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Wednesday, 27 January 2010 21:15

This morning I received the following unusual article from a Scientology auditor who I have been in comm with on and off. I hesitated to publish this one at firstit's on the wild and hairy side to say the least. But as the writer explained toward the end, he speaks for no one but himself. These are purely his own observations and do not necessarily represet the views of Scientology-cult :-) Additionally, as fate would have it, I came across the following quote from Benjamin Franklin, “If everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking.” You gotta love BF. So after a bit of editing on my partI admit I adjust everyone’s punctuation unmercifully to my own designs, which also serves as a further layer of protection to obfuscate from the Church who is writing whatI decided to let this one out of its cage, teeth, claws and all. I just hope it doesn't bite you. Please welcome to Scientology-cult our newest writer (who claims he can split an apple placed atop David Miscavige's head): Archer. Thoughtful

Archer's bowHave we known him before?

I rarely go in for heavy metaphors, but after reading Marty's blog about Debbie Cook tonight... on top of everything I have read on Scientology-cult.com, Leaving Scientology, Gere Isene's blog and more, I knew it was jolly time to act.

On December 30th a minister of the Church of Scientology allegedly murdered his friend in cold blood. As of this writing, thousands of Scientologist have entered virtual economic servitude with “pure” donations for IAS membership, “ideal” orgs, and “super power” although such donations were expressly and vehemently forbidden by LRH. Over the last 10 years thousands have left the Church at all levels due to mis-management and out tech. The Bridge to OT is blocked by "Six month sec checks" squirrel definitions of FNs and instant reads, and the unsafe environment created by a Big Brother system of cameras and hidden microphones in every room, not to mention the network of enforcers from RTC that enforce the squirrel tech in all upper orgs. To date, a fantastic and inordinate number of OTs have died inexplicably from cancer and other causes. For the last 24 years, thousands of Sea Org women have been forced to undergo abortions—to murder their own children—or else. That removes the act from a classification of "abortion" in my opinion and leaves it squarely in the arena of infanticide. Scores of Sea Org members have been forced to divorce their spouse. Hundreds of non-Scientologists formed protests world wide. L. Ron Hubbard himself was lied to for the last five years of his life and tricked. Ron's own wife, the one person who did more to put Scientology on this earth than anyone except LRH himself, died in 2002, betrayed—a virtual outcast from the very organization she helped to create. Hundreds of Sea Org members with intentions beyond reproach, who volunteered to help at enormous personal sacrifice, have endured abject torture, enslavement, and every form of abuse in return for their efforts. To the four winds they have been scattered; destitute with old age approaching, with no money, no pension, no support. Hundreds of Sea Org children during these last 3 decades have languished without supervision, without a mother and father to raise them because family time was "not in the schedule." Org staff at all levels were not paid fairly, denied properly nutrition and physical fitness. Their lives have been splintered from 8 dynamics down to just 1. Thousands of Scientologists have been mustered before virtual bayonets and threatened with disconnection should they refuse to go into the heaviest-imaginable debt. I have a friend who must find $2,600 a month to make payments on loans, money she borrowed because IAS registrars pressured her it was for the "greatest good." The super power fraud has been running for 25 years and still the tech LRH wrote about in 1977 has not been relased. Ditto the actual OT levels announced as imminent. Veteran Sea Org members have been off-loaded and cast out in favor of young, inexperienced and more malleable minds who can easily be manipulated by a "great leader."

The blight killing Scientology has spread like a plague, like a disease, from the top down bending, breaking, corrupting and blinding everyone before it. Top Scientology executives have been physically beaten, some dozens of times. Today the Church routinely violates its most sacred trust, using material protected by priest/penitent rules to discredit whistle blowers — the only individuals working to keep Scientology working. And worldwide the lives of thousands of people are crippled by the unlawful misapplication of an LRH-cancelled policy of disconnection.

What in hell’s name is really going on?

Mary Sue Hubbard: We let her die alone. Have we lost our collective minds?

Per another article on Scientology-cult, almost all of LRH's own staff from Old St Hill have been declared by current management. Those guys were heroes!

Since the beginning, through this website and others, I believe we as a group have been pulling a string. Pulling a string. Pulling a string. Through articles and comments and emails and questions and phone calls. (And now even Tweets!)

Broadly speaking, we as a group have been conducting an investigation.

Many have lit fires even decades ago—and those have stood to warn us as flaming danger signals. Luckily for us, those who got inside, close enough to observe the Church’s inner core had the courage to say what they observed. We have seen friends we’ve known for years, suddenly “turned” into men or women we no longer knew, stony and arrogant as if under a spell. Thus sadism thrived behind razor wire fences of the Int Base belonging to... Scientology?

Lisa McPherson was only touched by this man—wrongly C/Sed to attest Clear, promptly went insane and died.

And many indeed are the staff who would feel panic least they suddenly get word that “COB is here to inspect the org!”

Executive after executive — hundreds of them—have been put through the reverse-Scientology "Miscavige Rundown" Marty recently described as conducted on Debbie Cook.

Have we found the Sherman Tank at the end of the string?

Certainly, it’s you-know-who, but who really is this being? That is my question.


The concept that we are spirits in a material world and therefore immortal, is very nearly the heart of Scientology.

As mentioned briefly in my comment last night on Marty’s blog, I abhor religious mumbo jumbo; I consider much of it garbage. Yet when you really study them, although they may sound strange at first blush, many ancient terms have genuine merit and are understandable when you learn what they really mean. An example is the word “omen.” A champion story entitled The Alchemist made the word clear for me. An “omen” is what we in Scientology would call an indicator. Sometimes ancient words, illuminated by correct definitions, suddenly make perfect sense.

Re-read the long paragraph above, and tell me, taken as indicators what does it all mean? I'd say we as a group have been PTS.

When we discuss the person in control of the Church of Miscavige, I’m saying it is worth speculating privately on who this person really is. So bad is he that some privately think of him as the reincarnation of Hitler or Josef Goebbels.

Like many, I've been lurking and looking. I thought I almost had him after finally reading LRH’s story “Revolt in the Stars” which tells the non-confidential story of Xenu that LRH wanted the world to hear through the medium of popular film. Many of those who have known David Miscavige humorously call him "Xenu." Truth be told, I don't think any of them are really joking. As Thoughtful pointed out to me, read LRH’s description of Xenu and you have an accurate portrayal of David Miscavige. Yet “Xenu” was I think late on the chain and to that degree, incorrect.

