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Sunday, 30 September 2012 10:54

Dear friends and fellow Scientologists,

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been too active or visible at OTC meetings, OT Ambassador activities (I have been an OT Ambassador since 1995), Int Events, Ideal Org fund raising meetings, Ideal Org openings, etc. over the past many months.  I haven’t been back to Flag for about a year.

Some of you may have wondered what’s happened.  Well, the truth is, I have been wondering that myself.  I have pondered this and even concluded that my withdraw must be caused by my own overts and withholds.  I’ve originated this to Tech Terminals at Flag, D of P, Flag MAA, to my FSM and even to close friends (that I must have O/Ws causing withdraw.  I have been in session at Flag several times over the past year or two and in metered interviews with MAA.  I have also written up OWs.  Still, I found myself not really reaching or wanting to participate in these church activities including my own Bridge progress. (And yes, I did complete The Basics about 4 years ago and had good wins).

There just seemed to be these nagging considerations of outpoints that would not as-is, go away.  As of this date, my Ethics File at Flag is very empty with the exception of many dozens of Commendations as an OT Ambassador for 17 yrs., Power FSM and Front Lines Disseminator in the WISE Sector for the past 29 years.  I’m not saying here that I am some perfect little angel, but those of you who know me, know that I have been an unwavering, staunch supporter and defender of our church, Scientology and LRH for 35 years.

Why am I communicating to you?

"We of the Church believe … that all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinion of others…" The Creed of the Church of Scientology, 1954.

Hung-up at Doubt.  “But if he’s PTS, he’s stuck in a problem and is unable to come to a decision.  When a person is faced with suppression…The first manifestation of and the first consequence of a problem is indecision…FALSE DATA.

"False data can also cause a hang-up on the Doubt Formula…stuck with this suppressive false data.” – HCO PL 18 DECEMBER 1982 ETHICS CONDITIONS: HANG-UP AT DOUBT

Did I have “false data” was I under “suppression”?

I’ve realized in recent weeks, that I have effectively been in sort of a state of indecision and silent protest for many months, even several years now.  And that I have had some major and basic considerations that I just couldn’t reconcile.

Precept # 7 TWTH: “Seek To Live With The Truth.  False data can cause one to make stupid mistakes.  It can block one from absorbing true data.”

I also know as a trained Data Series evaluator, that behind Out-points there is a Situation and below that a Why.

“Personal  integrity is knowing what you know – what you know is what you know – and to have the courage to know and to say what you have observed. And that is integrity.” -LRH

There is a tag line message in Church Promo that states: “think for yourself.” I personally think this is good advice.

LRH states this another way:  “Look, don’t listen.” HCO PL 7 February 1965 KSW Series 1, Keeping Scientology Working

“A true group must have a management which deals in affinity, reality and communication, and any group is totally within its rights, when a full and reasonable examination discloses management in fault of perverting or cutting ARC, of slaughtering, exiling or suspending that management.   ARC is sacred.” Essay on Management

"[People] learn to keep their mouths shut, and it’s the wrong lesson. When in doubt, talk. When in doubt, communicate… you’ll be very successful all the way along the line if you just remember that." The Phoenix Lectures 1954

"What would happen if all men were free enough to speak?  Then and only then would you have freedom." HCO PL 8 February 1960 Honest People Have Rights, Too (OEC Vol. 0, p. 461)

“There is no slightest advantage in getting somebody to believe some fundamental truth uninspected. …and when he can inspect without fear, he can know the truth of things.  And the odd part of it is that once you know the truth of something, it can’t bite…” excerpt from London Congress, TRUTH AND FREEDOM 23 June 1960

"Any management which operates as a censorship or a propaganda medium will inevitably destroy itself and injure the group." HCOPL 9 Jan 51 An Essay On Management (OEC Vol. 7 p. 567)

Okay, so I’m speaking freely and speaking out.  If my observations and comments are just lies, and I’m only attempting to rabble rouse, then how can reading this harm you or anyone?

