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Tuesday, 13 March 2012 13:31

A fitting post for March 13th, 2012.  Before L Ron Hubbard wrote LRH Executive Directive (ED) 339R he did some serious research.  As many of you know the ED was all about the question of what LRH wanted for his birthday.  He  answered  the question: big, booming Scientology organizations.lrhbday He formulated a game for Organizations to play with one another that would encourage them to expand from year to year to achieve that.  Part of his research to make this game work included surveying staff across the world about what it was that they most wanted as a reward for achieving the target he had set for them.  The answer was overwhelming: to make it up the Bridge to and through the OT Levels.  And so, LRH ED 339R was anchored on that reward.  It was THE  incentive to get org staffs to go the extra mile to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly toward expanding their organizations.  The sabotage of that reward was not minor.  It was a betrayal that marked the beginning of the end of the LRH Birthday Game. Mike Reppen and his wife Betsy tell in some detail how that sabotage was achieved. Their story parallels what happened to virtually every org that achieved the target of the Birthday game in the 80′s and 90′s.  If you wonder about Miscavige’s motives for carrying out this sabotage look no further than HCOB 10 May 1982 OT Levels.  – Marty

Mke and Betsy wanted to publish their declarations simulatneously on Marty's blog and scientology-cult.com. — Thoughtful

A-E Declaration: I have seen enough

by Mike Reppen


Hello Friends,

For you Scientologists who have been in theChurchofDavid Miscavigesince the 1980’s or before, I have to ask you a question: Have you ever scratched your head and wondered whatever happened to LRH ED 339R and the Universe Corps?  Whatever happened to Old SH size Orgs?

I was a Universe Corps Auditor from 1990-1997.

LRH ED 339R was issued in 1982 with words from L.Ron Hubbard to all Class V Org staff that if they actually expanded their Organization 5.4X to Old Saint Hill Size, then he would make good on a promise. That promise was that International Management would in exchange send a team to the org to get the staff up the Bridge and deliver them the OT levels. Incredible concept, eh? In my opinion this LRH ED 339R was a major stimulation for theChurchofScientology’s statistics upward trend in the 1980’s; it certainly motivated staff.

I have for decades had a soft spot in my heart for CL V Org Staff.  Having done 50-60 Sea Org Missions from 1978-1992 to such Organizations around the world, I know from first hand experience how hard it is to survive in that world.  Having been in the Sea Org for 25 years, I knew at least I would be given a bed to sleep on, 3 meals a day (even though it was beans and rice often) and 2 1/2 hours study each day. CL V Org staff, believe it or not have it much harder.  They do not get these “luxuries.” Their pay will often be lower than a Sea Org member’s, and they have no “berthing” covered and no medical. And BTW, they usually have to eat Spam, Raman Noodles and/or peanut butter sandwiches. Most of them moonlight to get by. I used to know a former Executive Director at San Francisco Org who drove a taxi as a moonlight job.

I am Mike Reppen, husband of Betsy Reppen, and son of the late Claire Reppen.  And I hate David Miscavige, literally.  In fact, I believe he was a major reason for the decline of my mother’s health and eventual fall to breast cancer in 2001, after he RPF’d her for refusing to call 3 swing FNs with his bogus “Golden Age of Tech.” You can look at Marty’s website from April 2010 and see a memorial blog about Claire, and a disgusting KR written on her when she was fighting for her life by her caregiver.  In fact I was the one who saved that KR for 9 years in a file folder and provided it for this blog. (Sorry, OSA, you missed that leak.) That was the start of my disaffection, though there are several earlier beginnings.

Now, the so-called IJC has declared and expelled my wife and me jointly.

Issue declaring Mike and Betsy Reppen

I joined the Sea Org in 1973 and lasted until 1998. I have been RPF’d 4 times, Comm Eved at least 10 times, and even given a “provisional declare” in 1997 by the then IG PAC in an RTC EO. People ask me the reference for such, and my answer is, “There isn’t one.” One of David Miscavige’s many inventions. In my 25 years in the Sea Org, I did have a lot of good times and was able to train to CL IX (Ned for OT’s level) in 1990.

For those of you who may have run into me over the years, I was on the Apollo in 1975, at FOLO WUS afterwards.  Through most of the 1980’s I was the CO CTO WUS, where I also wore the hat of Athena Cram Off for the WUS Org execs and staff. I also audited most of the CMO PAC and CLO WUS staff.  In Nov 1989, my wife and I had our only child, so I was shipped to the Universe Corps, and Betsy left the Sea Org. I served in the Universe Corps first at Stevens Creek Org and when it was determined they falsified their stats, I went to Orange County Org UC.  Today I still live and work in Orange County.