Who is David Miscavige? Who indeed?

But I think, actually, you do know.

I think we all know him.

Just add it up.

This article is not about mumbo jumbo, it's about CONFRONT. I am a realist and a Scientologist only. But there IS such a thing as ancient knowledge. And there ARE things the human race as a group knows. Just ask Mick Jagger.

(No) Sympathy for the Devil

"I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain

"I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the Blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank

"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
(woo woo, woo woo)

"I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
(woo woo, woo woo)

"I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me
(who who, who who)

"Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay
(woo woo, who who)

"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
(who who)
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
(who who, who who)

"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
(woo woo, who who)

"Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
(who who, who who)

"So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, have some taste
(woo woo)
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mmm yeah
(woo woo, woo woo)

"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, mmm yeah
(who who)
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, mmm mean it, get down
(woo woo, woo woo)"

What does Man know?

I think mankind as a whole does possess ancient knowledge. 

If there ever was a thetan, a spirit, a being, an angel... whatever label you care to use... an Angel of Death as someone once described him, David Miscavige certainly fits the bill. He's latched onto Scientology of all things.

Me? I think that’s who this being is. He’s historic.

He’s definitely got the résumé for something ancient and unimaginably rotten.

Have you looked directly at him? He is literally surrounded by a vortex of death, insanity, suicide, corruption, decay, lies and more. It's a good practice to look directly at people and see what you see. Not what that person or someone else wants you to see. Try looking directly at the being who goes by the name Miscavige.

Somehow he has people mesmerized. I don't go for supernatural bunk, but just look at the situation. Use TR 0, the most basic tool LRH taught us. Be there comfortably and confront. Come to your own conclusions.

These are my observations. I think he is way beyond what any of us ever realized. The incorrect estimation of effort is a common downfall. And for three decades, most of us have fallen down.

If correct, what has been missing was the correct estimation of effort necessary to evict him.

Step one was to spot him.

"To the degree that a being cannot confront, he enters substitutes which, accumulating, bring about a complexity... Out of this, with further study in other fields, I found that any complexity stemmed from an initial point of nonconfront. This is why looking at or recognizing the source of an aberration in processing "blows" it, makes it vanish. Mental mass accumulates in a vast complexity solely because one would not confront something. To take apart a problem requires only to establish what one could not or would not confront.

"The basic thing man can't or won't confront is evil." — LRH

When I confront David Miscavige as a being, I see a raging sea of destructive intentions behind dead eyes. When he ordered beatings at the Int base, and those beatings took place in front of him, he laughed.

"Constant and continual alertness is the price of freedom. Constant willingness to fight back is the price of freedom. There is no other price, actually." — LRH (from his lecture, The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology)

The next step is to step up your efforts to expose him and to enlist the help of others.

Not to use terms that are totally and completely whacked, but have you noticed some of DM's minions act like they're positively possessed. Did you see "The Exorcist"? David Miscavige even spits on people!

I don't believe in Big Foot. I place no stock in conspiracy theories, aliens, biblical prophesies or the Mayan calendar. But if David Miscavige—with the things he's done and continues to get away with—if he doesn't qualify as a demon, what in the name of pickles does?

We need to cast this worm out of our apple. You don't need any holy water or religious symbology. All it takes is an auditor's confront. His undoing is Understanding—Affinity, Reality and Communication. Through this website, Marty's and others, it almost as if we are enjoined on running this vampire out of town. I don't know. But what we are doing is working. We have been communicating, establishing better reality and affinity. In auditing terms, it is the "itsa" line: the pc looks to the bank for an answer and says "it's a" this or "it's a" that. The posts, the comments, the articles... man, we are all gathered 'round the freaking castle with burning torches. Weird, isn't it?

Yes and no. What's weird are man's concepts of legendary evil and how, when you really look, those ideas actually describe this evil soul. The main point is what we're doing is working! It's auditing. That's what it really is.

Have you ever met Miscavige? I know him. He's as different from you or me as antimatter is different from matter. He's like no other being. He feels different, he acts different, he is different. Not that you need fear him. I have zero fear of him. On the contrary, how I long to be in a locked room with him. Or a dark alley. I have an arrow tipped with kryptonite. Just quietly look directly at him to see who he really is. That is the one thing he cannot take. As LRH says, in the presence of someone who really understood PTS/SP tech an SP would shatter. Miscavige is already coming apart at the seams.

Since this is my first article, I would like to assure you that it has not been written for drama or effect. If these mere theories are not true for you, just disregard them. I don't speak for anyone but myself.

All I want to do is maintain the exact degree of ethics and the correct estimation of effort necessary to run out a group engram. But then again... like any auditor knows, sometimes engram chains go "whole track." All I'm saying is that in the curious case of David Miscavige, there may have been an earlier similar incident or two on the track. Maybe we've all seen his mark before? Here's what LRH had to say:

"Earlier discovery and development of the PTS theory is extensively covered.

"The recent wrap-up came about through my OT research in November 1971.

"The principal breakthrough was realizing one should NOT invalidate having known certain people before.

"This is similar to the past life discovery in 1950. Some people thinking this was 'unpopular' frowned on it. Some others were only famous characters so flagrantly that past lives were easily invalidated. But people who don’t go past track in Dianetics don’t recover. Even running them as 'imaginary' as in Science of Survival advices suddenly breaks through for a stalled Dianetic Case.

In this same way with young men and girls using 'I knew you when you were' for 2D
[romantic] advantage tended to invalidate having known certain individuals before this life.

"But now it turns out that the ONLY PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a rollercoaster comes from having known the person before this life."
- L. RON HUBBARD, HCO Bulletin of 9 December 1971, PTS RUNDOWN

In summary, we as a group have had a serious and lasting PTS condition. Thus we have known David Miscavige before.

Yet no matter who he has been, David Miscavige, Adolf Hitler, Caligula or Beelzebub... the guiding principle is: Auditor + pc is greater than the bank.

This is the session.




# Lise 2010-01-27 23:15
Thanks Archer I feel very much in session.
# Archer 2010-01-28 13:17
no worries mate!
# lunamoth 2010-01-27 23:58


You knocked my socks off! What a great piece - talk about your "born revolutionists!"

My own small contribution would be this; if dm is not indeed the devil incarnate, he is most certainly close enough for all practical purposes.