“There is an ironbound rule in handling things:  WHERE YOU FIND OUTPOINTS, YOU WILL THERE ALSO FIND A SITUATION.” SITUATION FINDING, Data Series 30

Below are just a few of the outpoints and situations that I have been attempting to understand or to think with.  The outpoints and situations I’m listing here have become increasingly impossible to ignore.  This is of course my data and observations; you will need to think for yourself and decide for yourself based on your own observations and your own data.  “Look, don’t listen.”

New definition of Floating Needle at Flag.  About 2 years ago, I was given an interesting indoctrination by a Word Clearer in the OT VI course room at Flag. The Word Clearer insisted on me agreeing that the definition of “rhythmic” as in “…rhythmic sweep of the dial…” was that the needle had to swing three times before it could be called an FN.

Here is LRH’s definition:  "A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle.  That’s what an F/N is.  No other definition is correct.” HCOB 21 July 1978 What Is A Floating Needle? (Tech Vol. II, p. 204) this definition of FN is also in the Tech Dictionary.

I also noticed over the past few years at Flag, in the AO HGCs, that at the after session examiner, the examiner would consistently sit there after I picked up the cans and stare at the meter, wait and wait.  This was very odd (outpoint) as in each case I obviously had FNed at the end of session and here I was having trouble FNing at the examiner.

After this happened a couple of times, I learned to sit there and review in my head or in some cases verbalize my wins and cogs in session, and even in some cases, when that didn’t work, begin thinking about just some win in life to get the meter to FN.  This experience was very odd (outpoint), as in all my 30 + yrs. of auditing, I’ve never experienced having trouble at the examiner.  I just sort of thought, oh well, I guess it’s just me.

Now, looking back on this over the past few months, I have also realized that maybe I wasn’t the only one experiencing this as I’ve noticed consistently long lines at the examiner.  I had the same experience at the Success Examiner, trouble FNing. The last time at Success I was red-tagged, sent to Qual and told by the Qual Sec after she watched the video, that I in fact did FN and then I proceeded to attest.  Recently, I was able to confirm with other Flag Public that they have had the same experience and observations.

LRH:  "One often wonders why people are so 'reasonable' about intolerable and illogical situations.  The answer is very simple: they cannot recognize outpoints when they see them and so try to make everything seem logical.  The ability to actually see an outpoint for what it is, in itself is an ability to attain some peace of mind. …The human reaction is to react to an outpoint. And then get 'reasonable' and adopt some explanation for it, usually untrue.

"You can safely say that 'being reasonable' is a symptom of being unable to recognize outpoints for what they are and use them to discover actual situations."
HCO P/L 30 September 1973 Issue II Data Series 30, Situation Finding (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 128)

"A lot of people are on a stuck flow of being sensible and sane — and that winds up in stupidity.   So they get reasonable.  Their confront of evil isn't up to it — basically, their confront of outpoints." HCO P/L 18 March 1977RA Data Series 43RA, Evaluation and Programs (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 167)

"It is horrifying to behold how easily people buy dub-in.  This is because an illogical sequence is uncomfortable.  To relieve the discomfort they distort their own observation by not-ising the outpoint and concluding something else." HCO P/L 18 May 1970 Data Series 7, Familiarity (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 29)

Back to this new definition of FN. Was there a Hidden Data Line?

"The first goof relating to Releases is the one done for fifteen years — running past a free, floating needle on any type of process. THIS is the goof that held back all Scientology.  And if it continues to be done, known as well as it is now that you mustn't, one can only consider it suppressive — not just ignorant — as who now doesn't know you wreck a Release by running past the floating needle?" HCOB 2 August 1965 Release Goofs (Tech Vol. VII, p. 631)

"But how would one, who has not studied policy or is not very far advanced in his tech training know when he was being given an off-policy or out-tech order?
1. If it seems kind of stupid it is probably off-policy or out-tech…
2. Require that one be shown in the exact issue or book what the policy or tech actually is.
3. Read it for yourself and don't listen to any interpretation that seems far-fetched."
HCO P/L 13 January 1979 Orders, Illegal and Cross (OEC Vol. 0, p. 145)