In the 1990’s Jill Graham (RIP) my co-worker (C/S) and I made more OT’s inOrangeCountythan any other Universe Corps.  I believe we made around 100 OTS from 1991-97. Despite being constantly pulled up to CMO IXU at the HGB building onHollywood Blvdfor handlings of being married to my “disaffected ex-SO wife” and being told to divorce her, I managed to use my production record to fend them off.  Things were going quite well, I was able to have a normal life outside the bubble of madness ofPAC.

In 1996, another major incident occurred, which was the beginning of my demise.  GAT came out and LA D went Saint Hill Size (supposedly).  As there were no personnel to put together a Universe Corps at LA D, Jill and I were placed there.  What this meant was that I would audit in the daytime at Orange County Org then drive up to LA and audit at LA D in the evenings. As I had been out of PAC for almost 6 years, I distinctly remember how different PAC had become, much more militaristic. Jenny DeVocht’s infamous “Masturbation Mission” was there and it looked like everyone on the PAC Base was running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. The RPF in PAC had grown to around 200 +.  The stress of driving every day 50 miles each way back and forth between OC and LA D and auditing up to 10 pcs a day in 2 cities plus the bullshit of GAT was getting to me after 2 years.

In January 1997, I was ordered by CMO PAC to Sec Check the ED LA D John Woodruff, because he didn’t want to re-sign his contract.  I was told I better find 2D abberations such as having sex with dogs. I knew this was going to be trouble. The Sec Check went on and on for months.

Now, here is the answer as to what happened to the Universe Corps, literally overnight:

On May 30, 1997, the OC/LAD Universe Corps (UC) was wiped off the face of the planet.  The UC was called to PAC for handling and little did those CL V staff know that this was the end of their hopes of going OT while on staff (that they worked so long and hard to get).

The entire OC/LAD UC got eliminated over a single isolated auditing flub without any prior gradients of correction taken, no cramming.

The SP (COB RTC) wasn’t physically at this event however he obviously orchestrated it as he does with everything currently, especially something of this magnitude, as LAD was his pet project.  His juniors in RTC/CMO carried out The SP’s orders of injustice and violations of LRH policy that resulted in a huge contraction of LAD/OC.  They are nowhere near the size they use to be, despite all the Ideal Org baloney.

HCOPL 7 Apr 69 ORG REDUCTION OR ERADICATION, “There are several ways an org can be collapsed or closed…18. Use ethics suppressively.

The Universe Corps posts of OC/LAD eliminated overnight without Committee of Evidence were:

1.  Mike Reppen, OC & LAD NOTS Auditor – RPF’d with a “probational declare” by RTC EO.  There is no policy covering Probational declares, another squirrel policy by David Miscavige.

2.  Jill Graham OC/LAD CS & NOTS Auditor – RPF’d – died of cancer while on the RPF, she was segregated from her 2 young children for 3 years and it is my belief that this alone probably escalated her death as LRH says cancer has to do with 2D losses.

3.  Judy Ferguson LAD UC I/C – RPF’d – last heard has M/S.

4.  Bridget Sheriff, OC staff auditor & C/S – offloaded w/ no F/L debt, now public in OC drinking the proverbial Kool-aid or maybe she’s lurking…

HCO PL 17 Mar 65 – RIGHTS OF A STAFF MEMBER, STUDENTS AND PRECLEARS TO JUSTICE, 6.  …  HCO justice prevents wrongful disgrace, demotion, transfer or dismissal and protects the staff member’s reputation and job from being falsely threatened.

For further details of how this went down, see my wife’s declaration of the events from her perspective. Also there are further policy reference quotes on her declaration.

After a year on the RPF, I managed to “route out” on May 31, 1998.  I vividly remember signing the same type of documents Debbie Cook signed in that video, and nodding my head up and down like she did (meanwhile thinking that I would sign anything to get the hell out).   I’ll never forget the moment I finally walked out of that horseshoe entrance onCatalina St, with no guard next to me, and feeling so damn good. I also firmly decided I would not seek employment with any Scientology Wise group. Very smart decision.

