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Wednesday, 25 November 2009 02:13

Destroying Scientology Management in One E-Z Step

Here's something new to chew on ... Why Scientology has been contracting for some 20 years now!

Little known fact here. For those of us that were around in the "day", back in the 70s and early 80s, in the management sector of Scientology as well as at the lower organizational levels, of which I did both, in those days the structure of Scientology was very simple and very predictable. As with most organizations, the orders or strategies emanated from the top, filtered down through command channels and eventually ended up with the staff members at the lowest levels. It's called many things, a command chart, an organizational chart, and in Scientology it is also called an Organization Board. A fact which most people do not know about, but starting in 1981, a "new" operating pattern surfaced. The top levels of management at the international base, started issuing orders directly to people at the next level down (Flag management) without going through their proper org board seniors. In other words, if you had several divisions or bureaus under you (as I did in those days), your juniors were suddenly being issued orders DIRECTLY from the international base above you.

Now, I quite vividly recall the shock I experienced when this first happened as we had NEVER seen anything like this before. I immediately queried up the line and demanded to know how on earth they could be running my staff without going through me, or were they planning to remove me from my position. The word I got down is that they were using an "issue" based on an LRH advice that said in so many words that there was no problem with issuing directives to staff members lower down, without having to go through all the command channels on the way down, as long as you cc'ed the seniors involved.

Needless to say, even with my relatively minor management and organizational training at the time, I saw this as an obvious misinterpretation of L Ron Hubbard, as I knew that he would never offer an "advice" that countered every policy letter he wrote (of which there are hundreds) on the subject of standard organizational channels. This marked the beginning of a destructive practice, on the simple basis that no matter how you stack the cards and what spin you give them, if your boss is telling your staff what to do, you're job is pretty much useless.

And sure as the sun rises every day, that practice spread over the years, from the international base (Int Management), and became the routine. It started to permeate the system. The idea of "bypassing the usual organizational lines and command channels" seeped into the blood of the organization, and the practice started to show its ugly head at lower levels of management in continental zones and eventually into the service organizations.

By 1989 it was in full bloom and orders were flying and the organization system as LRH had set up was being bypassed at pretty much every echelon. It was not unusual to wake up in the morning to find orders from the very top levels of management to people at continental level, or straight into the service organizations. What this began, was the corrosion of our organizations. You cannot continue to bypass the usual structure without eventually causing structural decay, and when you are talking about people, if you don't empower them, at each level on-down, you eventually de-power them and make their position pointless.

1990 is a watershed year in Scientology as it marks a point where the international growth of the Church, based on pure statistics - not the hype that we've heard at the international events - began a serious long term slide. The expansion factor had been broken, and it took many years to do that. In spite of the fact that David Miscavige and possibly others in his crew who "know so well" would have you believe otherwise, the truth is that:

1. It was not because Scientology organizations and management became infested with suppressive and incompetent persons.
2. It was not because everyone was lazy, incompetent or in noncompliance - a favorite attack that is used by David Miscavige to discredit anyone that he wants removed.

In simplistic terms, you could view it this way. If I were to take your body, which you control, and instead told someone to grab your left arm and do such and such, tell someone else to grab your right arm and give them separate orders, and do the same with your legs, you would lose control of YOUR body. You would also eventually go into apathy about having a body. In fact, you'd probably protest so much that your body would get sick and eventually you'd just leave it sitting there to die. Organizations are the same way. SOMEONE has to run them. Organizations are not run by multiple people. Communism has already been shown to be unsuccessful. Running Russia with a bunch of Communist cells eventually nearly destroyed the country. Can you imagine the top executives for McDonalds or Burger King, sending directives to the manager of a franchise in Cleveland Ohio telling him how to flip his burgers, bypassing the regional and continental people over that franchise? Eventually the system would crumble. Such is the case in Scientology.