"Some students have believed there was a "hidden data line" of tech in Scientology, a line on which Scientology tech was given out by me but not made known to students. ... There is no such line. The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and tapes I do and release.  I don't tell people anything in some private way, not even Instructors. '...If it isn't written, it isn't true...' Somebody says 'Ron said to — ' and on a veteran staff you hear the rejoinder 'Let's see it...' So we have learned the hard way —  'If it isn't written, it wasn't said'.   HCO P/L 16 April 1965, Issue I KSW Series 22, The "Hidden Data Line" (OEC Vol. 4, p. 347)

"A 'hidden data line' is a pretense that certain data exists outside of HCOBs, books, and tapes." HCOB 1 September 1971, Issue I C/S Series 57, A C/S as a Training Officer—A Program for Flubless Auditing (Subject Vol. 1, p. 214)

IS THIS NEW DEFINITION OF FLOATING NEEDLE BEING IMPLEMENTED BY RTC AT FLAG? – read on or go to the attachment here and read 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider.

I discovered that “Since this redefinition of F/Ns was first incorporated into the Pro Metering and Solo courses, students have been referred to sources as far-fetched as the Art Series, the Marketing Series, a physics text, and The Encyclopedia of Music, in order to understand it.” www.friendsoflrh.org     Friends of LRH web-site.

Incorporated into SOLO COURSES?   

“Psychotics deal with doing people in. Their whole mission in life is destruction.

They inveigh against lower levels gains and seek to discredit them since these run contrary to their aberrated purpose.

But when it gets to Clears and OT levels, psychos go berserk!”


The above (re-defining FN) is JUST ONE example of gross corruption of the Tech, Policy and KSW.


"So we can assume that people who are a bit inclined to malign, knock apart and shoot the human race, and have that as their only goal, can get into Scientology and can remove things from the technical line, or pervert or alter things in the technical line, which then makes Scientology unworkable."  "And the higher on a command line the power is drawn from, the wider area the alter-is covers." Class VIII TAPE 1 "An Introduction To Standard Tech" 24 September 1968


It has been very perplexing to me why so many high profile senior execs (most on post for decades and are now “blown” or declared), have resorted to talking to the media about alleged injustices and human rights violations occurring at the very highest level of our church.

I couldn’t think with this approach.  I considered this an obvious violation of Church policy …reflecting badly not only on The Church, but worst of all, dragging Scientology and LRH’s name through the mud.

This has been very upsetting to me and I’m sure to you too.  My consideration has always been, if there are disagreements of church policy and programs or injustices, then, the thing to do is handle it on the correct lines and within the group using Scientology Ethics and our Justice System.

As I began to check into this, I discovered that these terminals did in fact attempt with great persistence and personal sacrifice, to handle these outpoints on the correct lines.  And in many cases their efforts extended over many years and even decades.  

Church management’s response has been to discredit them by asserting they suddenly “went bad” and so have declared them as SPs.  The church has even gone further by proceeding to call them apostates, heretics and squirrels and have orchestrated Black PR campaigns to affect their destruction.

Apparently, each had concluded that there was no justice available and no change/correction forthcoming under current church management.  But instead of keeping quiet as ordered, they eventually resorted to going public in the media and courts rather than just letting it go, or going away—silenced.

This situation of course has made it increasingly difficult for me as a front lines disseminator in the WISE Sector over the past 29 years to do my job and contribute to our mission of a cleared planet - it makes it hard, really, near impossible for all of us to forward our purpose.  Currently the public’s perception of the Church of Scientology is the worst it’s been in our history! This is from my personal experiences of having done thousands of Handle Steps on Raw Public over these many years, and still do in PT as a front-lines disseminator and Power FSM.

It has become a glaring outpoint of the obvious disappearance over the last several years at international events of our senior church leadership/executives.  For example the many senior and veteran Int Execs and WDC members, and CMO Execs including our President, Heber Jentzsch, Ken Hoden, Norman Starkey, Janet Light, Guillaume Lesevre, Ray Mitoff, Mark Yeager, Greg Wilhere, Karen Hollander, Diana Horwich - Hubbard, and even David Miscavige’s brother and father Ronnie Miscavige Jr. and Ron Miscavige Sr. and so many more. Oh yes, Guillaume Lesevre did speak at an event some months back but not as ED INT, and is now absent from the scene once again.