# Archer 2010-01-28 13:19
You got that right. :P I never was much for pint-size Big Brother.
+1 # jefretheta 2010-01-28 01:22
Very interesting post and well done on your articulation and succinctness. DM is horrendous and needs to be stopped ASAP no doubt. The way Mary Sue was treated and kicked to the curb equally disgusting. Here's what I propose back to you and the theory you have presented, is this: As far as we know Ron had MADE IT to OT 15 and over the last 24 yrs it would probably be beyond. Who if anyone has a DIRECT commline with LRH and how could a being so powerful let a little runt in this lifetime, wreak the havok that he has? Even if Ron was at target 2 he would not let target 1 (Earth) beings and products get wrecked like they have. I personally have benefited quite a bit over the last 20 yrs by using the tech that LRH has created and disseminated. I don't think though that LRH FULLY made it. That's my opinion. What's yours and anyone elses? Jason Beghe gave it all he had and said what he said. David Mayo is off the radar. Pat Broeker is off the radar. They got to see ALOT maybe more than anyone else includong Marty and where are they? This is an important matter to investigate and confront and FULLY discuss. I wish us all well to get to the bottom of all of this together.
All The best- Jefretheta.
+1 # Archer 2010-01-28 13:23
I don't know that much about Mayo, but his fight was pre-Internet and that would about 500 times more difficult... no about 10,000 more difficult than what we are doing. I was told that Mayo fought anyway for 11 years and fought hard. Finally, he accepted silence money since at the time further efforts were pointless. I believe we owe a debt of gratitude to all those who came before.
# RJ 2010-01-28 01:37
No doubt Miscavige is a whole track terminal to many who would probably be quite relieved to run him out 3 or 4 Way engrams, ruds then can't and enforced have.

Others may consider him just a restimulator of the actual SP i.e. Xenu.

Others may connect him with a vast intergalactic conspiracy of some kind involving Marcabs.

Personally, I don't think he's the only SP involved in the operation, just the most evident.

This is why we have 3 S&Ds, PTS interviews and all that tech on suppressives. Not only that you have to look at what Ron says in the 3 May PL as well.

You also have to consider the factor that Miscavige is a who, not a why.

My theory is that Miscavige is there because someone wants him there. In fact to many of the elitists who have recently infiltrated the Church, Miscavige is their man.

That said he is definitely all you said he is and probably a lot more.

At least evil incarnate.
# Archer 2010-01-28 13:27
Yep, yep, very good points as per usual RJ. We'll never know really who he is. Doesn't matter really, but what does matter is recognizing just how evil he is. Then we can more easily settle his hash.
# Ralph Hilton 2010-01-28 01:44
My own feeling is that DM was Joseph Goebbels.
# Inky 2010-01-28 02:40
Wow Archer! Holy cow. Excellent article!! I had to read that last quote 3 times. I think I have to wipe the cobwebs out of my eyes and read it again. Holy smokes!! This is the first article in a long time that has leapt out at me.

Of course, I look forward to your future articles. Thanks to adding to an already fabulous set of reads. I had to get the Stones out to bop to while reading the lyrics. Thanks for that too!

Here's an article which yours reminded me of: http://www.upperbridge.org/msh.html. In it Pierre talks about Mary Sue and at the end of the article he lists what could be the whole track resume of such a person as DM.

I think you hit the nail on the head with this one: "I think he is way beyond what any of us ever realized. "

And this....this has a whole new meaning: "Constant and continual alertness is the price of freedom. Constant willingness to fight back is the price of freedom. There is no other price, actually." — L. Ron Hubbard (from his lecture, The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology)

# Archer 2010-01-28 13:29
Thanks for the warm welcome!
# Kirsi 2010-01-28 02:44
Wow, great opening..uhm...salvo. Maggot from the apple.. hahaha. I like it!!

I started picturing an upcoming conference hosted by the Independent Scientologists or perhaps media, and where David Miscavige is invited to address the..uhm.. concerns of the host and audience. Make it so he must attend.

Yea call me naive if you want, but I like what see in my evolving picture.

Thanks Archer for the inspiration! I bet we will hear more of you, looking forward to it.
# Fellow Traveller 2010-01-28 03:32
There is a potentially substantiating story, "THE DANE TOPS DEBRIEF", ca June 1983. He at least nailed the pt who.
# Guest 2010-01-28 04:30
LRH said that there is NOTHING that you have not done before. LRH said that every new philosophy intended to free man gets twisted into a clever trap. Scientology is no different.

Are you saying that the person who wrecked Scientology has done similar things before? LRH seems to be saying it. OK, we have a situation, but we can disagree with how it is going to play out. I don't know about the rest of you, but I did not get involved to lose.
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-01-28 11:48
Who Miscavige was precisely or what he did exactly is not a point for public discussion, because that sort of thing only works in session with an auditor. What I got from Archer's article was the importance of confront... each of us opening our eyes to the full onslaught of evil being hurled forcefully at us as a group. I liked Archer's article a lot. And I do have to agree that Miscavige is far more "over the top" than anyone has previously grasped. I've never seen him hooked up to a meter, but I would guess that he walks around R/Sing.

Maybe Archer will chime in on this, but I don't see Miscavige as merely a wild animal, but as a wild animal in full charge tearing the stuffing a bunch of limp rag dolls.

People have been tricked into behaving like rag dolls to this guy because everyone assumed he was good. But all you have to do is look at his products and the truth is evident.
+1 # maraofacoma 2010-01-28 05:18
The more we shine the light of truth on this demonic entity the more his insanity will ooze out like puss from a wound (we will fully see the little clinker he calls a soul).He is on the end of some very powerful lines and I almost feel sorry for him but the damage he does nulls the pity.......once his power is taken away the pain and lonelyness he feels will be infinate.
# LO 2010-01-28 05:22
Great Article !
i liked it and had to laugh a lot. Your writing is so vibrant, direct, powerful and clear. It's about time we don't q and a anymore with the facts and confront what is. I want more of it.

Have a nice day !
# Archer 2010-01-28 13:43
Murray and LO, Thanks very much -- Marty, T Paine, OTB, Thoughtful and another guy... what was his name... oh yes -- Hubbard! That's right, he taught me everything I know... lol
# LO 2010-01-28 05:48
Dear Archer,

I like your writing. Direct, honest and very compact.
I just have a big smile after I read it.

