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Wednesday, 31 March 2010 02:57

1. I have informed myself, without bias or prejudice or rumor, concerning the actual intentions and activities of David Miscavige. I found his intentions and activities to have resulted in great destruction and harm to the Church of Scientology, its staffs and parishioners, and to the legacy of tech left by LRH.

2. I have examined the statistics of David Miscavige as Chairman of the Board and found that there are thousands of individuals directly and indirectly personally harmed by his actions of corrupting the Tech. There are millions of beings on Earth who have had the benefits of LRH Tech withheld from them as a result of DM’s actions. The repute of LRH, his legacy of tech and that of the C of S have been greatly harmed by his actions. Hundreds of former org staff and SO Members have been driven off by his direct and indirect actions. All the top leadership in the C of S has been undermined and perverted, they have been completely removed from the sight of Scientologists internationally, some have been physically and mentally harmed personally by dm and his minions.
The sane and workable ethics tech of LRH has been twisted and misused by dm and his minions to the detriment of individuals and their dynamics. The C of S internationally has been virtually closed down with orgs empty, staff leaving or being kicked out and parishioners unjustly prevented from receiving the benefits of LRH Tech or given altered versions of LRH Tech. He has diverted the LRH Purpose of Orgs to his personal purpose of making money, by almost any means, withheld funds that would have been used for good purposes, forced in actions on the staff and parishioners to buy huge and expensive real estate that lies empty and unused, causes staff to be grossly underpaid and ruined the financial repute of orgs through massive bills that cannot be paid and left the majority of parishioners in such bad financial shape that they cannot afford to do their Bridge. He promised, but cannot deliver on, further OT Levels as a ruse to forward his personal agenda and has attempted to set himself up as equal to LRH and set his own policy and tech in the place of that of LRH. All this has resulted in across the boards downtrending org stats internationally, which he lies about at international events. One needs to only look to see the lies.

3. I have decided, based on the above, that David Miscavige and all of his adherents should be removed from any and all positions of management, made to be legally responsible for all laws broken (I.e. misuse of funds, abuse, human rights violations, etc), given a chance to redeem themselves or leave the church completely, as they choose.

4. Me and my group are those who are loyal to LRH, work honestly and sincerely to keep his Tech pure and applied correctly and to do everything possible to make and keep the door wide open for people to avail themselves of LRH’s Tech. We do not want or demand beautiful, wasteful premises, but would follow LRH Financial Policies to build good, strong, viable and productive orgs with happy staff and public that are true Islands of Sanity in a troubled world.

5. My stats as a Scn and staff member were thousands of public contacted, helped and moved onto service lines; a disaster averted that would have caused great harm to orgs and public in Italy, created the first on-policy Dept 5 FSO, corrected injustices that resulted in staff and public moving and winning again, correct application of study and ethics tech to juniors that got them winning and productive. My actions, added to the actions of my group, leads to thriving and productive orgs and staffs, delivering standard LRH Technology, which results in good repute for LRH and C of S.

6. I am remaining in the group of Scientologists who are loyal to LRH, who learn and use his Tech correctly, use their positions for the betterment of the group and mankind, not personal gain and who will do everything possible to remove anyone who actively works against LRH and this group. I do not and will not have anything to do with David Miscavige or any of his personal sycophants and remove my support from any person or part of the C of S that allows him to have any control or power over the Technology of LRH, Scientologists, Sea Org Members or churches of Scientology.

7. I am suffering up the conditions in the group of those Scientologists and friends who are actively working to shine the light of honesty and truth upon the true motives and products of dm, for the end product of getting him tried and prosecuted for crimes against humanity and violating the laws of the land by fraudulently taking the donations of parishioners for his own benefit. We do this despite being shunned by family and other Scientologists.

In this way I am announcing that I am an Independent Scientologist removing my support in full from anything connected to David Miscavige and his minions. Nothing in this can be construed to mean that I have any disagreements with LRH, any true LRH Technology be it Ethics, Tech or Admin. I am a true friend of LRH, not a friend of dm who has been pretending to be a leader in Scientology when in fact he is a Suppressive Person intent upon destroying Scientology and perverting the writings of LRH. He and his minions do not deserve my support and so I withdraw it by this announcement.

Eileen Clark: 32 yr Scientologist, 25 yr S.O. Veteran, Friend of LRH



# Boyd H 2010-03-31 05:29
I can see the squirrel gradually diminishing in importance to Scientologists everywhere, and this is important because LRH needs to be able to have the final say on the tech once again. That's not the case in the church right now. Well done Eileen. Another 25 year veteran stands up!
# Virgil Samms 2010-03-31 10:35
Love the doubt formula Ilene. It has conviction in every word. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime - the adventure of putting Scientology back on track.

ML Virg
# Sinar 2010-03-31 14:35
Welcome to the Independents Eileen!

Very glad to see you leaving the Mestology off source group - from another Vet(Ex)SO & LRH friend & ex pers staff.
# jim logan 2010-03-31 15:30
Very well done Doubt. Nice to have another coming up alongside. Man, it's a good day!
# Sharon 2010-03-31 15:59
Bravo Eileen!
# RJ 2010-03-31 17:55
A threat of seeming redundant (something I try to avoid) but can't seem to be avoided.



