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Friday, 19 March 2010 02:39

The Greatest Harm for The Greatest Number of Dynamics

I sat in a tiny room on the ground floor of Building 36 in front of me a stack of blank sheets of legal size paper and a blue pen. I'd been there for hours. I could hear screaming from the cubicle next door, slamming fists on desks - someone was getting a "severe reality adjustment" -- a phrase proudly coined by David Miscavige. After all, it was their turn, mine had come and gone. I was numb, used to these. It didn't matter much. I had even managed to look bored.  I was writing up my "crimes."

Gerald Duncan (the Dir I&R Gold) had been by and had seen that I'd managed to write a page and a half, but my mind was now blank. I was tired. I figured I'd write up my conditions, I had been assigned treason for being late for muster. So I sat and wrote up my formula.

I'd always "been good at" writing up condition formulas, tragically they have always been pushed on me. I never got any gains from them until now. But back to the cubicle, I started writing up my Doubt formula and got to the step to Decide on the basis of the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics whether the group should be attacked, harmed or help (and so on - I’m writing from memory).

At that moment I realized it was really best for me to get the hell out of there, and do so effectively. But I just there only had started to realize that it was really best for my dynamics for me to be able to sleep, and eat and be able to get better care for my body.

I recalled a cognition I had on the PTS S/P course that it was really bad that I could not have children and that this was indeed being suppressed and that my marriage lacked the privacy and ability to make decisions. It dawned on me that my own 2D was hindered and that it would be best to be able to CREATE and creation was heavily suppressed.

Also on post I was obviously failing, somehow the comradeship I had felt at the beginning of my career in the SO was gone. Most of my "friends" would write me up, turn on me in a heartbeat if I breathed the wrong way, and the ARC was just gone. In its place was a strange feeling of pressure and paranoia.

Plenty of times while walking from building to building some exec or someone from a senior org would scream at me to run (because I was in ethics trouble - or because my division at the time was considered the scum of the earth) so slowly I'd break into a sort of zombie-like limping jog which would infuriate that person. But one's head was always on a swivel, because there were people around that would more than often make life miserable.

But at the base one was brainwashed to think one was somehow a degraded being or worse. The truly frightening driving force during my time in the S.O. Was the threat of going to the RPF.

It scared me.

I had already spent two of the longest years of my life there and I'd rather be dead then be there again. By the way Tommy says the RPF is a voluntary religious retreat, there is nothing voluntary or religious and it is definitely the farthest thing from a retreat!

Life at Gold was pretty damn far from it, getting weekly nerve wrecking meter checks, Gerald Duncan saying "my meter doesn't lie."  Spike Bush, Grounds I/C was never in trouble, yet he was THE most unproductive person on the base and was also one of the most insane. He was the type that did well in that environment fit most of the characteristics of an SP - he must have had some kind of leverage with DM, but I remember well one night in the Garage when a young kid from CMO Gold told him to get his FO 38 in (Etiquette) and him yelling to the kid, "... I'll tear your fucking head off and shit down your throat!" The kid ran off crying.

This is now somewhat humorous, but it does serve as an example of the kind of commonplace barbarity that would go on there.

Anyway, I really didn't feel I was making any kind of impact on the fourth dynamic anymore. I had virtually no connection with animals or plants, I owned virtually nothing - so it was clear to me then that I needed to leave. Life was empty and I wanted out. So I wrote the complete opposite in order to be allowed to go to berthing one last time...

I now see that the worst crimes in Scientology have been perpetrated in the name of "The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number of Dynamics".  

The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics has been a huge tool for brainwashing and perpetrating lies - ultimately turning the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics into the greatest harm for the greatest number of dynamics.  I was talked out of having kids because it was "the greatest good" NOT to have them. Countless women were talked into abortions - murder in the name of "the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics..." Thankfully I never had to do that, but I do feel ashamed for some of the things I've done. I watched ABC’s "Four Corners" report recently and realize that this tool used in reverse is a huge tool in the Church of Reverse Scientology.