For many years, I just moved on with my life, and was being “a good boy,” although I had no intention of paying my $150,000 freeloader debt nor getting back on lines.  I then decided to attend the 2007 Basics event at the Orange County Org’s Idle Morgue, which has been sitting there untouched since it was purchased in 2005.  At this event, I sat there listening to Miscavige ramble on for hours how LRH’s basic books were never edited, etc.  Once again my radar went up, everyone else in the audience was acting like they were high on crack. Privately I thought, “This absolute bullshit.” I exited the event before it was over; 2 hours of listening to Dave’s rant was enough for me.

Nevertheless, OSA Int was starting to get aggressive in recovering me. They almost cut a deal with me to reduce my freeloader debt to pennies on the dollar, but I held my ground and said I wanted an RTC BOR on my RTC Provisional Declare first. Of course, since Anne (then) Rathbun wrote this issue, I knew they would never do the Board of Review.  Thank god I didn’t go for the bait.

Then, in 2009, I was reading the LA Times like I do every morning and there it was an AP wire story that David Miscavige was beating Int staff execs.  That did it for me, which led to the Tampa Bay Times “Truth Rundown,” to Marty and Steve’s blogs and to further associating with “SP’s.”  I knew a lot of these Int staff members, but I am proud to say I probably got at least 5 people to get their heads out of the sand and start researching the Internet, and to stop giving Dear Leader and his minions $.

My point declare issue says that nearly 15 years after my RTC Provisional Declare, I never re-canted.  My response is I will never re-cant with theChurchofMiscavige. Similar to a disconnection text message I received from my nephew a few weeks ago, I am “done” with the  Church of Miscavige. Goodbye.

The declare issue is the best thing that could have happened to me.  I finally feel free of all the crap that infests you when you are a member of the C of M.  It’s a good thing I left in 1998. Reading so many testimonies, others have had it far worse than me.

I hereby join the group of Independent Scientologists,

Mike Reppen

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Betsy Reppen’s Story

If you’re wondering what right do I have to talk about the annihilation of the Universe Corp, 1st of all, if I hadn’t agreed to be offloaded from the SO in 1989 when PG and bear the brunt of all the expenses of having a child, Mike would not have been allowed to stay in the SO and the UC.  2nd in order to keep him in the UC, I wasn’t allowed to have other children, (suffice to say it caused me huge grief for a long time).  3rd I carried the burden of raising our 7 year old daughter alone when he was RPF’d.  She was not allowed to see her father for 11 months (a once a week phone call was all that was allowed).  I did get permission for him to come home for the day at Xmas which was miraculous as other RPFers are not allowed that.  (Mike took full advantage of that and blew for a week, letting them know he’d return to route out).  I had to lie to my parents and his family that Mike was inFlorida training as they couldn’t possibly even begin to comprehend why a father wouldn’t be allowed to see his young daughter; even people in jail are given better treatment.  Our daughter cried her eyes out over the loss of her father, I had to do an assist on her which helped and I even bought her a little dog to help her cope.

As you will see, the destruction of the UC was done callously, deliberately and purposely by DM. If he had any kind of heart he would have seen that Mike got corrected standardly while the rest of the UC was held in tact.  There was no need to wipe them all out over Mike’s miscalling an FN.  Yes – YOU – could have still been going OT, but DM destroyed it, confront that bit of evil.

HCOPL 20 Jul 70 CASES AND MORALE OF STAFF, “Any and all trouble occurring in orgs during a long period of heavy enemy attack on them was traced not to the enemy BUT TO THE LOSS OF TECH MATERIALS, REDUCTION OF THE USE OF TECH (as in quickie grades) AND IGNORING STAFF CASES.”

Prior to being RPF’d, Mike was Sec Checking John Woodruff for 5 months as John was not re-signing his contract as ED LAD.  Mike miscalled an FN on video (didn’t meet the def of the DM squirrel 3 swing kind) and was assigned a Liability condition, this was the only prior ethics gradient taken on him. (Also there was no qual correction). Our Declare says that 15 years ago he was given a Probational Declare for squirreling and never recanted, what a crock of lies.

HCOB 16 Aug 72 FLUBLESS C/SING:  “3. The C/S follows a very standard handling of auditors: A. 1 error of any Kind—instruct by reference to HCOB.  B. A second error of any kind—send to Cramming and get the Auditor crammed at once, without any loss of auditing time but before the Auditor is allowed to audit further. (This is 2 hours, not 2 days!)  C. A third error of any kind—RETREAD, wherein the Auditor’s weak areas are located and the Auditor has to M7, M6, M4 and restudy the materials of that area. This takes the Auditor back to Step A.”