Glad to have you on our team :-)
# Rebecca 2010-03-31 18:39
My active years in Scientology were from 1969 through 1989.

During those years I got many briefings about how the application of the technology had been denegrated (due to various individuals, none of them LRH), and with each briefing, I was promised that this time there really was "100% standard tech" and all I had to do was sign up and redo whatever it was that had gone amiss.

If it had happened once, I'd be forgiving. If it had happened twice, I'd still be forgiving. If it had happened three times, I'd have wondered but I'd have probably let it slide. But over 20 some-odd years, it happened at least half a dozen times, and ultimately I arrived at the only logical conclusion: it's not possible for the application of "standard technology" to go amiss so often, especially when the primary focus off Scientologist's is the precise delivery of LRH standard technology.

When I finally realized the technology was -- clearly -- no longer standard and/or reliable, I quit. My memory is solid: I hadn't forgotten the prior broken promise of standard tech. If those promises hadn't been broken, we'd still have the same grade chart I learned in 1969 with, perhaps, additions authored solely by LRH. Any changes after his death -- including the "refresher" sec checks -- are unquestionably squirrel. Doubt that and you doubt the whole premise of standard technology AND you're in violation of Keeping Scientology Working.

Excuse me for stepping on your toes: I also wanted Scientology to work. But -- once the little dictator is gone -- who is going to be in charge of deciding what constitutes the true standard technology? And how are the rest of us going to believe him or her?
+1 # helmut Flasch 2010-03-31 19:35
The way I see SCN to progress is that ther wil be 1000's of smal and larger groups - delivering what tey like to deliver.

as in "mission and ethics" PL Ron stateshat groups who deliver good tech and are are basicly ethical will survive to that degree.

You, rebeca will deside who gives you whta auditing or training.
it is - will be you and the book.
trust yourself enough to interprett it the right way - your way --
I am class V and OEC & OT IV and have never appplied another standard !!

in teh end it is us (you for you & me for me) who will have to travel the road !!!

Love Helmut
# Marta 2010-03-31 18:40
Thank you, Eileen. Terrific Doubt write-up. This is the kind of honesty scientology was developed for.

Now, the fun begins again, for real!
# David St Lawrence 2010-03-31 18:47
You will find that life gets better and better as time goes on.

Just being outside the walls of the Church of Miscavige can produce more case gain than you might ever expect.

You are now free to be, do, and have whatever is best for you on all dynamics. The action of publishing your Doubt Formula will unlock your creativity and can restore your zest for life.


If there is anything I can do to assist you, give me a call.

David St Lawrence - Old Auditor
# Lady Lancelot 2010-04-24 00:04
Just wanted to say "Hi". I remember you from Flag in the 1980's. And I heard you had a Mission in Southern California. Glad to hear you are still around. I admired you greatly.
# helmut Flasch 2010-03-31 19:40
Look forward to a trementous increase in energy, happines, & generall stats --

It happend magicly to me and my wife Hellen.

you hav found (again) the freedoom you came to SCN.

love Helmut
# Looking In 2010-03-31 22:21
To those of you who don't know Eileen, we are talking not just a heavy hitter, but someone known and loved by many. And someone who knows what HELP really is. I am still under the radar but shot up into enthusiasm when I read Eileen's announcement. Good job and looking forward to talking to you!
# DragonFly 2010-03-31 22:58
VWD on your doubt write up. I shall be more than happy to sign your Liability. :-) Zana~
# Barney Rubble 2010-03-31 23:21
Wow, impressive indeed.

Do not believe I knew you before, but now I do, hell yes! Good luck.
# Kathy 2010-03-31 23:35
Hi Eileen,

I've been wondering about you for years. Glad you finally made it out.


Ohla! (A wee hint of who I am.)
# Ceileen 2010-04-01 16:19
I see you, Kathy!
Wow. Here we are. Again.
# Ceileen 2010-04-01 01:39
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
Virgil, thanks for your help.

Rebecca, the size of the ARCX is determined by the amount of ARC present before the ARCX. You probably had a great deal of ARC for LRH Tech when you started out. The only thing is, that is not what you got over the years. That, my dear friend, is called out-tech. Fortunately, that is something that LRH provided plenty of tech to handle. You can have what you want. There are auditors who deliver standard LRH Tech. A good one will have you flying in a few minutes. Now, THAT is what LRH intended. THAT is what we are all going to have happening again all over the place. THAT is the only reason we are all here at this site for in the first place. LRH never said it would be easy, so damn the torpedos! Where do you live? Maybe there's an auditor nearby who could help you out. I'm new at this stuff, but I do know that such help does exist in the field.
# just an anon 2010-04-01 10:05
Member of anonymous here:
Glad to see that you are safely away from DM and the cult. Hopefully no one will have to deal with that robber baron in the near future since if you don't bring him down we will. Best of luck to you in the future in all you do.
# Brad Hagemo 2010-04-01 20:29
Congratulations and very well done on standing up for truth and personal integrity. Honest beings like you not only embrace the truth but are comfortable forwarding it in the cause of spiritual freedom.

