Home Survey: What impinges?
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Thursday, 05 August 2010 21:55

There have been a lot of comments over the months about what it was that caused people to terminate their allegiance to the Church of Micavige. Every person who reads this message has valuable input, and your participaton would be appreciated. It's not a long process, but as you can understand, the informaton collected will be extremely valuable. The results will be published and hopefully will help those of you who want to get others to see what you have seen.

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1. What was the single most important thing that caused you to start the process of looking to find the truth about the Church of Micavige?

2. Were there other, less important things?

3. What, if any, personal experience did you have that "turned the tide" or was it an accumulation of smaller things?

4. What fact or facts finally convinced you to withdraw your support?

5. What things do you know from personal experience are sources of upset from on-lines current Scientologists? (What have you heard others say -- not just suspect).  This can be a list of tems, starting with the most common.

6. What fact do you think would most impinge on current Scientologists if they knew?

You can simply number your answers 1-6, no need to repeat the questions.

Written by Mike Rinder




+3 # Thoughtful 2010-08-05 22:22
Guess I'll start the ball rolling:
1. Seeing David Miscavige violently attack you in early December, 2003 in the offline edit bay when he bashed your head into the wall three times because he didn't like a video edit. Within two weeks I announced that I was leaving the Sea Org.
2. Sleep deprivation; constant psychological warfare; out tech; insane meetings; Miscavige acting Type III; physical, mental, and spiritual torture; etc.
3. It was a process.
4. Tommy Davis's attempts to intimidate and manipulate.
5. Insatiable demands for money, out tech.
6. More witnesses coming forward, actual evidence and documentation of crimes, including Miscavige's misappropriation of money, physical violence, abuses, etc. Along with disseminating the fact that now people can freely and standardly move up the Bridge outside.
# Lucy James 2010-08-08 16:07
1. when I heard Mike Rinder had left the Sea Org.
2. Realizing Management had been destroyed and there were no standarad Management lines. Though less important still very important to me.
3. The off source handlings I saw at ILO. Being held and watched 24/7 by Security guards.
4.Reading the Musical Chairs article and Marty's blog.
5. The continuous regging of the public and the out tech.
6. I think if the public knew the truth about where their money was going and what DM is actually doing to destroy LRH legacy.
# Gaiagnostic 2010-08-05 22:28
1. Overwhelming debt.
2. Being told that I had to do my bridge over. I had attested to HRD.
3. Accumulation of things: OT VIII, OEC, Class VI who could not spot an SP. Ceaseless regging.
4. Overwhelming debt, wrong indication on bridge.
5. Clear status being invalidated. Aggressive regging.
6. That is the hardest to figure, people currently in are so protected, but if it were me: That donations to IAS and other projects were not being used for purposes you intended for them.
# Your humble servant 2010-08-05 22:39
1. Believe it or not, the triggering thing for me to really investigate what was going on with the church was the disappearance of MIKE RINDER. I knew he was prominent and had seen him at events, and he had simply disappeared, so I started searching the internet. I liked Mike though I had never met him and had only seen him at int events and on the news earlier responding to attacks on the C of S.

2. Yes, there were many other things (1) Never liked David Miscavige nor trusted him much. (2) Tom Cruise making a fool of himself (3) The inexplicable hatred the general public seemed to have for SCN. (4) San Francisco Org's deceptive campaign for a new building. They didn't tell us we were buying a building with a 3 million dollar mortgage requiring $30,000 per month payments! (4a) It wasn't a local decision; it was the "landlord office." (5) Didn't like the look and feel of international events (6) Didn't like the glitzy electronic look of the org. (7) Had an unhappy time trying to get onto the OT levels at AOLA in 2002. (8) The IAS exerted undue influence on my 92 year old friend Raymond Peace to take his live savings. (He afterwards got most of it back). (9) ASHO's taking some $30,000 from Raymond a few years earlier and then refusing to deliver the SHSBC to him because he was supposedly an "illegal pc."
(10) Didn't like the graduations had become staged shows with flowers, certificates held in the air, and vetted success stories.

3. Answered in 2. above.

4. Multiple reliable sources reporting that David Miscavige is a brutal psychopath, hordes of loyal sea org members dedicated to helping Ron salvage this sector have been brutally mistreated and expelled by trying to get the tech correctly applied. Reports of swinish alteration of the tech.

5. Sorry, I have no such reports.

6. The brutal vicious treatment that has been given to higher executives at int base and in the hole, the torture, and the forced confessions.

