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Thursday, 04 February 2010 19:26
Suppressive's use hidden standards with which to invalidate, nullify and stick others down the tubes. This is quite an eye opener. Check this out

First of all - LRH defines the matter as follows:


“The Roller Coaster is caused by the hidden standard going into action. “My eyesight didn’t get better.” Locate a present time Suppressive on the case and trace that suppressive back to others earlier and you suddenly see the pc brighten up and (apparently for no reason) state his eyesight suddenly improved. Find the Suppressive, make the pc handle or disconnect. Then audit the pc up to Problems Release by getting rid of the hidden standard and the basic suppressive." - LRH

I'll lay out, in my own words, some of the hidden standards that have been installed into the Sea Org and Scientology in the past 25 years or more, certainly since before 1990 when Scientology began its decline. If my wording is off, or you have more, PLEASE let me know. I'm not an authority on this subject, but I think you will find this to be quite revealing:


1.  The allusion that any grade chart that you got, any grades or states achieved, Clear and OT included, before the Golden Age of Tech are questionable - because of course - it "couldn't have been standard".
If you were like me, who did his OT levels up through OT V and had classifiably unbelievable life changing wins, you had this feeling after Golden Age of Tech that maybe you didn't really make it, maybe your auditor (or yourself since you solo'd) didn't do such a good job because David Miscavige has just announced that auditors were not really being properly trained and alluded to much out-tech before he heralded in the new training line-up. I remember this sinking feeling like - "oh my god - maybe I didn't really get the results I should have." Left me with a big question mark. Yet, after two sessions of NOTS (pre-GAT) I couldn't pick up the cans for months - I was that blown out - and in fact had more gains in two ten minute sessions of NOTS than ALL of my earlier grade chart combined. Did I feel invalidated by David Miscavige's authoritative and 'groundbreaking' announcement of "in-tech discoveries" - you bet I did. And if I did, probably thousands of others did too. It was a generality - it was a HIDDEN STANDARD.

2.  This is no allusion, but a blatant statement that has been repeated over and over a hundred different ways, that if you did your training pre-GAT (Golden Age of Tech - before 1996) then you "didn't really get it".
This included the fact that if you did the PTS SP course, Academy levels or more, you "really didn't get it".
Auditors who had been making Clears for years, they didn't "really get it". All the fantastic wins and life-changing states conferred by auditors around the world - couldn't be true "because David Miscavige, the authority - just said so" and until you were a certified  GAT auditor - you weren't considered up to their standard. Whatever that meant. Another HIDDEN STANDARD.

3.  You didn't get metering, not at all. Pre-GAT - forget it.
If you thought you knew what a Floating Needle was, forget it. Only David Miscavige knows that, and unless you saw it on a simulator, or had it "confirmed" by an RTC rep in a video sent up to RTC - you don't know.
And what about your Trs? In the 1970s, when we had a major stable win and a supervisor passed us on our TRs we knew we had it. Now - RTC has to tell you when your TRs are in? YOU just don't know anymore - someone else who sets the standards has to tell YOU what your abilities are??. Another HIDDEN STANDARD - which ruined people and auditors.

If you're starting to feel a bit edgy at this point, realize it is because of the GENERALITIES which he infused into Scientology in 1996 alone. He didn't say, "for anyone who trained before this time, there are five specific HCOBs that you possibly missed out on and if you'd like, we'll send you the specifics so you can hone up on those." No, David Miscavige said "you were the blind, leading the blind, and you DIDN'T GET IT. Period!" and he left everyone one of us hanging there thinking, "wow, he knows so much more than us (hidden data line kicks in) and I guess maybe I missed some stuff. Inval, inval, inval - but on a broad generality.

4.  Sea Org members were subjected to this one as a routine spoon-fed diet starting in the mid 1980s or later, and which accelerated to a full-on propoganda campaign. Here we go:


Now - to say that to someone who has signed a BILLION year contract, forsaken all earthly pleasures for the most part, who works 7 days a week an average of 8-10 hours a day. makes $46 a week (if that) and lives in a cubicle the size of a small pantry... how much more ON-purpose can someone get?  

That is the definition of a HIDDEN STANDARD, and for those of you who experienced the same level of absolute frustration and introversion that I did, being constantly reminded of our "inadequacies", you understand why. It is a constant reminder that you're not "good enough", and yet it never tells you what you have to do to be GOOD enough because that was never the idea behind that campaign. It was never intended to make anyone good, it was intended to make us think that we were not measuring up to a "command" who was themselves actually as off-pupose as conceivably possible. It was intended to keep us spinning, wondering, introverted while he and his minions snapped the whip, denied us more and more rights, and metted out abusive conditions - all of which covered up his actual crimes. No one could see or act because "no one knew more than he did". While we were sincerely trying to do our jobs and excel, David Miscavige and his camp were playing another tune altogether. We were lead to believe that we were bad, inadequate and not measuring up - and it made one feel constantly stressed and PTS.

