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Thursday, 12 July 2012 14:10

Karen de la Carriere sent out the following email to several thousand Scientologists. I sent it to Jim Edwards who published it in Business Insider.

Alexander Jentzsch Dead at 27, Sea Org Member for 16 Years

Dear Scientologist,

I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist to let you know about the mysterious and sudden death of my son Alexander Jentzsch at 27 years of age on July 3, 2012.

Although I am not in the Sea Org right now, I served aboard the Flagship Apollo where I was trained by LRH to the level of Class XII C/S. I am one of only seven Class XII C/S’ LRH ever made.

After LRH took Flag ashore in Clearwater, I met and fell in love with Heber Jentzsch. We married and Heber went on to become the President of the Church of Scientology International. I remained devoted to LRH and to my duties as a Class XII C/S at Flag. I won “Auditor of the Year” at Flag numerous times.

In 1984, I gave birth to our son Alexander.

Alexander Jentzsch was born in the Sea Org. He formally joined the Sea Org when he was eight years old. Despite the promises that Sea Org recruiters made to Alexander, he did not receive a proper education. While other children were in school, Alexander was cleaning toilets and mopping floors at Flag. As a child working in the Sea Org, Alexander was made to
work long hours and would sometimes sneak away to call me on the phone in tears.

While LRH had made family time a daily requirement in the Sea Org, things radically changed under COB RTC David Miscavige and family time virtually disappeared. Unless there is a death or a PR flap of some kind, Sea Org members are almost never allowed to see their families. Alexander seldom saw his father, Heber. Factually, years would go by between the times Alexander was allowed to see his father. Alexander called himself "The Boy with no Dad." He saw Heber less than 11 times in 14 years.

COB RTC David Miscavige ordered Heber Jentzsch and I to be divorced and has utterly destroyed our family.

I was suddenly a single mother with a child to support. Heber was unable to pay any child support. Indeed, Heber could not even support himself on his $50 per week Sea Org pay. I did not protest this as Heber was the President of the Church of Scientology International and I did not want to create a flap for the Church. The Church had me sign affidavits on video camera that I would never ask for child support...

I routed out of the Sea Org in 1990 and took many years to pay off my $90,000 Freeloader Debt. I paid my Freeloader Debt so that I could remain a Scientologist in good standing. I knew LRH and knew the Tech worked miracles.

After I left the Sea Org, I remained a loyal member of the Church of Scientology. I raised Alexander by myself and supported him financially when he entered the Sea Org. Alexander served on many posts during the sixteen years he was in the Sea Org.  When he was a young man, Alexander married Andrea Kavon, a fellow Sea Org member.

Alexander and Andrea Jentzsch routed out of the Sea Org in 2010 due to the fact that Andrea was pregnant and babies are not allowed in the Sea Org. The baby spontaneously aborted.

Sometime after they routed out, I made the decision to publicly depart the Church in 2010 for the same reasons Debbie Cook outlined in her letter of January 1, 2012. Like Debbie, I saw the Church engaging in extreme over-regging and gross out tech. Having been trained to deliver the highest technical levels of Scientology possible, I know what Standard Tech is and is not. My decision to leave the Church was based upon my deep respect for LRH and my 100% commitment to preserve his legacy and technology. I could no longer be a part of what was happening in the Church under the deeply suppressive management of David Miscavige.

I was declared a Suppressive Person. My son Alexander and his wife were forced to disconnect from me by OSA when I left the Church.

In 2010, Alexander’s father Heber Jentzsch was 75 years old and had not been allowed to see our son for many years.  Heber has been locked up in the Int Base RPF for many years and remains locked up with other International executives.

Due to the policies of Disconnection and RPF, Alexander effectively had no parents in 2010.

After he left the Sea Org, Alexander took a job in sales at a Scientology-owned company in Dallas. During this time in Dallas, Alexander was involved in a traffic accident that injured him to such an extent that he began to take prescription pain pills. Alexander lost his job and began on a downward spiral.

Because Alexander did not have $10,000 or more, the Church of Scientology would not and give him any auditing to handle the engram from the traffic accident. The Church would not even give Alexander any charity Chaplain auditing. It did not matter that Alexander’s parents had served more than fifty years in the Sea Org. There is no compassion or mercy in the Church in present time.

As a Class XII C/S, I have the technical skills necessary to help anyone. I could have helped my son Alexander handle the engram from the traffic accident. However, due to the policy of Disconnection no one from the Church of Scientology ever called me to let me know that my only child had been badly injured in a traffic accident.

As an art dealer, I have a good income. I would have immediately paid to give my son the best medical care possible. Again, however, due to the policy of Disconnection no one from the Church of Scientology ever called me to let me know that Alexander had been badly injured in a traffic accident.

