Friday, 02 April 2010 21:40 |
Church of Miscavige launches retaliatory email campaign to discredit Anderson Cooper

The email below is being circulated today in response to CNN's special Scientology: A History of Violence which aired March 29 - April 2, 2010 on Anderson Cooper 360. Just as they have done with Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Steve Hall, Amy Scobee, Tom Devocht, Jeff Hawkins and other whistleblowers, the Church of Miscavige is now doing with Anderson Cooper. The Church of Miscavige has become a hate group because it is actively creating hate through character assisination and black propaganda. The church behaves like organized crime because it is organized crime. What kind of "church" would write and circulate an email campaign like the one below:
From: LD Sledge <
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
> Date: Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 7:15 AM Subject: Fwd: Fw: How to talk to Anderson Cooper about violence To:
More on Anderson Cooper. I didn't know he had had ECT. Now this explains everything. Thanks Ron for this data. I knew he was homo but not a fan of ECT. Electro Shock Therapy where they put an electrode on either side of your temporals and send a jolt of electricity through your brain to solve a problem you have. They dont have a clue and anyone know who has had ECT is now a mixed up jigsaw puzzle--and dangerous.
L D Sledge
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Clarke" <
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 3:41 AM Subject: How to talk to Anderson Cooper about violence
Anderson Cooper on CNN is a major promotor of electric shock treatment and says he is one who has undergone ECT many times.
He is an active gay and a promotor of a "gay life style."
Anderson Cooper was trained to be a CIA agent but was promoted into TV "News."
If one wanted to summarize Anderson Cooper's career, if you said he was a merchant of chaos and first and foremost a promotor of violence, you will have it in a nut shell.
So, how should one talk to a standardly gay CIA agent who dearly loves and has had lots of ECT performed on him to make him a better person and newscaster and believes it has, when he wants to portray you and your group as violent?
BTW, Idle Org, I love the caricature. It's hilarious!
But it doesn't make any difference. Neither does all the airing of the faults and failings of anyone exposing the abuse of DM make a bit a difference. Even if everything being said about AC and the others is true, so what?
What they are alleging about DM could ALSO be true. Which was the entire point of the AC 360 series.
Yet, the morons sending these things out think that the same operations that routinely work on them--ad hominem attacks--will work on others.
As Dylan once wrote, "To live outside the law you must be honest."
I.e., you have to look with your own eyes and see what YOU see, not what someone tells you you see.
Let's get a poll going: Who did you believe on the AC 360 shows on Scientology violence: the church representative or the independents?
They are lucky that Anderson gave their side such a fair report, considering they held out their interviews until Monday. And it's about time they figured that smear campaigns, email spamming and stacks of affidavits won't be enough to get journalists off their back. Actually treating people like humans would be a start in doing that.
He used to be a lawyer and lost his license to practice in Baton Rouge La. LD grow up you got caught for some nasty things that you did so knock this crap off.
Remember Paul H's resignation letter to Tommy? One of the main reason that he brought up in that letter, was about the church attacking gays rights which Tommy denied that church would do that. Now they are sending this letter about AC being gay!?
Well, church won't be able to discredit AC, because he is so loved internationally. It'll definitely back flashes in a big way.
Steve and everyone did amazing with CNN. Thank you!
Well, we are winning and DM knows that. Can't wait to see the BBC report/investigation on the church!!!!!!!!:-)
In reality, Mestology does not apply TWTH or Human Rights as touted by them. How would this campaign conform to the "Golden Rule" in most religions and TWTH? Thus they will pull in bad stuff, if they believe their own Tech.
No amount of drilling by Miscavige or his minions can help someone turn a lie into the truth. Tommy Davis, Leserve, Starky and the harpies which were trotted out to defend DM using vitriolic attacks on the character of any and all who question the integrity of the Pope of Scientology, most definitely did not create ARC for themselves or thier cause.
Marty and company did not attack their attackers but expressed compassion for people they cared about who are PTS and in an impossible situation. Those people have been given a choice to give up their integrity or their spiritual salvation. The simple but awful truth is that they have given up both.
It was clear to me who was practicing Scientology and who was not.
