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Sunday, 01 August 2010 19:31

More dirty tricks by the Church of Scientology to silence whistleblowers

In 2007 I proudly left the current regime known as Church of Scientology after 200 hours of research and 33 unanswered questions by my C/S, my auditor, my registrar, and Kathy True of OSA. I told each one of them because they didn’t answer my questions that I felt they had something to hide and for that I could no longer trust this group. I left so peacefully and so overtly that I promise you I confused a few people.

This was the reason I divorced Tina Pace. I no longer wanted to be a part of that cult and she DID. I left Clearwater 2 weeks after we told each other to their face that we were done which was her request.

I haven’t looked back. I moved on. I wanted peace for once in my life. Seriously, when I left and maybe you felt the same thing happen I was divorced not only by my wife but by an entire community (Clearwater Florida) in a FLASH! We all know why this happens. It is wrong what they did if they were actual friends but I am not about to try and plead a case for people who mindlessly dropped me as a friend. This was further evidence that we clearly were NOT friends. So, not being motivated to look back I looked FORWARD and moved to Dallas, Texas which is my hometown. It has been 3 years since I left. I have kept in touch with 2 people – Michelle Blakenship and Jerod Hanson. These were the only 2 who didn’t act like the other sheeple.

Until a few months ago.

Michelle Blakenship calls me one night and asks me if Marty “Rathburn” is my friend on Facebook. I told her yes and why. Michelle did not like this nor did she even try to see my viewpoint and like a good SCN followed her policy and since I couldn’t be handled she disconnected.

How did she find this out and how did this start? I came to find out through my research that Siouxie Boshoff was contacting people giving the similar warnings to the one below which happened 2 weeks ago. She was on staff at Tampa Org which was my former org.


The truth is that I have never been informed by anyone that I was declared or that a declare was in process. In fact, I haven’t done any preceding ethics actions. I also see from the post above that Siouxie is incongruent. Read the whole thing a few times and you will see what I mean.  CB asks her if I was golden rodded and she can’t say affirmatively that it is true. I also have still been communicating with Michelle Blakenship and we were going to try and meet for dinner when she was in Dallas but the plans fell through. So, sorry Siouxie but you were wrong there also.

I responded to Siouxie by contacting her on Facebook to warn her and here’s how that looked:


I chose not to communicate with her after this because I know better. Plus after reading the Power of Ted, I have chosen to not participate in drama. That is all that this really is. Note that I see each of the people who attack me a creator regardless of their persecution. I empathize that they are where they are and that they are in the condition they are in but I am not their rescuer.

I want peace and I do NOT want to hear of anyone else in that group that I used to be a member of committing slander or libel using my name. I am not going to attempt to handle this using their methods which mean nada out here in the real world. I choose to use more effective means such as the LAW. Siouxie Boshoff broke the law. This is clear. Sioxie Boshoff is attempting to damage my reputation.

Further, I do NOT want any communication either written or verbal from anyone associated with the Church of Scientology whether staff member, FSM (field staff member) or parishioner as it is clear I am independent and do not desire a connection with you – PERIOD. I have stated it once before, I am stating it again.

All of us deserve peace. I have just taken some steps toward having it.


Rob Thomas


+6 # Common Smith 2010-08-01 20:12
Siouxie is a kool-aid drinking lunatic who runs a has-been once-successful web design company called Visual Edge Design. She found answers in Scientology which saved her life, all of her comm lines are addicted to the DM-libido and she has no social interaction without the church. Please notify me on this blog if there is further defamation of character and I will unleash what she so energetically hides from her ethics folder.

It's funny that I even read this post and that I happen to have access to her entire life.

Siouxie, you got kicked off staff. Why are you still trying to be on post?
# Rob Thomas 2010-08-02 07:50
Common thank you for having my back. I had no idea about these things. I used to work for her and Grant back when she built out that new building. If there are any more flare ups, rest assured I will contact you and we can air her stuff out. Kicked off staff? Impressive!
+2 # Janette 2010-08-02 08:14
Siouxie and Grant Boshoff just did the same campaign against my husband and I via Facebook... it was even forwarded on the Razzline.

