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Thursday, 08 September 2011 14:12
For decades Miscavige and the Office of Special Affairs has been running an extensive fifth column campaign to create chaos for Scientologists, Europen government officials, and key nations as a whole including Germany, France, Belgium and the UK.  The more trouble, the more cash David Miscavige receives in the form of donations plundered from duped Scientologists into the IAS's "war chest." Without a war, there can't be a war chest. That's why the Church IS at war.

It is a corporate conspiracy in the name of profit against multiple governments and I hinted at some of the details yesterday involving Miscavige's recruiting of film actors like Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Ann Archer (Tommy Davis's mother) to pressure the US State Department to disrupt government operations. The details are truly rotten and that is one of the topics to be revealed by Marty on Saturday to any Independent Scientologist who wishes to attend our free meeting in Hamburg. Helping to organize THIS meeting is why I bought a plane ticket to Germany. Marty could have done it himself, but he's been a bit busy, so I volunteered.

Speaking of Marty, today he was on the Markus Lanz talk show with Ursula Caberta. The show is to air immediately and you can see it on Markus Lanz's website. Together they reveal some blistering facts about Miscavige's Stasi-like Office of Special Affairs and David Miscavige.


(Note: I believe English subtitles will be available soon on the video. Right now it is only in German)

-- Hey, tip to Mr Cruise and OSA: the Hammer of Thor is coming down. Don't be under it. You guys are on the wrong side of history. Just like the Stasi. Either wake up and get out now (with evidence against Miscavige) or soon it will be too late.

So the meeting will be at the Department of the Interior, 4 Johanniswall by Altstadterstrasse, starting at 10:30 AM in the heart of Hamburg. Bring your German ID or if you are not German, bring your passport -- you will need it to get into the building. If you arrive on time, you will also get to meet Ursula Caberta -- a genuine leader of enormous insight who since years has suffered every dirty trick in the OSA play book. What Marty is experiencing now, she also endured.

And as for the numerous CoS hate websites attempting to malign and stigmatize Ursula Caberta as a "religious bigot" -- FAIL. She never was. And now that she's proving the point, the CoS websites suddenly took down that lie and replaced it with a new one. Just hours ago! Miscavige operates on the insane idea if he repeats a line (even though it's false) enough times for enough years, one day everyone will believe it. I'm not making this up. It is actually what he professes, and is why OSA tells such blatant lies about Marty, Mike, Ursula, me, Amy, Marc, and the hundreds of others who stand by truth.

European Scientologists need to know what has really been going on so they can jetisson the false data. For example, OSA operatives and IAS registrars have been telling people since the 1990s that the German government "kicks Scientology children out of public school." it is a lie. The German government doesn't care what people believe and they want kids to go to school. Like anyone else, they only care what people DO. And when repressive individuals start discriminating against others, forcing them to give money, disconnect from parents or change religions, the government's job is to do something when people are being harmed. In response, the Church made up lies.

For years WISE pressured Scientologists to use confidential employee records to recruit people into Scientology. It is illegal to do that. Victims turned to the government for help. And when the government told the Church to knock it off, the Church spread a lie that "if the government finds out you are a Scientologist you will lose your job." No, breaking the law and harming people is what gets people fired because that's just how life works. The only people who ever lost their jobs were fired because they comitted crimes that harmed people. It was NOT "religious persecution."

To prove the point, the govenment is hosting and providing their own facilities for a meeting of Independent Scientologists.

The government has no problem with us at all. On the contrary, they respect what we are doing and they know the Church is retaliating against us in various ways, especially if your name is Marty or Mosey Rathbun. Yet this "open arms" approach is nothing new. This has been their attitude all along. It was only the CoS that claimed the government was all bad. And it wasn't just the government that OSA lied about. They also claimed problems in Germany traced back to the Lutheran Church. Hogwash!

What David Miscavige does best: make powerful enemies with long memories.

I also said yesterday the Church had blood on their hands. And Hamburg attendees will learn more on that score too, including tragic deaths by suicide of leading European Scientologists, forced into such heavy debt by the CoS there seemed no other way out than to abandon life itself.

So, if you can arrange to be at this historic meeting, please be there. In fact this meeting symbolizes a mending of relations and a healing from the damage done to a very important part of the world by the most toxic individual I have ever known.

Marty said his purpose in coming to Europe was to "clean up the mess" made by David Miscavige.

- Thoughtful



+1 # Karen#1 2011-09-08 20:41
Indie meeting in Hamburg


meeting will be at the Department of the Interior, 4 Johanniswall by Altstadterstrasse in the heart of Hamburg

Department of Inteior hosting an Indie party to meet Ursula in a Government building !

This is a Milesone in Scientology history.
+2 # Thoughtful 2011-09-09 02:13
Yes, and sorry I left out the time in my first draft. A reader just alerted me and I've added it in. The meeting starts at 10:30 AM. This IS a milestone in Scientology. The Church has been "battling the German government for survival" for decades. Independents go in and find it's all bullshit and Marty solves the mocked up problem in one day. Actually, there was no problem in the first place. To me, that was certainly worth the price of a ticket to Europe. The German people are the greatest. This country is so beautiful. And all the money regged by the IAS vultures in the name of this phony war should be refunded.
# Tara 2011-09-08 21:09
Wish I could be there!!!!

All the way back around 1994 our mission holder PAID close to $70,000 of our reserves to Tom and Cathy Steiner to take our mission and they claimed they needed the money to pay all these back taxes because the suppressive Germans were squashing Scientology.

Well, if you owe taxes that's one thing, but having to pay them because the Germans are suppressive is just SP talk and a big ass generality of bullshit.
# Carol 2011-09-09 12:47
Tara, I remember that time and to let you know Peggy just wanted to dump the mission. There was NO threat on past taxes from anyone. The Steiners just used the money for their own auditing and their own taxes.
# Dan Koon 2011-09-08 22:30
Tara, do you know what Tom and Cathy are up to these days? Hope they have seen the light. They seemed like too bright to keep their heads in the sand all this time.
# Thoughtful 2011-09-09 02:47
Just put the Lanz video in. They are probably still translating subtitles and I think the video will have that function soon...
# Laura Ann 2011-09-09 06:15
Thanks for these updates and thanks for being there! We are so proud of you back here in Texas!
-1 # Jack Airey 2011-09-09 07:12

Wish I could be there with you guys in Hamburg on Saturday. I will join you on a Theta line.

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for "Independent Scientologists". Please let Marty & Mosey we are very proud of this news coming out of Germany.
# ingrid smith 2011-09-11 00:33
Steve-Great on your helping out-These are exciting times as history is being made.

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