Home Letter to David Miscavige
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Sunday, 20 December 2009 18:09

Every man has a threshold.

Of course, the truly suppressive ones are simply suicidal and when pressed beyond the point of no return - they try to take everyone else down with them in a final attempt at ultimate rightness.

We hope that David Miscavige is not yet at that juncture, although many would consider him already well within the Suppressive Person camp.

With that said - I am suggesting that possibly a letter sent to him by the many thousands of us who see what he is doing to Scientology - would or could be entertained as a possible means of at least letting him know that we are no longer tolerating his version of "Scientology". Such a letter would assume, possibly on the basis of sheer volume alone, that David Miscavige should consider changing his ways.

Possibly this is a far fetched dream. Possibly it has less than a 1% (or 2 1/2%) chance of succeeding - but nonetheless - in keeping with the principles and tenets of the philosophy of Scientology - and much as we would with any congressman or leader - we should inform David Miscaviges of our demands, and failing to act accordingly, that we are seeking new governance of the Church - since we no longer grant him the right to lead it.

In that vein I offer this letter to David Miscavige. Possibly others should do the same and as a result - maybe he'll get the message - or maybe he'll just give up and turn the torch over to someone else who can do a competent job of it.


Against the advice of others who consider that you will treat this letter with disdain, if indeed you even bother to read it at all, I am still writing it - if only to confirm to myself that I have at least attempted to help you - that I have treated you with respect and courtesy and given YOU an opportunity to change your ways.

There are those of us (many in fact - many more than you know) who consider and SEE that you have perverted Scientology. These are not small issues - they are large in fact.

In spite of the "statistical" and "good news" overload which you have fed into the system - many of us see through the veil and facade you have fabricated. Your "public relations" lies are quite transparent considering what we actually see.

We have seen the actual graphs, the actual statistical information showing the contraction of Scientology since the late 1980s.

We know that in spite of the surfeit of "believe this" that you are pumping down the throats of one and all - that our actual numbers have been shrinking and our organizations, irregardless of the nice buildings that have been bought and remodelled in the name of "Ideal Orgs" - are actually smaller today than they were thirty years ago.

We know - because we can SEE them. Many of us were there in the 70s and 80s - we know.

You may be able to continue to create another illusion for newer Scientologists and the newer generation of staff and Sea Org members - one where you have set yourself up on a pedestal as the man who is saving the day - but we know differently.

While I could detail the facts to support what I am saying - you know them already.

The purpose of this letter is to appeal to you - if that is possible at this point - before your inevitable crash.

LRH says in HCO PL THE RESPONSIBILITY OF LEADERS, that a leader who fails to lead, and who abuses power, will ultimately become the target - he or she will, perforce, drive people to remove them from power so that everyone else can play the game too.

You have set yourself up as a dictator. You have depowered most of management. All roads lead to you now - no one can act or do anything of importance in Scientology without your consent and certainly you have made yourself out to be THE most prominent and important person in Scientology. You have in fact raised yourself on a par with L Ron Hubbard himself.

The unfortunate thing is that you are taking the subject down with you and will, and are causing, considerable damage to the forward progress of this vital subject.

We do not consider that you have a monopoly on Scientology. We do not grant that you "own" it and most certainly, we are not going to stand by and let you destroy it for some perverse reasons possibly only known to you. If you are indeed the great man that you say you are and if you are indeed the leader of Scientology - then some humility and a change of heart are in order. Failing that, you are committing yourself to failure, not because we say so, but simply because that is the way life works.

As the people, the ones responsible for studying and using Scientology, and the ones who are ultimately responsible for ensuring that its aims are seen through, we insist upon the following terms from you.

1. That management is IMMEDIATELY restored to the EXACT structure that L Ron Hubbard said. This includes a fully manned Executive structure under a competent Executive Director International. A Watchdog Committee and a CMO International - all operating according to the mandates that LRH laid down for their functions.

2. That you cease and desist from your dictatorial stance immediately. Restore RTC as a protector of trademarks (it's actual LRH assigned purpose) and reverse any of its current activities whereby it is attempting to manage orgs. This includes removing those currently in power in RTC, from that office, as they have become the biggest squirrels in known Scientology history.

