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Sunday, 21 August 2011 10:48
I first met Bill Straass in 1984 when I joined staff at the FSO. Bill helped run the largest NOTs HGCs on the planet. I ran the Solo - OT III line, so I saw a lot of Bill and he was a great friend. In 1989, Bill joined Freewinds Crew to become the Mechanics Chief. Bill was in the ship org and was in charge of all things mechanical and kept the Engine Room running and the Freewinds afloat.  - Thoughtful

Bill Straass, Steve Davis, Scott Campbell and K.G. Beall in 1991 on board the Freewinds following a promotion ceremony.

Freewinds: Off purpose, off course

I was in the SO for 23 years, first at FSO and then as the Mechanics Chief Freewinds. I received a bad blood transfusion in 1989 when the ship was in Curacao. This was not spotted until 13 years later in 2002, as the fatigue got worse and worse. By that point, I was more than half dead and was finally diagnosed with AIDS.

Although they knew what was happening, ship personnel did not inform me of the situation nor the reason behind my rapidly declining health. I was simply called up to the  Medical Liaison office with the Captain and Chief Officer there, and told that I was going for further testing to see Dr Denk in LA. To make matters worse, Captain Napier told me not to tell my wife that I was going because "You know how women can be about things like this." I thought WTF? I'm going to go to my cabin now and pack in front of her and then disappear in the morning without telling her? I objected and the Captain said “OK, tell her."

So, in May, 2002 I arrived in LA to see Dr Gene Denk, “for further testing.” When I walked into his office he took one look at me and a shadow passed by his face. “They didn’t tell you, did they?” he asked.

“Tell me what?” was my reply.

Dr Denk told me I needed to go to the AIDS clinic in LA. However, the Freewinds sent me instead to a chiropractor in Sacramento who was not even a licensed medical doctor. The is the equivalent of being sentenced to death.This chiropractor advised me not to take the standard medical treatment as it was “worse than HIV."

For the next 6 months, even while I was dying, my wife was held prisoner on the ship.  She was told by Captain Mike Napier that I “would be dead soon” so she should just end cycle on me. She petitioned ED INT for a 1 year LOA to handle my  situation, my thoughts being that we would both return when I was better. The petition was approved (She sent me a copy with ED INT's signature on it.) The reply of the Chief Engineer to her was "I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE AN APPROVED PETITION FROM COB, THE CAPTAIN WILL NEVER LET YOU GO. I thought WTF? THe ship won't take an order in writing from COB?

Thanks to their brutal opinion of staff members who had dedicated their lives to helping others, that statement became a self-fulfilling prophecy. She finally got off the ship when it was almost too late.

(Speaking of attitude, it was just part of the same suppressive attitude dramatized by the CO CMO Ship who ordered a shipmate of mine to “Get some thugs together and beat up staff members.”  We always thought that that was completely off the rails. But now it seems pretty clear where such ideas were coming from — directly from the top, as in David Miscavige.

Some readers may wonder why I didn’t follow Dr. Denk’s recommendations in the first place. The reason is simple, Sea Org members do not choose their own medical treatment. They have a billion-year contract so death is expected anyway and after 21 years Leave of Absence the idea is to return to duty.

My Fitness Board originally reflected that exact sentiment. It stated that I was granted an extended leave of absence and was to return to duty “as soon as possible next lifetime.” I was told this by the person who wrote the issue. However, someone — probably IJC — removed the “next lifetime” part. In other words they were okay with me dying as long as I agreed to come back later. It was the easiest LOA I received in the SO.

The worst thing about it was not what happened to me. I was willing to die to clear the planet, as is everyone who signs a billion year contract. I lied to protect the church from it’s crimes. My wife called me daily, begging me to do something to get her out of there as she was taking abuse because she would not just let me die as ordered. I went to LA and talked to IJC several times and wrote reports. I even asked the Port Captain Ludwig Alpers if the plan was to hold her there until I was dead. He did not give me an answer but said that he would get back to me. I never heard back from him.

I called him but the receptionist on the Ship had orders not to connect me with anyone aboard except the Chief Officer who never gave me any data, saying it had nothing to do with him. The worst thing about it is that these actions are being committed in the name of LRH who was totally against such actions. This is as cynical as the sign at the gates of the death camp at Aushwitz, which read “And work will set you free.”

