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Thursday, 20 May 2010 10:45

The Church of Miscavige really is IN the news. But not in a good way:

Secret Extortion Files Discovered in Italy

May 20, 2010 - Suspecting the Church of violating laws regarding the handling of personal information, the Italian government raided the Church of Miscavige (Scientology) in Turin on May 20th and caught them red handed. Acting on a search warrant, the police went to the organization located on Via Bersezio and search for 9 hours. Hidden behind locked doors in the basement, they found a secret archive containing sensitive information on magistrates, policemen, journalists, former members and even the relatives of former members. The files included their sexual habits, health, political leaning, etc. Magistrates are now examining the materials but have already said they are "chock full" of sensitive information.  You can find more information here: lifeinitaly.com

Jan Eastgate covers up sex abuse of 11-year old girl

Now if you remember Marty's story about the 20 DM-bots sent down to Texas two weeks ago, you will remember that one of the people sent down there was none other than Jan Eastgate, the international head of CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) in Los Angeles. Of course, like all of us, you no doubt thought, "What kind of leverage does David Miscavige have on Jan Eastgate that she would agree to run damage control for him?"

Well, yesterday it turned up in the news that she allegedly covered up a case of sexual abuse -- involving an 11-year old girl who was raped. Eastgate is now accused of interfering with a police investigation by coaching the 11-year old girl and her mother on what to tell police and community services. She told an 11-year old girl it was her own fault for getting raped; that it was because of something she did in a past life. For more information, visit ABC News.


These stories illustrate two things:

1) The liability of an organization with NO moral compass.
2) The futility of "dishonesty in the name of honesty."

Clearing starts within.




+3 # Karen 2010-05-20 14:49
It is hard to watch the unraveling of injustices and crimes but the truth must come out.

This is now the 3rd rape cover up that I have heard of since starting to find out the truth. Two others were connected to people I knew who had no reason to lie.
+1 # War and Peace 2010-05-20 15:47
Thanks much Steve for continuing to expose the criminality of the Church of Miscavology.

In order to prevent bad PR, the Church will literally encourage its own members to lie, obstruct justice, compromise their personal ethics, violate their own code of honor.


Religion and "FREEDOM" indeed.
-1 # Me 2010-05-20 16:24
Why would a women at CCHR cover up any rape and evaluate for this Being? Am I missing something? Who is she covering for? I am baffled!
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-05-23 01:51
It's the mind set, the "in ethics" thing to do is to protect the reputation of the Church at all costs. This is idiocy since all they really do is condone and therefore continue the criminality. This kind of cover up is the same response to all on-going criminality within the Church of Miscavige -- assault, human trafficking, kidnapping, manslaughter, embezzlement, juggling accounts, extortion, racketeering, etc. Examples of these run throughout this website. If you want specifics, just search for the term.
+2 # Idle Org 2010-05-20 19:32
The child rape situation and cover-up is sickening. Especially seeing as how the father (rapist), went to police in '99 and ADMITTED to it!!! I hope it at least gives Senator Xenophon some leverage to get Parliament off thier asses and get the inquiry enabled.

The secret files being discovered in Italy is potentially going to be huge. Policemen, Magistrates and Journalists don't exacty like it when their private info and that of their relatives are suddenly discovered to be the property of a secretive cult. Think this could lead to raids across the globe?
# Idle Org 2010-05-20 19:48
This begs the question.....

What did Jan Eastgate do in a past life to pull in what she's about to experience!
+1 # lunamoth 2010-05-20 21:36
The irony of this situation is almost too much.

A child is sexually abused, and by way of "helping" both the mother and daughter, a prominent scientologist convinces the child that she is to blame for her own rape, and convinces the mother that NOT fighting to protect her child and bring the offender to justice is the best thing for her child.

The perpetrator is not caught, the child is not protected, the mother is made an accessory to the crime (by covering it up). The mother and child bond of trust is broken. Both must live a lifetime with the withhold and the guilt.

And this was done to protect the family from abuse.
+1 # Carol 2010-05-21 10:13
What is amazing to me is why was this information even stored in this org? Acted on a warrent? Someone inside must have reported the files being there.I am sure there is more to be found all around the world. The time is here to stop all of this insanity. What else is being hidden gawd...
# toujours 2010-05-21 13:56
The 11-year old was molested, not raped.
+2 # Misha 2010-05-21 21:21
Thanks, Thoughtful. Things are unraveling fast. Just hold on to your hats now, everybody!
+2 # Mary McConnell 2010-05-21 23:14
Thanks for posting about these matters. As Karen commented here, there are other atrocities that are difficult to accept but accept me muct if we are to live by truth. The Church of Scientology OSA is and always has beenthe same old GO by another name and the stories you posted here are just more evidence of that. The internet is filled with so many testimonies by ex-members describing the crimes and injustices observed or received. Reading them awakens the sense of truth which by indoctrination we allowed to be suppressed.