I can only see those ex-wives dramatize so much. AC was just doing his job as any newscaster does.
this email from LD. Which I read in the middle of the night. It took me quite awhile to relax afterwards.
LD lost his son in a bicycle accident many years ago in Baton Rouge. He was 10 or so. LD wrote beautiful poems about this loss and grieved. His wife left him, joined the SO - took him for a bunch of money (lived the rich SO lifestyle as a result) and took their son with her. He either remarried or had a long term relationship and started to write books.
Fast forward -- for years he was disaffected. Upset about management and very on the fence ... BUT somehow was brought back into the fold. OK fine.
Dennis Clarke is far from a saint. A womanizer back in his thinner days and somehow managed to live off his CCHR rants and raves although never hampered by BEING a staff member, per se. Good deal if you can swing it.
As for ECT - well, the thought is abhorrent and sends shivers down my spine BUT BUT BUT I friend of mine suffered severe clinical depression after her husband of 40 years left. And was very suicidal and practically comotose. Nothing helped. I personally tried to do what I knew -- locations, vitamins etc and tried to get her to stop seeing a psych. Her children took over her care -- AND she had ECT. At first she was a basket case. Remembered nothing. Soon the short term memory loss passed. She is now happy, well, vibrant, busy, runs her own company, gardens. In short -- she is ALIVE.
(Science is finding how malleable the brain is. How after a stroke a person CAN retrain and basically rewire his/her brain and become fully or nearly functioning again. Same can be said of traumatic brain injury patients. AND it seems -- the same with the severely depressed. ITS ABOUT shocking the brain to rewire.)
AND lastly -- my father killed himself while I was on staff in the SO. THAT completely took the rug out from under me. I was "saving the planet" and yet by precious father killed himself. Of course, because I was on staff -- I didn't even KNOW (who talks to their family as a staff member except for birthdays perhaps and Christmas?) he was depressed.
For YEARS -- believe it or not -- I would say -- well, at least he wasn't on psych drugs when he died. ONE DAY I said -- OMFG -- IF he HAD been on psych drugs he would still be alive. AND he could have gotten off them eventually, perhaps.
Do I promote psych drugs? NO. Do I promote ECT? NO.
But being privy to a recent OT VII who is NOW TYPE III and abandoned by her "church" -- I say -- LIFE is most important. Get someone back on their feet by whatever means -- and THEN work on sorting out HOW they recovered.
OH -- and one more thing --
This is the 21st Century LD, Ron (Savelo-CCHR), Denis -- people are to be respected not called names from some old well of Christian puritan thinking. Please -- "COME UP TO PRESENT TIME"
There is an LRH ref which I would have to look long and hard for where he refers to ECT having occasional success because it moves the person on the time track from where they were stuck. Unpredictable though. The point being that there is much to learn about the ol' brain and it appears to be more than just a shock absorber.
Sorry about your Dad. I do understand.
Your father's death and the circumstances surrounding it are all to familiar to me. I'm just so sorry. Only time and one's own spiritual strength and wisdom will mitigate an experience
like that.
I admire your courage to say what is absolutely TABOO within scientology, which is that people have been and can be helped by other methods, even psychiatry, and that HELP IS HELP.
Denis Clarke is big on statistics (none of which I trust at this point), and a salvaged human being, one who is brought back from the precipice by whatever means, is the VFP statistic (valuable final product) of all possible statistics. And while the church will trumpet from the rooftops the "importance of "X number of new people" hearing a radio promo for dianetics, they will never acknowledge how many lives of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons were saved by means other than scientology.
Let's dispel right here and now the lie that the main concern of the c of m is the salvaging of beings. That ship has sailed. It's becoming more widely known each day for the bullshit it is.
The email above was apparently intercepted along comm lines within the church's field - my guess is that it was found on The Razzline. I've seen L D Sledge's "work" posted there many times and have always thought he was a crackpot. His postings are often ill-conceived, reactive and inflammatory in nature, though he drapes them in the guise of "aesthetics." Unfortunately for the church, this is just more of what they've had so much of this week; exposure of the nastines, hate, and unhinged nature of some of its members.
Do you mean this hypothetically OR because you were actually there at Flag at the time of his death?
In which case -- we must know each other.
Sorry, that was ambiguous, wasn't it? What I meant is that I have some very similar track in this area.