With each added postulate we firm up the reality of DM's ouster and the reestablisments of LRH's church.
# TRUTH 2010-04-04 01:42
Dear Eileen,

Great doubt condition write up. Thank you! You are honorable and a beautiful thetan.

We are so proud to have you in the Independent team.

One more theta added!!!! :-)
# Ceileen 2010-04-04 16:39
Just a few days ago, I told a friend that "the b---h is back!" I knew that I would be doing something very proactive to take out der midget, just wasn't sure exactly how that would unfold.
Now I know. Heber is coming out and boy! will that be noisy!!! whooohaaaaa!!!

Thanks to all you wonderful beings who have acknowledged my big step forward. Right back at you!

# Lyn 2010-04-08 15:50
Elaine - I'm on the XSO list where people from the S.O. are gathered :-). When Mike Rinder wrote his article about Heber being in the hole there were several people very concerned and wanted to get something going to "free" Heber. But now you say that he's coming out? I read it, but is this true. No, I don't think you are lying - lol!! I mean can you give any details to it? Maybe you'd even like to join the XSO list owned by Mick and talk a little more about it? But, basically, I find your quick statement a "pull" towards wanting to know more :-).

Oh - and I loved your doubt formula!!

Warmly, Lyn
# Ceileen 2010-04-13 00:02
Sorry if I seemed mysterious about Heber. There are things being done which will be evident later.
I'm afraid I upset Mick so won't be talking on his site for now, but I do post here and on Marty's site as well as Jeff's. When there is something to say about Heber, everyone will know about it.
# Guest 2010-04-07 08:08
This is something I posted elsewhere, wanted to share it here, too.

"Jeff and RJ are correct. C of S is, sadly, on the edge of a cliff and the person who took it there is David Miscavige. It is no longer safe or possible to speak out against outnesses in the tech, violations of policy or to question. Look around and you will find that there is other 'truth' than what dm forwards. In my earlier post when I said we were all responsible for what has happened, I was thinking of RESPONSIBILITY, DEFINITION OF HCO PL 2 MAY 85 (also issued as an HCOB, same date and title) "RESPONSIBILITY: THE NONRECOGNITION AND DENIAL OF THE RIGHT OF INTERVENTION BETWEEN ONESELF AND ANY BEING, IDEA, MATTER, ENERGY, SPACE, TIME OR FORM, AND THE ASSUMPTION OF FULL RIGHT OF DETERMINATION OVER IT."
Every day dm makes himself an intervention between Scientologists and LRH, their beliefs and truth by putting forth the idea that you are wrong to question. He cannot do that without agreement. He has only the power he is given. My and others gave him that power for about 30 years. Times have changed.
One becomes 'Responsible' then when you can recognize his intervention and take steps to remove him as such. That is what all independent Scientologists must do to get free of his suppression. One cannot operate in the presence of so much suppression, so we operate outside of it and are then able to be truly effective. Once you remove yourself from the suppressive environment it takes a bit of time to get yourself together. But each of us does, eventually, some sooner than others, but it does happen. That is what dm fears most, because he knows what it means for us all to join together.
A group of fearless individuals is a formidable force and that is what we have become and each day we grow stronger, inexorable and that takes power from dm. That makes me very happy."
# Kris 2010-04-28 13:48
Eileen, I don't normally post stuff online, I have pretty much disconnected myself from Scientology completely, but when I came across your doubt formula, I couldn't help myself. First off, we worked together a couple times in San Francisco on tour, I was at AOLA, and you were on CLO tours. Even though we were on separate tours, our goals were still the same to get people back on the bridge and winning, and you recognized the benefit of working together as a team, and we did, but what impressed me most about you, is you treated me with the upmost respect, granted me so much beingness, and helped me as much as you could, when other terminals were invalidating me, you seemed to be the only one that recognized that I was trying my best, and expressed displeasure on my behalf actually, you stuck up for me as much as you could. I will never forget you for that, I don't think I ever had a chance to say thank you, so thank you. The first tour we worked together went all right, It was the second tour in San Francisco that made me want to route out of the Sea Org, and I don't need to get into details, but I believe step 2 of your formula is applicable. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and let you know I hope you are doing well, you were one of my favorite people I worked with when I was in the SO, and I hope you consider me a friend, and hope you remember me.
# Ceileen 2010-05-01 17:49
Wow, I am blushing from you saying such nice things about me... thank you... :-)
I do remember those tours and times in SFO.
Please email me , as I would love to be in comm directly. I am so sorry to learn that you had such a hard time.
# EMAN - FRANCE 2010-09-01 07:46
Hi Eileen,
Is this you ??? You were on the decks with me in June, July, Aufust, September, October and maybe more 2007.
This is Eman here from France. Great Doubt formula.
# Ceileen 2010-09-29 16:33
Great to hear from you, Eman. Yes, it is definitely me, I left in early Sept 07.
I do hope all is well with you.
Love, Eileen

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