Home Marty Rathbun How David Miscavige crushed L. Ron Hubbard's family
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Monday, 14 June 2010 22:25

Ok, here is the beginning of my promised series connecting the dots of C of M familicide policy to its author, David Miscavige. You will get the complete story when my book is published. For now, these facts will suffice.

In 1981 Pat Broeker helped get his then-pal David Miscavige assigned to the position of Special Project Ops. As such DM was responsible for attaining an All Clear, meaning deal with the couple dozen civil suits that named LRH as a defendant, so that LRH could come to the Int Base and complete what he considered his most important final task of this lifetime. That task, direct and produce the tech films so that T.R.s and Metering could be mastered – those skills that LRH had always said would guarantee a case gain. (In a later story – or in the book – I’ll fully connect the dots so that all can see the complete Black Dianetics nature of Golden Age of Tech and all other nifty curve balls DM entered into the line up instead)

Miscavige seized on the opportunity to keep LRH off the lines and hijack the church through the power derived as serving as gate keeper for all communications to and from LRH. Broeker was in league, until LRH died and DM decided there could only be one (Kergin from Highlander, anyone?)

“All communications” included from the outset communications from L. Ron Hubbard’s wife and long-time confidante Mary Sue, as well as the rest of LRH’s family.

DM used his ONLY line early on by setting up Mary Sue as the fall woman for the lack of an All Clear. Miscavige would later brag about the “courage” it took to get Mary Sue to step down in his “one on one” encounter with her. See SP Times 1998 article The Man Behind Scientology. What Miscavige did not tell the Times was this:

Mary Sue Hubbard did not relinquish control because of Miscavige’s superior persuasion skills. She demanded that she be able to communicate to her husband. Miscavige said “no.” And there was not a single thing Mary Sue could do about it. She was defeated by the severance of the line to her husband. DM possesses the evidence of this. That is because he had JB bug the hotel room where the meeting took place. JB sat outside in a van (ala French Connection) with headphones monitoring the operation as it was recorded for posterity (without Mary Sue’s consent) onto the reel to reel recording tape.

I know everything that went down. That is because by default I became Mary Sue’s church terminal. She was so ARC broken with Miscavige, and messengers by extension, she refused to communicate with anyone from the Special Project. That was a huge flap, because her assistance as a witness was required in the litigation. Being a relatively green, amiable guy (I once was believe it or not) and non Messenger, I was elected to repair the line. And I remained in comm with Mary Sue till the quiet, sad end of her life.

Shortly thereafter, Diana Hubbard Horwich attempted to stop DM in his massacre of the mission holders. Her associates were all declared, and when she attempted to communicate what was going on to her father, her comm was cut and she was shot.

Fast forward five years.

In January 1986 Suzette Hubbard was engaged to be married to then-Marketing Exec International Guy White. Suzette’s father L. Ron Hubbard died on January 24th that same year. Suzette and Guy put off their wedding date so as to take care of LRH’s final wishes and pay their respects. However, none of LRH’s family – including Suzette – were invited to attend his final days by Pat Broeker and David Miscavige. Nor were any of them invited to his funeral and the spreading of his ashes days later.

Suzette and Guy were married on March 8th 1986. Suzette immediately became pregnant and was ordered to the International base by Miscavige.
Guy White, who was already at the base, was assigned to the RPF in the summer of that same year. At the Happy Valley locale of the Int base RPF, he joined his brother-in-law Arthur Hubbard and the only other male figure in left the family, Jon Horwich (ex-husband of Diana Hubbard and father to their daughter – Roanne).

During Suzette’s pregnancy, DM ordered published an issue stating that no babies can be born to S.O. Members. Did you get that? He put that issue out while LRH’s daughter was pregnant and in the S.O.

Tyson Hubbard White was born 9 months and 1 day after his parents were married, 9 Dec 1986.

LRH’s grand son was given a hearty welcome by DM by assigning his mother, LRH’s daughter, to the post of laundress. Her duties included, among other things, literally handling David Miscavige’s dirty laundry.