Starting on May 30, 1997 the following occurred:

1) Mike reported to the RTC AO office and 10-12 RTC & CMO Execs, Security, & Snr C/S AOLA were standing in a semi circle in front of Mike in full SO regalia with that dressed to kill look.  Imagine reporting to your Sec Check and 10-12 people standing there staring at you in an intimidating way while your Auditor is Sec Checking you?  Mike was told to sit down and pick up the cans and R-factored by IG Ethics that he had 3 minutes to get off his crimes or he would be declared and he put his watch on the table to time it.  Mike gave off a few overt’s which weren’t good enough and was told to get out of there, Mike walked to his car thinking he was Declared.  Jesse Reiss then D/IG MAA PAC recovered him as he was walking to his car.  Mike was put under 24/7 security watch and additional metered interviews ensued with Gianni (CO CTO/WUS) and Hans Suli Stahli standing as witnesses during the “Sec check”.  O/W write-ups were also given.  During this time Mike was physically abused twice and was taunted that he had better give up his crimes or else.  The pressure was so intense that Mike started making up OW’s to satisfy them.  HCOPL 29 Apr 65 ETHICS REVIEW, “The above is a rough guide to the severity of discipline.  Note that none of it carries any physical punishment or detention.”

2) During this 1-2 week period Jill Graham (C/S, CL 9) from the Universe Corp, as well as Mike a CL 9 scrubbed toilets around PAC.  Mike was a 24 year SO vet and trusted tech terminal and a good producer making OT’s out of OC/LAD staff.  A complete waste of highly trained tech terminals, and complete disregard of their production/stats. Note there is not a single Universe Corp left and OC/LAD are a fraction of the size they were.  HCO PL 17 Mar 65 ADMINISTERING JUSTICE “11.  The only overt in handling justice is not work for the greatest good of the greatest number.”

3) After 1-2 weeks I was called up and R-Factored that Mike would be going to the RPF with bare few details as it was “Confidential”.  Mike was censored in his communication with a “guard” present and I was dumped with raising our 7 yr old child, handling our debts and moving our household.  The financial hardship this created was enormous but I persevered. I was promised by these CMO terminals that if I ever needed help to just call, and when I did they ignored me.

4) I found out later that this RPF assignment included a Probational SP declare – there is no such LRH policy, more squirreling.  There were no gradients of correction on these valuable tech terminals such as cramming, retread, retrain, Courts of Ethics, Committee’s of Evidence, etc, more squirreling.  Mike went from a Liability condition assignment to Probational Declare and RPF’d.  This violates HCO PL Ethics Review and a High Crime per this reference:  HCOPL SUPPRESSIVE ACTS, SUPPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS. “8. Running any organization on squirrel “policy” or third dynamic administrative or management procedures that are contrary to approved policy.  11. Acting in any way calculated to lose standard Scientology policy to use or impede its use or shorten its materials or it application.”

5) Mike’s RTC EO #1101 RPF assignment/Probation Declare issue contained generalities and misinterpretations which blew it out of proportion, such as Mike coached John Woodruff on how to handle his situation in between sessions. The truth is while taking John on walks to get his metab working, John discussed his huge debts; Mike suggested that maybe he should request an LOA to handle it, a standard handling if one cannot make it on staff due to heavy debt overload.  Note that not a single High Crime was listed.  It is my understanding that John Woodruff is still groveling to DM for forgiveness.  HCOPL 2 Jun 65 WRITING OF AN ETHICS ORDER, “Don’t be unspecific or you leave people in a huge mystery.  Ethics Orders are supposed to run group engrams out, not in!  …Ethics Orders are issued on real data, not opinion.”

6) Hans Suli from RTC told Mike that he knows he is not an SP as he makes TA.  In an effort to get Mike to do the RPF (Mike was refusing) Hans Suli told him that after he took over the Sec Check on John that he agreed to re-sign his LAD contract.  Mike felt responsible and agreed to do the RPF which turned out to be a lie to manipulate Mike as John didn’t re-sign his contract, and in fact shortly thereafter left staff.  Mike was told he could complete the RPF in a year – after 6 mos and after still not having a single session, Mike decided to route out of the RPF (he already hated the RPF from prior bad experiences). 