Some of us have contributed to these kinds of activities under the "Purpose is Senior to Policy" flag. A clean heart des make a happy living and by accepting our acts and omissions and the truth about this group we belonged to, the better people we will be.
+1 # lunamoth 2010-05-23 11:49
rape: an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation
-1 # Heather G 2010-05-27 00:49
luna, that's not legal definition of rape, and we're talking about a term used in the context of criminal law which should be addressed with its legal meaning. The child wasn't raped and her mother doesn't want the facts distorted, even inadvertently.
+1 # DFB 2010-05-28 11:52
Thats not the legal definition though.

I only bring it up because I think it's important to not alter or exaggerate claims.
+1 # Guest 2010-05-30 14:37
You may be right, I don't know, and when discussing the legality of the situation it would be important to distinguish between the definitions, under law, of the crime committed by the stepfather.

But I'm not speaking from the viewpoint of one trying to be politically or legally correct. I'm speaking from the viewpoint of a mother of daughters, as one who loves and helps children,a and as one who is offended and disgusted by what was done to an 11 year old girl, first by the stepfather and then by the adults in her life who should have been protecting her and healing her. From THAT viewpoint, the definition I am using is wholly appropriate.
+1 # Annette 2010-05-24 21:27
Let's hope that the American legal system is taking note and will follow with an investigation before DM has a chance to hide all the criminal evidence that is here. It would have been great if there had been a multi-country coordinated effort to go after this information.

I'm very sorry for the fact that innocent people's private information is going to be exposed, but believe that is has to happen as part of the end of this madman's reign. I trust that the law will keep the records more private than the church ever did.
-1 # Heather G 2010-05-26 23:40
The child was not raped. She was molested. Many have made the mistake since the story came to light, but it's important that reporting be accurate.

Why would Jan Eastgate cover it up? According to Carmel Underwood, the stepfather was working for the Church as an auditing intern.
# Dude down under 2010-06-19 10:50
I know Jane Eastgate, the mother and the daughter in this case. Some things need to be clarified. Firstly this happened in Australia not the USA. Second it was a long time ago. Thirdly Jane Eastgate was not the big deal she is now at the time this happened. Fourthly it was the old GO not OSA Jan worked for. I saw the story and was horrified. The mother and Jan should have had more sense. And the man is an absolute low life. But Jan and the mum are both very good people. As for the idea that Jan said that it had something to do with past life overts seems unreal. I cannot imagine Jan saying any such thing.

Jan's actions were wrong but the girl had told school friend about the sexual assault and that school fried's mother was a psychologist. The psych mother of the school friend wanted it to go to the authorities which meant psychology or psychiatry "treatment' for the victim. The girl's mother refused to do this and went to Jan for help. Jan is a former psych patient herself. She had ECT lots of times and all kinds of other shit done to her by psychs. So she knows first hand what psychs can do to you. And that is why she is the number 1 psych buster on the planet.

While Jan did the wrong thing her motivation was to keep the girl out of the hands of the drug and other psych treatment the victim would have received if the authorities had got involved.

By the way I also know Carmel Underwood and must say that in reality she would have had nothing at all to do with this. I know the ABC (that is the Australian Broadcasting Commission and not the American ABC)
did get Carmel to make a comment but what she said was pretty well not worth hearing. it was just there to fill out the story.

I heard bout this before it went to air and thought that there would be some huge expose about sexual abuse within the church. As it turned out it was one case in 60 years of a dirty old man touching up his step daughter or whatever. A serious mother for the girl, the mother & Jan too no doubt but not an earth shattering revelation.
+1 # Sentry 2011-06-05 09:29
And so the spin starts.
+1 # Alex 2011-05-25 14:14
I'm going to voice an opinion here, that will no doubt be seconded by many disillusioned lower level staffers who read it. Jan Eastgate and other Execs get some bad attention and scrutiny for their past even though they happen to be "nice folks"?

Cry me a @#%&*@ river.

Unless you have been held up at an Org for hours after your already full day of service, being pounded to call people and ask, coerce, bribe, beg or even bully them into showing up for a hard sell fund raiser, save your tears for these folks. They would pound us little guys mercilessly for hours and hours to make their stats look good for the IAS.

I'm personally happy to hear, and possibly see that they will get a bit of what they have been dishing out over the years.

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