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Sunday, 13 December 2009 23:02

Wikileaks lists the following letter (below) from LRH as an introduction to his non-confidential (always intended for public release) screenplay, written in the 1970s, entitled REVOLT IN THE STARS. I read Revolt in the Stars while at Int and I remember also seeing this same letter. So to the best of my knowledge it is accurate.

But first, a non-confidential word about OT III. In this article, I am not making a comment upon the veracity of the incident LRH describes in the script. There are three solid reasons for that: (1) Scientology is not a belief system. (2) Scientology is not a belief system. (3) See point number 1.

LRH never required anyone to believe anything in Scientology. No one is required to believe that the events described in Revolt in the Stars actually happened.

It’s like pouring water out of a glass. Belief just has nothing to do with it. Scientology is the same way. Unfortunately even some Scientologists don’t know that.

However I do believe a further clarification is in order. Among anti-Scientologists there are misconceptions regarding the OT III information. They don't have any experience with these materials.

In RJ-67 LRH said the materials were rigged to kill anyone who discovered their exact truth. Some critics assume since they read the materials and didn't die, it's all bunk. Well, technically speaking, no one is going to die from reading the materials.

"Reading the materials" is not the same thing as running the materials incorrectly. In general, the populace is protected by the fact that their awareness it too low in the first place to be in any danger from these materials. But once a person increases their awareness by the only way it can be done -- which is moving up the Grade Chart and achieving the gains of each level fully and honestly in a non-suppressive environment (which rules out delivery within the Church of Miscavige), doing the Expanded Lower Grades, going Clear, etc., then doing the specific OT drills on OT III theory having to do with placing exact intentions into specific location, and most certainly doing New OT I and OT II auditing to their full End Phenomena since these are the specific case actions that enable a person to envision what must be run on OT III and without which no one can run the level. When not properly set up, people just bounce out of the level without really accomplishing anything or getting any gains.

In summary: no one at lower levels is going to die from reading the OT III materials. However I still don't advise reading the materials until you are ready.

That said, anyone can read Revolt in the Stars with impunity. By recommending it, I'm not critiquing it as a story or commenting on the quality of the writing.

I don't know why OT III was so impossible for Tommy Davis to explain to Martin Bashir on ABC's Nightline. Actually I do know: Miscavige’s people pretend that compliance to "Command Intention” is responsibility.

Anyway, when you read the following letter from LRH about Revolt in the Stars, you will understand better what the risks are when he says, “No one has really confronted the original incident and survived...” that is, he’s not talking about just reading the materials.

"The RTS (Revolt in the Stars) film is designed to make several things occur on planet earth. Firstly, it will re-create the events surrounding a 4th Dynamic engram which affected this Sector circa 75 million years ago. However, it will present the data in a way which releases charge and brings up awareness and confront.

"No one has really confronted the original incident and survived - until the research I did in 1966-1967.

"Secondly, it will contain several symbols of the time, many still existing in PT on or off planet, which will create a familiarity and positioning of these symbols for our use - the good guys wear the white hats, bad guys the black hats, etc. - as per early Hollywood symbolism.

"A wide field of PR activities will at once open up and present itself for use based on the symbols in the film and the results of surveys afterwards. We should be prepared for this. Proper positioning tech would be used in any cover business, corporation, etc., to increase alignment with the mental and spiritual vectors thus developed.

"Thirdly, the film itself is to be viable, allowing a wide range of follow-up items and literature and a thrust from the public to be developed which can be channeled toward the orgs.

"Most importantly, since the events portrayed are true, there will be a degree of as-isness of the interlocking bank structure on the planet, thus making our job a bit easier.

"Any OT project being developed or in progress is to be made aware of these points in regard to RTS.

"L.Ron Hubbard


You can download this letter and “Revolt in the Stars” here on Wikileaks.org. Look for “DOWNLOAD/VIEW FULL FILE FROM.”  Then click on any of the locations where you can download a PDF.