Thank you, Mike Rinder!
# Michael Brown 2010-08-05 23:28
1. I've always been interested in the Church from a sociological viewpoint and luckily when I was reported for reading entheta(back in the mid eighties) the EO at AOSH said he didn't know of anything that forbade looking at such books. As long as I was continuing up the Bridge he said he saw no problem with it. I made it clear that I always skipped over the OT materials (as best I could).

Since then I've kept my head down on the topic as I knew that if people kept asking I could easily get a different answer.

2. I have been convinced for some years that the concentration on regging people for all of the various kinds of donos (along with things like the 10% tithes to groups like ABLE, silver certing, insistence on people buying cassettes and CD packages) was a huge mistake that was draining the lifeblood from the training and processing lines.

3. Haydn James' declaration of independence last Autumn stopped me justifying away the outpoints and I withdrew support at that point. The fact that he and his wife had been able to rescue and boom Birmingham org was, along with Tokyo's success in the nineties, a major factor in keeping me in the church.

After that I thought I might try to keep abreast of things by continuing to go to some events. However at the New Year event I was appalled at the way that pre-'Golden Age of Knowledge' Scientologists were negatively depicted in cartoon form - bumbling myopically around trying to find and read dusty papers. Only now were we entering a new Golden Age! I repeatedly groaned out loud at Miscavige's script which stated pretty explicitly that Scientologists up until this point (including all those who worked with and trained under LRH!) didn't know what the fuck they were doing. That was my last event.

Other things that stand out are the stories of what happened to Heber Jentzsch and to LRH's family. I thoroughly enjoyed Marc Headly's book, 'Blown for Good" which gives a good deal of rich background about real life in the SO at Int.

4. Haydn's declaration was what did it for me, but I think that was because I had seen the effect he and his wife had on Birmingham org over a number of years. It hasn't had the same effect on my friends - possibly because, in some cases, they wouldn't click the link I sent them. On the whole I've had more success copying and pasting a whole article into my email.

5. IAS (and other) reg events. Although truthfully that's from conversations from a few years ago. The Scientologists I have talked with over the past few years don't say anything that could be considered natter or add time on to their sec checks.

6. The data about what happened to LRH's family and what has happened to Heber. The F/N redefinition and problems. A list of the names and posts of the WDC and RTC execs who are now speaking out against the abuses.
# TheEmperorIsNaked 2010-08-05 23:49
1. Finding out others locally felt the same way (but has to be good comm with references). We had an accidental comm go out followed up by a purposeful comm to clarify. I was sitting in a couple of the same references (donos for real estate, etc.).
2. The Mary Jo Levitt KR - but it is pretty long.
3. I read friendsoflrh.org start to finish. Pulled Tech and Admin vols out as I went and it was 100% factual and on target. Went to indexes and found similar references that backed up what was being said. Stuff like SuperPower will be being delivered in 6 months (circa 1978) shocked me. Stats from old Orgs shocked me. And on and on. That site IMPINGES.
4. I previously pulled my financial support, but had not quit the church yet. 3 or 4 years ago I listened to the Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress lectures and came across the reference about not getting too interested in real estate. I stopped donating for anything at that time - building fund, even the IAS.
5. Case bugged in auditing. Can't get through Solo I or Pro Metering. Can't get anyone to co-audit with but HGC auditing is too expensive. Too much heavy regging for IAS and similar. Too much regging for staff, and staff make little money. Too many events that are too long.
6. Ideal Org strategy is off policy, changes in training and auditing are off policy and out tech; and that is the real reason for empty Academies and HGCs.
# Joe Howard 2010-08-05 23:50
1. I knew DM was destroying the subject before I blew but it wasn't until I began reading things on the Internet that I thought I'd figure out how he did it. Anyone on the outside knows a ton more than those still at the base.
2. Seeing him treat his personal staff (Lou) like shit, the year after year slide into a worsening situation at the base.
3. After working my ass off with the rest of the Books and Lectures team and getting less sleep than anyone else on the base only to have DM withdraw every approval that had been attained over the previous months was kind of the final straw.
4. Reading some of the stuff that went down after I left in late 2003. Apparently, the year 2004 was one for the record books in terms of Int Base Insanity.
5. Non-stop "regging" (read extortion) for money for off-policy programs; insane arbitraries that stop Bridge progress;
6. How they are being played for complete suckers by someone who doesn't give a rat's ass whether they live or die. If they really understood that they would walk away, but to get their pitchforks.
# George 2010-08-06 01:52
This survey hits the nail on it's head. It is what I have been actively looking for myself - How to communicate to someone that does NOT want to LOOK at any outpoints although he's actively suffering from them.