3. Cancel all your orders. Period. Inform the staff of lower management levels that as of now, they are to manage Scientology orgs ONLY according to LRH policies, Flag Orders and Central Bureaux Orders - and NOTHING else.

4. Cancel the destructive use of "freeloading" people - and restore the use of Freeloader policies ONLY to the exact few that indeed fit that category. In so doing TELL all former staff members that they are entitled to return to the Bridge now. No further arbitraries are imposed. They are not required to do "conditions", they do not have to buy Basics and they will not be treated like second rate citizens. The doors are open again - to all of them.

5. Set up a board under a completely unbiased and uninfluenced body - to review every Suppressive Person declare issued in the past three decades or more - with the power to cancel these declares where it is clearly the case that they were based on opinion, prejudicial, or predicated on false circumstances such as "staff blowing", or "leaving the Int base" or any other of a number false premises for calling people Suppressive Persons when they are not.
In fact, skip the board - just cancel the declares and let everyone come back in and in due course the TINY handful of actual SPs will rear their heads and can be dealt with - but meanwhile - everyone else can get on with life.

6. Cease telling people to disconnect from family and friends. All ties are RESTORED. Scientology NO longer has the power to tell people who they can or cannot talk to, be married to, be with etc. Scientology is a religion, not a fascist camp or a Nazi regime.

7. Cease and desist from squirreling the org board and functions of staff and Scientologists. Restore post functions and the hats of Scientologists as laid out by LRH policy. That means, and is not limited to:

- Cease and desist telling public that they are there to help build Ideal Orgs, which includes massive and continuous donation campaigns. Public are there, per policy, to get trained and audited, go out into society and use Scientology to bring about positive change in the world, and YES to disseminate and FSM. They are not there to build orgs. That is the hat of management.

- Cease the world-wide "hey you" org board where everyone is on "all-hands" call-in and sales of the Basics or for IAS donations. People are restored to THEIR posts and their hats. Period!

8. Cease and desist from mandating that everyone buy and read the Basics - and in fact - simply restore the Bridge to what it is - and start channeling the public back on the Bridge instead of onto your own "specialized" version of what "everyone should do now." That includes ceasing and desisting from mandatory six month checks at Flag, having to "buy" the Basics to get out of ethics, squirrel sec checking based on arbitrary factors...

9. Cease and desist your own agenda of "Ideal Orgs and straight-up-and-vertical" - and let management start to build orgs again based on standard management, which includes the full use of evaluation technology, data series, the correct handling of EACH organization as an entity of its own - properly directed and channeled towards expansion and the LRH birthday game - without any spin put on it.

10. Cease the PR "lie-machine" that Tommy Davis and others are pursuing in the media, which is destroying the reputation of Scientology. What is needed is a singular message, one that shows the truly positive aspects of Scientology - and which is repeated over and over again to attract people to orgs. Not the current and insanely mixed message showing an organization that is arrogant, combatitive, antagonistic and claims to be "the authorities on the mind" and yet cannot demonstrate sanity itself.

11. Cease the constant distraction and destruction of orgs and the field through the time consuming and money wasting "international events" which are actually a violation of LRH policies on such - and get orgs to individually start concentrating again on servicing their field, out-reach in the form of effective div 6s (not just "your" Div 6 panels which you have trumped up as THE solution), and let orgs get on with it. Scientologists do not need to be constantly told about expansion - Scientologists just need to DO what Scientologists do naturally - the rest will fall into place.

12. Restore LRH's image as the Founder of Scientology. Cease putting yourself on a pedestal as being the one who "discovered" the better mouse-trap (Golden Age of Tech, simulators, wall-drills etc etc etc). This also means restoring LRH's family back into the mindset of Scientologists and into the legacy of this group. You have all but destroyed any memory of Mary Sue Hubbard and their children. Orgs no longer reflect the fact that MSH was THE main person that helped LRH along the way in his researches and in the building of early orgs. Whatever your reasoning - you are nullifying the legacy of the man and his family in some insane attempt to keep his image "untainted".

13. Cease making Scientology a money making activity. Cease the constant barrage of "buy this or that" or "donate to this that". Organizations should make their money by DELIVERING Scientology.