# Örnen har landat 2010-01-28 06:04
Way to go, Archer!! This is what I like!!
# Archer 2010-01-28 06:45
Örnen har landat, LO, maraofacoma, Fellow Traveller and Kirsi -- thanks a heap.
+2 # OnceUponaTime 2010-01-28 09:48
Archer, I have some thoughts about your premise. Bear with me. LRH indicated that there are big spirits and not such big spirits.
Despite being basically a static, we all differ in intelligence and quality and inclination and ambition. Even though you can raise ability and IQ with auditing, some thetans will always have greater ARC, KRC, power, intelligence, ethics, and aesthetics than others.

As for SPs, I noticed something odd in very early track. Thetans and theta have a definable quality which LRH pretty well describes. But, strangely, there seems to be another "race" of thetans which are pretty well described in the characteristics of SPs. It wasn't overts or evil intentions or evil purposes that made these beings the way they are, but rather the basic nature of this strain of being which was innately inclined to evil. "Case" didn't cause them to be the way they were and are because this was before "case" as we know it. And much of case as we know it results from associating with and warring with this faction of beings.

While being very adept at mimicry, these guys just simply lacked empathy or the ability to be and feel what another is and feels. sound like anyone we know? Anti-social personalities are often off-the-charts charming. He or she can perceive all your wants and needs and suck you right into the belief that he or she will provide all of this while draining you completely. These beings valued control and power above all else. A thetan can identify with the code of honor, but these anti-thetans can only pretend to honor as they are innately incapable of that quality of beingness that causes friendship, honor, responsibility, and integrity.

LRH said something about getting an SP through OT 3 up to where he still would have to learn to get along with others. Thetans natively know how to get along with others. ARC comprises theta. ARC is how we get along. The A, R, and C of an anti-thetan is qualitatively different. For one thing, an anti-thetan has a different sense of what constitutes overts and crimes. An anti-thetan can commit the most heinous and vile overts and nothing would read on the meter. He has no charge because he doesn't see what he did as wrong. He's got no resistance, thus no charge. (Even if he had no "bank.") He's not withholding destructive acts because he just does not care. He might withhold letting you know because he doesn't want to get caught and punished. (And punishment is big in his repertoire for maintaining control and power.) And he never views his overts as suppressive thus he never imagines himself to be suppressive, which is why LRH mentioned that if you think you're suppressive you aren't. Suppressives just lack that innate sense of ethics and wrongness. A thetan knows when ethics has gone awry and when "wrongness" come visiting.

Some of these anti-thetans were quite large, some not. Like thetans, they varied in size, power, ambition, intelligence, etc. I do not doubt that some of the more powerful have become the devils and demons of our histories and myths. Some have been our idols and heros. They populate our tracks in all shapes, sizes and powers.

As for David being the Grand Poo-bah of his own Mikado, well... Certainly, there was such a Grand Poo-bah. And certainly he was very powerful in his own eyes in his own Mikado. And certainly others have granted him his Poo-bahishness, but others have not. But, put Dave in a ring with a mediocre mixed martial arts fighter and Dave would end up a bloody mess. If the attacks as described had come from an experienced and capable fighter, a lot of execs would have been hospitalized or killed. We used to break boards with a four inch punch. Causing severe injury to a human body requires very little effort. Put Dave in prison and he would be squealing like a piggie (a la Deliverance) in short order.

Dave's power rests almost exclusively on what he can convince others he has. When Jesse Prince put him in session he was sniveling all over himself. While Marty waited patiently in a motel room for a visit from Dave, Mr. Poo-bah kept his distance. Marty backed him down, and as able as he might be I doubt that Marty is a match for the Devil of Christianity.

I don't doubt Dave's cunning, intelligence, ambition, and power to convince. But his personal power? A guy who depends on a group of body guards and the threat of losing eternity to enable him to slap around some of his executives? Sounds like a coward to me. Look at how he responded when Marc Headly seemed ready to hit him back. Sounds like a parasite totally dependent on the power of others. Take away the power of others and what do you have left? Hmmmm.

Power resides in the ability to hold a position, and Dave certainly can hold a position, but the position is parasitical. The position is completely dependent on the power created by LRH. Take away that power base and what does Dave have? What has he created? What ARC and KRC has he created? A competent demon or devil could originate his own subject and religion and gain plenty of converts of his own. A competent devil or demon could charm the pants off most of us, the convince us to kill our spouse and sell our children. Take away LRH's power and the only power Dave has left is the money he might have embezzeled and the lawyers he might convince to fight for him. He certainly can't carry on the fight without backup. And Hitler was a parasite on the power of others as well.

And the onslaught from Independent Scientologists will require more and more backup and greater expenditure of resources which DM dearly wants for his own self-aggrandizement. At this point in Dave's war, he is faced with the same dilemma as Bush in fighting extremist Muslims: the more he does, the more enemies he makes. The more Dave attacks Independents and individuals, the more he and his methods are exposed on the internet and in the media while he drains his resources. As others have noted, he's probably salting away as much off-shore money as he can so he can.... Or, as I don't know him personally, maybe he's fanatical enough and delusional enough to send forth the old and decrepit to fight for him while he feeds the cool aide to the faithful.

I just don't know. Never met the guy this life--maybe never. But, that's my uneducated view.

But, Archer, an interesting article all the same. Very entertaining. "To learn requires the willingness to fumble with possibilities."

As The Shepard said, "My tongue has never tasted truth, but this ice cream is pretty friggin' delicious all the same."

# Thoughtful 2010-01-28 12:07
I can definitely confirm that David Miscavige is a total coward. He never hit me because I found a way to cleverly let him know that if he did, I would hit back -- I let it come up while flying ruds with the RTC Cram Off (they report directly to him).

So instead, he yelled at me for being out ethics (because I confronted him) and then beat up someone else! Crazy!

The first time was in his $70-million RTC building. He was strutting in front of us one by one. He stopped at me and said, "You're out ethics!" I had no idea what he was even referring to, but he was certainly angry. Then he walks three steps and does a smack down of Marc Yager, who is basically -- I think -- an out-ethics creep.

The second time he put me and Mike Rinder together, made us stand shoulder to shoulder; like he actually ordered us "Stand shoulder to shoulder." Then he turned around to review one of his crap fake event videos (they all stink so badly) that he had forced us make some fix on. We were standing directly behind him. Miscavige says, "STOP!" (guess he didn't like the change). He turns around, glares at me like a murderer, literally -- just rock slamming. Then he turned to Mike, lunges for him, grabbing his head with both hands and smashed his head into the wall three times as hard as he could... you know, veins bulging out of his arms and neck, eyes bugging out -- Miscavige, not Mike.

