and denigrating technical staff with joyous sadism has became the hallmark of RTC.

Following the tradition of secret police as a modern-day Gestapo, RTC demanded the entire population of Scientology act as secret informers.  A normal report includes copies to the person who is being reported on. But RTC’s report line is confidential. Husbands are encouraged to report on their wives and wives on their husbands. Parents are told to report on their kids and kids to report on their parents. Friends report friends. Marriages, families, and friendships mean nothing to Miscavige.

Failure to report someone to RTC makes one an "accessory to the crime.”  Sea Org members are encouraged to report the slightest infraction and even when there is only a suspicion of something. RTC policy specifies identical penalties for those who "fail to report" to RTC.

As RTC Inspectors were themselves coerced to enforce DM’s draconian punishments with instant alerts to the "Office of COB" something happened. Departure of RTC members began to occur. The good and ethical human beings reached their tolerance level and blew.

Marty Rathbun,  Mike Rinder, and some 25 other former RTC all with Marty and Mike currently, endured the toxic level — the effects of the poison emanating from Miscavige. Despite the loyalty of these people to LRH, their threshold was met. People will either be destroyed if they stay in, or they will blow to regain their sanity.

DM’s self-appointed title as "Chairman of the Board" is a gigantic lie. There is no "Board of Directors." It is a sham and always was. No board meetings occur. DM can remove “board members” using signed, undated resignations kept by him. Battered and abused Sea Org members must sign these resignations on demand.

A normal board of Directors can remove the Chairman for misconduct in any 501C3.  Yet, as DM has no functioning Board of Directors, he has been able to rule year in and year out with impunity. http://www.savescientology.com/

One cruel example of RTC indulging in superiority and bullying is the incident of the RTC Rep at the Flag Land Base in 1995 who decided to target my son Alexander Jentzsch — 12 years old at the time.  Alexander was not permitted to go to school, but instead  was used for janitorial duties 12 hours a day in child slave labor.  Alexander cleaned toilets and the lobby of the Fort Harrison and all the grimy back staircases and service entrances behind the galley in violation of child labor laws.

Alexander told me the story years later. The RTC Rep was a young Miscavige bully who would place his face one inch away from Alexander’s face and say:  

"You  WANT  to hit me, don't you?"

"You want to strike me, but you are too chicken"

"You would love to punch me in the jaw in retaliation, but you do not have the guts, sissy!"

Alexander Jentzsch would say quietly "No Sir, I do not want to hit you," while looking down at the floor.  

Why this RTC Rep had it in for Alexander, why these bizarre episodes occurred, I do not understand. But in the Sea Org you dare not write a Knowledge Report on RTC. And this "RTC Rep" knew that Alexander was orphaned in Clearwater because his Ex- Sea Org mom was 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles and his father Heber was incarcerated by DM and put on slave labor, steam-cleaning the engines of buses from morning till night.

Alexander could not report this child abuse. Alexander could never be critical of a DM’s appointment of an RTC thug. Only years later after the RTC REP blew and was declared, did Alexander feel "safe" telling me about the incident.

Alexander did not feel safe for many years in sharing how he was abused and harmed. When a felony was committed on him, he was ordered to not speak about.   This is symptomatic of the single biggest problem inside of the cult: David Miscavige may never be spoken of negatively in any session. Scientologists who have experienced "adversarial auditing" (the auditor challenging or being hostile to the pc and so on) leave and seek the freedom of old-school auditing in the Independent community.

Written by Karen de la Carriere


+6 # Ron Matlock 2011-05-29 02:17
The problem is even more insidious than what is described here. Last year my wife was ordered to AOLA for sec checking because she had merely expressed doubts about the Golden Age of Tech and the Ideal Org strategy. In other words, she was making UNAUTHORIZED OBSERVATIONS and thinking UNAUTHORIZED THOUGHTS. Thank God she woke up and left the church instead of getting into the clutches of AOLA.

David Miscavige is like the creepy villain in 1984: its not enough for people to obey him, he wants to control people's hearts, minds and souls. And too often he apparently accomplishes that.

