Home Resignations Sea Org Resignation: Chris Guider
Sea Org Resignation: Chris Guider PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 11:57

For many years, Chris Guider was Inspector General MAA RTC, a very senior post. Besides being OT V and a Class IX auditor, Chris is a Scientology Magistrate -- among the most highly trained Ethics staff in the world. Chris was the person who handed me my SP declare when I routed out from the Int base. Now, he too has seen the light and is out. Chris is yet another ex-RTC member who, as a real Scientologist, has come forward to blow the whistle on David Miscavige and his corrupt organization. Chris is also an HSSC, FPRD Aud, and has done OEC Levels 0, 1 and 2. Chris and his wife just had a son. - Thoughtful

24 years ago, I agreed to a billion year contract with the Sea Organization. I knew what I thought this meant: I made my decision out of a quest to help my fellow man, help the planet.

I committed my all to this agreement and the contract I signed. For 24 years I worked; I endeavored to assist this group. I made decisions and took actions to forward this group.

Although many times I was troubled I continued on this course.

For me on a personal level this was a wretched existence and one I wish I never did. The group known as the Sea Org was founded by L. Ron Hubbard but is now run by David Miscavige. Although the group professes a humitarian mission to help mankind, in reality it has become and is a ravenous group that takes and then takes more. Like a cloud of locusts it eats and feeds and will leave nothing.

Pity those that remain trapped inside, subjected to the dictates of a madman.

No spirit of goodness or love is allowed; goodness and love does not exist in this group.

However the most beautiful people I have met abound and not because of this group but because they are.

Dan Koon, in his article entitled "A New Model for Scientology" is right -- where it can be practised in a self-determined fashion and where the wins and gains and technology are free.

Steve Hall is right in his article "Connecting the Dots" -- damn the villain and let's all enjoy life and make it an even better world and use the technology to help whoever and wherever we can.

In April 1986 I joined on, I owed that group nothing then and I owe them nothing now.

I am my own person, I exist, I create, I live independant of that association.

Moving into the future with all of you.

Chris Guider



+2 # Tony DePhillips 2010-09-01 19:24
Thanks Chris for doing so much to help the planet and still having the guts to do the right thing by leaving the "church".

The planet is better off because of your efforts.
+1 # Sinar 2010-09-01 22:08
Great to see you here!

Had a few handlings when we were both in which I didn't care about, but that was the job and I don't feel any rancor or hold anything against you.

Very glad that the cold steel and other BS is gone and that there is just the real: good, truth and love which makes it all great!
# Valkov 2010-09-01 23:06
Welcome Chris!

It is good to see you here.
# Sherb 2010-09-02 01:49
Hi Chris,
I think it was you I met briefly at ANZO and remember a Christmas Party at the AO. They were better times as I recall than a decade or two advanced.
Well done for getting out and plotting a future without the crap. It's tough but hey - so's footy sometimes.
# Jack Airey 2010-09-02 06:34
Hi Chris;

Welcome to the "House of Sanity". Once you decompress, I and I'm sure others would like to hear the rest of your story.

VWD looking not listening.
+1 # freescn.com 2010-09-02 09:56
Congrats Chris!

It's like that scene in The Matrix where Neo wakes up in the 'real world'. It kinda sucks to know the truth, but it *is* the truth and for many (not all!) the truth is what we need and want regardless.

Plus, knowing the right Why and Who can open the door to a handling ;)

+2 # Independent Scientologist 2010-09-02 12:53
I've only been out of the church myself for about 2 months.

The independent community could reall, really use more highly trained tech terminals like yourself.

I hope your basic desire to help others is still intact.
+2 # Jim Logan 2010-09-02 13:41
Wow, what a wild ride this lifetime is!! I'm glad we're on it together and have now made it to where we have. Well done, nice to see you again MacLeod.
+1 # Karen#1 2010-09-02 19:59
It was very nice to meet you and Valeska on the July 4th weekend.
Congratulations also on your beautiful baby.
Thanks for saying it all so well above.
Good job Chris,
# marylee 2010-09-03 16:57
thank you Chris for your information, I just recently got out after hearing Marty Rathbun talk. It was a relief. and to know the tech is out there.
+1 # hadley 2010-09-04 14:13
Thank you Chris for sharing with us your resigination and I hope you can live your life to the full and you can enjoy the freedom now
+1 # Carol 2010-09-05 15:31
Welcome Chris and thank you. I hope to meet you someday.