After that assault, Miscavige left. Mike remained cordial to me. That was when I realized that Mike Rinder had a heart of gold.

I informed HCO I was leaving shortly after that. And I routed out.

Is Miscavige a coward? Absolutely. If you even look like you will hit him back, he won't touch you. I've heard him say, "Did you see that? He was going to hit me back!" like the other person had just committed the biggest overt in the world by even "looking like" he might strike back.

I think you nailed it when you said, "Dave's power rests almost exclusively on what he can convince others he has." That is the truth.
# maraofacoma 2010-01-28 16:14
Hit some one else...mmmmmm Hits the wrong target.....mmmmmm Now where have i heard that before.

Sorry guys have to go!!! My toster is broken so I might fix my computer.
# Murray Pearlman 2010-01-28 10:14
Archer, When I cognited on what was going on with the Church and specifically the evil dictator. I told my family that Anyone connected with the Church (DM) is PTS to some degree. LRH says evil is hard to confront and all of us Independents confront has risen way up. Thanks for your great confront and telling it like it is.
# P. Henry 2010-01-28 18:11
Archer, great read! Although, I must say that I did not find it "wild" nor "hairy." I did, though, find it to be very sensible.

You know, I'm beginning to suspect that my mind is being read. :-)
+1 # John Doe 2010-01-28 19:54
What is happening here is that the internet has enabled, on a global scale, a connecting up of people and a running out of this third dynamic engram. We are smack dab in the middle of the process and more individuals are joining the party daily.

While it might be interesting to speculate on what stellar or famous SP DM might have been in the past, actually, I don't want to grant him that much beingness. In the long run, it is irrelevant. What is evident is that he is probably the most destructive person in the history of our group.

That said, I think your understanding of the steps needed to continue this process are spot-on accurate, particularly:

"All I want to do is maintain the exact degree of ethics and the correct estimation of effort necessary to run out a group engram."
# barney rubble 2010-01-28 20:29
Miss or Mr Archer,

You have posted one of the best blogs on this websites history, congrtulations, VWD.

Thank you so much, from an ex- SO vet of 25 years.
# DragonFly 2010-01-29 00:59
Finally. I feel like I have a compatriot. I feel duplicated and validated in my beliefs and truths. I'm so blown out I can't say anything else here. ARC & KRC...~
# emldubu 2010-01-29 12:16
I like your style, Archer. I enjoyed your article very much, thought it was energizing.

I differ in my view of DM, tho, and with respect, I caution against "talking him big" or more powerful. I like to recall DM as a punk teen. A real piece of work - but, still just an A-hole. Yes, he's grown into a very good actor, in front of "his people" - he can really mock up the wizard or the monster or the charmer, or the devil. But, he's just a little man behind the curtain. Really, just a legend in his own mind. Once we get him in proper scale in our minds, he'll be a legend ONLY in his own mind.

The power we've allowed him to build up around him in the sanctity of the religious protections, is the problem we're up against now. Without that, he'd already by in jail or banished. We (as a group, either actively or by omission) wanted the religious status and all the protection it allowed. We (the group) were cocky and arrogant, and then, yes, we didn't stay alert. Weren't we all just the cat's meow, with all the tech, and all the truth, and all the VGIs & FNs, nah-nah-nah-nah. Lilly Tomlin did an old bit about Ma Bell when it was a monopoly, with a quote something like "We don't care, we don't have to, we're Ma Bell". I think the whole group was drunk on the power - our overt of complicity. And DMs been keeping us on the sauce, just enough to keep us around the well. The party's been over for a while now and there's a big mess to clean up. Any of you seen the recent movie "The Hangover"? Very funny, but those guys got nothin' compared to what we're waking up to!
+1 # Archer 2010-01-29 20:32
Actually, I agree with you, but I think both viewpoints are actually correct. Miscavige is a maggot in the apple with ZERO special powers. He's not even OT, since he's completely out-ethics.

The point I'm making is how overtly he plots evil actions, how overtly he lies, how fast and smooth he is to cover his treachery. He is not "passively" evil, but practiced and polished because he has made it his lifetime specialty. And he is the type you have to DO something about.

He fits the definition of insanity to a T which I've noticed Thoughtful has thoughtfully posted on the home page of this website: "the overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy." I think where people mis-underestimate Miscavige is in how complex and continuous his evil intentions are.

To assume he has "magical powers" or OT abilities like in Harry Potter, that is just unreal, which is I think the point your making and I agree with you fully.

He's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not afraid of him at all. He's a coward. I'd take him on in any kind of public debate. I think any of the Indies would. I am surprised that people haven't already started to ask some direct questions at his events right from the audience like, "Is it true you spent $70 million on the RTC building?" and "How many women in the Sea Org have been forced to have abortions since 1986?" and "Is it true you hold no certificates as a C/S, yet you C/Sed Lisa McPherson for Clear just before she went insane?" and "Is it true the policy of disconnection was restored by your order and Vaughn Young wrote the issue, not LRH?" Etc.

LRH talks about how people feel toward people who have implanted them. It's a deep, deep, deep despising. I would wager most of those who have left the Church feel exactly that way toward DM in response to the false ideas he implanted in each one of us after we trusted him, to the ways he callously disrupted our lives, to the years and even decades we wasted following his orders, to the ways he personally has betrayed the stated purposes set out by LRH for Scientology.

David Miscavige is not even up to punk. He is spiritual filth.
# emldubu 2010-01-29 14:57
Yes, we're saying the same thing from different angles. And I'm certainly not trying to mitigate the gravity of DMs transgressions or their effects. He has to go, and I think the the SO (and the FOs) as well - too much long term and inbred culture there - too much baggage. To change a veritable generation of culture will take, I agree, a big confront. A friend of mine asked a good question about this movement of ours (oh, I'm in it allright)...Will a new broom sweep the floor cleaner or will it be made of the same straw? Let's stay in session and make sure it's cleaner this time.
+1 # Fishdaddy 2010-01-29 12:33
Archer, you certainly are eloquent. However I think you are giving David Miscavige far too much importance. I worked with the guy. He is a garden-variety sociopath, a creep who lives in fear and can only maintain his control through threat and abuse. If you want to understand him, read up on what a sociopath is. I would not assign him any "whole track" importance or try to make him into some sort of universal representation of evil. The way to get rid of him is exposure - sunlight. Expose his crimes and abuses. The fatal flaw in Scientology, in my view, is that members are trained and organized to unquestioningly follow authority, so they "forward and carry out command intention" even when "command" is a sociopath. But with continued exposure, even the blindest of followers won't be able to ignore it.
# Archer 2010-01-29 20:40
I see what you are saying, that the flaw is also in how Scientologists are indoctrinated to follow authority unquestioningly.