Bill Straass and Scott Campbell wrangling a 2-ton crank shaft into the Freewind.

I received a brief review at AOLA at my own expense but they didn’t really want to hear the truth. The MAA made my wife and myself sign agreements that we would not say anything negative about the Sea Org, AOLA or the Freewinds or we would be slapped with a non-enturbulation order.

I was under no ethics action, yet I was told that I could not go to the HGC but would have to wait to be called for session in Dept 3.

I had to push through my own Fitness Board as — why waste the effort on a corpse? During this time I went to talk to IJC in LA as my wife was still being held against her will on the ship.

When the Findings were written they stated that I was ineligible for SO membership "solely for medical reasons" ( I had already spent over half of this lifetime in the SO; a little late to decide that I didn't qualify, and my stats were up for many years.

As an aside, I often did Quartermaster duty at the gangway as well as my own post. For several months around 1998 I was surprised to see that the QM desk had been turned around so the the QM, instead of facing outward to observe external threats to the ship, now faced inward. Obviously, the real threats were now considered to be people on the ship who wanted to leave at any cost, not the anyone who wanted to sneak on board. It had been re-designed obviously to keep people from escaping from the ship.

My last auditor on the ship was Joan Heller. In the last session she got a read on PTP and steered me to the statement that I was dying.

After I was so weak I could not stand up or put my clothes on and was hallucinating (I told my wife that K.G. Beall (a junior of mine on the ship. We called him K.G. Beall because before the fall of the USSR, KGB agents accompanied the Russian ships which were being worked on in the Curacao dry dock and one of the machinists in the dry dock told us that Mr Beall watched them even more closely than the Russians) had brought me an airplane engine to overhaul and I needed to get working on it. My wife told me that she was afraid to go to the store for fear that I would be gone (dead) when she got back. She asked me to give her a little warning before I went so she could be there when I died. I told her that it would be over in about 3 weeks. This was not the answer she was hoping to hear. However in 3 weeks I no longer recognized her. I woke up one morning in horror because I didn't know who this woman was that was in bed with me. I still remembered the SO, and that one would be shot for “out 2D.” I nervously asked her if she was my wife and she said yes.

She called her sister, who is a doctor in San Francisco and she told her to take me to the Emergency Room at UCSD hospital. I finally received the (lethal according to the chiropractor that the ship had sent me to) treatment for HIV and recovered quickly. I have been fine since.

For 10 years I sometimes joked to my shipmates that the only way off the ship was “in a box.”

My personal view is that one would be better off dead than to ask to leave. The few staff who  did successfully "route out" from the Freewinds went through hell. One took two years to get off of the ship. He was threatened with SP declare, etc.

It must be quite an embarrassment to the Captain Mike Napier of the Freewinds to admit that he told my wife that I was going to die and used that to justify holding her there against her will while I was dying. My wife told me that the Captain’s main complaint was that she "split his EC,” meaning that half of his Executive Council said that she should be allowed to go and half said that she should be held there at all cost.

Napier gave it his best shot and failed. So there is nothing else they can do to me.

He actually was right about some things. He knew that I would die before I allowed any harm to come to the ship or Scn. My father could not understand why a loving wife would stay on the ship and leave her husband to die and stated that she must be being held against her will in which case he would call the FBI. Knowing that I would be declared and my wife would get into much trouble if he did so, I lied, telling him that she she was free to leave but wanted to stay and turn over her post. It was only when I repeated this in session that OSA managed to get her off the ship. Had they not done so when they did I would not be writing this post as I would certainly have been dead.

Joan Heller (my last auditor on the Freewinds) now audits for AOLA. One day I happened to run into her in the elevator at AOLA . She walked in and seeing me did a double take… like she’d seen a ghost. I said, “I guess you didn’t expect to see me again.”

“No, I really didn’t,” was her reply.

