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Thursday, 10 December 2009 11:46

The power of truth is the best weapon that we possess right now against the racket that is currently being pawned off within the Church of Scientology. Scientology is not the racket -- that is the REAL thing. The racket is what David Miscavige and his PR machinery have been churning out since the late 1980s in an attempt to cover up the TRUTH from YOU.

A racket is defined as a dishonest business or practice.

The fastest way to penetrate the veil of PR and untruths being pounded into the heads of Scientologists is to get the real truth. Statistics tell the truth.

Corporations are usually required to issue annual or quarterly reports on their exact production and earnings. It's called P&L or Profit & Loss Statement. You never see those reports. You just see a bunch of events throughout the year that bombard you with fancy graphs - purposely intended to smokescreen the TRUTH that Scientology is actually on the decline.

A little secret for Scientologists who may be wondering what is the truth. SPs and criminals (same thing) cover up using smoke screens, PR, wrong targetting and generalization.

Go into your local org and ask them these questions and don't stop until you get an answer:
1) How many Clears did you make last year?
2) How many Releases did you make last year?
3) How many Cl V auditors did you make last year?
4) How many NEW Scientologists, who are now ON the Bridge, did you make last year?

You have a right to know. You're paying their bills, giving them donations etc. Ask!

Those four questions will cut through ALL the smoke that David Miscavige is pumping out about the "booming Scientology".

The truth is this. If you walk into Denver org, and asked them those questions, you'd probably find out they haven't produced a Clear at that org in years, maybe 4 or 5 releases - if that - for the year, at best ONE CL V auditor - maybe, and 13 new Scientologists.

Go to Portland org and get ready for a shock. No Clears in a decade (probably), no CL V auditors since God was a pup, maybe a release or two and about 4 new Scientologists - maybe.

Do the same with 80% of the orgs and get ready to get very ill at what you hear. The ACTUAL statistics are SHOCKING. Orgs have stopped making Clears and Auditors YEARS ago.

I know, I was at management level for three decades. The truth is that the bulk of all Scientology statistics are made by a handful of orgs (less than 10), whereas most of our Churches and centers are largely empty. Clears are made in AOs these days. Auditors, if they are made, are made largely in a handful of centers, at Flag, that's about it.

The TRUTH is what needs to be exposed here - because the racket that David Miscavige is trying to keep everyone from discovering is that Scientology has been sinking under the waterline since the late 1980s, and all his hype, and PR and coverup is to make sure that people don't find out about it.

You have a right to know the truth. It is YOUR religion. It is YOUR Scientology. David Miscavige does NOT own Scientology. He has NO monopoly on it. Scientology is a body of knowledge that is PUBLIC domain. Those principles are about LIFE - they are NOT corporate property. Otherwise every other science would be owned by someone. Can you imagine - no one can use the principle of gravity because "Newton owns it", or the theory of relativity because "Einstein owns it." Hello!!?

Right now David Miscavige is hiding the truth from YOU. He's telling you that your religion is growing. It is NOT. It is dying and it has been for over two decades. He manipulates, through fear, force and the sheer power of a dictatorial role, the entire Sea Org to make sure that the cover up continues. Those Sea Org members are not to blame. They are largely great people. But they've been cajoled, bought-off, threatened, slammed, invalidated and forced into a mindset that if David Miscavige says it is true, then it is true. You cannot possibly imagine what it is like to live and work in an oppressive environment like that unless you have experienced it, so if you don't believe it, then join the Sea Org and find out for yourself - otherwise - take my word for it, and the word of the other thousands who have left - it is the truth.

Forget about the PR stats being fed to you as a constant diet.

Ask the real questions. Are we making Clears in orgs? Are we making auditors? Are we moving people up the grade chart and making new Scientologists?

The answer is categorically and undeniably - NO. It is less and less - and the rest is called PR.

Go ask those questions of your org. If you can get a straight answer I'll be shocked, but if you can, then you can go outside, have a smoke and swear. And by the way, while we can pin this all on David Miscavige, the TRUTH is that we've all seen the signs and indicators. The empty orgs and the empty academies and the fact that AOs and Flag are pulling all the public in that direction because orgs aren't delivering. So yeah, we can shred DM, and should because he's heading the racket, but you and I and every other Scientologist that has been watching these empty halls in our orgs and then buying the PR at the events and in the magazines - we'll Sir - kick yourself in the pants and start doing something about it because YOU have as much a right to own and use Scientology as David Miscavige does. That's the first truth you have to come to grips with that, and from there, taking on the responsibility gets a whole lot easier.

Now - what are you gonna do? How far you willing to go with this? How about starting by asking those four questions above. Expose the truth. Pass the word along to other Scientologists. Tell others to do the same. Ask them what they found out.

