Marty Rathbun Declaration | | Print | |
Tuesday, 13 July 2010 21:17 |
Last March I drafted a legal declaration to help support an issue being contested in Mark and Claire Headley's lawsuit. I worked with Mark and Claire for years at the Int base so I know them well. In June I traveled to Los Angeles to appear in a deposition before RTC and CSI lawyers. Now Marty has weighed in, so make sure before you click on the link below to read his eye-opening document don't forget to fasten your seat belts. Like all legal declarations, the document is a pdf. Click on the link to read it. -- Thoughtful From Marty Rathbun: I had the privilege of spending a couple days as a guest at Claire’s and Marc’s home not too long ago. I got to spend some quality time with them and other friends. I learned something that I did not know before. After talking to a number of people I learned that Claire and Marc only ever got into a confict with DM’s organization because of an RTC retaliation campaign conducted against them. Their crime? Assisting a friend to escape from imprisonment where she received some of the worst kind of mind manipulation I have ever heard of Miscavige performing. Once again, DM created a state of mind in others that the only way to survive his persecution and harrassment was to turn to the courts. I generally advise people to stay away from the courts if they can avoid it; it is too costly and has uncertain results, particularly when one is up against a corporation with unlimited financial resources and run by a sociopath. Accordingly, I did some study on their legal case. I saw the most patent, wall of sworn falsehoods being thrown at them by an army of well-heeled lawyers (and perjury-willing church “witnesses”). I decided to do what I could to help counter-balance the fraud RTC is attempting to pass off on the court. The link below is a copy of the declaration I drafted and later signed in support of a critical legal issue being litigated at the moment. I suggest to anyone who knew Marc or Claire during their years in the church to contact them to share any facts that might be relevant to their case. They stood up alone and have sacrificed much to stay standing as long as they have. Click here to read the declaration (pdf document). contacts: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
I also encourage more mail from all those that blew from Kirby apartments and Vista Garden Apartments, Gold BASE and so on.
If you were forced to have an abortion, pressured in anyway to abort the child, on any continent or experienced Sleep Deprivation and other slave labor techniques write to me in private.
"It is more than policy that one gets the condition he fails to correctly and promptly assign and enforce.
It is sort of a natural law." (HCO PL 20 October 1967, Conditions, How to assign)
By writing all those things up, you have "dis-joined" each single one of those conditions and have assigned it to the owner. The act of publication enforces those assignments.
If Missed Wihthold recations should come up now, we all know what that means: There is more to it that wants unearthing. That's all! So it will be uneathed. Once the WH is off it will be calm and the session will continue.
I feel, your declaration und the publication of it does much more than supporting Claire and Marc Headley. It lets air on many Withholds. It cuts into a wall of mutual out-ruds. This wall is less solid now.
"... This could even apply to an org or vessel which was separate from the rest of society around it: Its members could develop mutual out-ruds from the rest of society, and cases could fail on this point." (HCOB 17 February 1974, Mutual Out-Ruds"
It audits the situation. It strengthens the auditors of the situation.
Thank you! Thank you very much!
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