Why do some people not "see" the suppression going on? | | Print | |
Saturday, 17 October 2009 14:14 |
REFERENCES:To help just a little, since this is getting a bit more technical (it's Grade IV tech), you'll notice in the references below a service facsimile is really a computation the person has made in response to a problem that he or she cannot Itsa (itsa means to say "It is a ______." A problem that cannot be itsa'ed is a tough problem indeed). An example might be... oh, let's see... how about, "How do you succeed as a Scientologist when the top person has subverted the Church into a mafia-like fascism?" That's why the Int base was a veritable factory for service facsimiles. How do you stay out of ethics trouble? How do you avoid being declared? How do you make it up to OT? As a result, people tend to solve the problem with a computation (service facsimile) such as, "The only way to succeed is to follow orders" or "the only way to not get in trouble is to follow 'Command Intention'" or (this next one is an actual computation from an ex-Int base staff member:) "The only way to survive at the Int base is to make a criminal (DM) look innocent." All such computations are always illogical, generated in an effort to keep out of trouble. -- Thoughtful Fixed ideas follow a period of confusion. -- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO B of 6 JAN 1974, ASSIST SUMMARY ADDITION
The whole Service Facsimile can be summed up by just this one word—solution. A Service Facsimile is a solution. -- L. Ron Hubbard, P.A.B. No. 126, 15 December 1957, PROBLEMS: HANDLING AND RUNNING
THE SERVICE FACSIMILE IS THAT COMPUTATION GENERATED BY THE PRECLEAR (NOT THE BANK) TO MAKE SELF RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG, TO DOMINATE OR ESCAPE DOMINATION AND ENHANCE OWN SURVIVAL AND INJURE THAT OF OTHERS. The Service Facsimile is all of it logical gobbledegook. It doesn’t make good sense. That’s because the pc adopted it where, in extreme cases, he or she felt endangered by something but could not Itsa it. Hence it’s illogical. Because it is senseless, really, the computation escapes casual inspection and makes for aberrated behavior. -- L. Ron Hubbard, HCOB of 1 SEP 1963, ROUTINE THREE SC
The computation technically is that aberrated evaluation and postulate that one must be consistently in a certain state in order to succeed. The computation thus may mean that one must entertain in order to be alive or that one must be dignified in order to succeed or that one must own much in order to live. A computation is simply stated. It is always aberrated ...These include "I have to be late to be early", "I have to be angry to people to be liked." They are contradictory. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Advanced Procedure and Axioms
A Service Facsimile is a computation generated by the being not the bank. An example of this is: “All horses sleep in beds.” Such a computation locked away in the mind will obviously precipitate many compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses. -- L. Ron Hubbard, HCOB of 23 AUG 1966, SERVICE FACSIMILE
[When you try to tell someone about what Miscavige is doing and you feel made wrong, this is why. Right out of KSW. -- Thoughtful] The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. -- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL of 7 FEB 1965, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING
Thank you!:-)
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