Compare that to the 1970s when LRH was still around. Here's how life rolled out in the Sea Org and Scientology. You got trained and you were certified. You got audited and you got your states acknowledged. You went on with life and you did better, you disseminated because you wanted to. You were proud to bring friends and family into the orgs and missions because it was Scientology. People didn't have the idea that our orgs were DB or not of a high enough standard to warrant introducing people to it.

Hell, David Miscavige even stopped the major grass roots dissemination campaigns (Dianetics) because "orgs couldn't handle the inflow" and we needed "ideal orgs" first. Talk about a HIDDEN STANDARD. Scientology expanded through the 60s, 70s and into the 80s with our buildings as they were, but all of sudden, our orgs don't rate a good Dianetics campaign to help drive in new business, "because..." You can fill in the blanks.

In the Sea Org in the 1970s we worked hard and when we did something good, we were told so, and no one was standing there telling us we weren't measuring up to some "ideal in the sky" standard. When you screwed up, you were told (if you couldn't already see it yourself) exactly what you did, you fixed it and everyone forgot about it. No black marks. No body had time for that stuff.

Comparatively, in later years, if you screwed up in the Sea Org, even if you engaged the RPF, thinking this would "clear your name" - you were sadly informed when you came out that you were still regarded with some black shadow and black marks were still held against you. Or if you made some mistakes, and were Comm Ev'd, you often could never regain back your status in the Sea Org because "of your past".
LRH says in Model Hat for an Executive that you never hold "black marks" against staff and if Scientology changes conditions - then why would a Sea Org member ever be relegated to any false status? It was a statement that Scientology did not work, it was a HIDDEN STANDARD and for those of you who experienced it (I did) it practically destroyed your ambitions to be a successful Sea Org member or the concept of a great career ahead.

You see - the trick of the hidden standard is that is HIDDEN. You can't see it because it seems plausible. We all want to get better so telling us "TO GET ON PURPOSE" seems and sounds quite logical. We all want to be ethical, so telling us "GET YOUR ETHICS IN" sounds sensible. Except when you sit down and try to break this down into something tangible. "Let's see, I'm working every day, morning till night, I study, I am getting products, my stats are up.... but I'm not doing enough...." Or as a Scientologist, I work, I go to course, I support my org, I do VM activities - but it's still not enough." Huh!?

This makes people PTS and that is exactly what that campaign was designed to do.
Sea Org members do not need to be told to GET ON PURPOSE. There is no more inherently ON-purpose group anywhere. The statement was as as inane as it was suppressive.

5.  To everyone who has attended events or other closed door briefings where you were constantly reminded by David Miscavige, his speech writers and minions that "you weren't doing enough" - making you feel subtly panicked, stressed and nervous - chalk it up as a hidden standard.
There is nothing wrong with asking people to do more, join staff, whatever. There are two ways of doing that - one engenders positive support - one makes people felt guilty, if not downright introverted. One is social - one is suppressive.

6.  This one is touchier, and I apologize if it upsets anyone but I am going to say it anyhow as it has value.

A guy finishes his OT VIII and is promptly told by a senior person - "hey - now that you're done with that you should join staff and become the Executive Director of your local org."  The OT introverts because he doesn't want to do that, feels like maybe something is wrong that he doesn't see eye to eye with that viewpoint and his gains are to that degree invalidated. Hidden standard =  "you should want to join staff or donate most of your time or money to Scientology now that you are an OT".  That little hidden standard, which COB himself has introduced by usurping all the OTs into his camp to do his programs, has effectively set a false standard. It says in so many words, "if you're a real OT - you'll do as I say... see." Hidden standard.

Think about it, OTs want to do more, it's natural when you free up all that theta. But why peg the guy and say if you don't do this, then you're not with the program, and 'hey - if you don't buy two sets of the Basics and donate one to your local library - then you're out-ethics and that could affect your next OT level".

Hidden standard, hidden standard.


For those of you, many of you, who were around pre-David Miscavige reign, which started after 1983, but really accelerated in the late 80s, you will know that these dictates did NOT exist in Scientology. People trained and got audited, and gave themselves freely to Scientology. Sure there was pressure and demands - but pure pressure - pure demands is just that - it is transparent - you can say YES or NO - but when you enter in false hidden standards that sets some delusory bar for everyone to live up to, without defining it, you are effectively nullifying everyone, forcing on them something that they cannot control.