Make sure you have virus software before you open anything from the Internet. Today I found lots of viruses on the SHSBC download on Wikileaks. My software took care of it.

Written by Thoughtful



# RJ 2009-12-14 15:40
Thoughtful Steve. Yet another gem from your pen or more accurately from your keyboard.

Yeah about the septics (did I spill that right?) who'd go I didn't die from readin' OT III etc. I suggested they run it. So far they never got back to me :-)

Anyway Ron mentioned RTS back in I believe it was RJ 26 or 28. I was totally hepped and then around that time as you probably remember the excrement hit the fan on the legal front, so I was very happy to download a copy years later back when WWW meant the Wild Wild Web.

The hours it took to download with dial up back then were worth it!

Actually the Ol'man goes into greater depth in the screen play then he does on OT III, for sure!

As a writer myself, I know that sometimes facts are sometimes a lot stranger than fiction!

And Revolt in the Stars proves this point.

Is it fact? Is it fiction?

Doesn't matter either way. It's a damn good story!
# Thoughtful 2009-12-19 18:16
Thanks RJ!
# Broderick 2012-03-04 22:35
Will you please, please, please email me a copy of RTS? I've been looking for one forever. Wikileaks took it down. If you will, my email is . I would be very greatful.

# Thoughtful 2012-03-05 09:24
Broderick, Your statement is untrue.

# P. Henry 2009-12-19 17:00

I very much appreciate your articles as I do all the articles on this site (I read each and every one and look forward to the next). However, you in particular, have a knack for delivering data in a very easily and assimilatable way. I seem to always arrive at the end of one of your articles thinking to myself, "Ahhh...I see. Now I understand."

You remind me of a friend of mine back in Portland many years ago. His name is, Hank Bourland (he was a Class VI back then - Class XII now). He was the Snr Supe of the Academy of the Ptl Msn back when I did the SRD (Survival Rundown). He, like you, had the knack of locating the core meaning of something and getting another to easily duplicate it (not everyone can do that).

I have become a really big fan of everyone here. And that definitely includes you, RJ.

I am most grateful for this site of such theta and truthful comm.

# Thoughtful 2009-12-19 18:36
Hank always struck me as a kind, intelligent man with a down-home, quiet competence. I did the Survival Rundown in Austin and really got a lot out of it. In 1985, while I was on OT III, I set upon a purpose to communicate to others about the tech... to make it easy to comprehend. I believe the mission of a writer is "insight"; quite an enjoyable occupation!
# randomx 2010-03-15 05:32
Read thoughtful`s article. Obviously a thoughtful
writer. Except for one small problem. There are no OT`s. The gains he mentions available on each level simply do not exist.
Please give me one documented case of an OT in action. Please write here one OT ability you have. Anyone. I`m not here to make anyone wrong.
I truly hope someone can give me proof of OT abilities... I`m waiting .....
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-03-15 09:40
Most people who ask this question have a kindergarten-level understand of the subject of OT and life. "Ignorant" is an understatement.

You don't understand what "OT" is.

You don't understand what "life" is.

You don't understand what "you" are.

You don't know WHY you are here, WHO you are or WHERE you're going.

But worst of all, you are unwilling to learn.

I could easily explain these things to you, but defiant negative people can't learn.
# Puddinman 2010-03-24 08:03
Sorry, thoughtful, but that strikes me as an elegant dodge of the question. Your answer seems designed to get nods of agreement from your fellow ex-scns and make the questioner seem foolish.

I think it is a valid question. What ARE the gains? Promotional materials list a lot of abilities to be gained, but there is no evidence that anyone actually has these abilities. Exteriorization? Being at cause? You'd think that with so many OTs in scn now, that maybe they could be at cause over the DM situation. f all these senior level officials who are coming forward right now were truly at cause over anything, there would BE no DM situation. These are the very situations in life that Dianetics/Scientology are supposed to handle.