I truly believe that there are no limits to the tortures that Miscavige would inflict on people if there were no legal bounds on his behavior.
+6 # McGins 2011-05-29 14:16
Karen - spot on.
Ron - I had a similar experience to your wife's. Almost exactly 2 years ago I reconnected with some old ex-SO friends of mine on Facebook. What I was learning from them was really waking me up but I was freaking out. I was still on public org lines in Sacramento at the time. In July of '09, AOLA had a tour in SAC and I ended up getting interviewed, and of course what I was finding out from my old ex-SO friends on Facebook came up. I was very heavily pressed by the reg McKinstry and the Snr C/S M. Butterworth to come to AOLA for a PTS handling. On top of this I was also being very heavily regged for more auditing. I snapped. Refused to go back into the org, refused to go to LA. When I told my OT 8 FSM what was going on with me and what I knew and felt about DM (having personally met/worked with him at Gold) I was posthaste turned over to the local HCO, slapped with a non enturbulation order and in short order received a mockery of a comm ev. I had also co-incidently been paying toward an OT Debug at the Freewinds and was due to arrive at the ship around the beginning of Aug '09. I break out into a sweat thinking how close I came to being caught on the ship, unable to leave, with a passport in the hands of the Port Captain!
+6 # Jack Airey 2011-05-29 09:04

RTC has allowed the fox to guard the hen house. From my perspective what you currently have left in the Church of Scientology is a hen house full of terrified, confused and very tame chickens.

THE SOLUTION IS SIMPLE: Get rid of the fox.
+5 # OTB 2011-05-29 09:21
Spot on. In fact, to add to yours, sec checks for Int were mostly focused on determining if one was anti-DM, and designed to introvert one to never say or think a bad thought about him. It's so old school. Hitler did the same with his internal police, Stalin did it, and on down the track. DM is just another in a series of SPs - parading around because no one within the organization has the mojo to step up to the plate and tell him to take a hike. He's effectively intimidated everyone below him. Pathetic - he's nothing. He roars, but he can't bite.
+3 # Fat Freddy 2011-05-29 09:36
I am sure the cock (DM) and his chicken shack disappear soon. Glad to see that your statistic of online visitors, quadrupled since oktober 2010. Well done keep going.
+1 # Mirnaminkoff 2011-05-29 10:54
I understand what your saying about any determination of DM as an SP or PTS being verboten - or even any questioning of his leadership. Was the same true of LRH? Were members allowed to question or crticisize his leadership or decisions? It may just be another example of DM trying to totally takeover the role of LRH.
+6 # Jeff 2011-05-29 12:04
Karen, an excellent and damning summary of the current state of the Church of Scientology. It has become a cult, with a narcissistic and sociopathic leader.
+2 # ed 2011-05-29 12:27
Wrong. DM is a warrior. Trouble is he is not a Scientologist, by the definition of scientology. DM is a Corporate Raider, and a bully, and probably psychotic. But he is a warrior, and a dammed good one. Proof: he kicked everybody's ass, and he is perfectly willing and able to kick some more. True, he produces nothing of value to sane people, but that does not make him "nothing".
+4 # Laurels 2011-05-30 00:02
Quoting ed:
and he is perfectly willing and able to kick some more. True, he produces nothing of value to sane people, but that does not make him "nothing".

No, it makes him a kicking donkey and an impostor. OK. Let's admire that. Even serial killers are something. And DM is killing -- without blood or bruises. But the evidence is there.
+7 # Bluebonnet 2011-05-29 12:58
I am so sorry this happened to your son.

As for the auditing, I recently had some in the Independent field. It was really weird. I could talk about anything, I wasn't told I my answers were wrong, I got the auditing without a month or more of waiting, I didn't get regged for donations while waiting for a non-existent session. Lots of other such things went on. The auditor was talking to me not watching the meter to see if the fn went three swings. Like I said, weird.
I can and have even recommended it for others.
+5 # Windhorse 2011-05-29 13:29
Dearest Karen,

It's heartbreaking to hear again the story of Alexander. This type of child abuse sadly happens all too often to children in the sea org, including sexual abuse.

The scars are deep.

I will continue to hold Alexander and all abused children and adults in my buddhist "prayers" ---

My all beings be free from suffering.