Bill Straass
Former Mechanics Chief Freewindss



+1 # OTB 2011-08-21 15:37
Once again, the Church of Hypocrisy srikes. Truth is a luxury, if it suits their purpose and if it fits into their universal mantra "the greatest good". Unfortunately, even though DM is the biggest perpetrator of this cancer, there are many others who have joined his camp, and they are just as culpable for these types of crimes against people. Napier used to be a good guy. But don't worry, oppressive regimes ALWAYS fall, leaving it up to the rest of to put the show back on track.
+3 # one of those who see 2011-08-21 15:40
The Church, has so much truth at their fingertips and at the same time is dramatizing some of the worst evil ever on this planet.
In KSW series I, LRH wrote "Thus each one of us can rise above the domination of the bank and then, as a group of freed beings, achieve freedom and reason. It is only the aberrated group, the mob, that is destructive."

Well, here we are the group of freed beings! Bill, I am so glad you are still with us and your wife bravely persisted until she was at your side. What a strong being you are! Thank you for all you have done to help forward the true goals of LRH and Scientology. And thank you for your write up that needs to be read by everyone.

One more LRH quote from Leaving and Leaves HCOPL 7 Dec 1976
"There is no intention of holding on to people who do not want to be where they are."

All the best to you and your wife!
+3 # V.Guider 2011-08-21 20:42
Hi Bill and Alison, I am very happy that you are doing well and alive! I was on the ship when Alison was trying to leave and she was treated like a criminal. She went from being considered a valuable Engineer to being considered a piece of dirt and all because she wanted to be with her husband who was dying. That is really inhumane and heartless. I am so glad that you stuck to what you knew was right and both got out!
+1 # RJ 2011-08-21 16:36

Incredible story Bill.

Seems unbelievable until you run into others with similar stories of how the Church of Scientology has turned into a fascistic totalitarian authoritarian organization.

Not only are they off course but they are in uncharted waters falling off the edge of the Earth where ancient cartographers used to write:

"There be monsters there"

Anyway I'm glad you are doing alright now Bill and that you managed to live through your experience.


+2 # Karen#1 2011-08-21 17:43
Dear Bill ~~
Thank you for coming forward with your story.
I greatly admire your strength and level of endurance.
As posted some images of yourself with Scott Campbell, I wanted to post some excerpts of what Scott posted on Marty's blog~~
Scott was one of the Original crew of Freewinds and served on it 15 years.

Scott Campbell | March 11, 2011 at 1:54 am | Reply

Ask anyone who knows me and was there , I was literally driven to the absolute depths of insanity with Black Dianetics while in the Sea Org. Some of the acts perpetrated on me while in this state were to literally provoke me to commit suicide by the most profoundly heinous means, including a prolonged administration of a deep narcosynthesis drug and another drug that causes retrograde amnesia, both prescribed by scientologist doctors (one of whom did her residency in a psych ward) – all the while with auditors performing actual Black Dianetics processes on me. The Implant/Cave-in to commit suicide was then further facilitated by Sea Org members physically taking me to a place in the dead of night where I could have easily jumped to my death and ended it all, TWICE – with no one the wiser – yet I did not.
2)During the time of my “incarceration” (after routing out of the Sea Org mind you) the first two people assigned to watch me were both Martial Arts experts and Sea Org Members. For any perceived untoward behavior on my part, I was rewarded by one or both of them with painful blows, painful submission holds or even being rendered unconscious by suffocation or choking. They nearly killed me a couple of times, one time so harrowing and on the very edge of death that it raised my necessity level to move the entire machinery of the Sea Org from what was being done to getting those guys out of there and getting a standard PAB 6 handling.

Immediately afterward, one of those guys became COB’s personal bodyguard. The other one left the S.O. not long after.

Scott told me that the mixture of chloral hydrate and another psychiatric drug could have caused him permanent brain damage if not amnesia which Scott found out through Internet Research.


Bill, if you would like to tell your story on camera in the forthcoming documentary "Knowledge Report" please be in touch with Mark Bunker at

# Scott Campbell 2011-08-23 02:02
Hi Karen,

Actually I only served in the Sea Org for 9 years. From '85 to '94. First on the Ship project. Then on the Freewinds itself.