If we can wake up enough Scientologists on this ONE point, those four questions, enough minds can be freed up from the matrix (the false illusion created by David Miscavige) so that people will start to rally for change. When enough truth is exposed, then we can start to as-is this thing and the dynamics of real Scientology will go into play. At that point we'll have a real boom and we won't need any events to tell people about it because the academies will be full, the div 6s will be packed and orgs will be making Clears and Auditors again - just like we used to in the early days. We simply never had time to tell lies or PR because we were too busy servicing all the public with Scientology. And that is the blatant truth!

Written by Outside the Box




+2 # Freedom Fighter 2009-12-10 16:50
Spot on! Absolutely spot on!

I also suggest anyone asking these questions of their Org read (re-reading) HCOPL 8 Feb 1968 Issue I AKH Series 18 STATISTIC RATIONALIZATION so you aren't tempted to accept all of the reasons you will most likely be given for why the above 4 stats are down.

Excellent post, Outside the Box
+2 # RJ 2009-12-10 17:52
Very good points OTB.

Another way to do this without missing any withholds is grab any copy of your favorite org mag that you may have stashed away for a rainy day going back to the mid '80's like 'Auditor' for example and compare the completions (i.e. by that I mean actual Div IV auditor training courses not the Div VI basic courses) then compare it to any current Auditor mag that comes in the mail.

Ignore the 24 point headline type and the hype they now use and count the actual number of major course completions compared to what they were back then. In other words look don't listen to the "Idle Org" PR and how "Scientology has gone through the greatest period of expansion in the last five years then the previous fifty", etc.

You'll find no actual products just hot air and PR. No auditors made. In fact someone from ASHO told me recently "they weren't into making auditors anymore, because they were too busy making 'Scientologists'" as if these things were mutually exclusive.

Yeah, whatever.

Anyway another great post OTB :-)
# OTB 2009-12-11 07:14
RJ - Really good point about the Auditor mag. Org mags are probably the very same - if we compared them now to years back - it would be shocking to see the difference. I remember in my org, back in the 70s, we used to graduate several auditors EACH week at times. AUDITORS!

# bill holbung 2009-12-17 06:57
This site might be of interest to you, and to others in this thread:

# Eldon Braun 2009-12-11 10:53
In comparing the number of course completions at different times, I think you'd have to take into account how many "life improvement" courses have been concocted that never existed back in 1980 or before. Presumably, they're being sold to the same pool of captive Scientology members, not newly recruited "raw meat."
# Jim Logan 2009-12-10 18:56
You're damn straight that's the truth!!!
+1 # Old Auditor 2009-12-11 10:55
You have created one of the most consistently thought-provoking sites of Independent Scientology, but on this occasion I think you have outdone yourselves.

Asking these four questions of any staff member or public will start a chain reaction that will eventually crumble the wall of Not-Knowingness that they have erected around themselves to avoid seeing what is going on.

I do not know if the CofS can be saved as an institution, but there are thousands of us beginning to realize that the future of scientology lies in the hands of Independent Scientologists.

Your website is an important resource for all of us, so I have placed a link on my site.

I have also posted an article to help new arrivals to the world outside the church.

+1 # p. Henry 2009-12-12 22:14
A most excellent post OTB!

I was reading a suggestion elsewhere (I think it was made by "The Pilot") that proposed that when a person receives promo from the church that they write REFORM on the pieces and then send them back in the postage paid envelope provided. After reading your burning questions I believe that writing them on the promo pieces might impinge more.

As I still get a daily avalanche of promo pieces from the church I think I will give it a go.

FYI: Scientologys Stats are Down http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/
+1 # OTB 2009-12-13 06:40
p.Henry. Good idea. That post of Scientology stats endorses what we're saying. Good reference - thanks.
# p. Henry 2009-12-15 15:57
Your Welcome OTB. Heres another good reference as it pertains to church statistics in magazines.

+1 # OTB 2009-12-16 04:32
p.Henry - excellent site you referred to. That gives a clear-cut picture of where David Miscavige has taken Scientology - PURELY on a statistical basis. Shocking.
# Eldon Braun 2009-12-16 04:19
Look what just got leaked: The 2009 LRH Birthday event. It's a major piece of fantasy!
+1 # OTB 2009-12-19 03:52
I worked on some of the earlier event preparations - it was one of the things that convinced me how corrupt upper management had become - because they were looking for anything and everything - ways to show "some" stats that were impressive. The sad part of it is that we could not show the statistics of actual orgs and ACTUAL expansion because it wasn't there. Having worked behind the scenes, I assure you that the hype in those events is stretched and exceeds any concept of actual truth. It's designed to keep the sheep in the pen - nothing more.
+1 # P. Henry 2009-12-22 15:20
This is a good article addressing the church's expansion stats as stated in the recent Impact magazine.


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