14. Immediately cease channelling public from orgs to Flag. You have effectively cannibalized the international Scientology field and you are destroying standard org flows and channels to keep your house of cards from falling apart at Flag. Flag should resort back to being the Mecca, and orgs should do THEIR jobs, train their own auditors and make their OWN Clears the way it is supposed to work.

15. Cancel the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) outright. It is a jurassic and oppressive system, which has been used primarily in the past three or more decades as a punishment tool, abusive and suppressive of people's lives, and categorically "slave-camp" in nature. It was never designed by L Ron Hubbard - and it serves no essential part in the forward movement of
Scientology - but rather - has become a means of shunting "unwanteds" and dissidents out of the picture.

16. Though it is unlikely that you will accept any of these suggestions above, this last one is said, not with malice or ill intent towards you, but in the sincere interest of ensuring that Scientology is here for the long haul and that people on this planet have the opportunity to achieve their full potential spiritually by studying and using it.

Abdicate and relinquish all control or power you may have within the organization, restoring FULL power to the new standard governance and management, and engage yourself in whatever rehabilitation program you see fit to restore your own integrity, self and values.
If you see fit, come clean to the Scientology community and tell them what you have done, how you have violated the very trust vested in your and what you have done over the years to block THEIR Scientology. They deserve to know the truth - and the truth is the ONLY thing that is going to give you a chance of making it.





+1 # Ignazio Tidu 2009-12-21 11:40
This is true! Ignazio Tidu Class IX auditor.
+1 # Guest 2009-12-22 00:24
This is true
Victor Sandino
Book one auditor
# Chuck Beatty 2009-12-27 12:54
There is so much to talk about. In the early 1980s, LRH in one advice ordered getting Boards of Review going, to deal with all the of the injustices.

To me, in hindsight, the MOST omitted Hubbard justice policy is the statement about injustices, from the Scientology Ethics Book, I quote the latest edition, 2007 "basics" edition, page 381

Hubbard said: "This, then, is the primary breakdown of any justice system--that it acts on false reports, disciplines before substantiation and fails to confront an accused with the report and his accuser before any discipline is assigned, or which does not weigh the value of a person in general against the alleged crime even when proven."

The final phrase: "....does not weigh the value of a person in general against the alleged crime even when proven."

THIS policy is the loophole policy to immediately apply in issuing a blanket AMNESTY to ALL of the people wrongly declared SP.

THIS is the policy that is grossly violated.

The decades long valuable Sea Org members kicked out and declared SP over the years, is a travesty violation of this Hubbard policy.

The proof is the loyalty that all the independents retain for LRH.

Well, even though I'm not a Scientologist, I think you independents ought to inherit the movement.

I know MOST of the big cheese independents, and one for one, you are NOT SPs.

And you at least are acting like normal human beings.

Per Hubbard's "Board of Review" policy, also in the same 2007 "basics" edition of the Scientology Ethics Book, states:

"The Board can only cancel an action, directive or order which has been found to.....
e) Violate basic LRH policy."

ALL of the incorrectly ordered SP declared of the hundreds of ex Sea Org members are ALL prime candidates for Boards of Review, and would unquestionably correctly be overturned because ALL of those SP declares "Violate basic LRH policy."

The policy they violate is the first quoted policy above.

That's the loophole that whoever replaces Miscavige SHOULD implement, to undeclare ALL loyal Hubbardites of ALL past SP declares.

Please note this suggestion, someday I hope someone is wise enough to follow through with it.

Seems to me it is key to somehow still get the official membership of Scientology to get the full story on Miscavige, so the Scientology membership forces Miscavige to step down.

In NONE of the ASI traffic does LRH say a damn thing that David Miscavige is to run the whole movement!

A simpler summary of all that David Miscavige has done wrong needs to be put into book form or video DVD form and gotten into the hands of existing Scientology members.

I think it will take some months or years to get the movement membership to absorb what Miscavige has done wrong.

Someone needs to do a book on David Miscavige, Cult Leader.
# OTB 2009-12-29 04:06
Chuck - good comment and so very very true.
The intensity of affinity, admiration and respect that people have for LRH and Scientology is the line that David Miscavige has and is tampering with - and it will ultimately explode in his face. I think the idea for a book about DM and how he has perverted the world of Scientology is a good idea. A very good idea as that takes it to the heart of the matter and would get it out to the general public which would hopefully filter to the Scientology community and expose him from within.

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