+6 # Mark Fisher 2011-05-29 13:48
Karen, you speak the truth here in an excellent article. I was there at the begining and left early on when I could see the writing on the wall- that DM had taken over complete control of Scientology - and there was no way to affect change from inside. I needed my sanity back. He has ruined what was a good thing at one time. The only hope for anyone is on the outside where you can get the compassion and understanding that is needed to help yourself and others.
+7 # Nancy Many 2011-05-29 14:20
I am trained in the OEC/FEBC, PR, Data Series Evaluator, trained iand interned when LRH was only one approving Evals.

DM has taken every bit of LRH's ideals and turned them inside
out. He is doing the opposite of all that was the ideal vision
of LRH.

Black Dianetics indeed, but also could DM be turning the inside of Scn to Black Magick, with the "Do as Though WILL"
Motto?? David Miscavige is certainly doing as he wills.

How long can this keep going on?

What actions can we do?

nancy many
+5 # RJ 2011-05-29 17:31

Miscavige may have support from his legal team and as I suspect his "friends" in Government but more and more as each day passes he has less support from the average Scientologist who are for most part *Social* personalities which comprise 80% of the population.

Meaning his support comes from the minority of hard core 2 1/2%ers (like himself) or the deluded and *PTS* 20% who are so wrapped in wool or too drunk with Koolaid to see what is going on and the completely and woefully ignorant.

Soon the PTS will soon be allowed to have their item and will realize their source of suppression and we can hope that the woefully ignorant will wise up which seems to be case.

Day by day.

In other words the clock is ticking on David Miscavige and as Ron says in Essay on Management and he is about to explode.
+5 # Laurels 2011-05-30 00:07
Quoting RJ:

Miscavige may have support from his legal team and as I suspect his "friends" in Government ...

Any "friends" Miscavige has in the government would be in the corrupt minority. His corruption is decaying. Rotting. It can be no other way. Physics. Truth. Miscavige is probably being pumped and suckered for money by Private Investigators -- the thing is when you BUY people, they can also be BOUGHT by the other side.Miscavige is surrounded by people as two faced as he is.
+4 # Fat Freddy 2011-05-30 10:43
There is some truth in your statement and also hope. If you evaluate history of man and all his useless wars, it was´nt clever to try to fight or conquer a fortress. Sun Tse warned of it 2500 years ago. Its exhausting and expensive and it has never been successful.Even Troja was conquered with a clever deceit
after 10 years of siege.

The Germans have been fighting 500 years
against the fortress "Rome". They won battles yes but finally rome died because of internal conspiracy.Treason and 1.1 developed and their administrative System broke down.

If you ask me, SCN as an Organisation will not be defeated from outside. Its a fortress. But it will probably die because more and more members blow, influenced by indies or not. It does not matter. Even the most brainwashed fool will one day be fed up because DM is going to walk all over him.
+6 # ΘTater/GaryLerner 2011-05-29 18:31

What is there to say about David Miscavige? He is a WHOLE TRACK SUPRESSIVE PERSON!! And I mean that! What he has done and continues to do to LRH's Tech and to the very people that LRH loved and entrusted to continue the saving of this planet is TOTAL TREASON on everyone (Scientologists or not). Karen's dedication to help us all and LRH is a fact.

A person's value is measured by their deeds and accomplishments. Davey is batting ZEROS!!!!!!! And anyone still under his control (whether public or staff) in the Corporate Church, knows that if they were lucky enough to have been audited or trained by someone with real TR's and ARC, there is NO COMPARISON.

How do you clear a planet? LRH's Tech said make auditors. DM's Reverse/Black Tech says make buildings! DM's solution is to make more vacuums (i.e. empty buildings). They only thing they have done is to suck money from your wallets.

If you have any reality on what the OT Levels (per LRH's Tech and discoveries), deal with you will KNOW without hesitation that "mixing" the Grades, Objectives, TR's, FPRD and L's together at the whim of DM's "Executive C/Sing" is extremely damaging to a being's handling of his whole track.

Imagine cross-auditing (auditing one thing in session and leaving it hanging due to DM's "3 Swings F/N") and then going to do let's say Objectives (that you did already before your OT Levels) and you happen to run into that "hung up" item from your other sessions in solo auditing while you were instructed to do the Objectives or some other action? You wonder why so many pc's/pre-ots have no case gain or worse.

The CRAP that David Miscaivge is getting away with is CRIMINAL. I'm not just saying this for some posting verbiage, I'm saying it because there is written proof and the proof of eye witnesses.