These are the questions that doubters have. This is why scn is ridiculed. The OT III/Revolt in the Stars incident is a prime target precisely because of it's space opera elements. Outsiders wonder, "what could anyone possibly gain from that?" So, the question remains, what ARE the gains?
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-03-24 15:00
I am actually happy to answer the question, but it's going to require more than just a comment. I will write a full article on it as soon as I have time. But since I run this whole website on my own nickel, in my "spare" time, my time is limited. So all I'm going to do is a posting:

The reason I feel your question takes a bit more effort to answer is because there are gross misunderstandings underlying your question.

In short, life is a game. IMHO, you are a spiritual being having a material experience.

Many other people are also invested in playing this game. The rules are arbitrary, but they are agreed upon.

Many people think that being "OT" means you can now violate the rules and fly through the air like superman. In other words, they expect an OT could "cheat the system." That is a stupid, crass, dumb-ass, brain-dead idea. Why would anyone want to violate the rules of the game? "OT" and responsibility go hand in hand.

For example, if we were playing Monopoly and suddenly after playing for 2 hours, I caused all the money in the bank to float up into the air and drop down on my side along with all the deeds to everything on the Board Walk. Okay, suddenly I win and the game is over. How fun is that?

It isn't fun. That's the point. It ruins the game for everyone. No OT is going to do something like that. It isn't desirable or responsible. From the standpoint of the purpose of having a game, it would be an evil action.

Life is no different. If I am OT -- and I am -- that doesn't mean I'm going to make my body rise up into the air or make a million dollars appear -- ka-ching! -- in my bank account overnight. Because that would be cheating. It would destroy the game that people are invested in. So to hold those kinds of supernatural stunts as the STANDARD by which you are going to judge what an OT is, is just about the stupidest, dumbest, most idiotic nonsense there can be.

You're questions are maddening because it's like being confronted by a hillbilly saying, "Well, if you're OT, then let's see you burn down the Jefferson's farm house just using your mind." I say, "No, I'm not interested in doing that." So the hillbilly says, "See, there's no such thing as OT!"

Some people say, "Just show me one single example of the miraculous and I'll accept that OT is a reality." Again, I can't think of anything more ignorant or purely idiotic. Let me explain why: you sit there in a body, and I don't know how old you are, but do you realize there isn't a cell in your body that is more than seven years old? The oldest cell in the human body lives only seven years. So your body is actually only seven years old. That's it. So how come you keep aging?

How does your brain tell your arm to move? You say, my brain tells my arms to move. Okay, what tells your brain? Maybe you say a "thought" tells my brain to move. Good, where did the thought come from? What is originating the thoughts? It can't be your brain, because the thought is telling your brain what to do. So obviously your thoughts don't come from your brain.

How does your arm move? You say, the muscles move the arm. Okay, what moves the muscle? The nerve tells the muscle to move. Okay, but what enables the muscle to move? "The cells contracting" you say. Okay, what makes the cells contract? A cell is just a sack filled with jelly.

You call your body "me." Okay. Well, your "body" is composed of millions of individual cells, each one independently alive. So what you just call "me" is actually millions of living things. How do you do that?

Some people talk about a "perpetual motor" and say there's no such thing. How about an atom? Every bit of matter that exists is a perpetual motor that just keeps on spinning endlessly without any fuel. Your body is made up of billions of billions of perpetual motors.

Are you sitting in a chair? How come you don't slide right through the chair? Every atom is 99% empty space. So from the standpoint of physics, there is literally nothing there at all to sit on, and nothing sitting in the chair. It's a miracle you don't just slide right through the floor.

You are yourself already a walking miracle, doing all kinds of supernatural feats just in the process of drinking water.

Things behave the way they do because we all agree they act that way. No other reason.

That is the missing link that scientists keep missing. Atoms go round, gravity pulls down, your millions of cells behave as one entity, your body grows old (even though it isn't)... okay, all those things are the agreements that form the game we are playing called "life."