That is how the picture of Scientology's organizations developed from that time period in 1981 when the process began. Had international management actually held the line, and followed the LRH prescribed org boards, not violated command channels and not introduced a squirrel system of issuing orders which bypassed every command echelon, the organization would have continued to expand.

Scientology is a tremendously potent body of knowledge. It takes a LOT to screw it up. The momentum which LRH and management of that time had set in motion for 30 years leading up to 1981 and eventually 1990 when the statistics started to topple, was weakened at its core. The structure of organization are its pillars. Violate the structure, you destroy the core.

David Miscavige, in 1996, announced so sanctimoniously to the entire Scientology world that he was ushering in a new "era" of management, one where the organizational lines would be followed and bypass of standard channels was history. Possibly he had an epiphany then. Had he not been so high on his horse about this, and had he admitted with some humility that it was in fact the international base that started this whole perverted system and pushed it forward into every level of Scientology, he would have gained some credibility. Instead, he tried to lay the onus of the whole corrupt system on the laps of those of us at lower levels of management. LRH even says that mutinies are started at the TOP and one of the most fundamental datums we all learned back in the day is that "if it is out at Flag management level - it is out in the orgs". That simply translates as - if you're dad is smoking pot, then it's quite likely that the kids will see it and do it too.

David Miscavige, with prodigious amounts of force, threat and other means, tried to enforce his "new era of management," but it never worked because he was the one that sabotaged it from the outset by sending out teams of "the best" executives which he personally trained at the Int base. These teams went to every continent and started running those zones, and taking their orders from who? International management and David Miscavige. We at middle management level were left watching as these teams blew into town, executed their directives and basically snubbed a nose at their actual command. All the while, David Miscavige was hammering and pounding lower level management to get it together and start managing standardly, while at the same time demanding that everyone do HIS orders, and throwing roadblocks in the way so that no one in management could get a single order out unless it pushed his mandates. So once again, the standard channels were corrupted and of course the statistics did not improve and the structure corroded that much more.

I attempted, albeit far too late, to expose the problem. The first time I spoke up, I received an RPF assignment for being disaffected. The next time I spoke, years later, I was summarily removed from my post and moved off the lines where no one would listen to me.

I have taken some bullets on this issue, I assure you.

Unfortunately I knew that would happen - and it did. You don't walk up to Stalin and criticize him without getting a late night visitation from a few of his boys.

In the day, back in the 70s and 80s, you could say anything to L Ron Hubbard, without worry of repercussions. He LISTENED. David Miscavige has created a different entity. It doesn't listen. It just KNOWS IT IS RIGHT.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage, a general greatness and a dash of humility to admit that you have screwed up on something this big and that you caused the problem. But oddly, people in general are very forgiving souls and we would have happily nodded our heads and gotten on with expanding Scientology. Unfortunately David Miscavige is not about humility. He is not about greatness, except in his own head, and he certainly has no concept about true courage and truth, because if he did he would be able to see what I am telling you right now.

As I said above, this whole aspect of the administrative squirreling or violation of fundamental Scientology structure is not widely known because there are not too many of us left who were around before it happened, and who lived through that entire period to watch the slow corrosion of the organizations at all levels.

I thought you should know the truth.