Scientology is not about living up to ANYONE's expectations except YOUR OWN.
Freedom and being OT (synonymous) are about exercising total control over your own life, your own determinism and power - and the moment you abdicate that position of control and turn it over to someone else to dictate what is "acceptable standard of behaviour" - you have also turned over the key to being an OT.

David Miscavige has the hidden standard down to fine art. He has steeped the Sea Org and Scientology in a torrent of hidden standards. Everything from "this is how a Scientologist should be", "this is a real OT", "this is what you should be doing", "to be sure of your state and training - you should do all your GAT and go to Flag and have your Clear status checked, go to Flag every 6 months to get checked up on to see if your in-ethics and and and...."  oh please!

Scientology and Scientologists don't need a false preacher. We just need to study and audit, and use Scientology in our lives, and it will be impossible to stop it from morphing the world - without a single dictate being interjected.



+2 # RJ 2010-02-04 20:47
Another well written article, OTB!

I'd also like to add that many of these hidden standards are also false data as well and can also act like a wrong item or wrong indication.

For instance telling a Sea Org member that he or she is "off purpose" or "out ethics" is just so wrong that it would be ludicrous!

Or telling an auditor who has been getting incredible results with the tech that he is "blind" is malicious invalidation!

Yet these are the kinds of things that Miscavige and his Scientology wrecking crew intentionally specialize in.

One word describes it:


+2 # emldubu 2010-02-04 21:25
So, here I was reading along going....Yes, yes, and YES. Oh yes! And yup that, too. Uh-huh, yup, yes, exactly! Thank you so much, OTB, you nailed it again.
+2 # John Doe 2010-02-04 22:43
Very good points, OTB. That many of these hidden standards, and probably a good deal more, have been implanted as a culture of the Sea Org gives me scant hope that any real reform can come from within.

Even with DM deposed, many of those left in the Sea Org will continue to try to operate within this learned culture, rather than HCOBs, etc. It is discouraging, but pragmatic to confront this.

While it is encouraging that good auditors are, and have been, continuing to audit out in the field, it is important to try to salvage the orgs so that auditor training can continue post DM. Auditors aren't being created in any volume now and if the C of S collapse, (which appears likely) the remaining orgs have to be reoriented to their purpose: to create friggin' auditors and clears!

No new (standard) auditors = no more scientology in a generation or so.
+2 # Old Auditor 2010-02-04 23:23
Your post explains why OTs and SO members have become and stayed introverted and are unable to resist domination by DM and his cronies.

It is so successful that it has become the "official" Scientology management Service Facsimile.
+2 # NCT 2010-02-05 15:14
Well written and unfortunately many gave over their own knowingness to this little man. Thank God being who I am with my own knowingness knew this was just not true! any of it. I am referring to the GAT. I had been in marketing for years prior to joining Scientology and one thing I knew when in Marketing when things stop selling you just repackage them and sell them again with a little different twist.
+2 # Peter 2010-02-05 16:55
These are actions we can expect from a text book SP.
+2 # thought provoking 2010-02-05 18:44
Hidden Standard results in loss of self determinism.

This reminded me of something that happened in the early 80's. I was a Div 6 reg and was consistently getting 5-6 starts a week as a result of applying LRH intro lecture and Div 6 policies that had just come out. We had an influx of new "seasoned" recruits from a so. cal organization come in and I was hounded to do their successful actions. I held my ground saying that I was following LRH policy but the hounding was relentless...daily, for months.

My senior reported their stats were double what I was getting and I started feeling like I was supressing Scientology by only getting 5-6 starts a week. I eventually caved in and did their successes. My stats immediately crashed and stayed crashed. I ended up leaving staff shortly after that.

Two years later someone tells me that I was a great reg. I mentioned the stat conflict and they told me that the so. cal org had 3 reges and their combined efforts were double my single effort. That is when I found out that I had actually been doing pretty well. That is also my first experience in what KSW was all about.

I recently opened my Ethics book and was dismayed to see that it naturally fell to the lower conditions sections. During the time that I was on Org staff I did many sets of lowers...I knew them by heart.

Yet, the 15+ years prior that I spent as a staff member outside of the org showed a different picture. I routinely applied normal or above and ended my career in Power. In both positions, I gave it my all.

The difference between the two is that the non Org position applied "accent on ability".