Those are spiritual agreements, or agreements between the spirits that are engaged on playing the game called life.

So when you become OT, it doesn't mean you are going to violate the agreements that form the game! It means you are better able to play the game.

As I said before, you are a spirit in command of a body, already doing the miraculous every minute of your life. So you should not be asking me to prove to you what you already doing. Just look in the mirror. Look the world around you. Stop and think for once. Use your own common sense. If you can't see some of these things, how the hell am I ever going to explain it to you?

"OT" means to operate in the world as an spirit instead of operating as a body. It doesn't mean "cheating the system and spoiling the game for everyone."

An OT gets things and makes things happen by thought. You want a new car, you just put the thought out there "I want a new car" next thing, someone shows up with a new car for you to buy. It means your thoughts actually cause things to happen.

As far as being at cause over the "DM situation..." okay, I'm trying to be patient and not lose my temper here... what do you think we are doing here? What do you think this is? We ARE at cause over him and we ARE doing something about it.

And no, OT III is NOT why Scientology is ridiculed. Is Christianity ridiculed because they are all a bunch of cannibals and vampires coming together each Sunday to "eat the body of Christ" and drink his "blood." Sorry, but that is WAY more freaky loony than anything in Scientology.

The reason Scientology is ridiculed is because it is run by a deranged sociopath who makes enemies like storms make raindrops.
# Puddinman 2010-03-24 21:11
OK, so according to your post, the core of scientology is this: I am not my body, I am a spirit. Along with a whole bunch of spirits we are playing a game and we have all agreed to the rules. The point of scn is to realize that I am a spirit and operate as such and not as a body. Operating as a "Thetan" will allow me to play the game better. Correct so far, even if oversimplified?

Let me rephrase the question then: What is the difference between operating as a Thetan and operating as a body? I am not OT, therefore I must operate as a body. What can you, an OT, do that allows you to play the game better than me? I'm not asking you to fly or make a million dollars appear magically; i.e., perform a "miracle." I'm asking you to give me an example of how you might play the game better because you are an OT. When I brought up the "at cause over DM" situation, you seemed to get a little angry and imply that you are at cause because you created this website. While I applaud this effort, as far as it goes, it doesn't seem to me to require any particular insight that a non-OT wouldn't have. I have had an abusive boss before and I simply quit the job, reported the incident to his supervisor and walked away. Isn't that pretty much what you guys are doing here?

BTW, Scientology IS ABSOLUTELY ridiculed because of things like Xenu, Weepers, Gorilla Goals, etc along with DMs antics. LRH has had his share of ridicule for his "life story" and his reliance on science fiction to create a "religion." I will refer you to South Park, Operation Clambake, XenuTV, etc. And in certain circles, you can bet that Catholics are ridiculed for their belief in transubstantiation. The difference is that most religions accept that there will never be scientific proof for their claims, therefore they are matters of faith (this is why the priest will say "let us proclaim the mystery of faith" during the communion ceremony). Scientologists, however, insist (as you did in your article) that Hubbard's ideas are as evident as "pouring water out of a glass."
+2 # Joe Howard 2010-03-25 19:07
I accept your analysis. I don't even disagree with it particularly. From my own experience in Scientology I can say that what the practice of Scientology does is raise one's awareness of himself and the world around him. That sounds awfully subjective, but the exercises one does in Scientology are for the most part completely subjective. The gains from any spiritual practice are subjective. But that doesn't mean they aren't real. The gains manifest outwardly but those are just manifestations of the inward experiences. But they must be profound for Scientologists to continue to seek them and continue on with the subject. As I read your comments you appear to be approaching this on a purely intellectual level and you're challenging the validity of the subject by demanding that the marketing and PR claims for auditing be demonstrated in a laboratory using the measuring tools of conventional science. You're not going to get satisfactory answers from those in the forseeable future and you aren't going to understand anything in Scientology by approaching from a purely objective basis. Sorry, it isn't going to happen.