Ever increasingly, veteran SO staff who have served faithfully for decades seem to disappear for years and then curiously re-appear; out, off staff and in many cases declared and now resorting to telling their horrific stories of physical abuse and injustice to the media.

Interestingly (outpoint), the attacks through the media (even the ones we hear about in Europe) in recent years and months are not coming from the real SPs on this planet, the international bankers and their government agencies, the CIA, Interpol, etc and their lapdog controlled media they use to forward their Black PR.  NO, the attacks are coming from the Media, but with who’s data?  Mostly from ex-church staff, especially SO members and high profile public Scientologists who have had to resort to the media and to the courts for the purpose of seeking justice and correction, but mainly to expose the crimes of top leadership in our church, namely David Miscavige.

Why do all the attacks in the media seem to be coming from within; ex-members and ex-SO staff members?  What/who is creating this horrific out-PR situation and poisoning the church’s image?  Why is the public perception of Scientology at an all-time low, even though we are supposedly doing more public outreach programs than ever before?  Why is the media and the entertainment industry incessantly and increasingly making a mockery of and holding up to public ridicule Scientology celebrities, our Church, Scientology and LRH?

Scientology is now a household word, not because of its good works publicized but is sadly now because of the human rights violations and atrocities being committed and condoned at the very top level of church management.

There comes a time when allegations of Senior Sea Org Management Terminals who were speaking out could no longer be ignored.  SO terminals who I respected and admired over the past 35 years, including Mike Rinder, CO OSA, Debbie Cook, CO FSO, Mark “Marty” Rathburn, Inspector General RTC, Vicki Aznaran, ex Pres. & COB, RTC, Marketing Execs: Steven Hall, Jeff Hawkins, veteran FSO registrar, Hy Levy, LRH Trained Class XII, Karen de La Carriere Jentzsch and many more including former FSO CL XIIs and CL VII Auditors & CS’s have come forth and told their experiences of outrageous suppressive behavior from Int Execs including mostly David Miscavige.

There are many more senior execs at the highest level of our church who have “blown” and have been effectively silenced.  There are many high profile celebrities including Paul Haggis, film producer/director, Lisa Marie Presley, Larry Anderson (orientation film) Michael Fairman, Dianetics TV Spokesperson, Jason Biege, actor and many more who are “out” - some silent but many others blowing the whistle.


HCOPL 15 March 1977, DS 41, Evaluation: The Situation
A few relevant excerpts from this policy:
a) - "Back of wrong data you will normally find an impure intent."
b) - "Now any time you find thirty people on staff being removed because they were suppressive, you know they had the wrong Why, because the percentages are wrong. … I can assure you they've left the suppressive on the staff and I can also assure you the guy that did it was suppressive."
c) - "CLOUDING UP A SITUATION – Occasionally you'll find a scene wherein a person's or area's PR is greater to him than production – PR, personal PR, means more than production.  And that is a characteristic of a suppressive.  He'll fog the situation up with big PR about how good it is so it can't be handled." -LRH

You might ask yourself; Who is causing all this Internal Strife, creating all these enemies, all this hate that the media loves to report on?  I know I have asked myself these questions.  If any of this concerns you (and it should) go to my attachment and read 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider.

"There are people who suppress. They are few. They often rise up to being in charge and then all things decay. They are essentially psychopathic personalities.  Such want position in order to kill. …They arrived when they arrived, in charge of things, because nobody when they were on their way up said 'No'.  They are monuments to the cowards, the reasonable people who didn’t put period to them while they were still only small bullies and still vulnerable." HCO P/L 7 December 1969 Ethics, The Design of (OEC Vol. 1, p. 483)

Every OUTPOINT or SITUATION that you or I can observe can be explained, clarified or be backed up by an LRH Reference or LRH References and this can be successfully done without taking said references out of context to apply to these Outpoints or Situations.