Please contact me personally at
+1 # Brett 2010-08-02 09:14
Thanks Common and Rob. My wife and I were recently the subjects of a libel and defamation of character campaign via Facebook initiated by Boshoff's. Our crime? Being there and communicating with declared SP's. You can contact me at , I will keep your name in confidence.
-2 # Marta 2010-08-01 21:39
Very nicely said.


# John Doe 2010-08-02 09:45
@Rob Thomas,

Thanks for this. Showing some teeth can only help to slow and eventually bring reform to this disconnection policy.


If all that stuff that Common said about you is true, then I guess you can't sue him for libel. Sorry.
# civmar 2010-08-05 00:25
I worked at the same Sea Org org as her mother, whom I will call C.S., just so we both know that I'm not blowin' smoke here, in the early 70's.
At the time she was pregnant with Siouxsie. Whether or not your "accusation" is true, C.S. had clean comm lines, did not have a 1.1 sex flow, did not gossip or talk about sex or drug history to me, nor was she known as a flirt. A couple of years later she came aboard the SO vessel Excalibur (SO Product 0 or RPF, I don'et recall). I was either Bosun or DPF MAA. Some ladies flirted and flowed 2d pics at the crew hoping to have an easy time aboard. C.S., a very attractive lady, did neither. Just did her work and study.
So I guess she left whatever she was far behind when she joined the SO.
# Rob Thomas 2010-08-02 12:32
While Siouxie's action ARE reprehensible, I agree with the post above. Let's not engage in an insult campaign. She needs no help from us right now in this department. The book Four Agreement the author recommends being impeccable with your word. This is good practice.

We are peace, Namaste,

Rob Thomas
+2 # Jubal 2010-08-02 18:14
Only took a little digging to find out her husband spent three years in prison for fraud. This is true. Nice people.
-1 # Rob Thomas 2010-08-02 20:23
Yes this is true. Grant spent time in jail. He told me so when I worked for them.
# Thoughtful 2010-08-02 18:50
Jubal -- Please send the link or any info to document that...
# civmar 2010-08-04 23:53
He was working for a co. in CLW selling gold coins that were advertised as a way to gain wealth but avoid the tax man. The IRS sent in a ringer to get the goods on them for not reporting the sales to IRS or falsifying the records. Something like that. At least 3 were convicted: Grant, the co. owner & the treas sec.
# Jubal 2010-08-02 21:32
Thoughtful, You can start here:

+1 # Songbird 2010-08-08 15:23
Ah, yes, the "Facebook Police", I handle it by warning them, once and only once, that any such attempt to disconnect me from my friends or my friends from me will be handled by my lawyer, since they have so conveniently provided me with written evidence of their slanderous, libelous and criminal actions. I usually get a propitiative response in return and no more hassle. I've had it with this childish behavior...and let the "Facebook Police" know right out of the gate, that my friends and I will no longer tolerate it.

# Rob Thomas 2010-08-11 12:29
Songbird, good job. They know what they are doing is wrong and just need a little reminder every once in a while from the legal world. The best way to take any army down is to take down their soldiers. Therefore, don't try to sue the COS as you don't have enough money. Sue the individual who has done wrong. This is not legal advice, I am not an attorney but I do not it works from experience.
+2 # marylee 2010-09-03 18:06
Amazing, and this goes on all the time..
You can hook up with me on facebook. Same name and email - would be proud to be your friend.
+2 # rick floyd 2010-11-27 16:22
Wow that Siouxie looks crazy. That whole xenu and their version of the orgion of life is a load of crap. I will never pat to see another Tom Cruse or John Travolta movie again.
# Guest 2013-03-12 13:05
Siouxie, I am not sure if you still troll this webpage but you may want to warn David Greenbaum what happens when you go around telling others in Clearwater who know me that I am an SP thus committing libel and WORSE, creating enemies. David, if you are reading this I sent you an email to putting you on notice. Conduct yourself accordingly.

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