Guy White received a Board of Review that ruled his assignment to the RPF was erroneous. However, rather than returning to his post as Marketing Exec in the Office of ED Int – as is required by LRH Flag Order – he was assigned to the post of Clapper in Cine Gold. The post of Marketing Exec International was then filled by David Miscavige’s brother Ronnie. Don’t get me wrong, Ronnie was a tremendous Marketing Exec Int, but so was Guy, and the fashion in which DM cast LRH policy aside in the case of Guy White bears telling.

Guy and Suzette took family time, an S.O. tradition, either one hour before or after dinner. Even though they had been put into some of the lowest posts conceivable on the base, they found it increasingly difficult to take that one hour to be with their young son.

Tyson was being taken care of based on a personal letter earlier written to John Horwich from LRH that laid out a program for his and Diana’s daughter, Roanne. LRH referred to it as “a big program for a little princess.” The LRH Household Unit was being run on a parallel program, The Prince Program, for Tyson.
Then, an issue ordered by DM was put out that canceled Family Time for all S.O. members.

Suzette vehemently protested the issue and challenged its validity. She was told that there was nothing that could be found written by LRH covering family time. Suzette responded stating that she LIVED IT, that her father spent a minimum of an hour a day with them at Saint Hill in addition to dinner time, that the church needs to find it. We did find ample documentation that LRH ordered and enforced family time for SO families. DM ordered the evidence withheld from Suzette.

Conditions did not change. Finally, Suzette left the base with Tyson and showed up at her mother’s house for refuge never to return to the SO.
Guy left the base some months later joining up with Suzette and Tyson.

Suzette and Guy raised two other children, a daughter Alysa Marie and a second son Connor Bryce.

Now, I am not saying any existing personality is of particular significance in all this, nor that even if he or she were it would have any bearing on the route out across the Bridge. However, I cannot help but find the interesting historical parallels with the biblical times Massacre of the Innocents. You can read about it here:


The media – even the best and strongest – have been backed off from exposing Miscavige. They took such a bludgeoning over the original Truth Rundown series and Anderson Cooper’s History of Violence, and continue to over at the BBC, that they have been coerced into laying off Miscavige. Not a knock on the fine gentlemen and gentlewomen who have gone through the C of M gauntlet over the past year. Quite the contrary, props to them.  But, we have our own media now.  And it reaches far more of those whom we’d like to reach than the largest and most prestigious of news agencies.

You want the truth?

Can you handle the truth?

You think you are entitled to the truth?

Then stayed tuned to this blog.

L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy shall be resurrected.

And L. Ron Hubbard’s family shall be vindicated.

And remember,

“Truth, though often fought, always in the end prevails.” – L. Ron Hubbard

Written by Marty Rathbun




# George 2010-06-14 17:21
Hi Marty,

I was a staff from mid 70's until late 2000's with a few years break in between. I can't wait to read on ....

Best, George

PS: DM's bragging portrait on scientology.org (written in a language meant for Scientologists but NOT to new people) says he did receive more direct comm from LRH than any other Scn exec in history. Even without your account above I did immediately think he was telling a white lie by referring to but not saying "as special ops" - guess he "had to" receive more "direct" comm from him - all other lines being cut - only, they were not actually meant "to him". Just a thought and a gut feeling.
# Idle Org 2010-06-15 00:46
I'm still not quite confronting the whole of DM's villainy. It keeps going and going and going...

He is the Energizer bunny, only evil. REAL evil.

This data is some of the very most interesting for me Marty.

When I would drag my mom to events in the early to mid nineties, she would ask "why don't we ever see Hubbard's family?"

She would also ask "why does that announcer guy (Pomerantz), sound so corny?"

And she would ask...well....you get my point.

None of which I had any answers for. But LRH, sans family, stuck with me, too, as an outpoint.

Thanks for sharing thus far. I'll buy your book when it comes out and please, do continue. I'm all ears on this one...