I have been wondering about the big broad Div 6 Dissemination Campaigns that we have all been hearing about at Int Events by COB for years.  These would flood the Orgs and Missions with brand new public.

Over a year ago, I was briefed (regged) by Planetary Dissemination Senior Fundraiser, Rudy Kempner.  He told me that we were very close to securing a huge $1 Billion PR & Marketing Campaign, that as a complete package it was only going to cost the Church $100 Million.  He just needed me to donate $5K.  This all sounded great to me!  Wow!  This would be a dream come true and I shared my excitement by briefing many of you about this.

Of course this has never happened.  Sure, I’ve seen a few of the PR ads, and PSAs, (mostly at Int Events).  The problem is, even if there was big volumes of these in the media, they don’t align with what LRH says about marketing “Books make Booms…” (DMSMH), and he was not talking about all the Basic Books in raw publics hands, or in libraries.  We hear about the millions of website hits, and all the “public reaches”, but why are the Orgs and Missions not flooded with New Raw Public?  Don’t believe me, go to your local orgs and missions and look, and not just at existing Div 2 public on Basics.  Where are the floods of New Public?  Who’s stopping the Big Broad Raw Public Dissemination Campaigns that we so desperately need to boom all the New Ideal Orgs?  

And besides all this, LRH clearly states, “Word of mouth is a superior form of advertising to newspapers, radio and TV ads. People tend to believe their friends.” HCO/PL PR SERIES 41

Is this (good and positive word of mouth) really possible in this current environment?

I have heard some say: “The public is out-ethics” or “PTS”, “The society has degraded and that’s why we don’t see floods of raw public…” as an explanation for why there are so few new public on lines. 

LRH- "There are no dog pcs or bad students." HCOB 25 June 1972 Recovering Students and Pcs (Tech Vol. X, p. 185)
"THE PUBLIC HATES LIKE HELL TO BE DENIED DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY." HCO P/L 25 September 1972 Recovering Students and Pcs (OEC Vol. 4, p. 269)

"It has been found that the whole reason for any lack of prosperity of an org is INTERNAL. The surrounding area of the public has very little to do with whether stats are up or down." HCO P/L 7 March 1972R Esto Series 1R, The Establishment Officer (Management Series Vol.2, p. 3)

"The public stays away from orgs in droves which alter technology." HCO Executive Letter of 1 September 1964 Technical Lectures by Other Personnel (OEC Vol. 7, p. 1191)

"Bad tech makes it almost impossible to get pcs or students in." HCO P/L 29 May 1961 Issue I KSW Series 3, Quality and Admin in Central Orgs (OEC Vol. 0, p. 18)

"But the truth is that the public is with you just so long as results are achieved.   As soon as they aren't achieved, areas become upset." HCO P/L 26 October 1971 KSW Series 6, Tech Downgrades (OEC Vol. 5, p. 97)

"I've learned this over the years: The entirety of our stats are internally caused.  WE CAN CAUSE STATS AT WILL.  External actions don't affect them.  A newspaper can write reams of entheta and it doesn't affect our stats at all." HCO P/L 18 March 1977RA Data Series 43RA, Evaluation and Programs (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 167)

"The public is always there.  Any enemy action does not change our stats.  They are changed inside the org or by higher orders only." LRH ED 104 INT Auditing Sales and Delivery Prg #1 2 June 1970 (OEC Vol. 5, p. 258)

"It has been proven continually that orgs which function on policy deliver and prosper.  Periods of decline have been preceded by gross omissions, unwarranted changes or destructive actions which obstruct or distract from delivery." HCO P/L 29 December 1971RB, Flag Representative, Purpose of (OEC Vol 7, p. 1407)

"What destroys an organization is its own germs." Tape: Org Board and Livingness 6 April 1965

Here are some other concerns I have:  The never ending delayed Release of Super Power, The Ideal Orgs Program, All Orgs St. Hill size for the release of OT IX & X.  IAS Fund Raising.  What is the difference between “Command Intention” and LRH’s Intention?  If any of this concerns you (and it should) read my attachment The 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