It came as a shock to me, then, when someone called me to let me know that Alexander had been found dead in his bed on the morning of July 3, 2012.

Alexander died at the home of his in-laws in Los Angeles. Both of his in-laws are New OT VII’s.

It was only after I began to ask questions that I learned of the traffic accident and that Alexander had allegedly died from a high fever.

Through its spokesperson, the Church was very quick to publicly state that Alexander has left no suicide note and had over-medicated himself.  This was a strange and suspicious claim coming from the same Church that claims to have the most powerful technology on the planet. I am working very hard to find out the truth about my son Alexander’s death because the Church will not tell me anything and has forbidden Andrea or her family from telling me anything.

The behavior of the Church raises questions: Where was the tech when Alexander needed it? He served 16 years in the Sea Org. Why not a lifeline in his time of need?

Why did two New OT VII’s allow a fellow Scientologist in good standing to over-medicate himself?

Why had two OT’s failed to help Alexander? This is a gross violation of point one of the Code of Honor written by LRH in 1954:

"Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble."

Alexander was clearly in need, danger, and trouble and yet he was utterly deserted by the Church of Scientology.

I wanted only to cremate my son quickly per the scriptures of Scientology. When I sent a messenger over to the home of Alexander’s in-laws to ask for his body, I was told:
  • Any communication between Andrea and myself must go through OSA.
  • There would be no funeral or viewing for Alexander.
  • Worse, I was told that I would not be allowed to take one last look at my son.
This is the Church of Scientology in 2012 under David Miscavige:
  • An LRH-trained Class XII C/S cannot use the tech to help her own son
  • A grieving mother cannot see her son’s body one last time.
  • No one will help a comrade in need, danger, or trouble for fear of incurring the wrath of David Miscavige or OSA.
The Church did not tell me that Alexander died. I had to find out from someone who cared enough to tell me.

The Church never told you why Debbie Cook left as Captain of FSO. Instead, Debbie Cook sent out a letter herself to tell you why.

The Church is not telling you that LRH’s granddaughter Roanne Horwich recently blew from Int Base.

The Church of Scientology under David Miscavige is a Church full of secrets, lies, and injustices.

The Church of Scientology under David Miscavige uses Disconnection and SP Declares only to keep the truth from being known.

I am writing this letter to let you know that the Church has tried to keep secret the news that Alexander Jentzsch – whose father Heber is still the President of CSI – died.

The Church is keeping other secrets from you as well:
  • Why is the Super Power Building still not open after almost twenty years?
  • Where does all the money go?
  • Why are the Ideal Orgs empty?
  • Where is the expansion claimed by COB?
That the entire Dror Mission in Israel just left the Church, and why.

I am a Scientologist and will always be a Scientologist for I know the power of the tech.

I love LRH and care enough about the tech and the church he created to send you this letter.

I close by quoting what Debbie Cook said very well in her letter:

“We all have a stake in this. It is simply not possible to read the LRH references and not see the alterations and violations that are currently occurring. You have a very simple obligation to LRH. Don’t participate in anything off policy, and let others know they should not either. If every person who reads this email does nothing more than step back from off-policy actions we would have changed direction. If we took all that energy and directed it into auditing, training and raw public dissemination, we would be winning.”

You can e-mail me at [redacted]

Karen de la Carriere

Crew member, Flagship Apollo


+3 # Jessica 2012-07-14 10:27
Oh Karen, my heart is broken for you, for Heber, for Alexander and even for Andrea and her family.

There are no words of comfort for this dishonor, disgrace and heartbreak to those who have dedicated their lives to helping others.

The bible states, "Jesus Wept" and I believe in this tragedy He Weeps, as do I.

I address the readers of this letter by a grief stricken mother. Stand Up for her, Stand Up for Alexander. If you believe that LRH's intention was to help, ask yourself this question, "Is it the intent of David Miscavage to help?"

My answer is a resounding NO. If the authorities will not handle these crimes and outrageous actions on the part of a "Church" out of some deranged interpretation of the US Constitution; then you are left with only one option - Handle or Disconnect from your "Church"
# Former Newswriter 2012-08-02 22:05
Thanks for telling your story and letting it be known.
# Nicki Davidson 2012-10-15 20:46
there are no words to express my sorrow in the death of your son. I knew him and this entire incident is atrocious!
I hope you can find peace.....
# TJ 2012-11-02 19:06
My heart goes out to you on the loss of your son. Simply heartbreaking. You've written a very straightforward summary of events, when will someone listen and take action? A further investigation into his death should be undertaken.

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