Lana Mitchell, ex-RTC |
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Wednesday, 16 June 2010 15:02 |
Welcome SolaceSince 2005 I have slowly started to gather back friends from past times. Persons, in the same postition as myself (declared SP for leaving the Int base or for no reason whatsoever). Persons who I worked with at Int. Persons, who I love the company of and who I have affinity for. When I first made contact with them, I was full of bypassed-charge. I also had tons of questions. What happened when I left? How did it happen that way? Was there information that I had not been privy to (of course there always is) and I had wanted to somehow get to a point where I could end-cycle on the mess at Int. I wanted to stop the nightmares. I wanted to stop wondering about friends I had lost. The conversations I have had over the last few years have been the best — and I thank each of you (including Marty) who listened as I wrote dissertations and lengthy emails about what had occurred and how things had been so wrong and off-policy. This is where COMMUNITY comes in. I did not always get the answers I was looking for, and sometimes responses were a long time coming — but each one let me rest a little easier and allow me to put my attention on to now and the future, rather than caught up in the past mis-emotion, problems and in-justices. I feel very much part of this community. I have felt that way for many, many months. I have posted under the name of Solace, NOT because I am scared of the force or underhanded techniques of The Church, and NOT because I have connections that would be impinged upon by speaking out (I lost all those connections back in 2005), but because here, where I live, I have been rediscovering my OT abilities and I have been having unprecedented success in life. I simply had the idea that by communicating my collaboration with the community here, it might endanger my happiness on the homefront. In reviewing this, particularly against the quote from LRH that Marty has posted, I can see that through communicating and affirming my affiliation with the Independent Scn Community, it will simply bolster my own ARC and my own power — and there really is no danger. It seems the longer I stay disconnected from The Church of Scientology, the better life becomes and the more I rediscover the real me. By the time I had left I had been pounded down the tone scale and invalidated to the point where my own faith in myself, was at an all-time low. I have been reversing that process over the last number of years and have been rediscovering how I can make my postulates stick, how I can use ARC to improve situations and how the only limiting factor is my own considerations (which I have been identifying and removing). As a result, I would like to announce my independence. My name is Lana Mitchell. I am an ex-Int base staff member of 10 years and a former Sea Org member of 15 years. I worked in CMO Int and then in RTC. I also worked for several years as a cook for DM, and his entourage and celebrity guests until 2003. Some of this journey was good. A lot of it was shockingly terrible. I will not at this time include a long account of how I came to be declared. I am actually over it at this point and feel no need to rewrite it. It would also just enturbulate and upset those who read it — so what it the point? What is important is the fact that I have confirmed for myself, in the last 5 years, the workability of LRH technology, I have confirmed for myself the power of my own postulates, and I have rediscovered that life is theta, exciting and a game. I am currently living at home, in Australia, in a beautiful house my husband and I just built, with 2 lovely baby boys (one 4 years old and one 8 months old) who fill my daily life with theta and enthusiasm. I am very happy here. and I am very happy to state that I am an Independent Scientologist and support this community. If you wish to email me, you can do so at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . OSA — Hi Kirsten (and Vicki)– I am sure you already had me in your little black book, but if not, you can now add me in. It might be a little difficult however to have my phone tapped and have me followed around, as I am live on a large rural block with a driveway of over 1 km and the closest house is almost as far away. Also — we have several large dogs, so you might want to call first befor anyone comes visiting (hee hee!) |
Lana said
It seems the longer I stay disconnected from The Church of Scientology, the better life becomes and the more I rediscover the real me. By the time I had left I had been pounded down the tone scale and invalidated to the point where my own faith in myself, was at an all-time low.
This REALLY resonated with me. I could not have said it better.
Actually INT BASE horror stories, DM horror stories and SP Declare horror stories are very therapeutic and blow charge for this audience.
Please do tell your stories.
War and Peace
Great that you went public and share your theta since this will help getting rid of Miscavige and will strengthen the True Scientologists!
I am very glad for your success in life and that you´ve been true to LRH!
Best to you and your family!
Great to be in comm again out in the open. All the best to you, Mitch, the kids and your OSA handlers!
For readers who don't know what Lana has accomplished down under, her statements about having success in her life using LRH tech are extremely understated. Hopefully, she will share some of these. Let it suffice that she is the very embodiment of what LRH once described in a bulletin "What We Expect of a Scientologist." In it, LRH says he doesn't expect everyone to become an org auditor but to make an impact wherever they are using Scientology. Lana is for sure making a huge impact in her field in Australia. It's actually international in scope and the fact she's done it in only a few years while building a home and starting a family is incredible on more than one level: first, since it shows what a person can accomplish armed with Scn and second as yet another example of DM wasted good and capable people at Int. You hear of successes like Lana's and it simply confirms what a fool DM is when all is said and done.
Well done, Lana!
Dan and Mariette
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