“If the tech/admin ratio of 2 admin to 1 tech is kept and even brought up toward 1-1, and if promotion is excellent and effective and tech service and org service is good, it is easy to lay aside enough to earn new quarters.  So the image can be improved.” LRH

"If correctly reported outnesses that threaten the org are NOT corrected, then one assumes that suppression exists." HCOPL 7 DEC 69 ETHICS, THE DESIGN OF

"We can stand in the sun only so long as we do not let the deeds of others bring the darkness." HCOPL 8 FEB 1960

"So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the High Priests.  It's our possible failure to retain and practice our technology." HCO P/L 7 February 1965  KSW Series 1, Keeping Scientology Working (OEC Vol. 0, p. 7)

“All right.  As far as the state of the organization is concerned, this organization of Scientologists will be as successful as it communicates, one with another – and not necessarily into a central office – but as successful as it communicates, one with another about its problems and antipathies and demonstrates these into a reality and says what’s going on and discusses it and keeps together, you might say, as an understanding. …

“So there is no barrier in Scientology to good communication.  There are no fixed convictions across the boards, one way or the other.  The only thing you’re invited to do is just, please, understand what is going on.  Don’t make a wild guess at it and a fixed conviction and jump down somebody’s throat.

“I have, time after time, restrained the organization and parts of the organization from trying to unmock Scientologists and, just yesterday, restored the certificates of a fellow who’s evidently been quite wronged by another organizational member in Australia.  Why?  They’ve both got good intentions, I sent them cables and told them to talk.  It’ll all work out.

“There is no organizational trouble we can’t solve.  But there is a world situation that will remain unsolved right down to the last whimper unless we stay together, work together and do something about it.”
LRH – 4th London ACC, The Role of a Scientologist, 27 October 1955

http://www.friendsoflrh.org/  this web-site has been created by some of the most highly trained Auditors, C/Ses and Execs on the planet.

I lay full responsibility for this gross corruption of out-tech and illegal policy development and implementation directly at the door step of RTC but moreover and specifically with COB David Miscavige.

“It is more than policy that one gets the condition he fails to correctly and promptly assign and enforce.

It's a sort of natural law. If you let your executives goof off and stay in, let us say, a Danger condition, yet you don't assign and enforce one, they will surely put YOU in a Danger condition whether it gets assigned or not.

Remember that when your finger falters "on the trigger."

(HCOPL 30 Oct 67-I, CONDITIONS, HOW TO ASSIGN, OEC Vol 1, p. 566)

Of course, predictably, for speaking out like this, there will now be a full blown concerted effort by the church (OSA) to orchestrate a smear campaign against me and trump up all manner of false charges of “suppression” on my behalf and proceed to Declare, and Expel Me – all in an effort to silence me and disconnect me.

That’s okay. I will not be stopped from doing my Bridge or from supporting and defending LRH and his legacy - and will not be stopped from forwarding my purpose of helping people with Scientology.  And one day, my sincere hope is - that sooner rather than later, we will all get our Church of Scientology back and then we can restore LRH’s legacy, and his aims and goals together.

Dear friends, please ask yourself this question:  Is it really possible to go full OT and reach true spiritual freedom in this environment, when day by day the Tech and Policy that LRH worked so hard for, and devoted his life’s work to, is being chipped away, little by little, altered, perverted and even reversed (see Black Dianetics) in very subtle ways and on a very subtle gradient?  This trend is not reverting but only accelerating over the years.  Let’s end this madness!

After much consideration, deliberation and evaluation over the past few weeks and realizing that I can no longer support Church Management or those who support it, I have decided to withdraw my support for current Church Management and am hereby announcing my resignation and disconnection from The current Church of Scientology led by David Miscavige and all those who support him.

My Goal Finder is LRH.

Today I join the world wide group called, 'Independent Scientologists' where honest, on source, LRH technology is being delivered by some of the highest trained, On Source Auditors and CS’s (CLVIIs, CL XIIs)  per KSW.  And where exposing the out tech and criminal activities of the current Church of Scientology Management is the order of the day.