In my heart of hearts, David, you are a FUCKING BASTARD!! (This is not a reflection on his mother, Loretta Miscavige that I knew personally.)

ARC, Gary
+5 # Sinar 2011-05-29 18:31
Thanks for a the comprehensive and accurate assessment of COBullshit RTC, with finance irregularities & excessive benefits backed up by RTC covered in your other posts.

Alexander's saga is very saddening, it is more so in light that Black, reverse Scn is still applied to him so he doesn't see the source of, and SP behind it. Similarly, quite a few of the kids growing up in the SO like Alexander are now out. At least they do recognize that being out (in the insane wog world) is more saner than being "in".

Most unfortunate is that the Justice system does recognize abuses as such and gives the Cult cover under "ministerial exemption" being unwilling to duke with the high priced litigious Moniques of the cult.

You mentioned: "Never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain."

DM's standard practice is to announce data obviously from PC folders to the entire Int Base during base wide briefings or published in Freedom Magazine. That's just a tiny bit more than just divulging.
+6 # Roy 2011-05-29 18:39
So many misdeeds, so much hate from one person affects so many. Contrary facts include one outpoint of willing people who joined a "religious enterprise" because they wanted to help LRH yet are condemned and stripped of their beliefs and excommunicated by one being or condemned to ferrying the misdeeds in another way. And so repetitive over time.

Thanks so very much Karen for your valid and heartfelt viewpoint. What can we do? Confront the evil and carry on with the delivery of the real technology. We will win in the long run.
+4 # thetagal 2011-05-29 18:44
Legally, a Board of a Corporation has to have records, and must have meetings.

Isn't that fraud to run a Corporation of any kind without Board meetings and records?

I wish I understood better the laws--a non-profit organization would still have to turn in a tax report would they not, even if they aren't required to pay taxes?

I have a difficulty understanding when there are so many misdemeanors and possible crimes why David Miscavige hasn't been arrested.
+4 # Laurels 2011-05-30 00:16
This is an excellent article. Eloquent and to the point. Karen summarizes the situation plaguing the Cult: 1. impossible to correct from the inside (which is why so many finally leave) 2. the entirety of Scientology has been restructured to serve and protect a shrewd little shrimp. #2 includes the very product the corporation is selling, i.e., auditing, is nothing more than a money maker giving just enough "gain" to keep people putting $ into the coffer.

The abuse going on inside Scientology Inc. with children is heinous -- children who have no safe point, nothing else with which to compare the degradation to which they are subjected.

This article also gave me a good grasp on how RTC became the oppressive parasite controller of the Sea Org. It's not about "help" -- it's about Conquest.

But the little caesar Miscavige has traitors around him. It is inevitable when one hires sleaze. If he is a "warior" as someone said, he is one without cahones and courage. He is a cheating coward. Two bit, propped up by the work of a great man and faithful dominated sheeple.

Thank you for a great article!
+4 # Karen#1 2011-05-30 15:02
Laurels ~~

Thank you. These issues of RTC conduct and abuse is because they consider themselves ABOVE the LAW.
We are talking about an RTC Sea Org Member as an ENABLER of DM and his atrocities.
An RTC member can send someone to the RPF on demand.
No justice system, not even internally.
What occurs in the RPF is human abuse.
There is no contact permitted to the outside world, not even to other members within the Sea Org !
Speaking up can immediately send the victim into the gruesome RPF's RPF with unspeakable grimy unhealthy Rat's Alley type work 16 hours a day on less sleep ~~

It is absolutely nonsense that ALL RPFers are there willingly.
That alone is FELONY KIDNAP.

The CULT continues to thumb its nose at the Law while protecting and covering up Rape, Molestation and other crimes OVER and OVER and OVER again.

All Sea Org members and Staff members agree to use internal policy as senior policy.
To trump the Laws of the Land.
The "Scientology Justice system" supersedes State and Federal Laws.

Hence the world "CRIMINAL" is more and more associated with the CULTS murky deeds carefully covered up.
+3 # Karen#1 2011-05-30 15:47
I am aware of a CULT devised "WAIVER" an RPFer is enforced to sign to say they are "willingly" doing the RPF Gulag.