The strange thing about that, to me, is that it wasn't always like that. Whatever happened to the concept of "what is true for you is what is true for YOU"?

I agree that the whole structure needs an major reformation/overhaul to detect and prevent such a situation from repeating. If you have any suggestions on how that might be done, I'd love to hear them.
# Thoughtful 2010-01-29 21:56
If you don't mind me chiming in, I'd recommend a policy called HCO PL 22 June 1974, TECH in OEC Vol 0, pg 284. LRH says,

"Every action that results in a product has a certain tech.

"One finds out about it or develops it.

"When one adopts false tech he will then wind up with a confusion as false tech will not deliver a product. It delivers a confusion -- like psychiatry or Nixon economics.

"The more false tech you hold onto or apply, the more confusions you will get.

"When real tech is invalidated then false tech can enter in. So the test of false tech is does it give a confusion and the test of real tech is does it give a product.
" -- LRH
-1 # OnceUponaTime 2010-01-30 05:40
Archer, Thoughtful, et al.
Might I throw a couple of ideas into the mix? First, a sociopath can be quite powerful because he has no impulse to withhold overts. His energy has little normal resistance. He can be very influential and "productive" (I know, wait a bit.) He can be very OT in a way that an ordinary thetan would not agree with or recognize. He can be very much "knowing cause." And what is an OT if not knowing cause?
But what does a sociopath cause? Trouble, upset, chaos, destruction. One of the reasons a sociopath ARC breaks us is that his products are not real to us. A thetan expects high ARC and KRC type of products. To a regular thetan, destruction and harm do not seem like products. And for a viable organization (other than militaries), destruction and harm do not invite continuance and longevity.
A product could be defined as any effect or result knowingly intended and caused. A sociopath knows that he's causing chaos, knows he's destroying lives, knows he's debilitating and enslaving others. He knows this, he intends this, he causes this. Chaos and harm are his products. His known and intended products.
The more "OT" he is, the more he knows exactly what he is causing, the more effective his intentions are, the more effective he is in causing harm.
You might even conclude that the reactive mind is the intended product of sociopaths. Implanters didn't accidentally implant. We are not living in this empirically designed trap by accident. This trap is caused. Knowingly caused. Intended and well designed. And well executed. Implanting has a tech. And the product is control and suppression of a being.
If your objective is to free beings, then implanting and other such tech is "false tech." But, the technology of suppression is very well considered, very well planned, and very effective. And one of the reasons this technology of suppression is so effective is because we thetans just can't believe that a thetan would do this. The application of this tech is so out reality to us that we just...pftttt...fail to recognize it. We dub in theta reasons. We misobserve. And we get knocked on our collective asses.
Just because overts and withholds weaken most of us does not necessarily mean that a sociopath isn't a different breed of fish. My personal observation is that there's a difference. Sociopaths are not weakened by committing overts. How could they be? They don't see what they are doing as an overt. So they have no reason to withhold energy output.
The more destruction and harm a sociopath produces (and I do mean produces) the better his or her stats. My observations indicate that a sociopath can be in any condition relative to his intended products. Dave is probably in power. And if a sociopath were to apply the condition formulas using his intended product of specific harm or destruction, he could rise right up the conditions:non-existence, danger, emergency, normal, affluence, power. Don't make the mistake of assigning him treason because he's doing exactly what he intends, and his products are exactly what he intends, and his statistics graph according to his goals, not yours or ours. he may be in treason to you or us or Scientology, but ... It's like assigning treason to an enemy spy--if he weren't in treason or enemy he wouldn't be doing his job. And his job is not what we want it to be. His job and his products are what he wants them to be.
That a sociopath could do this may be abhorrent to us. That a sociopath can be "OT" and have great power over others may be insulting. We would like to apply theta principles to a sociopath and believe that his strengths are actually a weakness. But, to pretend is not to correctly observe. And to understand, one must observe exactly what is there rather than what we hope is there or what someone else told us is there. And it doesn't matter how much we trust another's observations; only our own observations ultimately bring us understanding.
And what is becoming OT but increasing our understanding? So understanding Dave actually has a great deal to offer all of us because he provides a clue and a real life example of why we're in this mess at all. Look on Dave gratefully as a wonderful opportunity to understand. Understanding him will provide great rewards. Pretending to understand him and his motives...well....
Humbly submitted for your consideration--Just a thought or two.
# Thoughtful 2010-01-30 05:57
Once Upon a Time, I think you just won the award for the most insightful post ever in the history of the Independent movement. You are so right about Miscavige being a stepping stone and incredible opportunity to understand the greater trap we are in. You really have described not only the architecture of a sociopath, but of the trap as a whole. Incredible! Maybe you should consider writing a longer article giving your observations and I'll post it here for everyone to say. I think what you wrote here was very clear and astonishingly insightful. I think every Indie ought to read what you just wrote... I just sent out a Tweet to let everyone know to read your comment.
# Li Po 2010-01-31 07:28
I agree with Thoughtful. It keyed out me and gave me back a lot of hope. Thanks!
# RJ 2010-01-31 16:45

Though I find most of your insights very enlightening. On the following point I must respectfully disagree:

"The fatal flaw in Scientology, in my view, is that members are trained and organized to unquestioningly follow authority, so they "forward and carry out command intention" even when "command" is a sociopath."

Personally, I as a Scientology staff member I never unquestioningly followed authority.

There have been many times that I told execs senior to myself to go hell.

Many times I have queried orders.

Times I requested a comm ev on the matter when I senior tried to charge me with "noncompliance" or "insubordination" because I failed to comply with an illegal order.

I remember at AO getting into fire fights with with C/S over PC's programs that I found were completely inappropriate.

And I count the number I've times that I've crumpled up some executive's "C/S" for the case and told the Exec to go to hell when he demanded a sec check be done on his junior when I was in Qual.

"(U)nquestioningly following authority or being blindly obedient was never my thing!

So that when Ron personally asked me to join the Sea Org, I changed the subject (I didn't want to hurt the Ol'man's feelings by saying "no") because I could see the direction at the time the Sea Org was going in and that was in the direction of blind obedience!