Our experiences differ in some ways, but I've had to deal with some of those same things, and since deciding to leave scientology behind, one of my most profoundly sad realizations has been the condition into which I had let my relationship with my non-scientology family fall. I have neglected and ignored people who really loved me. There was the aspect of being "too busy" with scientology-related obligations, but the blame is really my own; I have ordered my own priorities. I just have not always done it wisely. For some of those relationships it is too late.
I've had a similar situation with someone close to me, also an OT. They have observable valence shifts (everything changes; expression, color of skin, gestures, voice, behavior)and where they once were highly ethical and a very social personality, they have become almost unrecognizable in some ways, even committed criminal acts. Do you know of any handle? Does this destimulate over time?
PS: I can't find part 5 of the CNN show anywhere. I'm in Australia and it's still not on the net or CNN site. Any tips? I'm sick of waiting!!
The hateful sites DM's adherents run, like Religious Freedom Watch, the email campaigns like the ones above, the recent tv appearances of "church officials" staring and frothing at the mouth and those poor ex-wives, strident, fanatical and bitter... well, these people seem to be entirely unaware of how they appear to those who are not indoctrinated. It's as though DM's adherents live on another planet where the tone and body language of sane beings are completely different than they are here on earth.
A planet where an acceptable response to serious allegations of felonious behavior and abuse of human rights is to lie about and viciously attack the character of those who speak up or who dare to give a venue (never mind credence) to those who are speaking up.
A planet where such things as disparaging a person's sexual orientation is considered a legitimate argument for why scientology (church of) is good and it helps people.
Just... wow.
I was hoping this post would indeed spark some interest in this matter of the false label of "psych drugs" keeping PCs off the Bridge. and Dennis Clarke's involvment with it. I didn't mean to sign this post as coming from Anonymous. It's actually from me, "beebercat" and hopefully you remember me - we talked on the phone one night.
I know someone who worked with Dennis, and according to him, this exaggeration of the truth is SOP for Dennis, as well as heavy inval and general enturbulation. This person was beaten down with heavy inval and false ethics handlings by Dennis, which then resulted in a major crash in their life.
Personally, I think he's an SP,the real thing.
(I predict one day this rundown will be in broad use, repairing thousands of Scientologists from out-tech they received thanks to David Miscavige).
I remember hearing heartbreaking stories from a Public Exec Sec of people who came in for auditing, inspired with hope, only to be turned away because they once innocently took a pill from a doctor.
All this bears more investigation; I don't have all the facts by any means. However, based on the appalling smear campaign mounted by the Church and Dennis Clarke, my guess is that further inspection will uncover a can of worms.
considered an illegal pc for 20+ years due to taking "psych drugs," then recently, suddenly and with no explanation told she was NOT illegal. She has now done the psych rundown, but how does this handling jibe with LRH saying, at least 24 years ago, that "we now have the technology to handle any case." WTF?
OMG, this is a string that needs to be pulled!!!
I mean to see the General Sherman's tank already...just thinking about it makes my heart race.
ML, Fidelio
Nice one fellas.
Jeeez, you slimey assholes at OSA or whatever, I'm getting angry now........real angry.
The rest of it is most likely made up. I wonder where C of S gets their "information"?
You know Cof S, if you're reading this. I don't need to point out the obvious do I; that making Mr. Cooper out to be a bad guy doesn't change the fact that people are in fact being beaten, suppressed,etc. I mean, you couldn't be so out of it to think this handles the situation?
Maybe you are that far gone.
Even more predictable is bringing up Anderson’s sexual orientation – as if that makes any difference.
They have to find reasons why they are being attacked and yet they fail to look at the REAL reason.
I hope that copies of these Emails have been forwarded to CNN and Anderson?
Thanks for exposing names. These "public" who do DM's bidding, no matter how low-brow and ignorant, and act like the fascist dictator himself need their ethics put in. They, unlike the majority of "public", do not suffer from being misinformed. They are actively misinforming. I'd love for DM to send Dennis down in these parts to attempt to physically intimidate me - like he has done with others. I guarantee you it would be Dennis the Menace's last terror mission.