Piece of Lawyer engineered hogwash to cover their ass.
+4 # Howard Roark 2011-05-31 13:45
Karen, this is a vital post and your comment replies are excellent as well. We are all fortunate that you are documenting this all out in the open where, with a bit of luck and good fortune, it will lead inquisitive individuals from the U.S. Federal Justice System to look deeper down the rabbit hole.

While we were enjoying Memorial Day barbecues yesterday, there were individuals who suffered in the slave labor camps in California and Florida. Each of these people had parents and friends that loved them. Many of them are our own loved ones.

I am not so optimistic. The enemy is well funded and well armed. Their power of reasoning has been stolen by Korean POW-like tactics. It is not an accident - this has been carefully orchestrated. They (Miscavige and the RTC) will not go off into the night quietly.

There is another Waco or Jonestown incident coming.
+5 # Trey Lotz 2011-05-30 02:48
DM has given himself a new title:

"He who must not be named"

Christians also have a character with that title.
They don't like to say the name 'Satan' out loud.
+4 # Joe Pendleton 2011-05-30 05:15
Thanks Karen for sending me an email advising me of your post.

Of course, all the abuses and violations have been SUCH a waste of time for all of us who have dedicated decades of work towards the expansion of Scientology. As I recently expressed on Marty's website - as for the present time, I think it is best for the abuses to continue and for the CofS to go under (my estimate is 40 years more, which is still kind of quick historically). A religious institution which decides it can control every aspect of your life and know everything about you to that end, is rife for the kind of abuses and takeover such as in the current CofS. That structure needs to come down. I know now that religion is best in small groups that foster understanding and compassion. LRH's life work can still have a bright future if it goes forward in small independant groups.
+4 # Kirsi 2011-05-30 09:39
Sanctity of a session inside the Miscavige's cult? One Class XII Auditor named Bruce Glushakov, whom you may have known, wanted to leave the Sea Org. It was a huge flap and his handling was dictated by the Flag Land Base RTC Representative Jon. Bruce was being Sec Checked by OSA Int Auditor Mick who was under a t-r-e-m-e-n-d-e-o-u-s pressure to 'salvage' Bruce and get him to route into the RPF instead of leaving and if Mick would fail in his task, HE would be sent to the RPF in lieu of Bruce. Detailed daily reports of the sessions were reported to this RTC Rep to 'discover Bruce's crimes' and should he end up leaving, use as 'evidence' that Bruce had been no good, a rotten boy during his decades of service with the church. Bruce ended up leaving, Mick's punishment is anyone's guess.

One Flag Land Base Security Guard was getting auditing and it so happened he announced an intention to 'kill COB'. This staff member was promptly shipped from Clearwater Florida to Los Angeles (David Miscavige was in CW at this time) for punishment called the RPF. There was no intention to 'rehabilitate' and 'graduate' him from the RPF, he did try his darnest, but by the third time through the program (he was kept being sent back to the beginning of the program) he gave up and left. I can well remember his wife's sorrow when she learned about this.

Karen, I also well remember Alexander, your son. I was very fond of him, very fond indeed. You describe the moment with RTC Rep bullying Alexander and I cringe. We also have the 'felony' incident involving your son..., yes, may the truth be told about that.

I stayed as long as I did in the Sea Org for the benefit of the doubt. I thought well, let's see if there really is this huge blind spot in me from which I can not confront my own profound out-ethics thus needing severe intervention to come to my senses. After 2.5 years in the 'rehabilitation' I found...tadaaa...that the opposite was true. The more I looked (in session) the more fond I came of myself :) There, David Miscavige, goes your theory of 'you are all bunch of crims and out to destroy me'.

Karen, I am so proud of you. What you say here in this article rings very true. And add a bonus - I feel as if I had a session!! I can say what the f#§k I want with no fear of consequences!!!!
+4 # Penny Krieger 2011-05-30 10:10
Excellent article Karen.

Much of what has occurred in the Sea Org and the RPF is horrifying, criminal and heartbreaking considering 99% of the staff joined that group to help their fellow man and promote spiritual freedom. The game has been completely inverted and Corporate Scientology in it's current state is nothing more than a viscous cult that breaks up family's, steals peoples hard earned money in the name of help and betrays the trust of loyal followers, all who have sacrificed much.
To those of you that are uninformed, the tech is alive and well in the Independent field!
I will celebrate with joyous exhilaration when all of this suppression comes to an end. I feel that will be sooner than later as the shell is beginning to crack as evidenced by the recent arrest of Jan Eastgate!