Best wishes.
Steve Poore

PS: To Compare “Command Intention” policy and programs to LRH’s Policy and Programs go to Friends of LRH web-site:



# Robin Rhyne 2012-09-30 11:43
Fist bump Steve!
More good news! Tipping point draws ever closer.
+2 # Mike Walimaa 2012-09-30 11:54
WELL DONE STEVE! Takes some guts. Getting 3 feet behind the sit reveals startling things, doesn't it?
Have you seen David Lacroix's article on "reform strategy"?
Anyway, good job. Mike
+2 # aotc 2012-09-30 13:34
Fantastic write up with excellent use of references!
+2 # Randy Smith 2012-09-30 18:29
Great, thoroughly researched Doubt formula, with impeccable and pertinent references.
+2 # Michael Moore 2012-09-30 18:51
Congratulations Steve for having the courage to step out and confront the isness of the Church and welcome to the Independent Zone.
-1 # Thoughtful 2012-10-26 09:08
Michael, this is the wrong flow. It's not the "Independent Zone." This is Independent Scientology. What did the Freezone ever do to get in ethics on the Church? Nothing. Knock it off, man. You keep doing this on all lines and especially on facebook. I'm getting sick of it. You guys are getting bypassed because you failed to do what we are doing: exposing the corruption in a full-on direct frontal assault despite all risk, despite the repercussions, despite the attemmpts of the church to defame and libel us, despite their dirty tricks, despite EVERYTHING. Your Freezone did not do that. I'm going to welcome you to Independent Scientology. Your Freezone took no risk, and didn't do the job. You only did half the job which was keep auditing. Half the job is not enough to win against the Church and rescue the people still trapped.
+2 # Richard Kaminski 2012-09-30 19:44
Well done, Steve! Good to have you with us supporting LRH. Wishing you success.
+2 # Cindy Plahuta 2012-09-30 20:40
Steve! I am sooo happy to see you here! There is more friends of yours out here that in. Call me!
+1 # Steve 2012-10-02 07:37
Hi Cindy!

Thank you!!

My email:

I'd love to hear from you!

Your old friend,
Steve Poore
+2 # SKM 2012-09-30 21:13

I just wanted to say that this is one of the best Independence Announcements I have read in the last couple of months.

You do many people a favour by communicating it.

My hat gets off to you.
+2 # Ronnie Bell 2012-09-30 21:27
Welcome home, Steve. It's very good to see another one of our folks rejoin the true group. Great write-up. Thanks for all the wonderful (and pertinent) references.
+2 # Scott Campbell 2012-09-30 21:48
Wow Steve,

That is an astonishingly lucid and well-referenced "Resignation". One of the best I've ever read.

Thank you for coming out and helping us. We love it when beings with your training and ability join the ranks of independent scientologists. One of you is worth 5,000 Kool-Aid drinkers!

Scott Campbell
+2 # Ian 2012-09-30 23:21
Welcome to the world of Scn as it USED TO BE all over the planet! Congratulations on your courage to speak out against the outrage created by OFF policy and OUT tech.. and NO JUSTICE!
+2 # Mabel Mallens 2012-12-31 23:04
Awesome, Steve. I can only hope when I'm done with my own announcement (work in progress...) it communicates half as good as yours. I feel so relieved every time I read things like this. It wasn't me!! It wasn't my out-ethics causing my doubts! I was absolutely on the right track!! :)

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$100 Million Swindle

"The total amount spent to build his own office building (for Little Dickie and the few staff he has remaining) was right around $70 million... He spent another $30 million on the house next door (which is unoccupied)..."  Learn More...



"Specifically, on four separate occasions The Cob physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next. Three other times he threw heavy objects at me or at my staff..."  Learn More...


"Assaulting staff members at the Int base became routine with many individuals being physically attacked over and over and over again. We are talking about repeated blows to the face, choking, dragging to the ground, ripping clothes, hitting with heavy objects and so forth..."  Learn More...

Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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