Home Debbie Cook - 45 Days in the Hole
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Sunday, 07 March 2010 00:21

hands-barThe level of sadism DM had sunk to since my departure after four days into the Hole in Feb 2004 are enough to boggle any civilized mind. Not only did all of International Management (CMO INT and Exec Strata), and then CO FSO, but also the by-then holed CO FCB (Kirsti Wilhere), and President CSI (Heber Jenzscth – yes, the 75 year old plus several decade face of Scientology) were subjected to these inhumanities.

In the middle of summer 2007, when local temperature regularly rises well above 110 degrees, DM ordered the electricity in the Hole to be cut off for many days at a time.  DM also ordered that the penniless Hole prisoners pay for their own food. What they paid for was, as one survivor described it,  ”slop” or like “gruel” Oliver Twist style.  For breakfast it was only oatmeal, and all other meals were slop. Everybody had to wait in line and pay before eating. There were more than one hundred people there.

The same Korean brainwashing technique of physically forcing Holers to give confessions to the group were still going on daily; a practice DM instituted in 1998, and intensified in late 2003. Remember again, this is mid 2007.

In order to add insult to injury, DM had U Haul trucks pull up outside, and U Haul boxes brought in to let all participants know he was serious with his threats, “I’m going offload all of you.” I am sure most would gladly have been offloaded, but after several years of mind torture they no doubt understood there was no way out.

On many occasions the Holee’s were ordered to run a few hundred yards to the Cine Conference room where DM held court during event preparations.  He would interrupt whatever he was doing to go out to the front lawn where the Holees had to stand for high volume toastings and severe degradation adjustments. They had to stand at attention for receipt of long, profanity laced dress downs of some or all of them depending on his mood.

One day DM announced to the assembled in the Hole that Marc Yager (one time CO CMO INT/WDC Chairman) and Guillaume Lesevre (one time ED INT) were homosexual and were engaged in a gay relationship. To those who have read my full blog and Scientology-cult.com you’d know that by that time, DM had been alleging this to the entire crew for ten years.  But, for Debbie, Kristie (exCO FCB) and Heber, it was news.

Debbie was there when DM announced that Tom Cruise would come the next day to “punch you guys out” if the one hundred Holee’s failed to get a confession out of Guillaume and Marc.

When DM left Jenny Linsen Devocht, Angie Blankenship, and Lisa Schroer (who were DM’s pets at the time, sort of in charge of the Hole while being Holed themselves) decided that the Holees collectively will “give some people some black eyes before Tom has to.”  Russ Bellin (once CO CST) lead the charge of the bigger and stronger men in the hole who began the beat downs of Yager, Guillaume and Ray Mithoff (once Snr CS INT). The crew battered Marc, Guillaume and Ray. In the psychotic frenzy even Norman Starkey and Heber sustained some collateral damage.  Debbie  managed not to participate in the carnage.

When DM returned for a report, Lisa Schroer (who remained a DM pet throughout given her position as CO of  Gold, that handles the only product he gives a damn about, Events)  in her inimitable fashion, started embellishing the forced confessions allegedly gotten from Guillaume and Yager while under legally recognized conditions of torture. Lisa dutifully reported that Guillaume and Yager had in fact confessed to having a homosexual relationship.

Debbie tried to correct the report, interjecting that they never really confessed as Lisa was reporting. DM shut her up in a heartbeat. Once DM left, Lisa Schroer , who was a little more in charge of the Hole at the time than Jenny and Angie, briefed the Holees what a treasonous “bitch”  Debbie was for “defending” Marc and Guillaume. She was accused of being “mutual out ruds” for having sided with the victims of torture.  That included loud accusations from Lisa, Angie and Jenny that Debbie “must be a lesbo.”

For the next twelve hours Debbie was made to stand in a large garbage can and face one hundred people screaming at her demanding a confession as to her “homosexual tendancies”.  While this was going on water was poured over her head.  Signs were put around Debbie’s neck, one marked in magic marker “LESBO” while this torture proceeded.  Debbie was repeatedly slapped across the face by other women in the room during the interrogation. Debbie never did break.  And fittingly she was rewarded with what turned out to be a break in another sense of the word.

When I confirmed all of these facts with multiple sources, I knew without a doubt there was no turning back for me.

I well remember the purpose of the Sea Org.

Written by Marty Rathbun



# Alice 2010-03-07 01:08
Thank you, Marty.
I am shocked. I am missing words.
I knew it was bad. I didn't knew it was that bad.
You have my support - write me a mail.
You all, please continue.
+3 # Anonymous 2010-03-07 12:35
Miscavage is criminally insane. Anybody got a problem with that?
# lunamoth 2010-03-08 09:27