I could see this beginning to occur. The same way that I predicted to downfall of the GO while working there as technical consultant.

They fawningly accepted any directive by Jane Kember and Herbie Parkhouse as if they inscribed on tablets written by God. In fact ironically they were called "GODs" for Guardian Office Directive!

In one case I spent two hours W/Cling the poor AG (still a good friend of mine) on Herbie's description of the 'Building Fund Account'. I became so disgusted with the AGF WW's complicated gibberish that I grabbed an OEC Vol 4 and had him read the actual PL at which point the AG BDed and F/Ned.

Yet this man who couldn't explain what a building fund account was, was looked upon as a towering genius by the rest of the GO!

Just like Miscavige (a man who didn't even know when questioned by Ted Koppel that Ron recorded the lecture "Between Life Implants" or thinks that the Japanese attacked Peal Harbor with "suicide bombers") is considered by many Sea Org members to be Scientology's new messiah!

Blind obedience to a leader is *not* a Scientology thing. It is a humanoid quality that has somehow infiltrated the Scientology organization!

There are endless examples of this "quality" or more accurately virus on the track, to say it is only endemic to Scientology Fishdaddy is in my opinion a wrong indication!

Especially when you consider the fact that Ron has written and recorded so many writings and lectures in a vain effort to inoculate us against this dreaded disease, beginning with the PAB Education and the Auditor, moving on through to the Article on Personal Integrity to various policies on Querying Orders.
# fishdaddy 2010-02-01 14:08
RJ - I didn't say it was "only" endemic to Scientology. And I didn't mean to imply that you, personally, were a blind follower. I certainly wasn't. But in my 35 years on staff, I saw a lot of blind following. And yes, many times I went along with things I shouldn't have in order not to get in trouble. Fact is, many Scientologists are afraid to question management and will go along with what they are told to avoid ethics trouble. It is a crime to fail to carry out orders from the central authority, and all Sea Org Members swear to "forward, carry out and execute command intention" or whatever the phrase is. At the Int Base, people follow DMs orders or they are RPFed or offloaded. Public follow the orders and directives sent down or they end up in Ethics or Sec Checks (at their expense). Why would people ever put up with a sociopath like DM unless they were trained to blindly follow and not make waves, at least to some degree? I encourage any Scientologist to try speaking out or objecting, and see how long it takes for the organizational mechanisms and group pressure and "now I'm supposed tos" to kick in.
# Mary Jo 2010-01-29 15:57
Dear Archer, awesome article and it reads very true to me. I saw the steely eyes and realized who he was when I was in a confidential OTA briefing at MV in 08. There was a comment he made that confirmed to me he was the one behind the insane "basics" sales and insane regging that was crippling orgs and public. It was a powerful moment and I looked around the room to see if others had seen it and I was amazed to find a bunch of glassy-eyed "OTs" looking at him with total awe. I felt nauseated. But after that point it took a lot of peeling of layers and many efforts to get others to see the outpoints. Nothing worked so I then had to take the step to publicly leave and announce my "divorce" from that group and that man. I felt DM was every SP on the whole track ADDED up into ONE man. That is my reality.

And yes, we are pulling the strings and we heal layer by layer, and as we shed light on more and more this will continue to create efforts that I believe will become exponential... and this travesty will crumble and then we move on to justice cycles correctly done.

And then we can get out of Div 1 and move onto Div 2? That is enlightment of the subject- a thing of beauty.
# P. Henry 2010-01-30 14:03
# Nicki 2010-01-30 16:08
Thank you very much. My needle is floating.
Very good article.
Very true.
Thanks again.
# Guest 2010-01-30 17:07
Thoroughly brilliant post. A totally objective look to what is going on.

The only thing that social personalities have on their side is that the true antisocial is not really here but dramatizing a long since gone overwhelmingly painful experience. In other words, that condition still exists for the SP and he is continually solving it in present time my creating such chaos. If things every begin to spiral out of his control, there's not much there in terms of free theta to get it back on track.

The only thing social personalities don't have going for them is that they are gullible.
# Theo Sismanides 2010-01-31 11:31
Hi Archer, your post was great! I really saw many of your points and one point you made is that of infanticide.

I never saw that written that way. It's infanticide and it's a genocide. Keeling of the SO right there.

THe point is what do we do now?

I think the best way is to sue DM for fraud. There is vast evidence of his crimes which can be ecclesiastical and common penal law crimes.

All it takes now is for us to form up an organization and move as an organization. Until we can confront our responsibilities on that Miscavige is going to keep going, killing more and more.

The moment we decide to have EXISTENCE and the moment we decide to change that CONDITION is going to be a historical moment.

Dept 20 and Dept 19 are high on the scale and are part of an Org Board. I think, us thetans, will one day be forced to do it just because there will be no other way but to take responsibility.

Sueing DM for fraud is one way of applying enough force to match his force. He only understands of force, Thoughtful has clearly shown that when in two occasions he (DM) didn't hit him because he knew he would be hit back by Thoughtful.

I even said once at Marty's that we can start from building up a 7 Div Orb Board called "OUST DM 7 DIV ORG BOARD".

We definitely need a good archer, Archer... Your aiming is good, shoot to the heart, ha ha...
# Joe Howard 2010-01-31 16:45
RJ, I know for a fact that DM knew about the Between Lives Implant lecture. I pointed it out to him when I did the tapes CSW for the SHSBC re-release in 1991. DM told Koppel that he'd never heard that lecture and he probably was telling the truth. But he sure knew about it. The lecture is the only SHSBC lecture that was taken off the course. It wasn't necessary and it sure was out-PR. LRH advised that lectures be edited or removed that were out PR, contained out-PR jokes or comments, etc.
The CSW for this is in the Archives Storage Building at Gold. Bob Sukkestad, who has been the RTRC Admin since Christ was a corporal, would know where to find it someday when OSHA violations close the place down and cooler heads take control of the church.
# RJ 2010-02-01 01:35
Joe, I'm familiar with the HCOPL 'Tech Qual Distribution', whether the tape "Between Lives Implants" was as you say "out PR" at that level I feel is debatable.

I mean you could say the same thing about the VIII lectures as well. In fact in my opinion you could use it to wipe out much of our upper level materials!

However, Miscavige didn't merely say he never heard the lecture but that such a lecture never existed in the interview which is either 1) he is ignorant of what is contained on the actual tape itself or 2) he had just violated one of the senior rules of PR which is never lie!