In my non org job I really grew as a being. My certainty and confront was at a real high. I left to go work at the org where ironically, I now routinely got 10 - 12 starts a week (almost 1000 starts a year), something I had strived to do 20 years earlier...and was constantly in lowers.
+2 # GAT auditor 2010-02-05 19:01
Hidden standard? How about impossible standard. With the Golden Age of Tech came the "passing standard is perfection". Auditors are forced to go out integrity in order to pass a course and get a certificate. Since you have attested, errors are now an exercise in introversion and soul searching for personal out- ethics. The search for understanding is short-circuited by " Why can't I be perfect". Auditing with understanding devolves into route procedure and doing what your told.
+2 # OnceUponaTime 2010-02-06 07:54
You're right about hidden standards being a weapon of choice for SP's. However, the hidden standard is a later phenomenon. For a hidden standard to stick, you have to have a prior confusion. Someone has to stir up a bunch of confusion in order to lay in a hidden standard. It works like this: the impulse of theta is order and control (as in KRC, which are native impulses to theta). Knowing this, an SP will create chaos and confusion until a thetan or group of thetans say, "Hey, enough, we need some order here." Then, and only then, can the SP throw in a "solution" to the confusion. Witness what happened after 9/11. The solution comes as a concept or consideration which sticks because it's a lie and persists because it's a lie. Most implants use the same technique. The formula: cause confusion, theta seeks solution to restore order, implant or imprint or suggest a false solution, thetan agrees to the concept to restore order. Voila! You've got the hidden standard.
But, to resolve the hidden standard you really have to address why a person agreed to such a whacky idea in the first place, and that lies in the prior confusion.
If I remember correctly (it's closing in on thirty years) LRH addresses the prior confusion on one of the Academy Level One tapes--probably the one titled "Prior Confusion"?--if that's the title. Or something to that effect.
In one of those tapes, he also mentioned something about mutual motion, which will eventually (though I don't think he said this) explain how one thetan ( a practical static) can impinge confusions and considerations on another thetan (another practical static.)

+2 # Renegade 2010-02-06 07:55
Thank you for this post!!! It really blows charge for me.

I can understand why the Tom Cruise event made me cringe when he assumed we were not doing anything of worth for Scn. and how it left me feeling so invalidated. I really lost a lot of respect for him at that moment and felt awful for all the staff, public and S.O. members that were working so hard. Jenna Elfman yelling at another event to "DO SOMETHING!!!" also had the same effect on me.

Of course DM probally had something to do with that and he used them as Ol's to run this type of suppression on us, but I still hold the two celebs responsible for their actions. Since that time Tom's career has tanked, and he should make up for that blatant inval to all the Scn that were really working so hard to expand Scn despite all that was actually going on.
+2 # jim logan 2010-02-06 11:38
One of the most important things you bring out in this one is the 'Scientology doesn't work' point that DM dramatizes and has permeated the Sea Org, whether they like it or not. That's brought out on the RPF assignments and that under DM, that is always sitting there as a black mark. In fact, the RPF Flag Orders state precisly the opposite. One is to return to the post he was RPFed from after the RPF.

Again, this invalidates the ethics and tech. It says 'no one can change'. Now, the criminal mind 'only sees others as he sees himself'. DM himself has refused auditing for some 18 years and is by technical definition a 'NO GAIN CASE'.

This inval of case gain has gone so far as to re-do the entire Bridge by those on the OT levels as a blanket 'CS' by an 'executive'. This is so much in violation of so many HCOBs, I hardly know where to begin. Suffice it to say, it again proves, DM doesn't think Scientology as written by LRH works. He's even said it blatantly to every Scientologist in the Basics Event.

Rollercoaster, making gains and losing them, is PTS. The first step to sorting out PTS is DETECT the right SP. Then 'handle or disconnect'. Therein is the answer to recovery of the valid gains made, a resurgence and rehab of the valid case change. David doesn't want to be detected.

Well done OTB, yes, DM doesn't grant that Scientology works. THAT comes from the 'uniquely qualified' COB of RTC, the 'ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion'. HE DOESN'T GRANT THAT SCIENTOLOGY WORKS BECAUSE HE IS A NO GAIN CASE.
+1 # craig houchin 2010-02-06 12:36
This is an "aha!" moment. Thanks.
+1 # George 2010-02-08 23:12
"DM himself has refused auditing for some 18 years and is by technical definition a 'NO GAIN CASE'." Could you please elaborate.
Thank you.
+2 # Nic 2010-02-17 21:23
I am still rolling on the floor laughing!!!!
This is THE article!
The advent of the Golden Age of Tech was the end of my auditor training. I just stopped. I was completely turned off.
I cannot recall how many times I HEARD those statements and even SAID them to others....
It's "cult think", my term for all of that junk.
Well written and so true. Thank you!

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