Home Sabotage, Infiltration, Espionage
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Friday, 11 September 2009 05:47
10 September 2009
TO: The Reports Officer RTC
FROM: T. Paine
c.c. All Staff
c.c. All Scientologists

Re: Report of sabotage per HCO PL 1 September 1969, COUNTERESPIONAGE

I am making this report exactly per the above policy letter in which L. Ron Hubbard states the following:

"Industrial “espionage” is a very prevalent activity.

"As our policy letters and materials are often found in wrong hands, we must be subjected to internal espionage on occasion. We are certainly subjected to intelligence externally.

"Intelligence actions internally in a company or organization take five main courses:
  • Theft of documents or materials.
  • Executive actions contrary to the company’s best interests, if not outright destructive.
  • Administrative enturbulation, including messing up files, addresses, facilities or communications.
  • False reports or false advices to customers or staff to bring about apathy or defeatism.
  • Perversion or corruption of the product (in our case, technology)."

LRH also states:

"Financial gain is the primary motive in almost all cases of infiltration.

"Anyone detecting any of the above should report the matter at once to the Reports Officer, Religious Technology Center, with names and full particulars.

My report is as follows:

Theft of documents or materials

It has come to my attention that, while under the exclusive stewardship of David Miscavige, self-titled Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, ALL of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology, the confidential OT Sections (including OT VII and OT VIII) have found their way into the hands of others not operating within the official Church of Scientology network. There is now no major Scientology service that cannot be obtained outside the Church.

This is a shocking state of affairs and it has been brought about by David Miscavige’s belligerent, unjustified, savage and unjust actions against well meaning Scientologists over the last three decades.

It began in the early 1980s with his false reports against and assaults upon the Mission holders of the large Scientology Missions as well others and his intentional alienation of David Mayo, the most senior Scientology terminal in the technical hierarchy of Scientology, along with a number of his closest lieutenants. These actions created schisms within Scientology which resulted in a number of thriving but unofficial Scientology delivery centers in the field by 1983.

Further, the utter failure on the part of David Miscavige to provide standard justice within Scientology, and his interference with the best efforts of others to establish a fair and equitable justice apparatus, has ostracized thousands of other well meaning Scientologists over the years which has swelled the ranks of these alternative centers, exacerbating the situation.

This state of affairs continued to worsen to the point where, for some years now, there has been an entire zone (Freezone) dedicated to the delivery of L. Ron Hubbard’s technology independent of ANY supervision by the Church, RTC or David Miscavige. And because blatant abuse of Scientology justice continues at the hands of Miscavige this independent zone will only get bigger.

As the head of RTC, David Miscavige’s sole function was the protection of the trademarks of Dianetics and Scientology and the prevention of such a scenario. Since he has brought about an effect which is the exact opposite of his purpose, the conclusion that it was intentional is unavoidable. It is incontrovertible evidence of sabotage and/or espionage.

Executive actions contrary to the company’s best interests, if not outright destructive

In addition to failing to carry out his duty as the head of RTC and somehow achieving a result the direct opposite of his post purpose, there is more than ample evidence David Miscavige has meddled destructively in affairs that were not his job or area of responsibility.

He has said many times that he was not management but this did not prevent him from meddling in it which caused the dismantlement of Scientology management structures and organizations.

The wholesale removal of qualified management staff and executives by Miscavige and the assignment of many of them to the Rehabilitation Project Force at our International Headquarters near Gilman Hot Springs resulted in the major downturn of Scientology international statistics in the summer of 1990.

These statistics have never recovered due to further removals that took place throughout the 1990s and the refusal by Miscavige to re-man these areas so vital to the correct management and expansion of Scientology.

The statistical and factual evidence to support the above is freely available to you on any Scientology management computer and within the international data files, while more detailed accusations and reports are described in articles on the Scientology-cult.com website and other sites linked thereon.

There is no doubt whatsoever that these actions by David Miscavige were and are against the best interests of our corporations and are therefore more than sufficient evidence of sabotage and/or espionage on this point.

