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Thursday, 27 August 2009 12:10
Photo of B. F. Skinner and his
Miscavige is a "Behaviorist"
not a Scientologist

If you’re a Scientologist, you’ve heard LRH say the purpose of Scientology is to improve conditions in life. “Reverse Scientology” is therefore defined as using Scientology to worsen conditions in life. You won’t believe how easily David Miscavige has been doing just that for the last 28 years...

When you first meet Miscavige, he’s quite social. He may smile, chuckle or even make a joke. He might pass you a compliment. But once you express some affinity toward him, things change quickly. It’s all about control.

Mind Control 101

David Miscavige’s mind control all hinges around the misapplication of Scientology Ethics. Being ethical is all about making right decisions in life. No one’s decisions are 100% right all the time. The point is, even the most decent human beings, people who not only mean well but do well -- all of them -- even they know we all have room to improve.

That is the chink in the armor Miscavige exploits. So all he has to do is enter the room, fix you with a withering look, point a red, walnut-jointed finger at you and declare in his cigarette-smoker’s rasp, “THAT GUY’S OUT ETHICS!”

Now what do you do? He wasn’t even speaking to you or allowing you to respond. He’s telling everyone else in the room that you’re out ethics and talking about you in 3rd person. What’s he referring to? You don’t know. Already, he’s nearly got you.


Because we all have room to improve. Due to your basic goodness, you are willing to at least hear him out. After all, he’s only the most important person in Scientology. He’s got altitude!

What you should have done: Pointed right back while saying, “That’s a generality, a characteristic of a suppressive person.”

Coup de Grâce

Now for the fatal blow. You are sent to “sort out your ethics.” The Ethics Officer has you write up your misdeeds, the conditions formula for Danger. But you weren’t really in Danger to start with. It’s not actually the correct condition.

Or perhaps it happened this way. You sent up a submission and waited for weeks or months. (You think Miscavige is working hard in the mean while, but actually he’s out attending baseball games in LA, going to movies, car races with Tom Cruise, scuba diving... living it up.) One day he walks into your office taking you by surprise. As forcefully as possible, he proclaims “THAT MOTHER F___ER IS MAKING ME WEAR HIS HAT BECAUSE HE WON’T DO HIS JOB!”

Now in one swift move the top person in Scientology has not just condemned you as being out ethics, he's also assigned you the condition of "Treason" for failing to wear your hat. And there's not a Scientology executive on the planet who would risk condemnation by letting you off that hook. And so you apply the wrong condition.

(For readers who are not familiar, Scientology is divided into three basic areas of technology: ethics (how to make correct choices in life), tech (counseling which enables them to examine and neutralize memories of unpleasant experiences), and admin (discoveries on how to build expanding organizations). That is somewhat simplified, but hopefully you get it. Within the ethics technology, there are a set of conditions which account for any state of being in which you find a living person or group.  Each condition has its corresponding formula, the application of which are quite powerful. As the purpose of Scientology is to improve conditions, the conditions formulas are one way of doing this directly. So they are quite powerful. If you apply the wrong formula to yourself, it is a serious matter. Doing so can and will not only mess with your head, but confuse and degrade you.)

By applying the wrong condition, you denigrate yourself. It is an act of self-abnegation. It violates the Code of Honor. This is NOT something minor; for a person aspiring to ultimate truth, it's a spiritual land mind. It inhibits your ability to fight back. It disconnects you from truth, from your own power of observation, and from your personal integrity because suddenly you are dealing in untruths. Now, only Miscavige's "observations" matter, whereas the entire goal of Scientology is to rehabilitate your own power to observe, decide and act. In life, what is important is what YOU think about things.

What you should have done: Told the Ethics Officer, “Sorry, I didn’t sign up to be a slave. Not now, not ever. I quit.”


Miscavige’s special brand of mind control all begins by forcing people to apply incorrect condition formulas. Once you do, he’s GOT YOU because when you apply the wrong condition, it just as LRH says, it worsens the actual condition you are in.

THAT is Reverse Scientology; i.e., using Scientology to worsen conditions in life.

You’ve got to hand it to Slave Master Miscavige. His op is pretty simple. Just assign wrong conditions to people. How easy is that? And he, above all people, has the “altitude” to do it.