Either way he's guilty of gross ignorance in my opinion.

Also in his RTC Bulletin 'Wake Up Call' he could have brushed up on the history of WW II so he would have known that there were no Japanese "suicide bombers" or Kamikazes attacking Pearl Harbor.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg of the idiotic moronic drivel published by the Clown On Board or COB, for real laughs you have to read 'Arbitraries Canceled' and that "Eval" where he "uncovered" a "why" that is in fact a computation or ser fac of "the blind leading the blind" heralding in the "Golden Age of Tech".

Joe my question is as any item that doesn't blow did "the blind leading the blind" in fact become a self fulfilling prophesy?
# Ed 2010-02-02 19:32
I liked your post."Any datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated." and " a datum must be evaluated by comparing it to a datum of comparable magnitude" come to mind. Personally, I like to compare David Miscavage to Hannibal Lechter.
# Nic 2010-02-18 03:56
Regarding DM.
I was in Scientology for 35 years and merely "uncomfortable" about him as I forged ahead trying to make sense out of the Golden Age of Tech, and what was going on with my church after LRH's departure.
After I "extracted" myself from continuous immersion in church activities and presence just a few years ago; I moved to an area where there is very little Scientology and only a small mission. Actually it is where I had gotten into Scientology originally. I hadn't actually planned the move, but I appreciated the "quiet" from constant pressure to participate, donate, study, volunteer, "bring people in", reg, be regged, etc., etc....
I started seeing a man who is not a Scientologist, never had any contact with Scn, and when he first saw a picture of DM on one of my mags, his first comment was, "There is something I don't like about that guy...and what's with the captain kirk outfit? This is the leader of your church?" I was still in what I called "cult-think" mode and winced; but it really struck a chord with me, and I started to really look - and look back. I'd been very involved and on some intense lines....and - yep - there WAS something wrong, not only with our "leader", but with the church. I started to peel away the skin of the onion and finally see what had been eating away at me for so long.
Since quietly walking away, I have been calmer, happier and more confident about my life and myself...minus all of the "considerations" that were basically a shared experience by many of us in the church.
A church where we are supposed to be becoming "more free".
It's sad, because I believe that Scientology is good and LRH's intentions were good. It'll be interesting to see what becomes of it when Dm finally brings about the demise of the CofS.
Guess it'll be up to those of us that still consider ourselves Scientologists.
# Maurice 2010-06-15 17:23
I just caught this article today. Great stuff. I've been having thoughts along those lines for months. I agree with Ralph Hilton's comment about Goebbels. I had that exact thought watching a documentary about the Nazi era a few months ago.
-1 # DisagreeToo 2010-09-09 18:00
Fascinating article Archer, this whole thread, and much stuff from Marty's blog gives me the weird feeling that DM is going to be used as the anti-christ, he sure fits the bill now. So wonder what game is playing, is some group pushing this situation onto the church? Is it actually, as you also touch, in a larger context, a tough process about learning to confront and handle a creature like DM, or has the church (via DM and others) become part of a crazy script it really urgently have to break out of? I think kicking DM out of this solar system before 2012 would be a great first step to spoil that plan!
# Utterly Confused 2013-12-18 05:06
Pardon me for my lack of training, although I was around for 10 yrs, but I remember Ron talking in one of his books about jumping off a fence, or something, to attack a bully when he was a kid.


We can all sit here, reminisce and bitch, but how do we get Davis Miscavage out?

Seriously?...Short of killing the bastard in an alley somewhere, which would do nothing short of denouncing the validity of Scientology tech unjustly in the publics eyes, going against the greatest good, but...

Is anyone out there preparing paper particles to be passed out around the orgs to promote 'independents' or is anyone planning rallies wherever David is hanging out, demanding his resignation from the church?

I personally would love to volunteer on a grand scale to get independents together and rally EXTREMELY AND OVERTLY, with press coverage if possible if it's ok....and tell the world that our church is only a cult due to DM!

...To tell the world, with Marty Rathbun, David Rinder, and the likes, that WE THE INDEPENDENT SCIENTOLOGISTS are calling the asshole OUT, demanding HE get SEC CHECKED, that WE demand he be handled for his out tech, out ethics bullshit!

If we picketed or rallied at the major orgs with the highest staff members who have now become independents, and promoted the date of an even bigger rally (...like Portland had back in the day against psychs), we could promote to the current staff to ...



...We could bring attention to this savage beast and he'd have to leave, his psychotic stats would fall! We could rally and quote LRH on how the church should be run, on how the pricing of donations is a travesty, etc.

...WE could literally stop the 'Church of DM' and bring awareness to the world that LRH Tech DOES work if not twisted up and is not bullshit cult material.

...WE could tell the world that we are working on our spiritual freedom independently because of this asshole's psychotic power condition and that we are a viable, decent, virtuous group that has always intended on doing the greatest good...but we need to purge out this fucking 'anti-Christ' to redeem ourselves!

Am I a nut?

I'm willing! ...I'll organize! I have skills and resources to get something like this done and I'm not in the least bit scared!

Is this being planned? ...Can this help.
# Thoughtful 2014-03-09 22:07
To fully deal with the CoS we first have to understand what it is. DM is an important component. He is a psychopath. But the problem has deeper roots, I'm afraid. I'm researching now other aspects — nothing lets DM off the hook. But you can't stop weeds unless you pull out the roots. In the meantime, I suggest you continue to contribute as best you can, get yourself cleaned up case wise, get back on the Bridge and help others get out of the CoS.

Getting the word out about David Miscavige is like putting a tourniquet on a bleeding artery. We have to keep that tourniquet tight to keep more people from being victimized. But it doesn't solve the entire problem.

I recommend reading Lawrence Wright's book. His conclusions about the value of the tech are inaccurate, but the data he presents about the Church and LRH are important for us to confront. And when I say "confront" I mean face — as in be there comfortably and face. Without taking anything away from the necessity of exposing DM's criminality and abuses, we have to next examine what other issues have contributed to this disaster. I think only when we as a group have come to terms with the entire situation can we start to pick up the pieces and preserve what is good and throw out what is bad. At that time we will know what to do and we will know how to speak about Scientology to the world. You will eventually hear much more from me on this matter when I am sure of all the facts and have certainty on what needs to be done. We are running a group engram and strangely, part of the engram came from the very person who taught us how to run engrams in the first place.

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"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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Is David Miscavige a crook?
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