L, Scott
+1 # Mary McConnell 2011-08-21 21:06
Thanks for sharing your story, Bill Straass. I'm glad you and your wife persisted. The Church of Scientology violated your civil, human and constitutional rights. Right at this very moment, in one or more orgs around the world, one or more Sea Org are being deprived of their rights in an equally degrading and insane manner. I suggest you contact a lawyer experienced in and knowledgeable about Scientology to find out what your options are, if any at this time. Your speaking up can change this treatment and terrible deprivation of care inflicted on SO members. You can have an impact. Your story about how you were treated is one of the worst I've heard or read about. I am so happy you survived this. I do hope all is well for you and your family and that you will continue to speak up more and more.
+1 # one of those who see 2011-08-21 21:54
I read your write up to a friend who does not have access to a computer where he is. He is a poet. Has a beautiful mind. During our discussion I wrote down two quotes from him:
"In Scientology (not the Church), love is a verb."

"The neglect of reason descends into immorality. The neglect of morality descends into violence."
He goes by: Largo Paris 69
+1 # Dan Koon 2011-08-22 01:22
Bill, your story is chilling. What you experienced at the hands of Napier and others aboard is a reflection of the heartlessness of DM. Your story demonstrates clearly that for anyone wishing to leave an org or the SO, the only real alternative one has is simply to BLOW. "Routing out" is simply asking for months or years of trouble. I urge all SO members or org staff reading this who are thinking of leaving to do simply that and just blow. I can tell from my own experience that it is a much cleaner method and has had zero repercussions on me personally. There is really no liability in blowing compared to the alternative as you have so starkly communicated above. Best of luck to you.
+3 # Thoughtful 2011-08-22 08:04
I can personally attest that what you just wrote is good advice, Dan. I routed out from Int. It was an enormous hassle and a total betrayal of trust with long-lasting repercussions.

The way to think about the CoS is the same way you'd think about leaving from a cage with a wild bear in it. You wouldn't "route out properly" because the longer you stay in that cage, the worse you are going to be mauled. And you ARE going to be mauled. That bear is programmed to maul anything that is not a bear. So just getting out IS the ethical and right thing to do.
# Tara 2011-08-26 00:39
Dan, that is an important point - JUST BLOW! Trying to route out just leaves you vulnerable and the victim of evil shit that messes you up worse! Spare yourself the tons of bypassed charge.
You don't have to pay a freeloader's debt and you can get auditing as LRH intended AWAY from that evil shit!
Save your case from ruin - BLOW! Get the hell out as quick as you can. You won't regret it.
+3 # Bill Straass 2011-08-22 08:33
Thank you all for your acknowledgment. There is much more to the story. Every single day I wake up and I remember another piece. It's good to write it down and even better to get it acked. When I first came on staff in Sacramento at the mission Royel Jandreau, (a friend of Thoughtful's ) gave me a PL to read. "The Supreme Test". Well, I guess that I passed the test. Otherwise I would be dead. For those of you you know anything about HIV or AIDS, my T cell count was zero and my viral load was off the top of the scale before I received any real treatment.Most people are dead before the T cell count gets to zero. I had a cat scan because HIV affects the brain. The neurologist said on the report that I had "marked brain volume loss". However, I re-did my purif (Not at an org because an SPD written in 1996 says HIV positive people cannot use an org sauna even though the issue states correctly that it is not transmitted by sweat.) When I did the IQ test I scored 155 and the test administrator said that he had never seen anyone finish the test so soon after it was given. So as LRH says, the brain is not the intelligence of thew person. I was used to moving fast in the SO because the fatigue was so bad, If I stopped moving, I would just pass out. When you have so few blood cells left you are operating continually like a car out of gas. I can remember movie lines better than anyone I know. It annoys people sometimes, like my first wife Sharron (now, if she is still married, I was her 3rd husband and she was remarried weeks after our divorce (O shit, that's another clusterfuck story, don't get me going again, I'll be here all day) Anyway, Sharron was the Dir I and R FSSO when we married in 92, She was close to DM and was always saying that DM had something for her to do. She was proud of her ability to rip someone's face off". Now as I think of it this was now doubt why he liked her. She may have even invented the term. I know that the Captain said at staff meeting once that one had to be brave to even walk down C deck Port side where her office was. She often had a foul opinion of other staff and would tell me things like "Joe is a faggot". I made the mistake once of repeating something she said and she got in trouble for it. She never forgave me, just as I expect that my current wife will disconnect from me instantly as soon as she reads these words. Anyway, Sharron said that I was a walking tape recorder. I seem to recall in Dianetics that we all record everything we perceive. Thank you all for listening.
Love, Bill
+1 # Scott Campbell 2011-08-23 01:57
Nuclear Bill,

Thanks for telling this story. I've known and been best buddies with you for 25 years now. I know that this is but a fraction of the criminal wrongdoing perpetrated on Sea Org members by the C of S that you and I have experienced and/or have personal knowledge of.