1. I was asked by non-Scientologists whether David Miscavige actually did hit people. I had no personal knowledge of it nor did I see other SO or staff members do so (I am not talking about yelling and all but physical attacks). This caused me to look at the St. Petersburg Times Truth-Rundown series - articles, videos, other links etc. - hearing about it for the first time. I did NOT believe it, thought it was "entheta" but "cleverly presented" - then a feeling crept up in me that it MIGHT have substance as the different accounts matched so very much ... but still, although I felt enturbulated (stable datum that ALL Scientologists, most of all DM, only meant the "greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics" starting to shake without having another stable datum to replace it). The single most key statement that allowed me to accept that these accounts actually were true was when Marty answered the question "Do Scientologists know about this? (referring to the beatings, musical-chair scenario, what's going on at the Int Base) - Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT (or some such wording). THAT made a click because that matched MY reality. From that point on I viewed the data differently and started to look at outpoints myself.

2. This is now an accumulation of many smaller and bigger things - starting from 1. above - it was more the process of actually confronting what happened and not justifying it anymore. There's regging, donations, injustices etc. - this was personal experiences and knowledge.

A very important article to me was on this website called WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT


After that one I "felt home" on this site. It put the data on this site in perspective, it gave it a purpose I agreed with.

3. I got my absolute personal certainty that fraud is committed by DM (and a few others that MUST know about it what he actually is doing) from PUBLICLY available evidence (that did not require having been on staff, in the SO or at the Int Base). It was the article "83% Whopper" on this website. It is a rather "mild" and "minor" and in comparison "insignificant" outpoint - that could be summarized as "presenting a false picture" (but results in defrauding Scientologists into believing Scientology is BIG, SUCCESSFUL etc. when it is not) - based on which they donate and stick with "it" (the organization, that is):


4. Its 1, 2, 3 above - in that sequence.

5. (a) SO members and staff HATE to reg for donations - only a relatively few are truly successful at it but MOST hit a wall when trying to reg others and FEEL or KNOW it to be wrong. They KNOW they are bleeding them for money, run them into debts etc. and, left to their own volition, would NOT do it.
(b) Staff and public alike do NOT SEE the expansion they are TOLD at events. For SOs it is even "remaining in the same low MEST conditions they have been in already years ago" - THEIR conditions do NOT (really) improve.
(c) Injustices - this depends on the individual cases but many publics, staff and SO have personal and numerous incidents where they FELT treated injustly (no reward for the TRULY upstat etc.)

6. (a) Evidence on NO EXPANSION that is PUBLICLY available (it will be real enough even to Scientologists as this is what they do NOT see). This evidence must NOT depend on "having been there when it happened" - because it really is in the realm of "UN"-believable (and so is discarded as "impossible"). It's almost that one has to see for oneself the first outpoint (regardless how minor compared to the gross and really important outpoints) which gets the confront up to see the next outpoint, and the next etc. - confront going in on a gradient.

(b) SEPARATION of Scientology (the subject) from the Church of Scientology (the Miscavige-run organization). Useful are any Policy references that show that what is being done is NOT and AGAINST what LRH said to do (actually have never seen the reference on forbidding international Events - but would be great to have), IMB ("Solving it with Scientology"), Out-tech (3-swing-dancing F/N with many references on what an FN is on Marty's blog) etc. I use this too - and by giving more and more data on how it is different it starts to sink in. Every one will have his/her own reality where it will start to bite.

(c) - just my personal opinion - the WAY how this site and Marty's blog and the other high-level Int Staff communicate about what happened - BY FAR the GREATEST MAJORITY of communication is made WITH ARC!! THAT impinges far more than sarcasm. Understood that one is tempted to talk about all that with anything BUT with ARC, it is ARC that BUILDS understanding. Reminds me of a LRH lecture where he talks about "nobody understanding what a Missed Withhold" is - he talks about gross out-tech "everywhere" - makes it funny, points out the many references where he tried to explain it and in the end says something like "and I deserve a star for trying to explain it once more"). The honesty (and thus, ARC) with which these sites and people talk, admitting their own shortcomings where appropriate - and what all of them do DO) is what impinges most.