Scientologist charged with perverting course of justice - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
+4 # Grasshopper 2011-05-30 10:48
Karen - let us hope and pray that Alexander will wake up, and that Heber will join us in the effort to save Scientology. Heber especially has worked to hard and too long to be locked down.

By considering DM as part of the "List One" in the List One R/Ser category, the church is effectively driving out every person who truly names the correct SP! Is it no wonder the Independent field is growing leaps and bounds?
+3 # Terril Park 2011-05-30 12:50
Excellent hard hitting article. :)

I recall many years ago on first coming to the net I compared the current Church as
similar to China under Mao. Everyone was afraid to speak openly, unless they were very close, in fear of being reported for being one of the many possible classes of enemy. Don't think they had as many of those as CO$ though.

There was " Splittest" and " class enemy" and some others I've forgotten.

My girlfriend of the time was one of the first allowed from China to study abroad. She became a very well known author.
+3 # Howard Roark 2011-05-31 12:56
It will be interesting to see how “cold chrome steel” fares in a U.S. Federal criminal courtroom when these people are facing Federal criminal charges.

Miscavige may be the “who” but he is not alone. He has a cabal around him that keeps him propped up and they go by the name of the RTC. Miscavige is not the one who shows up at your home at 11PM demanding more money. That is the tax/tithe Division, known as the IAS or International Association of Scientologists.

Miscavige is not the one who aggressively recruits your child behind your back to become a slave puppet in one of the Sea Organization work camps, or heaven forbid if one of them takes a “liking” to your child.

Miscavige is not the one forcibly dragging the female Sea Org member against her will, who is clutching the pay phone she just used to call 911 from, off to the Gulag in Hemet or in the basement of the campus at Sunset and L Ron Hubbard way in Los Angeles.

One cannot grant them one inch of space. These criminals use L Ron Hubbard’s technology in reverse to usurp the minds of the very people who discover the miracle of Scientology and commit themselves to saving the world.

Miscavige, his RTC and their supporters are criminals of the highest order. They want your money. All of it.

They want your labor, preferably for free as a slave in the Sea Organization, but if you are a *degraded being* who doesn’t qualify they will take you on staff at one of their empty orgs.

They want your friends.

They want your children.

It’s that simple.
+2 # thetagal 2011-05-31 17:34
Hi, re: savescientology.com I'm not sure that the information is correct. I have read the bylaws of the CST. The CST owns all the copyrights, and the RTC is licensed to use them The RTC lets the COS "rent" or "lease" the materials.
# VaD 2011-06-01 12:14
To me, David Miscavige is a Colossus with feet of clay.

Some make a Collossus out of him. - So he (DM) looks like Colossus. - He's Not!

Treat him as a "baby who doesn't know what he's doing", and he will become one (for you and your community).

He's not a "Source". Not an originator. He's just a follower. - Follower of what's been written before him to the dot.

My view.
+1 # VaD 2011-06-01 14:32
According to Scientology, David Miscavige is never a criminal.

He goes by "religious scriptures" (i.e. what Hubbard said - no matter how contradictory, criminal, and wild it looks to people and society and law).

Miscavige has operated on Hubbard's policies. - It always worked. For him, on you, on others.

I'm sorry but it's Hubbard's "scriptures" that allowed Miscavige to come to and hold that power he's been having. - It's not his self-proclaimed "OTness" (or whatever)

My advice: collect all the evidence and bring him to Justice ("Laws of the land" as they called in Scientology)
+4 # Thoughtful 2011-06-01 16:17
VaD, I appreciate your comment, however DM does not operate on Hubbard's policies. LRH was not perfect — he was a man just like me and you and we all have our faults — remember that. But many of the things DM does utterly contradict what LRH said. For example, the IAS is a squirrel group. "International events" were outlawed by LRH in 1978. LRH allowed Sea Org members to have children and he did not force women to have abortions. LRH let people leave when they wanted to and did not automatically declare them. In fact, LRH canceled the disconnection policy after only 3 years because it was destructive. I could go on and on.

To say that DM follows LRH is simply accepting and forwarding DM's own smoke screen. And there's a reason that smoke smells like rotten, stinking, burning garbage. DM is a total liar who has been throwing LRH under the bus for 30 years — he blames every criminal, corrupt action he does by saying "LRH said to do it." It's for the most part, TOTAL bullshit.