See my blog at http://nodamnkidding.blogspot.com/




# Boyd Hutchins 2009-11-25 09:58
I agree, good points.
# Renegade 2009-11-25 17:45
This makes so much sense!!! I was ED of a Class V Org for 4 years and just could not get any production with the staff aligned. Telexes from CLO, FOLO, Int Mgmt, and the LC, FR, FBO Networks were directly ordering the staff in different directions!!! It was a mad house! Anytime I got some production done I'd get krs for counter intention from one of the above posts ordering some other target to get done. This was also crazy-making if I held the post from above! Veteran staff would end up leaving with all the chaos.
# RJ 2009-11-26 03:53
Thanks OTB this explains a lot of what happened that lead to the disaster called "COB".
# eyesopened 2009-11-28 16:23
You totally hit the nail on the head there. I was in the lower levels, a class V Org and that's exactly what happened and its getting worse. Thanks for writing this. I hope many others read it as well.
# Misha 2010-04-27 10:28
Very good observation and analysis, makes sense but the string keeps going. WHY the constant bypass took hold permeating the system? Because life was being made totally unbearable if the stats were down or, more likely, if some specific order from COB (also on a bypass) was not complied with. In 1981 DM wasn't running the show but I guess the pressure was unbearable even then. But WHY so much pressure? Especially before DM? The string is still there to pull.
# robert earle 2011-05-06 19:13
Dear OTB,
Very nice article and thoroughly true. As example in 1989 I went onto the LRHcomm post in Denver. I found that there were more than a half dozen programs issued to staff in various posts for them to run in their areas . Per various LRH references especially in the early 70s a single line of command channels into orgs was stressed this was to be through dept 21 Office of LRH. Also numberous HCO pls exist written mostly in the mid sixties about the consequences of bypassing and the danger conditions it brings about. Despite the above I found Cont or above orders being given directly to staff who were not in dept 21 in fact rarely even in dept 19 thus continuously bypassing the execs of the org . Knowing this to be destructive of org form and violating policy I on my own initiative rounded all thes programs up and took them into my office and showed them the LRH refs so they knew why. This turned into a big flap from "?" you name them up lines and later I was called to LA and removed from post.There is another factor involved in this which relates to the whole subject of operating programs and the compliance reports related to programs.In late 1974 LRH did an eval on a situation of stalled programs on his lines.(The eval and it's handling are contained in AO 483-21 25 nov 1974-LRH.(That's an Aides order). The handling part of the AO resulted in the PL 26 Jan 69 "Compliance Reports" being revised 12 Dec 74 and also the writing of pl 8 Jan 75 "Compliance how to get one." The unfortunate thing is that the pl 26 jan 69 was restored to its original form later (note 26 Jan 69 has never been a pl of LRH authorship.)(the original oec volumes show it as a Ken Delderfield PL.

as it is likely that next to noone has read this AO nor are you likely to find a copy easily. I had a copy of it given me by an LRH comm at asho as she had it in her full hat back in 1988.I had used it to send up requests to have the pl corrected on more than one occasion with no success. I went thru an extensive FDSing cyle at ITO whileon my OEC training in 1992 attempting to
resolve this using the ito SIR computer to locate the issue which was there.
I will not give you a discription of the issue here as that would be unfair and improper. I will tell you this that the pl 26 jan 69 is not an LRH pl and the best ref for folloowing is the HCO pl Compliance how to get.I will tell you that one of the points LRH made in the eval was that having the person with the target put together evidence of target comletion was found to be DEV-t for them and often took more time to do than the target itself and it only took a note saying it was done. Verification was the hat of the program operator.(Like LRHcomm,etc who had the program to run.
The reason I bring this up as a comment relating to the original post by Outside the Box is that when you add together the continuous bypassing of command channels as well as inverted program operation with dev-t you have contracting orgs. AS stated above. Its really no mystery. I recall being on staff in the early 70s in the Denver Misssion and there was no bypassing occurring and our stats went up. As an aside re danger conditions. When someone other than LRH issues something crossing his own writting it immediately opens the door to the danger formla running. (if you accept and follow it). Wishing you all well. Bob Earle PS if anyone knows where a copy of that Aides Order could be found please let me know or post it.
# robert earle 2011-05-06 19:26
PS In 1999 I had direct telex orders coming from A/Tech Aide WUS to me D of P Denver. Despite refering him to pls and requesting he send them thru command channels he refused to do so. He finally offered up months later when I was in LA that his ordering direct came for an issue which I believe to be the same one mentioned by Outside the Box in his artice. LRH policy is that HCO PLs by him are senior in admin.(HCO PL 9 aug 72 Seniority of orders.) Bob Earle

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