The following was written by LRH in 1970 and published in the Auditor Magazine No. 51. In fact, my friend Jeff Hawkins was the Assistant Editor at the time. In it, LRH explains that donations for training and processing is supposed to pay for ALL legal activities, ALL expansion activites, ALL operations activities, and ALL building projects, in other words the "IAS" is an off-policy racketeering scam invented by David Miscavige to rip off Scientology parishioners. You can download a pdf copy of LRH's original article here. Of course this is not the entire magazine, just a small excerpt of it. - Thoughtful

I wonder if you’ve ever estimated how much it costs to launch a new subject into the world, keep it pure, keep it going right, make progress and defend it.
For that matter, what do you suppose it costs an organization to deliver an hour of processing?
I know that Dianetic and Scientology services should be free and I wish they were.
Personally I have tried to do my part in this. None of the researches of Dianetics and Scientology were ever actually paid for out of organizational fees. With my typewriter I paid for the research myself. Occasionally orgs were supposed to but they never did.
Independent of research costs, the 13 1/2 million dollars that orgs owed me for services rendered, 10% (the usual author’s royalties), lectures, loans, things paid out of my own pocket I never collected.
As even the royalties of the first book were given to orgs for their work, I didn’t even make anything out of that best seller. Its paperback is again a newsstand best seller in the U.S. but I don’t collect those royalties either. Even today I draw less than an org staff member and they draw very little.
So the fees you pay for service do not go to me.
A Sea Org member draws only about four pounds a week and his room and board. We run our ships and stations at a cost that would make a cost accountant disbelieve it. So not much of your fee goes to them even though they bear a full burden of management of pure services.
Org staff members over the world work for so little that Execs occasionally get letters from their landladies demanding orgs increase their pay level so staff members can pay their rent.
So not much of your fees goes to them.
Occasionally some org or franchise goes on a big kick of high pay. We very soon pull the rug out from under that. So if your fee went that way for a brief period we corrected the outness fast as we frown on money-motivation like a thundercloud.
Some fringe fellows know that if you had a complete monopoly on the only workable mental technology on the planet you could make billions. That’s why they’re on the “fringe”. So we prevent your fee from going in that direction.
Then were does your fee go?
Since 1950. So-called “mental health” groups have fought to discredit and decrease the power of Dianetics and Scientology.
For 19 years, using their press control, government stooges and puppets, these psychiatric front groups have conducted a continuous suppressive covert operation against us.
Why? They feared that as our power increased they would lose their easy appropriations and fail in their plans for a 1984 World.
We were not even in their line of country – the insane. Yet such was their fear, they have spent untold sums to bring about our destruction.
We not only know who why and where with full documentation we also know their sordid intentions for the world. Some of your fee made the work to collect that evidence possible.
Bad press, inquiries, bans, these are the surface you see. Those are their fingerprints.
Below that level it’s a rough fight and has been for 18 years.
Our press consultants tell us we must never mention it as it “frightens the public.”
We are in the weird position of being perhaps the only really effective Western security force. We wouldn’t give five pence for the rest of them combined.
If a definition of governing is maintaining an orderly peace in which business can be conducted, then there sure isn’t any real government.
So a portion of your fee is spent on patching up the damage done, keeping going in spite of attacks and nullifying the actions against the West of a very choice lot of bad hats. If we didn’t have the documentary evidence I wouldn’t dare mention it.
It costs money to bring cases up to US Supreme Court level as we have. The legal defense expenses we have in a dozen countries is not small.
So a portion of your fees goes to keeping the subject available to you and to the world.
We work very hard to keep tech being done well. It is nothing for us to put two people on a fast plane and send them half around the world to straighten up the Case Supervision and auditing in an area so you can have confidence in the service you get.
It is routine to send the highest class people we have to handle “ARC Breaks of Long Duration” in the field or on admin lines or to see they get handled.
Your fee supports a long and complex set of communication lines by which tech and admin can be cared for rapidly.
A portion of your fee just the other day began a survey of a backward country to introduce high speed educational processes to bring their people quickly from the stone age up to present time. The “Peace Corps” was also there on cushy government funds building houses for a big construction company at a nice profit. But we, unsupported, began the effective work actually needed there to help the people.
A tiny bit of your fee neated up an area ruined for Americans by the American Navy.
Small parts of your fee heal up a lot of things over the world.
But the biggest part of your fee stays right in your area. It is used to make training and processing and data available to the next fellow first by keeping the org there and second by letting him know about it and third by making as sure as possible that the training and processing he gets is standard and effective.
Your fee keeps the nearest org alive and functioning and the environment safe.
It is not easy to do, hit repeatedly as we are.
Gradually little by little we are taking the pressure off our orgs. Gradually surely and certainly the bad hats and losing their own power in the world.
If we had the fantastic sums appropriated to “mental health” (and put largely in their own pockets or used to try to crush anyone else) we would make a lot lot lot more progress. As we wouldn’t also have to fight the lies that money buys into press and government.
But we don’t have appropriations. They are given only to those who deal in death, it seems.
So little by little, using the fees you give us for your service, your training and your processing, we create little by little areas of sanity.
And as these areas spread out, releasing and Clearing the community, if we continue to be alert and competent, perhaps those areas will meet one country, one continent to the next and we will have a cleaner, saner world.
Your fee is supporting and continuing the greatest hope that man had ever had and the orgs and people vital to its survival and increase.
Your fee does what it takes to get the job done.
Thank you.
L. Ron Hubbard
The 1984 scenario has certainly been in the making by the powers that be.
I am gung-ho about exposing the deceptions.
And the reference to 1984 was wonderful!
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