It wasn't Anderson that beat multiple Sea Org members, coerced abortions, deprived Sea Org members of food and sleep and committed a host of other human rights abuses.
I think the Church needs to come to PT. In it's present condition it just doesn't fit into modern day society. But, I don't think people ever like to be beaten. Well, maybe some do. I guess they are the ones that stayed.
This is a "church" that, just like Al Qaeda, hates our government, the CIA and the FBI. And they were given tax exempt status. Only in America! I hope this cult collapses soon. They remind me so very much for the Nazis.
Kill the messenger!
Way to go, Anderson Cooper! You da man!
They (The C. of S.) lied to us also about "psych drugs". They probably lied to us about the real effects of ECT (even though I still disapprove of that treatment).
In the same way they lied to us about the advanced OT Levels (OT IX-XV)that do not exist. In the same way they lied to us about the 1982 mission holder conference, in the same way they lied to us about Mayo, I mean this is just liying.
When you take the lies away what's left of the Church of Scientology? These guys they are just lying and they have been doing so (and covering up earlier lies since 1980).
The CoS has taken what is a legitimate concern for all ethical people, including all ethical psychiatrists (!) - the proper use of medication and surgical and other interventions for mental health issues - and has exaggerated and at times lied in order to make a real concern into a source of fear and anger.
There is a real role for legitimate oversight and accountability in this field. But CCHR's often bizarre claims (eg. that "up to 50% of all psychiatrists sexually abuse their patients" WTF?!!) are irresponsible and dangerous in themselves.
I saw a most extraordinary story the other day about a child whose seizures were so extreme that surgeons removed almost half of her brain. Because she was so young (3), she quickly recovered from the paralysis and now has a real life. I admit, the concept is so extreme that I can't imagine how sick your child must be for you to contemplate consenting to it, but the parents claim a miraculous recovery for their daughter.
There's video.
(No, I'm not promoting radical brain surgery. :-) )
Many antipsychotics are the same.
Funny how the criminal mind works.
Not only that but they use the same tactics that dear ol' Mother K uses to discredit a source.
Character assassination is very closely related to Black Propaganda and is a common tactic of the Espiocracy.
Look what they did to Gary Webb:
A little more subtle than Mafia Tactics who would have put out a contract on AC or a least sent Quedo to break his legs or sent him a fish during the series.
Any way the only ones who are going to believe this "crap" as an earlier poster precisely labeled it, are the "true believers".
Who are becoming an endangered species.
About ECT - there are organizations of "ECT survivors" that are completely independent of CCHR and the Co$. Their main issue with psychiatry and ECT is not that ECT has not helped some of them, but that psychiatry lied to them about the actual effects of ECT - some permanent loss of memories is common, occasionally some loss of other cognitive functions.
Their "platform" is usually along the lines of calling for full disclosure of the actually effects. Some of them have testified before Congress, and the FDA also, who regulates "medical devices".
There are also protest groups in some states, notably New York, about the use of ECT on children and young adults, particularly the involuntary administration of it.
What psychiatry does not disclose, or minimizes, is that ECT causes a closed-head injury with some destruction of brain tissue.
Interestingly enough, many people suffer closed-head injuries in automobile accidents and the result is often exactly the same kind of euphoria as is caused by ECT. This is well-known to people who work with closed-head injuries, which is a large industry in the USA.
ECT would not be my first choice for "mental treatment", and I think it's too bad psychiatry has nothing better to offer,but I can understand why some people feel driven to try it. And to stigmatize someone who has received the treatment, is just criminal.
Hubbard himself, in one of the first lectures in the "Anatomy of the Spirit of Man" series, mentions getting good results from auditing even some pcs who had had "shock treatment".
The Co$ today has not only completely failed to help many people scientology could have helped, it it actively refusing to help anyone.
The term narcissism refers to the personality trait of egotism, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.
I knew LD for a very long time. I am not at all surprised by this. He was disbarred in 2003 via the Supreme Court of Louisiana.
Who really cares what AC's sexual preference or mental history is? Well, an old narcissistic man with sexual dysfunction and a fixation on sex does, that's who. (I bad) But truth.
AC did a fantastic job NOT getting sucked into the lies.
LD and Dennis are being BULLIES and are such narcissists they have no clue that people see straight through them!
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