(d) my king datum amongst all of them (see 1. above): The Int Base is a hidden, secret, nobody-knows-about place (THAT is real to all Scientologists as nobody but Int Staff actually know). Trump up this datum and proceed from there as you already do.
# Stefan Tunedal 2010-08-06 01:55
1) The international events "proved" expansion while the orgs of Sweden where shrinking fast
2) Fundraising, child ban in the SO
3) I visited Flag in 1997 and came back home without being duplicated
4) Learning about coerced abortions in the SO
5) Low attendance at events, thirst for money
6) That management is lying about the expansion and has been for a long time
+4 # Karen#1 2010-08-06 02:55
1. I was kidnapped and held against my will at INT BASE and had gross out tech done on me. Tried, and tried and spent megabucks to handle the charge in session, "Golden Age of Tech" could never handle it.
2. I was outraged at the vile and venomous attacks on their hate pages on David Mayo, Marty and Mike. Found it abhorrent that parishioner folder data is used. This is not a "CHURCH." It morphed into a CULT of David Miscavige.
3 Turning my son against me was the final straw. I became truly empowered to do what I have to do to get justice.
4. Reading INT Base horror stories. The fact that Heber is kept in lock down.
The fact that Heber has been savagely abused by Miscavige for YEARS.

5. Vampire regging, the Church raping the finanical wherewithall of parishioners. The enforced disconnections of family members. The GROSS OUT Tech...over runs of 3 needle swings.
The messed up clear declares.

6 READ the Internet. Read all there is to read and make your own decision.
# PlainOldThetan 2010-08-06 04:30
1. Receiving OT V in the golden age of altered F/Ns, which resulted in me labeling in-Church auditing pointless, and a waste of money.

2. Being threatened with having my certs pulled if I didn't do the golden age of krap, including new internships; being the target of a campaign to keep field auditors from auditing for missions; taking a year to get through the Pro Metering Course, getting KR'd for simple, crammable, out-tech in DM's golden age of wasting help; seeing friends spent 15+ years on OTVII with no end in sight; getting KR'd for not dropping my life to go to an Int event; having the money for the ACCs taken off my account without my permission.

3. Actually, what got me solidly "out" was my personal contact with two close friends who got porked by DM and decided to become visible as outies. As I've said, it'd probably get DM so pissed off he'd bust a blood vessel if he found out that the Dissemination Drill worked in recruiting indies. CONTACT.

4. The graphs someone posted showing the plummeting "auditors made" stats since the GAT was forced on auditors.

5. "Gotta start all over?" "I thought I finished my objectives" "How can we go straight up and vertical if we keep raising the prices" "Who's got the money and space for so many CD lectures?" "Whaddaya mean I have to donate 50 sets of Basics to the org?" "What's this Enlightenment system doing here when it doesn't work?" "Buy a brick for the renovated org" "We used to train and audit, now it's all about donations" "What happened to going Clear in my neighborhood?" "Where's the stats?" "what's with all the phoney meaningless stats?" "Two steps forward, three steps back?" "Where's Dianetics ads on television" "Where's the LRH-based Dianetics campaign?" "How can you tell when Miscavige is lying? His lips move." "Where's all the auditors?" "Why are unqualified people with no staff opening missions?" "Why is it so hard to recruit staff for missions and orgs?" "Why do the books cost so damn much?" "Why aren't there dates visibly printed on the ondividual CD lectures?" "Why is it when I send a query uplines, all I get back is bullsh**?" "Aren't the Int events expensive to put on? Per LRH reference?"
"Why aren't new releases sold at a 20% discount for the 7 days right after the event?"

6. I'd love to see video of DM beating people. That would impinge. But until it's on YouTube, it seems people won't believe it. Video of DM making the staff salute his dog. Video of Miscavige's opulent personal living facilities.

I'd love to see video of an FBI raid on the Int Base freeing Heber from the Hole.

Most of all, though, I think the FACT that witnesses to the beatings have sworn out complaints to the Hemet law enforcement agencies.

Watchin Miscavige do a perp walk on MSNBC would probably impinge, don'cha think?
# Fellow Traveller 2010-08-06 06:27
1. David St Lawrence encouraging me to look at Marty's St Pete Times Videos

2. The outpoints noted these past years. In no particular order:
a) Absent or Missing Execs
b) Release of the Basics after the completion of Preservation of the Tech announced at NY 2000
c) Inability to resolve my own Bridge progress issues
d) The increase in donation regging
e) Numbers of revisions and adjudications of technical matters
f) The email I received mentioning Marty's original blog.