7) The Jun ’97 RPF assignment (RTC EO #1101 written by Ann Rathbun) Mike’s hard earned certificates were ALL cancelled (not just suspended) without a Committee of Evidence, another huge squirreling of policy.  HCOPL 7 Mar 65 CERTIFICATE CANCELLATION, “All other offenses where they concern certificates, awards and classification changes are handled by suspension of certificates, classification or awards or reduction to a lower certificate or award by Committee of Evidence.”

8) Mike’s RPF assignment was read aloud to all of PAC at their muster which damaged Mike’s good reputation.  If this were to be a “head on the pike”, the wrong head was picked, Mike’s stats were up and he was working from 9 am till 11 pm daily auditing OC/LAD staff along with the other UC crew and creating lots of OT’s out of staff members.  HCOPL 1 Sep 65 ETHICS PROTECTION, “In short, a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up and can’t sneeze without a chop if it’s down.  To do otherwise is to permit some suppressive person to simply ethics chit every producer in the org out of existence.” Sound familiar? There are untold thousands of good staff/SO/public that have been pounded out of existence.

9) In Jan 98 I was ordered to Sec Checking at my own expense to see if I was trying to pull Mike out of the SO, which I was clean on.   In April ’98, (while Mike was on his Leaving Staff RF) I was called by Snr HAS PAC and told that Mike would be declared if he routed out of the RPF/SO and that I would be to, if I remained connected to him. (More squirreling as there is no policy on declaring someone for routing out). I would not disconnect, as Mike is not an SP, and I was not given any proof as it was “confidential”.  I was told that he may not be suppressive on the 2D but he is on the 3D.  I decided to take the SP declare for the sake of our daughter as I wasn’t willing to take her father away from her.  After Mike left the RPF we waited for about a month for our SP declares to come down, The Snr HAS PAC said the SP declares were dropped, so much for the bogus lie on our current SP Declare that Mike never recanted 15 years ago. 

10) Despite repeated attempts to get a BOR on this UC cycle from RTC; Mike’s communication(s) were ignored along with my Things That Shouldn’t Be Reports over the years.  LRH would have corrected this cycle within months of it happening.  It shouldn’t take 15 years for a blatant injustice to be corrected. LRH would have never left such a valuable tech terminal dormant in the field for this long in light of the “urgency” to “clear the planet”. HCOPL 23 Feb 70 QUALITY OF SERVICE, “Failure to strenuously act to clean up an “ARC broken field” shall be deemed a high crime for the Executive Council.”

11) In the fall of ’08 Mike was called by OSAI and told that if he bought his Basics it would expedite his F/L cycle, we did but nothing happened.  Then in Jan 09 another OSAI call from Mick McFarland said that if we buy the Congresses it would expedite his cycle as Mike was #2 on the list in getting his F/L debt handled.   I told Mick “no as we were told that before and nothing happened, and when something finally does occur, we’ll go forward from there.”  Mike submitted his BOR request again & then again in Apr 09, nothing happened and no ack.  Buying books/tapes was never a requirement by LRH to get standard justice applied.  Mike told Mick that he wants his RTC BOR done first; of course we now know that DM would never have allowed this as RTC would have to correct their injustice. OSAI kept saying they have sent the request to RTC, but nothing would ever happen.

12) Mike left with a $150,000 F/L bill which we have in writing, yet Bridget Sheriff his co-worker was offloaded with no debt (in 1997).  It’s a capricious arbitrary organization where very little is standard anymore.  Mike was not there for 24 years and 11 months to get free service and leave.  For the 0-$50 a week allowance he received, he delivered far above and beyond that in terms of millions of dollars worth of VSD, we have the WDAH records as proof of delivery.   It was $7.399 million, just in UC production alone, not including his other many years of auditing prior to UC. We also have a complete list of people completed on OT Levels.

I almost don’t want to go into all the policy violations as there is no hope of standard LRH policy being followed anymore in Davey’s nutty cult like world but it just shows you how far off course the ship has gone. I’ve been told that the OEC Volumes aren’t even sold anymore.

HCO PL 17 Mar 65 – RIGHTS OF A STAFF MEMBER, STUDENTS AND PRECLEARS TO JUSTICE, “6.  …  HCO justice prevents wrongful disgrace, demotion, transfer or dismissal and protects the staff member’s reputation and job from being falsely threatened.

HCOPL 29 Apr 65 ETHICS REVIEW, “A staff member may not be suspended or demoted or transferred illegally out of his division or dismissed without a Committee of Evidence.”