# Peter Truner 2010-06-16 01:17
This is the second time that I have written to you, Marty. I like what you write and how you are exposing the destruction of LRH Scientology. My question is where is the Hubbard family now? If Diana was to re-emerge and become visible then she may be a rallying post for all Scientologists who want a return to LRH tech. I noticed that while the original book Science of Survival was dedicated to Diana Hubbard the newest and altered version of the book carries no such dedication.

Now on a personal level to you Marty (maybe not for publication but it up to you). I understand that you were Inspector General RTC at one time. I only laid eyes on you once and at the time I thought you might get RPFed by you for leaving a bar of soap in a shower recess. At the time I thought "Who is this obnoxious, loud mouthed "Seppo"? (A Seppo in Australian slang means the worst kind of "ugly American"). Now I do know that under the influence of Miscavige and others you said and did things that you would not normally do. But you were there right along with the rest. I don't exclude myself from that group. In a small cont. ClO in Australia I was there too spreading the evil and destructive intent of the new management for a time. There is no doubt that you have done some of the doubt formular and you do deliver effective blows to the enemies of the true followers of LRH tech. But I have seen no evidence of actually making amends for the damage that you did. Sorry to be harsh but I think that it needs to be said.

One thing that I know for a fact is that one thing that destroyed the form of the orgs. was a piece of squirrel tech called the "New Command Channels". This piece of crap was so bad, off policy and destructive to the actual Org Board Tech of LRH that I couldn't even study it. I think that this came in about late 1988 and early 1989. As you will recall the Command Channels network was controlled by four inspector generals RTC. One each for Admin, Tech, Finance and Ethics. Well kick my dog - what a dogs breakfast that would be! Cross lines and illegal orders all over a standard 7 or 9 Div org board. I was in the Finance Network at the time and my instant thought was 'What happened to the idea that the finance network is an "Autonomous Network in the Office of LRH'?
And what about the Inspector general Admin Network? There is no such Div or department of Admin so what or who are the command channels for this? The entire thing was blatantly squirrel. But apart from me there was not one single whimper of complaint from anywhere. I was at PAC when it was released went to East US. UK. EU and finally ANZO and saw it introduced in each cont. Nobody complained or even questioned it apart from me and I was thrown out of the church as a result. Not that I minded I knew then that there was no chance the LRH tech would survive within the Church.

Personal horror stories are interesting but the real story is what happened to the Tech of LRH and how it was and is being destroyed and by who. Miscavige is one man but what about the rest such as the faceless men of CST that hold the copyrights and trademarks and especially Norman F. Starkey who personally holds many of the copyrights and trademarks in his own name.

I do want to hear from you about this and much more.

Best wishes ( and I really do men best wishes)
The Dude from Down Under
# Solace 2012-07-19 12:17
The more I read this stuff, the more I have to physically use my right hand to push my jaw back in place.
+1 # Dids 2012-10-13 10:12
Great story. Since long I know something is crooked as Scientology went berzerk around the end of 79. There was if I remember well an LRH order by telex forbidding or suspending staff auditing. But LRH was not on management lines so what it is all about?
Then, reading the story, I find it very strange that the children, grand child and wife of LRH were not allowed to see him. Why? Then why LRH would not do anything to see his wife and kids and grand son? There is definitely an outpoint. No normal father would allow that unless prisoner or physically unable. There is something not making any sense. Was he really alive? May be he was dead, or what? Again, I can't imagine LRH not seeing his familly. Especially if the familly could not see him after he died, something is weird. May be the familly seeing the dead body of "LRH" would have noticed some gross outpoint.
This is important because if it was not LRH, then up to when he was actually writing LRH EDs, HCOBs and HCOPLs.
Interesting string pull isn't it?
# Monica Gleed 2013-08-21 20:30
Guy White is my cousin
# Thoughtful 2013-08-21 20:40
Tell him we said hello!
# AnonIndie 2014-01-19 01:45
I'm so heartbroken by the magnitude of DM's evil and the suppression waged against Ron's family. I know Guy, Roanne, Tyson, John and Diana (I do not know Suzette). I never met Ron, though I would have liked to.

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