Scientology could be called a meeting ground between science and religion.

From the tone of your comments you're asserting that the entire subject is invalid because no one has demonstrated that your understanding of "OT" exists. No one is ever going to provide you with a demonstration or argument or proof that the state exists.

However, if you pick up a used copy of the book Self Analysis and do the exercises in it you'll gain all the subjective proof you'll ever need at the cost of a few dollars and a few hours of your time, must less than you've spent reading posts and comments here.

Or you can continue to joust intellectually with people here.
+1 # Guest 2010-03-28 13:33
Thank you, Joe, for your comments. I appreciate the time and thought you and Thoughtful have taken to "joust" with me.

First of all, I don't think the entire subject of Scn is invalid. I've studied it independently for decades ever since I happened across "Dianetics" at my local library. I readily admit that there are some good ideas in there and elsewhere in Scn, even if they aren't particularly original to Hubbard. I have no problem with Scn as a purely philosophical/religious approach to life.

You may say that Scn is a subjective religious experience, but that isn't really what Scn sells. From Book One on down, Hubbard claimed that processing raises IQ, improves vision, cures illness, improves grades, etc. Those are specific gains that can be measured precisely and are not subject to individual interpretation. Advance! magazine regularly reports OT powers, such as projecting force fields to stop the rain, exteriorizing to find lost keys, pushing cars out of harms way, telepathically communicating etc. Those sound like pretty objective claims to me. You guys are OT, right? Can you do any of these things? Isn't that "cheating the rules," as Thoughtful pointed out?

That's why I have such a big problem. It's not like you guys are saying that you have a deeper connection to the universe; that's a subjective religious experience that I would never argue with. The fact is that Scn goes much further than that. It uses that very real religious experience to keep selling you its services in the hopes that you will gain the kind of abilities it promises. The thing is, you never get there. You keep going higher and higher, paying more and more until you are basically a slave to the org. It's true in the DM era and it was true in the Hubbard era.
+1 # Marvin the Martian 2010-04-13 15:42
Your questions are well-versed and valid.

However, if you have read and studied as much as you say you have, then you would know the answers to your questions. You would have learned the answers the same way any Scientologist has - by studying the writings and teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.

If you need proof, do as Joe has suggested and pick up Self-Analysis and do the exercises contained therein. If you really were as curious as you make yourself to be, you would do just that.

Instead, you immediately reject it as false or some sort of con game to extort money from people. You demand proof of spiritual betterment, which is not something that is tangible. So, Thoughtful has a valid point. If you're not even willing to accept the fact that there is a hope for betterment of oneself, there's no point in explaining it to you. If you can't find the answers you demand in the writings of Hubbard, there is no other place you are going to get any answers from. That's where we got our answers from.

The fact is that many people have benefited from applying the technology of Dianetics and Scientology. That is all that matters. Whether or not you believe that Scientology can help you or anyone else, it has. As LRH said himself, that's the only true test of anything - does it work? It has for me. It has for Thoughtful and Joe. The same goes for thousands of other Scientologists.

We're here on this blog to expose the corruption and degradation of our church, and to get it back to how L. Ron Hubbard intended it to be so that we can practice our religion freely. If you're going to be ignorant and biased, this is not the place for it.
# Puddinman 2010-04-15 02:08
I'm not demanding proof of spiritual betterment. As I've said: Scn is no more or less valid as a religious/spiritual experience than any other. Spiritual betterment is a deeply personal issue and I have no problem with Scn's beliefs on this level. But that is a very different thing from saying: "Scn increased my IQ," or "Scn gave me the ability to erect force-fields." Those are real, tangible gains that have been claimed here (Thoughtful says that Scn increased his IQ by 18 points) and elsewhere (Advance!); as Thoughtful himself said, "It’s like pouring water out of a glass. Belief just has nothing to do with it. "

I've actually done the exercises in Self-Analysis before. Didn't do much other than help me remember old memories (which was nice). I've also been to the local Scn Church for some basic services (many, many years ago, early '90's). I was immediately turned off by the exorbitant amounts they wanted me to pay for services and the high pressure to continue (to this day, I still receive regular mailings from the church). I decided to study it on my own to see if there was any merit. Like I said, there are some cool religious ideas in Scn. I like the model of Thetan/Mind/Body and I think that's a model that's probably pretty close to reality. But the more you read LRH, the more you are bombarded by claims that just don't jibe with reality.