Administrative enturbulation, including messing up files, addresses, facilities or communications

[I include all examples of administrative enturbulation detailed in the two sections above and articles mentioned therein]

Miscavige’s actions in recent years to declare as suppressive many dozens of executives at International Headquarters are false acts. It is mathematically impossible that so many are actually suppressive or suppressive to Miscavige as he so often claims. Such acts are grossly enturbulative to the individuals concerned and the management groups as a whole.

These and similar actions by Miscavige have not messed up files but rather made them redundant. Without a management structure, the vast compilation of Data Files established at the direction of L. Ron Hubbard for the accurate and correct management of Scientology organizations have been rendered dormant and useless.

Physically or emotionally attacking so many individuals, regularly and public discloser of the transgressions and confidential case data of staff, the incitement of violence against group members, insistence upon unreal time targets requiring staff to go without sleep (contrary to the LRH written advice entitled Wonkers & Bonkers) and many other acts by David Miscavige all constitute administrative enturbulation in the extreme. There is not one Scientology or Dianetics reference to support such acts which are in fact examples of reverse Dianetics and reverse Scientology since many references prohibit such behavior as detrimental to beings.

The refusal to allow the few management terminals that do remain to wear their hats and communicate with orgs, on the basis of the generality that “they are all suppressive” is refusal to allow the standard, LRH sanctioned administrative bodies of Scientology to do their jobs. In this way Miscavige has put himself above source and denies Scientology and Scientologists their duly appointed government with all the attendant confusion and destruction that brings.

Again, as Miscavige goes to great pains to point out, he is not management, and since he is not management but destroyed management, Scientology has gone without management communication for many years now.

This is obvious to anyone even vaguely aware of the facts. Its very obviousness and visible lack of remedies over the years evidences deliberate and premeditated destructive acts on the part of David Miscavige.

False reports or false advices to customers or staff to being about apathy or defeatism

Some examples of the false reports used by Miscavige to bring about destruction are covered in a recent article I wrote entitled Mechanisms of Miscavige which I append to this report. Using such tactics, Miscavige managed to defeat a number of orgs and drove the staff into apathy (CMO International, the Watch Dog Committee, Executive Strata, Central Marketing Unit, and Flag Bureau to name but some of them).

As mentioned above, Miscavige did not restore the management organizations he destroyed. In fact he continued to unmock them and has carried this forward to the present. In their place he dreamed up a “strategy” that didn’t require management.

But the so called “Ideal Org Strategy” dreamed up by Miscavige is a gross sham designed to keep staff and public distracted in chasing a pipe dream instead of building viable orgs and carrying out real field activities.

The “strategy” utterly violates a number of policies by L Ron Hubbard which prohibit his actions and show Miscavige’s pipe dream to be completely off policy, as follows:

1. The ideal org strategy is a devastating form of dev-t called having to have before you can do. The whole idea being that an org can’t make it without Miscavige’s version of an “ideal org” being in place first. That’s one hell of a runway before an org begins. And as LRH points out the chance of failure is proportional to the length of runway.

2. Even basic ethics policies disprove the strategy’s validity. LRH says in HCO PL 27 April 1982, Vital Data: Power and Affluence Conditions:


If you look at all successful, affluent orgs in our past not one of them ever had what Miscavige has pulled out of his hat. In fact, the truly successful ones, such as Munich some decades ago, followed the exact opposite formula to the one Miscavige preaches.
Since we have had big booming orgs in the past and since none used Miscavige’s formula his “strategy” has no precedent which means it is nothing more than squirrel, destructive management.

3. The very reference Miscavige uses to justify his scheme (HCO PL The Ideal Org) says absolutely nothing about ripping off the public for two billion dollars to buy, renovate and furnish gigantic buildings for all orgs. Yes that’s right; $2,000,000,000.00 is the estimated cost, all to be gathered from a few thousand wealthy Scientologists. But a few thousand divided by two billion won’t go so it’s just unreal and will end in failure for our orgs.