HCO Exec Ltr 18 Mar 65 JUSTICE,  … “Under the Ethics Codes nobody can be demoted, transferred or dismissed without cause and must be reinstated if wrongly treated.”

HCO PL 4 Jan 66RA PERSONNEL STAFF STATUS, ‘’A PERMANENT STAFF MEMBER may not be demoted, transferred or dismissed without a full Committee of Evidence being held.”

HCOPL 25 Mar 79 A NEW HOPE FOR JUSTICE, “We must safeguard against unjust practices and make haste to remedy all injustices.  We must be academically committed or we will never make it.”

HCOPL 23 Feb 70 QUALITY OF SERVICE, “Failure to strenuously act to clean up an “ARC broken field” shall be deemed a high crime for the Executive Council.”

HCOPL 23 Feb 78R BOARD OF REVIEW, “The function of a Board of Review is to look into injustices, technically incorrect findings and instances of flagrant injustice or out-ethics actions which are destructive to stats.”

HCO PL 12 Apr 65 JUSTICE, “The purpose of justice is to clear the organization and the environment.  One cannot make Clears in an uncleared environment.  Justice is the auditor of the group.”

HCOPL 17 May 71 JUSTICE – CORRECT APPLICATION, “But injustice recoils on those who deal with it.”  “To make the problem worse, the omission of enforcing truth and justice can damage many and can be itself a severe overt.”

HCO PL 24 Feb 72 INJUSTICE, “It is injustice that destroys discipline.  When you indicate the wrong bypassed charge on a case, the case caves in.  When you accuse wrongly and punish unjustly, the group caves in.”

HCOPL 7 Sep 63 COMMITTEES OF EVIDENCE SCIENTOLOGY JURISPRUDENCE, ADMINISTRATION OF, “Justice should clarify.  Good justice in effect runs out group engrams.  Bad justice runs them in.”

HCO Exec Ltr 18 Mar 65 JUSTICE “You are entitled to recourse from injustice.” … “All we have to do, each one of us, is insist upon our rights under and the uniform enforcement of the HCO Ethics Codes and we will achieve expansion and achieve as well dominion in the society.” We tried but this is an impossible task with DM at the helm.

I haven’t been seriously involved in the CofS for 15 years (because the above left me raw and scared of my own Church) but have always left the door open a crack in case things would change.   I opened that crack for a brief 5 months in 2009 and didn’t like what I found so slammed the door again.  But opened the door wide open to the internet and the real deal going on from those people laying their hearts and souls on the line of what really went down behind closed doors in the CofS.  This started with reading the Truth Rundown in the St. Petersburg Times Jun ’09 (link below) that helped me to understand the deeply imbedded suppression that contributed to my withdrawal.  However, I still kept the door open a crack for the sake of a few comm lines that I knew the CofS would sever if I shut it completely.

Well the crack ended on 2/22/2012 after finding out we were declared because I forwarded an email Debbie Cook sent out to Scn’s on 12/31/11 exposing off policy actions that the CofM is perpetuating.  I also associated with people who have been blowing the whistle on DM’s physical/spiritual brutality, out tech/off policy actions that have been occurring in greater and greater magnitude since LRH died in 1986.  You won’t find these kinds of specifics in our Declare, so I’m speaking out as the CofM certainly won’t publish any truths.   HCOPL 2 Jun 65 WRITING OF AN ETHICS ORDER, “Don’t be unspecific or you leave people in a huge mystery.  Ethics Orders are supposed to run group engrams out, not in!  …Ethics Orders are issued on real data, not opinion.”

If you want more details on the things that DM has done, I don’t need to reinvent the wheel, go to Marty’s blog http://markrathbun.wordpress.com there are tons of testimonials, or Steve Hall’s site, http://www.scientology-cult.com which contains tons of articles written by many people, here are a few that contain a lot more details of what’s going on:






For more information on the torture/physical violence go to:



True to his word, LRH says it takes 3-10 days to destimulate from an incident (Declare).  It’s now day 11 (March 2, 2012) and I’m over it, the handful (3) disconnections weren’t so important after all.  That should give hope for those of you who are worried about suffering the same fate, there is a whole bright wide world out here and quite frankly it’s opened doors.  My stats are already in affluence. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I’M NOT PTS ANYMORE.  No more hiding, it feels good to pick up any phone call.  You Scn’s who are still connected to the CofS know exactly what I mean, not wanting to take those phone calls or just plain ignoring them, not answering the door, hiding…..  Finding excuses to avoid events for fear of what might happen at those events as you might get squeezed for every last dime for off policy donation campaigns.  In apathy that you will ever go up the Bridge as its expensive enough – then add in all the required donations, it’s simply out of reach for most except for the 1%.  Cringing at the thought of going into the CofS, the mirage of lies enacted to explain/justify why you aren’t active as a Scn.  It’s really PTSness, I can see that clearly now that I’m out, it’s been a long road out and it’s come off in layers; it’s amazing to be experiencing it.  I’ve read this from others, but it wasn’t quite real to me till now. It’s like the 2 ton gorilla came off my back and the Elephant in the room has gone. To say the least of which, the tone level that I had to occupy to maintain that façade, I feel so much higher toned, in valence, and my batting average on closing deals is way up. DM tried to crush us, but instead he’s helped us, as the shackles have come off and I feel set free, honestly and truly!

FYI, I got in Scn 12/1/77, CLV/SO staff for 9 ½ yrs, OEC/FEBC, numerous HCO hats, the favorite of which was MAA CLOWUS for 4 ½ yrs.  Lastly, I’m happily resigned from the CofM and hereby join the Independents! By the way, LRH’s philosophy is alive and well out here and you can avail yourself of it at a fraction of the cost and its standard, not like the squirrel versions being delivered up in the CofM, more of the squirreling is covered in detail by others.  No more constant hammering for off policy donations for IAS/Super Power/Ideal Buildings/Basic books and being assigned lower conditions and KR’d out of existence if you don’t give.

Wishing you well on the confronting of evil process, hang in there you can do it.

“HCOPL 7 Dec 69 THE ETHICS OFFICER HIS CHARACTER, “Suppressive reasonableness is a common trait.  It comes from THE INABILITY TO CONFRONT EVIL.

“Evil takes a bit of confronting.

“People who want desperately to “have no trouble: often won’t confront and handle trouble.

“Murder is murder.  It occurs.  A murder is not a frightened wish it had not occurred.  It occurred.  Somebody did it.  There’s the body.”


Betsy Reppen



# Bela 2012-03-13 19:58
Cheers indeed, Betsy, and to Mike as well.
Once again, thank you both.
# Mike R 2012-03-14 22:49

Cheers in return, from one of my best friend ever.
+1 # Class IV Auditor 2012-04-24 22:55
Thank you!

Your testament is an insiparion for me. I have not officially “come out” yet, but I am currently in the process of navigating the minefield that is presented to any Scientologist that embarks upon this path.

May the truth set us all free!
# Mike 2012-04-25 18:50
Thanks for the validation, at least you know the truth, good luck on finding those minefields.
+1 # Shannon 2012-05-21 18:56
Hi -- you two look great!
Its wonderful to have you both here.
+1 # Cara Voca 2012-07-18 01:24
I am totally with you! See my blog and accept my friend request. We know each other very well. I will tell you my actual name once we connect. Meanwhile, read the blog I just posted:
+1 # Susiej 2012-08-07 22:34
Hi Mike and Betsy!
It's great to see your happy faces out of that mess! I hope you're as happy as I am now. I've been out for quite a while now and it has been fabulous!

# Mike R 2012-08-14 14:12
Hi Susie,

Why don't you email me at

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Massive Ponzi Scheme

"So, on the model of an elaborate Ponzi scheme, Scientologists are coerced to 'invest' in the dissemination of Scientology... The Cob makes a show of carrying through, but in reality he pulls the funding..."  Learn More...

$70 Million Fraud

"The money is still coming in (approximately $70 million so far). The bank interest is about $200,000 per month and there is still over $200,000 in new donations per month... so you can see the strategy here..."  Learn More...

$100 Million Swindle

"The total amount spent to build his own office building (for Little Dickie and the few staff he has remaining) was right around $70 million... He spent another $30 million on the house next door (which is unoccupied)..."  Learn More...



"Specifically, on four separate occasions The Cob physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next. Three other times he threw heavy objects at me or at my staff..."  Learn More...


"Assaulting staff members at the Int base became routine with many individuals being physically attacked over and over and over again. We are talking about repeated blows to the face, choking, dragging to the ground, ripping clothes, hitting with heavy objects and so forth..."  Learn More...

Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

Opinion poll

Is David Miscavige a crook?
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