For example, in Dianetics, LRH talks a lot about pre-natal engrams and how exceedingly common it is for them to be a result of attempted abortions. According to LRH, most women repeatedly attempt to abort their children with hangars, jumping from boxes, douches filled with lye, etc.

I could go on and on with the claims, but you guys have heard them all before. This goes beyond mere "spiritual betterment," don't you think?

You can dodge my real argument all you want to and create a straw man argument that I'm asking for proof of spiritual betterment. You can call me ignorant and biased or any other name you wish. If I want proof of anything, it's the actual physical claims made by Scn. If you say you can create a force-field to stop the rain from hitting you, I don't think it's asking too much for you to demonstrate it. The fact is that you cant. The same goes for Thoughtful's claims of raising his IQ or Hubbard's claims of "exteriorization."

If you want to practice your religion, then please do so. The first thing you should do is stop making scientific claims. The second thing you should do is stop making it about money. Those two things will go a long way towards re-establishing Scn as a religion and not as a scam to extract as much money as possible from it's followers.
# Marvin the Martian 2010-04-15 12:30
I see what you're saying. You want to see someone throw out a force field to stop the rain. I can't vouch for that because I can't do it, nor have I seen anyone do it. I won't say it's impossible, but I personally find it a little hard to swallow. However, that's one of the beauties of Scientology - whatever is true for you is true for you. Nobody is going to force you to believe anything. If you don't believe in past lives, well that's totally ok. In receiving auditing, you may or may not run out some past life incidents, at which point it may be true for you. But, until it is true for you, nobody is going to take that away from you or enforce it on you. The instant someone does, they have stepped out of Scientology.

I will tell you that I myself didn't believe in past lives until I ran some incidents out. Even in running them out, I figured it was just my "wild imagination" coming up with this stuff. But my auditor insisted that I tell her what I saw and I gave her everything. After the incident was run out, my whole face hurt from being split in half from the huge smile I had on my face. I couldn't even describe to you the amount of relief and charge that blew off from that incident. All I knew was that for something from my "imagination" to have that much of an effect on me, it had to be real. At that point, past lives became very real to me.

I could sit here all day and describe to you in detail every account of the past life incidents I have run. But it's not going to change your mind. Not until you have experienced it for yourself. Same goes for exteriorization.

So, to you I say that I accept the fact that past lives may not be real to you. I'm not going to try and close you on the fact they are, no matter how real they may be to me. If I can look past my own reality and grant you the rightness for your reality, I would hope that you would be able to do the same in return.

As for raising IQ, ask just about any Scientologist. Most will tell you the same thing about their IQ going up. You probably won't get the same 18-point increase with every person because everyone will have a different result. Also, if you actually study the writings of Scientology, you will gain an understanding of WHY someone's IQ increases with auditing. It is not a vague concept, but an actual scientific reasoning.

Scientology was never meant to be the Money Machine that it is today. The fact is that DM has corrupted the Church and has abused his stolen power to do the same to it's parishioners and staff. If you have studied anything written by LRH, you will know that Scientology today is far from what it was intended to be. Which brings me full circle to why this and similar blogs are here.

If you have read this as further dodging of your argument, I do apologize. I had intended to provide you some data to help settle it. If not, well then it seems will have to agree to disagree.
+1 # The Oatmeal Man 2010-05-05 20:49
There were actually some studies done in the 70s and 80s -- sponsored by the US government no less -- on "OT abilities" and general "ESP phenomena". The work was begun at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) by Scientology OT Hal Puthoff in the early 1970s, and two of the subjects tested were Scientology OTs Ingo Swann and Pat Price.