4. If the above is not enough, let’s take HCO PL 23 September 1970, QUARTERS, POLICY REGARDING HISTORICAL by L Ron Hubbard.

Miscavige says” “All orgs must have gigantic, posh, glitzy quarters.”

In the above policy LRH states:

"In terms of quarters an org can afford just so much expense. Therefore, viability is the first consideration – not how posh or what repute or what image. Thus we have the policy that: THE FIRSTCONSIDERATION IN PROCURING QUARTERS IS THE VIABILITY OF THE ORG."

Miscavige says: “Don’t use mortgages, get the money from the public.”

In the above policy LRH states:

"The safe figure for rent and mortgage payments must not exceed 15 percent to 17 percent of the gross income of the org." [Showing that mortgages are on-policy]

Miscavige says: “Move, move, move the org, image, image, image!”

In the above policy LRH states:

"Image is a secondary consideration."

"One does all he can by staff work to improve the image. If image is the reason why one must move from an area where the org was viable or had student housing, forget it. Posh up what you have already … staff pay and food and cheap student housing do more for an org than a posh building."

Miscavige says: “Every org must, must, must have furniture and equipment at a cost of millions of dollars.”

In the above policy LRH states:

"Expensive office equipment is not a first priority.

"Enough desks and chairs and furnishings is far superior to top-grade office furniture. Reserves tied up in furniture is never recoverable. Furniture quality does not influence production."

Miscavige says: “All these buildings must be renovated at a cost of many millions of dollars, to be paid to expensive outside architects and contractors, so make the public pay up.”

In the above policy LRH states:

"Renovations are destructive if extensive. Don’t renovate at vast expense. Use and make it better as you can with your own people.”

I advise any and all to read the whole of “Quarters Historical” (page 1394 0EC Volume 7). It contains many LRH points diametrically opposed to what is being done with Miscavige’s so-called Ideal Org strategy. It shows there is no sane basis for this madness. Its clear LRH did not intend us to procure quarters or build orgs in this way.

All lies and false PR to the contrary, a lack of real management and false and off policy “ideal org” advices from Miscavige has driven org staff off their purpose and into apathy about how they will ever build their orgs even if the physical building is bought and renovated. An empty shell never cleared anybody. It takes a real team. I am in communication with a number of org staff and know this to be the case.

As for the public, they should be involved in helping their communities as per OEC Volume 6; instead they are caught on an incessant regging treadmill built by Miscavige, on which they are squeezed ever more tightly to produce money they don’t have.

It’s laughable, Miscavige even cross orders himself. While the public are being accosted for illegal donations for buildings, per Miscavige’s orders, they are also being pounded for donations to the IAS, per Miscavige’s orders, as well as hounded to pay for multiple sets of new releases, per Miscavige’s orders, all the while being chased to donate towards Miscavige’s Super Power project, even though they have already raised double what Super Power would ever cost and despite the fact that it has never arrived. It’s enough to defeat anyone or drive them into apathy, certainly hopelessness about ever holding onto any personal wealth because if they resist they are threatened. In any other organization in the world this would be labeled extortion, because it is extortion.

But it’s not a laughing matter; it is highly destructive of individuals and organizations.

Perversion or corruption of the product (in our case, technology)

David Miscavige is not a trained and interned auditor or case supervisor in any way, shape or form. Yet he has lectured thousands of us on the tech as if he were and issued countless technical orders and dictates. That alone is more than enough to declare Miscavige suppressive ten times over. Just because he is the self elected head of Scientology does not change that fact.

But that’s the tip of the iceberg. Miscavige has:

Constantly violated the no-interference zone HCOB by insisting all those on OTVII get a sec check every six months regardless of how they were running, which is a blatant perversion of tech for countless OTs. Please read the reference, the violation is obvious but anyone who has ever raised the matter has been hit, hard.