As these stories come out, more and more people will wake up to the truth about the Church of Scientology and its policy of callous disregard for life.

Well done and continue Bill!


Your brother Scott
# Michael Priv 2011-08-23 23:49
This just an awesome story of survival, Bill. Thank you. Screw DM and his out-of-valance minions and their perversions. You are a true OT because you survived, you have a great wife and you have your free life now. Very well done!
# John Doe 2011-08-24 19:13
This is a horrific story but with a happy ending.
The mindfuck on all flows regarding this is astounding.

I am glad you are here to tell this story.
I am still dumbstruck by the heartlessness.
+1 # Catherine von Ach 2011-08-25 10:53
Thank you Bill, for telling your story. It is one of the more horrific ones that I have heard. Thank you for persisting and staying alive. That is a real credit to your first dynamic life force! This makes it very real how little the life of a Sea org member is valued. May you flourish and prosper in your new life. I hope your current wife doesn't "disconnect instantly" when she finds out you wrote these words. I have much experience with Disconnection, and it is painful, but what is more painful is the lack of integrity when you know that you should speak out, but you don't. You will save other lives with your story, and prevent this from happening to others. My hat is off to you! I am also a good friend of Scott and Karry Campbell, so I am very happy that you have them as friends to support you in the inevitable fireworks of declaring your Independence!!
Much ARC,
Catherine von Ach
# poet13c 2011-08-25 19:16
Well done, Bill.
You are a hero.
Thanks for your story, it hasn't been lost on me.
It will be my great pleasure to meet you one day.
Love, Rich
# Bill Straass 2011-08-25 19:54
I would be very happu to meet you. I knew a lot of Flag public in the early 80s before the ship was purchased. I was a NOTs Board I/C for FSO before I went to the ship.
# Tara 2011-08-26 00:29
Wow Bill! I'm sooo glad you made it! Welcome to the Indies too.
An old friend of mine turned up with AIDS and they couldn't get him out of Flag fast enough. Long story. And he didn't make it.
I hope to meet you one day too. :)
+1 # Bill Straass 2011-08-27 08:59
Dear Tara, I'm sorry to hear about your friend who did not make it. When did this happen? After 1996 the treatments for HIV greatly improved and there is no reason for anyone to die fron AIDS. The government pays for the medication so there was no expense to the church for that. The part for me that was worse than death was being kept away from my wife. After she finally got off the ship I asked her"So what was going to happen? You were going to be ket there until my funeral? She said that she would not have been allowed off the ship for the funeral. Another staff member would have been sent to wrap up loose ends, in other words dispost of the body, etc.
Love Bill
# Tara 2011-08-29 23:24
Bill, that was around 1995. He went Clear through our mission and went to Flag to get onto OT levels or maybe to do Ls. He had 2 little sores that wouldn't go away that led to his diagnosis of AIDS (VERY low T cells too) and was sent off to die. Of course nobody wanted him to go the conventional medical route and he and his wife tried some alternative stuff that didn't work. He did get some auditing to deal with dying from friends thru our mission. He was a great guy and I'm positive he's returned. Now let's hope he stays away from DM! So far so good. :)
# Tara 2011-08-29 23:30
And something else, Bill, at least he was with his wife, who supported and took care of him with love and kindness as he died. They weren't in the S.O.
I just remember so well the whole flow of how the medical profession couldn't do anything good for anybody and even might make you worse. That's such flippin false bullshit! You're living proof of that! :)
# Bert Schippers 2011-08-28 13:07
I am speechless once again. Thank you for telling your story (or part of it at least). These human rights abuses must end!

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