Again, I appreciate that you despise DM and we are certainly together on that. But any technology can be used for good or evil. That's the nature of life. Just because a criminal uses cell phones to arrange drug deals is no reason to condemn cell phones. The target is not actually the philosophy — the target is criminality. Criminal actions are observably wrong and need to be labeled as such. Then you simply avoid condemning whole subjects, like Scientology, which have real value but are being twisted by an evil man to destroy people's lives.

+2 # VaD 2011-06-01 14:57
If you compare it to a game of chess, David Miscavige is NOT a King. Has never been.

His role has always been being a Queen.

Some of us agreed to be pawns in that game. Some still are.

Some still do well as rooks, knights, and bishops.

And some prefer not to be in that game (which is good! - since the game is for fools)
+5 # tania 2011-06-01 15:30
Karen - that was one hell of an article and we want to really thank you so much as it blew a lot of charge with all those facts and right indications !!!

As for that rtc (small letters used to signify it's unimportance)rep. You know my aunt thinks she bumped into that chap back in about 1995 when he was walking around Flag and the motels in the area. This fellow was about 5'9", had brown hair, and was about 160 lbs. He would walk up to anyone, staff or public, straight 2.0, and put his face right up to the person (or in his mind - "suspect") about 1" away and start purposely introverting the individual with antago questions or remarks. And totally uncalled for non sequitor each time. This was his "stat" for the day.

When she told my uncle he cognited that this behaviour was totally pre rehearsed
and drilled by some psychotic rogue element that had gotten into the church. But he did say that if HE ever bumped into this psychotic chap himself, that he would knock him right on his ass and then pounce on him in order to exert enough of a reality adjustment to convey the idea that he didn't belong in our church. And go bye bye. Thank god he's gone, and my uncle did not have to pulverize him. Might have scraped his knuckles.
+3 # Thoughtful 2011-06-01 16:06
Boy, your uncle really had the right idea. All rtc behavior is drilled in by Miscavige.
+3 # Karen#1 2011-06-01 20:48
Thank you. I had no idea this was the "RTC REP's" Modus Operandi.

Just another whacko appointed to "RTC" to throw his weight around.

It seems "Office of COB" only recruits whackos, sadistic abusers and "SPs" to RTC.
Did you know that Miscavige has declared most of RTC as SPs ? and most of the top INT Execs ?

Ray Mithoff DM declared SP.
Marc Yager DM declared SP.
Marc Ingber DM declared SP.
Heber Jentzsch DM declared SP.
Norman Starkey DM declared SP.
Janet Light DM declared SP.

etc etc etc.

There is a new invention of "TYPE" of SP
Miscavige created


This means that all the battered and abused execs at INT must KNOW that they are PROVISIONAL SP.

And they had better work slavishly for every whim of Miscavige

will become "PERMANENT SP."

You can't make this stuff up !
+3 # Kinga 2011-06-07 10:55
Hi, I knew Alexandre, we called him Alex, I was working as well in the FH in the same department with him. He was most of the time upset, he said many times he would like to go back to his dad, and he was very proud of his dad. Every day he would mention Heber and that he will sea him soon. He was allways in trouble, however he haven´t done anything wrong, did his job good. When he was gone we were happy that he finally is back to his family, not knowing the sad truth. I am happy that he is out, but sorry for Heber.
+4 # Karen#1 2011-06-08 11:54
Thank you Kinga.
Even though Heber is in his twilight years, he has been "permitted" to see Alexander all but 2x in some 8 years.
It was this one sole fact that made me realize something was very wrong.
I experienced my son's pain at no call for his Birthday from Heber, not Christmas with Heber, no parenting from Heber.
Because a sadistic punk, a reptilian predator called David Miscavige holds a few hundred people in lockdown at Gold Base under the pretense of "Religion."
Heber is under lockdown.
Heber has been been beaten, punched and abused by Miscagive, who hates him.
Thank you for your poignant comments of Alexander when orphaned at Flag for slave labor with no parents.
Read more on Heber here ~~
+4 # IrishGuy 2011-09-05 10:21
Has anyone tried to distribute a "Freedom" mag detailing David Miscavige's crimes? Distribute it everywhere.

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