The results were pretty extraordinary, including at least one example of "mind over matter" where Ingo was able to affect a sensitive "quark detector" which his thoughts. The large machine was buried beneath several feet of concrete and under heavy magnetic shielding. Another time, while in the SRI labs, Ingo exteriorized to Jupiter and noticed, described and drew the rings around that planet. The problem is, he did this 6 years before science discovered and confirmed that those rings existed. And for those 6 years, Ingo was ridiculed for even suggesting that Jupiter had rings. When the NASA space probe flew by in the late 70s, sure enough, Jupiter had rings -- just as Ingo described and drew in the SRI labs.

And Pat Price -- the other OT that was being studied -- was said to be even more skilled with exteriorization than Ingo.

The SRI experiments were continued and replicated by others, and, along with research at the Univ. of Virginia into reincarnation, many scientists became fairly convinced that these "ESP claims" are real -- and the experimental evidence was strong enough for even a skeptic like Carl Sagan to acknowledge the fact that these areas of ESP research deserved serious scientific study.

At least in Ingo Swann's case, he credited Scientology with being the sole agent which helped him to develop his OT abilities.

As far as Scientology/Dianetic raising IQ, tests and studies conducted in the early Dianetics years demonstrated the ability of auditing to increase IQ (and improve other personality aspects) in a large percentage of cases. These results were published in the earlier editions of "Science of Survival", and a separate report was also written and distributed.
+3 # ian moore 2010-07-27 12:29
well ive just listened to about 600 hours of Ron Hubbards tapes....
and fuck me ridged they are mind blowing....

yes im clear and did OT111 in 1982... sea org... yes yes... saint hill... all that... left about then... because of prices and not believing in miscavage, etc....
anyway... it looks like im declared suppresive... how utterly silly...
ho hum....
very childish.

but... just to be saying...
Rons books... just reread 0-8 book of basics again.... oh.... wow.... just how did this guy get to prise a screwdriver into understanding life so clearly.... then write it all down....

its made my life fun and clearer, and i just love my perceptions and conceptions being so simple and clear.

I'm OT, It just makes me feel 'on top of the world'it doesnt make me be able to move objects by 'thunking it'.....
not directly....

but i do see that i can drop ideas into the 'ether' or the 'theta'... whatever you wanna call it.... and stuff does happen....

and i get to see it on the TV the next day...

its on that kind of scale.

and also when being exterior.... i only flick out fairly quickly and really up close... like if im on a wall.... im lookin at the lumpy bumpy paint.... really close.... taste it.

but when someone says how many fingers have i got behind my back.....

i can get the pores on the skin, or look at the curve or the shine on one of his nose hairs....

but fingers.... er what fingers...
it just doesn't appear clear ....

id like to practice more.

i can drive my van from on the roof okay.
and recently i went swimming in the indoor pool, try swimming underwater... while you are outside on the roof.... its frightening!
no kidding.... i have to keep practicing that because when the body is in a little danger... underwater.... somehow being on the roof... feels.... er... freaky....

you gotta laugh....

best wishes and stunning magic to everyone...

Ian Moore.
one of the Founding Members of Scientology.
(I think there were 25,000 of us!!!)

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"The total amount spent to build his own office building (for Little Dickie and the few staff he has remaining) was right around $70 million... He spent another $30 million on the house next door (which is unoccupied)..."  Learn More...



"Specifically, on four separate occasions The Cob physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next. Three other times he threw heavy objects at me or at my staff..."  Learn More...


"Assaulting staff members at the Int base became routine with many individuals being physically attacked over and over and over again. We are talking about repeated blows to the face, choking, dragging to the ground, ripping clothes, hitting with heavy objects and so forth..."  Learn More...

Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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