I think you're preaching to the choir, Anonymous.
# jamie 2012-07-22 18:07
YES! I have a problem with that...I dont understand why that FREAK isnt locked-up already..How many more members need to die, go missing, b4 someone takes that FREAK down?
# Flourish 2010-03-09 09:58
DM cannot live in this world committing such atrocities and think OSA can continue to portray him as some lilly white great leader. All these people who have left and are speaking out are just "apostates" according to OSA, hahahaha. Yes, OSA whatever you say and you can say Hitler never slaughtered the jews and we'll no more believe you as the liars you are. More and more people are D-PTSing from this engram and realizing that they can actually prosper outsides the confines of DM's convoluted, distorted, twisted translations of how it should be done as written by the Founder.
# Alice 2010-03-10 06:24
"Thus it is plain that the Sea Org has as its primary duty, the preservation and continued proper full use of technology." (FLAG ORDER 3831, 11 September 1981 THE SEA ORG AND STANDARD TECH)
The underscore on "proper" is not by me, but is in the actual issue. (can be sent.)
So factually, it is DM on one side and the Sea Org on the other. People shall take their choice.
# Pareidolius 2010-03-10 11:08
These stories remind me of reading Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang. The megalomaniacal Mao had a loyal officer called Liu Shaoqi who cared deeply about the people of china who were suffering under one of Mao's insane "great leap" programs. He started to speak out agains the failed project and Mao's paranoia kicked in and the purge began. The parallels to Miscavige are chilling and lack only scale to make them complete.

The reprogramming that the Chinese used to use was very similar to what you describe in the Hole. Liu and his heroic wife Wang Guangmei were eventually purged from the party during the cultural revolution along with Deng Xiaoping (the father of modern China as we know it). Once considered Mao's most likely successor, Liu died of medical neglect in filth and degradation. His publicly disgraced wife was rehabilitated after Mao's death and restored to her rightful place in society. She worked tirelessly to help China's poor until her death in 2006.

Though we may disagree about Hubbard's culpability in all this (I see Miscavige as mentally ill and the classic victimizing victim), we do agree that this treatment of good men and women shall not stand in a just world.
# Misha 2010-03-19 20:56
Is there anything that can be done against DM on legal lines? For example, where is Debbie Cook? If she is out, couldn't she go to police and sue somebody or something?
# Songbird 2010-03-20 10:52
Here's the problem with Debbie Cook, Misha. Her husband and her are working as business consultants using LRH tech. Thus, she is unable to comment on these things at this time. That is the pure and simple truth of it.
# Thoughtful 2010-03-20 10:55
You got it Songbird. Her story published here is accurate and true.
# Misha 2010-03-27 11:22
Thank you, Songbird, I understand. It seems to be a serious integrity and Code of Honor break on Debbie's part at first but with a bit of thinking through it seems like a pro-survival thing to do on several dynamics.
# Nathan 2010-03-24 04:56
Was Debbie Cook the Captain FSO once?

Is Guillame still in there?

I trained at Flag in 97 and did 10 yrs on staff so I remember these two.
# bp 2010-04-08 17:59
Nathan... I was at Flag (oot) when you were... yeah, I think it's the same Debbie Cook... she was Captain FSO!
I heard our D of T was also declared.
# Songbird 2010-04-22 12:33
When I first heard about the abuses from watching the videos put out by the SP Times, I thought, okay, this can't be real, it's just too awful. What convinced me of the authenticity of these abuses is when dumbass Tommy Davis accused Marty Rathbun of these same abuses (which Marty had ALREADY freely admitted but with quite of bit of remorse). Tommy also admitted Marty's abuses had been going on for YEARS! That's when I KNEW. Who the hell runs a decent organization and let's ANYBODY, much less upper level management, slap people around? Even MOST non-Scientologists would remove a person like that INSTANTLY, unless of course the head of the organization was a complete WACKO.

I'm just not sure religious organizations by their inherent nature can survive. Even the Pope, who knew priests were abusing children for decades, is just as culpable as the perverts/abusers themselves. And many of those abused Catholics, now adults, are suing their beloved church and winning...So, even if Miscavige never laid a hand on anyone (highly doubtful), he's still just as culpable for knowing about it and letting it continue...

I will resign from the church publicly soon. I have a few cycles to handle first which need my undivided attention. I expect all hell to break loose. Thank god, none of my children or close family members are now part of the C of S...
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-04-22 18:37
I love the way you say "WACKO"! Oh God, you got me laughing. This is a great write up and I look for ward to receiving your resignation for posting on Scientology-cult. You will be amazed at how abruptly life takes off when you cut the million ton anchor chaining you to the bottom of the sea.
# MrTmpa 2010-05-09 14:42
I saw similar stuff in the FSO happening too, the torture was not that crazy but I saw people being thrown to water with clothes on, etc. Thanks for speaking out
-1 # Joanna Iatridou 2010-06-25 01:28
Apart from the attacks and death of Ken Ogger, this ferocious second dynamic malice of DM explains a lot of the nightmare fair-game I am under in the UK. I can't begin to describe here, but well done for this post! Go to my blogs and read about electromagnetic weapons which are used in addition to slander, spying and total freak-out and joker-degrader sabotage.

DM has been payrolling henchmen to destroy my life in a subtle manner 1984-2000 and in a FEROCIOUS manner after that. He ahs connections spreading disinformation and slander within Law Enforcement and national international databases.

There is so much freak-out fair-game that I had to do three blogs, 2 youtube channels and 2 facebook pages just to come to terms.
# Michelle 2012-02-29 12:56
I never knew anything about Scientology and basically thought it was harmless. I have read stories about Tom Cruise but I have never liked him. I do like John Travolta and feel sorry for him.

Anyways I knew nothing about the actual members of the church/cult until now. I am shocked as I read more and more and horrified by these stories. It doesn't seem ethical that this "church" is tax exempt. It is sickening the way long term members are treated. They should be respected and not terrorized.

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