Thousands of Clears have been caved in and thrown into confusion by Miscavige’s insistence that they all be told they are not Clear. It is well known within Miscavige’s inner circle that he doesn’t believe anyone could have gone Clear last lifetime but such is utterly contrary to LRH references. It’s a vicious Miscavige arbitrary that he’s entered into the scene which has caused havoc.

As part of the so called Golden Age of Tech, Miscavige has run in his own unqualified think on instant reads and FNs, among other things, creating mass confusion others have desperately tried to clear up.

Miscavige’s corporate position gave him no right to make technical pronouncements whatsoever, absolutely none. And we all bought it, not one of us said “and what’s your level of certificate Mr. Miscavige?” And anyone who did say it was gotten rid of with lightening speed, I’m sure.

Miscavige has perverted ethics tech into a coercive force to further his own ends. The number one offense is now reserved for anyone that queries the dictates of Miscavige. This has resulted in hundreds of unjust declares and hundreds of “silent declares” where no SP declare is actually issued – totally contrary to LRH ethics tech. It has resulted in the widespread and unjust use of disconnection, causing untold grief to families and their loved ones. By altering tech Miscavige has made the old, old claim that Scientology “splits up families” all too true.

Due to Miscavige, our orgs are no longer safe islands as laid out LRH policy; they are places where our public are hounded and squeezed for more and more money.

Financial gain is the primary motive in almost all cases of infiltration

Someone might ask: “OK but what’s in it for Miscavige, surely …?” I’ve got some bad news for you. In addition to the fact that Miscavige is ripping off hundreds of thousands of dollars in pay and perks per year, because that’s what he decided to pay himself though its based on no LRH policy and goes against every LRH rule of the Sea Org, where do you think all the money is going that he squeezes out of the public for IAS, Super Power and all the rest? Answer: Into the coffers of corporations solely controlled by Miscavige.

On whose balance sheets do think these costly, very expensive, fully renovated buildings show up as assets? Answer: On the balance sheets of corporations solely controlled by Miscavige.

When push finally comes to shove (as I believe even Miscavige knows it will) and the staff and public have had enough, when Scientology goes one way and Miscavige goes the other, which way do you think the corporations, money and assets will go? You guessed it.

Why do you think the heat is on to raise as much money as possible right now, right now? Why do you think he is so desperately trying to milk all the cash cows dry while he still can?

So, be in no doubt, Miscavige has already raked in Millions in personal pay and benefits (yes that’s right) with many millions upon millions of dollars still up for grabs by him.


Miscavige has clearly used his supreme power over Scientology to countermand LRH on crucial tech and policy points which has sabotaged Scientology for the last three decades.
His actions fit every point and bear all the hallmarks of sabotage and espionage outlined by LRH in the reference quoted at the beginning of this report. If LRH were here now I truly believe he’d take a cold hard look at his policy letter on counterespionage, review the data in this report and Miscavige would be gone!

And rather than suggest what agency Miscavige might be working for I would like to highlight the most important point, which is who he is not working for – Scientology (you and me).

So what should be told to staff and public that ask what can be done about this? Well, they can and should be told to just stop giving him money. Stop feeding the monster; it’s important they stop. If Miscavige realizes no more money will come along it could very well hasten the end.

Tell them to stop donating for buildings; it’s not their hat and never was. LRH would never have asked them to do that.

Tell them to stop donating for Super Power – they’ve collected twice as much as they need already and … no Super Power.

Tell them to stop donating to the IAS – there is no LRH policy on anything but the payment of nominal membership fees. They should stop buying the extortion that if they don’t pay the world or some part of it will come to an end. It’s a lie designed to shock them into paying, using a system that exists nowhere in policy.

Tell them to stop buying multiple sets of materials just to avoid trouble because when you do they contribute to one of the biggest stat pushes of all time and buy big trouble for the Church.

Well, there it is, I’ve written my report. If nothing is done about it I can only assume that an old law is at work, described in a saying hundreds of years ago, a saying known to LRH.

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason

Sir John Harrington (1561—1612)

Written by T. Paine



# lise 2009-12-25 00:26
This answered a lot of my questions. Thanks

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