Ed Bryan: Scientology spy, messenger of hate
In crime and law, hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group, usually defined by racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, social status or political affiliation.
"Hate crime" generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types above, or of their derivatives. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, offensive letters or email (hate mail).
Ed Bryan |
If you’ve been reading the comments in Marty’s blog, you know that at 7:15 pm, Wednesday, June 8, 2011, Michael Fairman (the well-known actor) was seated at his computer quietly reading Marty’s blog when the doorbell rang.
At the door were three “Squirrel Busters” and a camera. “Michael, I’d like to speak to you” one of the busters asked, rather pleasantly. Not having a camera in hand, Michael replied, “No, get outta here — I’m calling the cops!” and shut the door in their faces.
Two policemen arrived minutes later. They were given a brief history of the “Squirrel Busters” and grasped the situation immediately. They understood the Church of Scientology was engaging in a hate crime in retaliation against whistle blowers.
The police provided the tools and communication lines to deal with the CoS agents. They said to report the incident as an intentional HATE CRIME using visceral epithet “squirrel” and visiting for purpose of harassment. Calling an Independent Scientologist a “squirrel” falls into the same category as racial slurs.
The event was filed as an incident with the Van Nuys Police Department. The officers were also made aware of what had happened in Santa Monica last Tuesday, that the Church of Scientology was also behind those hate crimes, and that video evidence exists.
Michael went on to brief the Senior Lead Officer at the Van Nuys Police station so that all police stations in the San Fernando Valley will be apprised of what occurred. Should there be another visit or series of visits, the record will show the original filing so that legal steps can be taken. The police explained that the laws which apply to the paparazzi also apply to the aforementioned events.
Right on schedule, the very next day, about 7 pm, three people rang Karen de la Carriere’s doorbell on OSA’s behalf asking to see her. They said, “We are making a documentary.”
Because she knew in advance they were coming, she had a reception committee on hand to welcome them. The Church agents arrived in a black Acura SUV, California license plate 6EYN337. The license plate allegedly revealed the owner to as Ed Bryan, an OT VIII who owns Bryan Exhaust Hood Cleaning, 2808 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504. Attached to the back driver's side of the car was a magnetic sign that read "Squirrel Busters Productions." Like Michael, Karen got in her report to the LAPD.
Additionally, once Marty saw the photo that Karen's PI friend turned up, Marty recognized Ed Bryan as having covertly eavesdropped on his conversation on him while in California. "This is the guy who was in the booth behind us at the restaurant," Marty added in an email. "He was with a woman I did not recognize. I asked others at our table if they had ever seen this guy, because his face looked familiar. So, Karen, that reptilian loser spied on our dinner at P. F. Chang's in Santa Monica a couple weeks back. These people are damaged; very damaged."
The biggest criminal is David Miscavige.
Because he creates unsafe space at INT Base, in his delusion he fancies himself as some kind of Legend.
Per PR Series 19 THE SAFE POINT.
It is necessary to have a safe space to get into, from which one can safely speak up.
One cannot defend himself from a point
that has no defenses
End of Quote.
Maliciously and deliberately Miscavige has made is SO UNSAFE at GOLD Base, that no one up there can speak up. The INT execs are the complete effect of his thuggery
Even OSA cannot respond to a breaking news story when Media Calls. Only the Reptilian Predator can approve or respond to Media.
A one man band of insanity.
Here's what I would get on camera IMMEDIATELY if I was ambushed.
Why Did the FSO cover up the statutory rape of my son Alexander Jentzsch without reporting it to CWPD ? Why were neither Heber or myself told that he was having sex at 12 years old in the Church of Scientology Clearwater facility.
Jan Eastgate was by no means the first to cover up molestations and rape of a child. I will testify and give evidence to any ongoing criminal investigations on cover-ups.
2) Lets Discuss on camera Miscavige PIMPING for Tom Cruise. Want more on that ?
Unlike the battered INT execs, some of us CAN speak up !
Yours as well Karen
How appropriate for David Miscavige's Greasy OT VIII, OTAss. He wins the prize here too, a filed complaint to the police for a hate crime!
Not for applying the Golden Rule in LRH's The Way to Happiness as he should!
I'd say this Ed Bryan dude needs to get a life and after that get a brain and stop being part of the elite deviance aka patrons and OTAs.
Really Ed get your freaking head out of your ass if you're reading this.
I think if your going to bust squirrels I'd suggest looking a little closer to home.
Like in your mirror.
No, the correct similarity is Catholics versus Martin Luther's Protestant reform movement which said that the RCC was no longer practicing true Christianity and so true Christians had to depart from it.
So it is with us Independents who say and firmly believe that the so-called "Church of Scientology" is no longer practicing true Scientology and so we had to depart from it.
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
Way to go to you also Michael and Karen.
These sick puppies don't know who they are messing with.
I'm curious if police were on the Mayo AAC groups' side, when official Scientology came harassing AAC people.
But now, if some actual legal action does recoil on official Scientology for this harassment, and if this stops that harassment, that would be an historical turning point.
Excellent post Steve.
The church is getting desperate and this shows how effective the independent field has been towards exposing their abuse.
Ron Minor, Las Vegas
We need to maintain our positions as WhistleBlowers. I only speak because of those friends left behind, or those still troubled by what they went through, I am certain it is the same for others that stand their ground and speak out.
Many Kudos for this activity which has given more power to the truth. Hopefully it will give others with knowledge the strenght to speak out themselves. Keep "being there and communicating" . I hear it is the biggest crime in the universe.
Radical Taliban Scientology and Radical Taliban David Miscavige have always considered themselves above the Law.
No entity in the United States has as much complaints to law enforcement than the C of $. No church members in the United States needs the assistance of law enforcement to flee the Sea Org.
I would like to thank those who have leaked to me the most amazing stories and docs in recent weeks.
Stay tuned.
-whose actions seemingly are CALCULATED to destroy the Church;
-who uses psychiatric tech ("punishment drive") instead of Scientology; and
-worse, calls his psych tech "Scientology," black PRing the subject.
I speculate that he hates LRH.
And the reason I feel that what he is doing is intentional, is because whenever anyone failed to live "up" to his expectations, DM always said, "It's intentional!" As well, he constantly accused others of "knowingly intending to destroy Scientology." I heard him say that so many times, and each time of course I thought of the many LRH datums that explains such a response — criminals accusing others of what they themselves are doing, missed withhold phenomena, having a "similar overt of one's own." After that, it was just a matter of upping my confront of evil as I investigated further... until finally, the penny dropped.
What a great testimony to the effectiveness of the "Technology".
They claim the Church makes advanced spiritual beings called OTs.
But I served for 35 years and paid them huge sums of $$$$$ and 2 weeks after leaving the Church they allege I became a Child trafficker.
What a label for an LRH trained Flag Class XII.
You can't make this stuff up !
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