Tommy Davis the "church" Spokesliar delivered another stunning performance by the way when he was asked about PIs trailing the Headleys and about forced abortions. Its on you tube, and it is priceless.

People we're talking about A RELIGION that forces women to have abortions and then lies about it!!

Not even the branch Davidians of Waco do these things like hire PIs, character assassination, vampire regging, child forced labor (the SO makes Malaysian sweat shops seem like Disneyland), human trafficking, disconnection - and this one is one of the worst, and Tommy makes it sound like every religion practices it! News to you Tommy: no they don't!  Religions that last are tolerant and have gone through transformation periods, but they have for the most part strived to do good. The Church of Scientology is on a self-destruction course, as most of its actions of late are destructive, and Tommy is doing more harm to the church's image than the "whistleblowers" themselves!

It is NOT the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics to deny women of motherhood! It is the greatest evil to the greatest number of dynamics to deny life and creation. It scars women and fills them with lifelong regret - absolutely agonizing to see. In fact it even suppresses the very motto of the Sea Organization: "We Come Back".

What kind of perverse mechanism exists in Tommy's head? He knows all the claims are true. He knows they are true. He's starting to remind me of Jim Carey in "Fun with Dick and Jane" e.g., the hilarious scene when Jim acts as a spokesperson for a criminal company going bankrupt. Or better yet he's starting to sound a lot like Scott McLellan, Bush crime family spokesliar when he was really getting frayed around the edges. At lest he was getting paid generously, Tommy the floormat isn't even making money for all the bullshit he spews, or is he?  

I've said this before, but LRH describes Tommy to a "T" in mission earth as the character "J. Warbler Madman."

A prominent "Scientologist" asked me if I was going to go back in the SO - I told her with no comm lag "No.”  Shocked, she asked why.  My response, "because, I'm not whacked out of my mind!" Apparently, this enturbulated her.

It was liberating.

Written by Arthur Doyle



# Paolo 2010-03-19 05:50
So true!!!!

# Stefan Tunedal 2010-03-19 09:55
just beautiful, Arthur. I felt as if I was sitting there with you when you were doing the conditions and it got intense. This was making me sweat!
# War and Peace 2010-03-19 10:29
Arthur ~~

Beautifully and poignantly written.
I can't always speak of my dark black times at INT but every time I read another's story, it blows some charge for me on a 3rd flow.

Currently the C of M is furiously trying damage control on the hottest button of attack.
The co-erced abortions.

This is what the head honcho at Riverside Planned Parenthood said :

Janet Honn-Alex of Planned Parenthood Riverside County California - (The location of scientologys International Headquarters in Hemet) "I just felt that it was strange that they would all make the same decision. Independent of their individual circumstances, they had all made the decision to have an abortion, no matter how old they were or how many children they already had. We found that almost unbelievable. And when we started asking more questions, in order to find out their individual motives, because we were suspicious, they stopped coming to us altogether, for any services."
# Thought provoking 2010-03-20 08:38
I was wondering when someone would get suspicious.

Does anyone know where they went to after that? It would be interesting to follow that trail of destruction and it would be impossible to deny the reports.
# Kirsi 2010-03-20 03:46
Arthur, so beautifully put.

In February 2005 I held a post in the SO. Over the years it had become increasingly challenging to do my job, any job, due to constant orders and cross orders. I needed help from the top to coordinate the actions of my post so I made a tough decision to write to David Miscavige. Looking back I wanted to find out for myself how this man would deal with such an appeal. He happened to be at the same base at the time so I expected rapid response. Well, two days later I was off post washing dishes and pots full time. Month later I greeted the RPFers. My appeal was quite sincere and certainly respectful so I knew now for myself that there is no recourse in Scientology church today.