When someone like that declares that your ethics are out, it can be very introverting. That lessens your ability to fight back or even see what he’s doing. Because your attention flies in on yourself.

Now that he’s got you playing ball, the real fun starts.

You’re sitting at your desk working. The door opens behind you and someone walks in. You’re supposed to be working, so don’t look up. Other people work in the office too so you pay no attention. Then you hear a raspy voice. “That c__k s___ing prick refuses to stand up when I enter the room. He’d better start confessing!” You bolt out of your chair and spin around to explain. Too late, too late. That’s back talk and Miscavige shoves that in your face. The 13 or 14 silent people Miscavige has in tow (his entourage) glare at you in disgust. There goes your reputation. You’re on Miscavige’s hit list.


Now you're back in Ethics, re-doing your lower conditions. At staff meeting the Commanding Officer (CO) of the org briefs the entire organization on what you “did.” He tells everyone (while you sit in the audience), “If you see (name) make sure he’s running. And if not, you kick him in the ass. He’s not your friend.” Then some loser who doesn’t begin to understand Miscavige’s game raises their hand, “Can we hear from (name) to hear what his handling is?”

Now you’re called up to the front to explain your handling after back-talking the top executive in the Church, a man everyone reveres... except apparently you!

Now, the pressure goes on as you stand before a hostile audience, although LRH policy specifically prohibits such because it’s overwhelming.

Quickly you must say something. So you ad lib, “Last Wednesday, COB came into my office when I was on the phone...”

At that point some chronic anger case yells out, “Bullshit! Don’t make COB wrong! That’s Black PR!”
You recoil, try to recover... “Sorry!  I ignored... was disrespectful and back-flashed COB when he came into my office.”

Voice in the audience: “You're f___ing out-ethics!”

You: “So I went to Ethics and I am applying lower conditions...”

In just a few minutes, your life has markedly worsened in so many ways.

Upping the Pressure

Once Miscavige has established your guilt, no matter how spurious, he never lets you forget. “Guilty!” is the mold into which you are cast.

Once found guilty of one infraction, the slightest provocation on your part -- a blank look, being tongue-tied at a meeting (in answer to a loaded question), a bad report from someone else... anything can unleash an avalanche of hostility.

Meetings especially are geared to be as intimidating as possible. Here’s a typical example. Miscavige walks in, glares you down, and says, “Which one?” You say, “Excuse me, Sir?” (no idea what he’s talking about). He says, “You heard me mother f___er!  WHICH ONE?” You draw a total blank. He says to his entourage, “You see that? PIEFACE won’t answer me!” Others chime in, “Answer him!”

Finally now he clarifies his question and you answer.  He doesn’t like your answer and he becomes more angry and throws something at you. He mentions you in a subsequent meeting with others and says you should be wearing a sign that says, “PIEFACE.” So for the next three days, you are made to wear a sign wherever you go.

Directly and through others, Miscavige stacks the punishment. You are humiliated in meetings. You loose your pay and privileges. Normal food is forbidden in lieu of beans and rice. You are thrown in the lake fully dressed. You are banned from the canteen so you can’t buy any snacks.

Progressively, you land in deeper and deeper trouble. As a result, one day you are “restricted to the base.” Now you must sleep under guard in a trailer set off from the rest of the property.

Gradually your autonomy erodes. You become fearful of making a decision on your own. Miscavige’s coercive and dehumanizing control causes you to doubt your own decisions. Your self-esteem and capacity to think independently is hindered while Miscavige continually states his actions are your fault. You gave him no choice. You forced him into it.

Eventually, you are “busted” or removed from post. During the day you do physical labor, perhaps digging ditches in the sun. At the Miscavige’s Int Base, it’s all quite common.

Never-Ending Abuse

But even that is not the end. In fact, the punishment has no end. You’ve heard other horror stories such as Marty Rathbun’s or Marc Headley’s account of “Musical Chairs.” That actually happened.

And perhaps you’ve heard of “the Hole” or “SP Hall” -- where all the top leaders of Scientology were incarcerated for months, coed sleeping on the floor under their desks, all of them declared suppressive but still kept working. Everyone’s post was cancelled, so they simply comprised a mob and worked on whatever Miscavige assigned to them to do.