Love Carol
+2 # Chuck Beatty 2010-09-05 19:10
Hi Chris, I had a question. That night you drove me from the Int RPF (Happy Valley) down to the PAC RPF (where I was transferring to), we stopped in an almost empty parking lot. You got out, walked about 50 meters to a pay phone, leaving me in the small Chevy S10 pickup truck, with my two bags. I wondered if you did that intentionally, so see if I'd blow, while you were on the phone. Since you gave me about 10 minutes, while you did that phone call. I'd like the truth. Was that a prearranged conscious action, giving me the opportunity to blow if I chose to blow, at that moment? I had all my credit cards, IDs, etc. I could have just blown. Was that a conscious action on your part, to allow me that opportunity, at that moment? I have no hard feelings at all towards you, I'm happy for you today. You were a very decent RPF I/C for the Int RPF. You're definitely a good man. Chuck Beatty
Pittsburgh, USA
+1 # Brad Hagemo 2010-09-05 19:38

Your service and sacrifice are appreciated by your true friends. I am glad that you are free once again to help others as you see fit. The wisdom and abilities you have acquired will serve you and yours well as you move forward. Welcome to the bright side.
+1 # Songbird 2010-09-07 11:04
I applaud you, sir! ML, Songbird
+1 # Lex Luther 2010-09-08 03:33
You see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am glad you found the truth.
+1 # Chris Thompson 2010-09-08 09:26
Because each person's experience is unique. After leaving the Church to care for my daughter, I waited 17 years to communicate anything of my own experience in Scientology to others. I surely lived, but that portion of my mind where I was overwhelmed by my experiences with the Church stayed cordoned off until I could take a look and begin to see my experiences from another viewpoint than as a downtrodden Sea Org member. It has taken me another 3 years since then to evolve through a myriad of feelings and attitudes to arrive where I am now. Alone and without support until Aida and Dave Thomas helped me, I floundered and dramatized with illicit behavior until helped by others. To the degree that we help these ex-Scientologists, we speed up this process.
+1 # Nancy Many 2010-09-08 12:30
Many Congrats on finally leaving. We all know how difficult that decision is to make and to walk into an unknown future. But you will find many friends who are ready and willing to help you to decompress and get moving on your brand new life.

+1 # Scooter 2010-09-09 03:26
Nice, mate - glad to hear you are doing (and looking) well and creating a new life for yourself.

If you're ever back in Oz, look me up. Jees, mate - the Dragons are favourites to win the title this year :)
+1 # Marta 2010-09-10 20:49
Hey, Chris! Welcome and congrats on begging the purge of kool-aid drunk in times past. Keep up the purging and enjoy the sunshine of freedom!
+1 # Dave 2010-09-15 22:17
I am so glad that more and more people have left to only start enjoying life. I left in 2001, I couldn't take the two faced, cover your ass, stomp of staff when they're down until they are so down tone they can't see where the SP is. Oh, I had my ideas, but couldn't pin point it as I was getting hit in all sorts of directions. Now so clear and I felt like I went Clear again when I realized where the supression was coming from. AT GOLD BASE! Peroid!
Chris, good to hear you have a family and are now living for real. We've kind of worked together. I did the FULL RPF program for not. But only thing that did come form my time doing the RPF was Clear and training. As I would haev never gotten the chance being a regular staff member/S.O member there.
I sure hope other friends in the S.O. realize that there is another way of life which doesn't have to be so self destuctive, but fun, happier, ALIVE! realy go out an experience life while helping people. I do have a lot more to say, but mainly, Good to know that Chris is doing well and is real.
# Michael 2010-10-16 18:45
Good to see you our Chris where the REAL scientology is and where people can move up the bridge in peace and not invest their life savings or go into debt.

The group that is there now is NOT the group you signed up with. most of them are now in the Freezone.

# David 2010-10-18 16:22
Hi Chris,

I've had a few unpleasant and improper handlings from you but I knew you were just following orders. Personally you were always polite.

I'm happy you are out and have a family.

My best to you.

# Russ W 2010-12-06 18:52
Thanks, Chris. Very happy to see you made it out to where tech and policy can be freely applied, as they were intended. And hey - congratulations to you and your lovely wife on that bright young son! Now THERE'S an F/N for sure.

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