Next moment of truth with pen and paper. In July 2007 I had decided that day will be the day to make it known just what had been brewing in my mind for weeks. In the RPF you have zero privacy, but as in charge of setting up and showing LRH Tech Films for the fellow RPFers I had an exclusive access to the film room and there could take some space and destimulate a minute or two. That day I took a pen and a paper and wrote a note to the RPF MAA my intention to leave. 2.5 years had been a fair go at myself in finding the rotten being in me which supposedly was there. Month
later I was in the Tampa airport with no money and no airfare either, but I was FREE!!! I made it go right, got on the plane and left "organized" Scientology there, behind me.

Then week ago I realized I had made an error, an admin goof. I had failed to assign David Miscavige a Treason condition, which I then did and while writing, not typing, I stated my hmmm disapproval of him running the C of S with himself being anti-Scientologist.

Not intending to hijack Arthur´s wonderful post, just look what it caused here : ) Thanks ever so much for Steve to keep this venue open.
# Sinar 2010-03-20 17:14

Incredible thumbnail of a story, I must say.

Perhaps we could at some point, get the whole picture when you're ready.
# Shelly 2010-03-22 21:43
Kirsi, would love to hear your story also. Been meaning to ask. :-)
# Robin C 2010-03-20 15:40
Thank you Arthur. I was a big fish in a little pond (FEBC ED of a Class V Org) and even now I recoil at the LACK OF DYNAMICS being acknowledged - and then when your stats slip, what a joke being summoned to CLO to write up your O/Ws and conditions - and never does ANY other than the 3rd Dynamic get even a blip of attention. WHY, WHY did we let it go on for as long as we (respectively) did? I kept thinking "this too shall pass, and LRH's polices will finally be understood". Uh...not yet. That's all I can say.
# Sinar 2010-03-20 15:50
Thanks AD,

You've captured the essence of experience at the Int Base from late 80's and on.

It was not like that in the earlier stages, if you can imagine: no meter checks, uniformed full time security guards, or fences with ultra barrier. We also went to Big Bear to ski for Xmas.

I really can relate to it and it does blow charge for me. Thank you.
+1 # Arthur Doyle 2010-03-28 20:29
Thanks to all who read the article. Thanks for the comments, thanks Sinar, War and Peace and I'm so happy to have inspired you Kirsi. It is wonderful to be able to create a positive effect again, isn't it?

I want to mention to all that Steve Hall rocks!! When we talk about a spearhead movement, he IS the spearhead. He also is an exemplary scientologist and one who is bettering conditions around his large and growing circle of influence. It's good to be friends with him and many others who want nothing more than have you win and grow. As he very aptly said "non-toxic friends". A while back I had someone tell me that I needed to go to ethics - and I thought to myself, you know, that's bullshit. As a scientologist one should be able to put ethics in, but no. This person was using this as a threat, as something used to intimidate and cause a negative effect it was said with malice aforethought. But people connected to the "church" are dramatizing this inquisitionesque behavior, they are TOXIC!
Yours, AD
# DragonFly 2010-03-28 22:19
Great cogs. Glad you got out alive. ~
# Sherlock Holmes 2010-04-05 12:25
Arthur, your cognitions are the same cognitions we are all having as we "decompress" from having spent years in what can only be described as as concentration camp. The Int base is far worse than prison, as you're not just a prisoner, but you are also being worked to death with worse food, very little rest and worse berthing. While the environment is idillic one had no time off. One is constantly under threat to go to the RPF which is even more like a concentration camp... Those souls still entrapped in the numerous Sea Org slave camps around the world are so brainwashed and zombie like that their testaments while still in cannot be considered "sound" as they are all under stress and pressure. Like the statements from the ex-wives, they are actually pleas for us all to get the sick dwarf out of power. So when we get out we need a few years to speak out against what most of us thought was commonplace. I am glad you made it out and may we win in freeing those still in.
# Mufasa 2010-10-11 13:30
God bless you Arthur. You are beautiful. So beautiful. My elation is of your liberation. Cheering the ending. "Go Arthur!!!" A mighty soul than can endure what you endured and exited. Mighty soul indeed.

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