All this is VERY confusing when it’s happening to you. You’re being hit from so many quarters. But after a few years, you start to “toughen up.”

I think some individuals in the Sea Org, the Senior Has-Beens, take a sort of kicked-in-the-head pride that they can bear up to this treatment. They can take it! But the question is... why? Why take it? Why go there? What does it have to do with anything? What does it have to do with expanding Scientology, with being in the Sea Org? Nothing.

Key questions for those people include: Why are you willing to be a victim? I thought you signed up to help people improve their lives?

Somewhere along the line, these Scientologists were warped over from “helping others” to “being a victim.”

Life in the Skinner Box

Man with head in Skinner BoxB.F. Skinner was a psychologist who invented a “box” with an electrified floor to shock rodents into obedience. The box also has the means to reward the rat. Miscavige took it a step further: he skips the reward and just varies the voltage, administering greater or lesser punishments for “Bad rat” / “Good rat.”

Right this moment there is no reason you, my reader, need to receive an electric shock. There’s no reason. It would prove nothing. But the Senior Has-Beens of Scientology, they’ve been in their Skinner boxes for so long, THAT bit of common sense escapes them. They think being abused is part of life or part of Scientology... I don’t know, it’s crazy.

They believe they’re tough because they can “take it.” I don’t think they’re tough. I think they are dead in their heads.

Does this whole scenario sound like lunacy to you? It does to me. And it does to the rest of the world.

That’s how David Miscavige makes slaves who, even when beaten, will swear, “It never occurred.”

1 + 1 = (surprise!) 1

But it gets even sillier. Too long in the Skinner box and apparently you can’t even count any more. As pointed up in this nugget from the St. Petersburg Times:

“Steve Hall and Marc Headley state that they saw Miscavige smash together the heads of Guillaume Lesevre and Marc Yager in 2003 in the Audio/visual facility, causing Lesevre’s ear to bleed. Yager and Lesevre deny it. “This alleged incident never occurred and is invented by Steve Hall,” said Lesevre.

What about Marc Headley? He saw it, too. Is Steve Hall is so all-powerful that when he invents something, Marc Headley saw it, too? Maybe. Or maybe someone needs to pull his egghead out of the Skinner box.

The Battered Person Syndrome

The pathetic fact is, becoming hardened to physical and mental abuse hasn’t a darn thing to do with anything!

It’s simply the “battered person syndrome.” As explained in Wikipedia,

“The condition explains why abused people often do not seek assistance from others, fight their abuser, or leave the abusive situation. Sufferers have low self-esteem, and often believe that the abuse is their fault. Such persons usually refuse to press criminal charges against their abuser, and refuse all offers of help, often becoming aggressive or abusive to others who attempt to offer assistance.”

Sound familiar?

Written by Thoughtful



# Observer 2009-11-20 02:26
Very good article. While I had this never happen to me, I have observed this on others.

You forgot to mention that DM personally removed the below text from the newly released basics. I recently got a hold of the old PDC lectures and verified it for myself, yes the bold text has indeed been deleted! I think DM is more than just an SP. He may also be a CIA plant.

The following text is an accurate reproduction of the transcript issued with DM’s re-release of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture of 6 December 1952 Formative State of Scientology, Definition of Logic. The words in bold face appeared in the cassette tape version of the very same lecture available in every Church of Scientology for many years prior to DM’s new edited release (copyrighted 1982). If you have a set of the newly issued DM-edited PDC on CD, you can listen to it for yourself – the bold faced words below have been deleted. If you have the same previously available PDC lecture on cassette you can listen to it too, and the bold face words, lo and behold, are audible.

“You’ll find almost any preclear can be given Creative Processing. And you could get ahold of him and flip the PDH out. That’s interesting, isn’t it? In other words, you can take them out as fast they lay them down.

“Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s 1984? Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. That would be — could be the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.

“It’s a very simple remedy. And that’s just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That’s all. Don’t hoard it and don’t hold it; and if you ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn’t available. Because he’s the boy who would be electing himself “The New Order.” And we don’t need any more new orders. All those orders, as far as I am concerned, have been filled.”

(I copied the above from Martys site, article is called Reverse (Black) Dianetics – Scientology’s 1984)

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