3. The handling I received to "answer my questions." I had written some very pointed questions. I was told by a Flag MAA to go to LA to see Jamine.
I went with one of the local DSAs who was interested in how my questions would be answered. I was given a disconnect r/f. I said we were done.
If I had done the handling prior to direct communication with several of the indie folks, it may have gone a different way.

4. Evidence that the official church spokespeople were lying. That evidence was a) the stories being told were inconsistent. b) Also the method of relaying information suggested carping criticism, a m/w/h phenomena. c) The "critics" Marty, Mike, Steve, Dan, Jim and most others were avowed adherents of LRH and most certainly not apostates as insisted by official church spokespeople. And to be complete, the current relationship between Jim Logan and Marty. That was demonstration of some Scientology like no other I could see.

5. I don't really have much. I got inactive in 2004 or so when I stalled on my own bridge.

6. Co$ does not have a monopoly on one's eternity. LRH's legacy is actively being undermined, betrayed.
# John Nunez 2010-08-06 06:40
1. The single most important thing was that I wasn't winning.
2. Negative press, concerned family and friends, off-policy, out-tech, injustice.
3. It was a process. Feeling trapped on staff and being prevented from routing off was a major turning point.
4. Seeing all the excessive compensation and private inurement of DM was a HUGE point. Also, the facts of other injustices across the world towards Scientologists, whether that be physical abuse, unwarranted SP Declares, forced disconnections, etc.
5. Floating Needles. The IAS. Constant phone calls and regging. The Basics. The G.A.T. Ideal Orgs. Having to re-do auditing actions. Clear status revocation. O.T. Eligibility arbitraries.
6. Showing DM is just like a Bernie Madoff. Look what your donations are buying.
# Henk 2010-08-06 06:49
1. The current "Ideal Org Strategy".
2. Other, but not less important: IAS fund raising and the GAT.
3. Accumulation of the above, plus the observation of no expansion.
4. The realization that it would be impossible to make progress on the Bridge with the current out-Tech and "new ideas".
5. Being stuck on E-meter drills.
Receiving telephone calls from the Org. (A staff member once told me that many publics don't pick up the phone if they see it is the Org that calls.)
6. The fact that Scientology worldwide is NOT expanding. Scientologists thinks it is their local Org only that doesn't expand. Because of the beautiful buildings shown at events, they believe that Scientology worldwide is doing great, thanks to DM. Therefore they won't believe any crimes of DM. And even if they can confront the idea, it won't impinge, because after all DM is "fantastically upstat", isn't he?
It would be like receiving a KR on someone who is upstat.
So I believe that the fact which would mostly impinge is evidence of down statistics since DM took over.
Statistics like: number of Clears made, number of auditors made, number of Class XII auditors at Flag, etc.
# Jack UK 2010-08-06 07:14
1. Reading the DM edition of Freedom Magazine, specifically the articles about "Kingpin", et al. I found it ridiculously puerile, and so low toned. This was clearly a piss poor DA attempt. I had never seen anything so nonsensical come out of the CoS. I had no idea of whom these individuals were, and all it did was interest me enough to want to find out!

2&3. I had many concerns with the CoS that I either buried or excused, all because of my active interest in going Clear and beyond, and indeed clearing the planet (that was all that mattered to me). I wasn't impressed with my last auditing, however (considering the price I paid) and then the endless calls and pressure to get The Basics, the Congresses, etc. It all came to a head.

4. Learning that the definition of F/Ns has been squirreled. The result of which has definite reality with me from previous auditing. Also, discovering LRH policies on pricing. I am no longer prepared to pay exorbitant prices for squirrel, poor quality auditing within the CoS.

5. High-pressure fund raising "events".

6. Where and how the CoS violates LRH policy. (Along with exposing false stats, the wasting of money/donations, DM abuses, etc). At the same time, raising the "profile" of Independent Scientology.
+1 # Ted Crammer 2010-08-06 07:21
I have been on-line following and contributing to discussions since 1995. No one complains about good auditing or training pre GAT. OT levels go in sideways on some people's universes. The Grades are universally liked.

Most of the complaining is about admin procedure and how that interfaces with the people: routing forms, reg practices, stats, on and on.

An individual having found one highly charged fault, opens the door opens to find others. This leads to fault finding with Hubbard himself, not his church or his minions.

1. Scientology justice used not as justice but as a political "Cover Your Ass" by others. When my wife and I got our declares in writing the horrendous lies expressed therein were too much to confront. We knew then that there was no hope for Scientology.

2. There were lesser things, too numerous to list.

3. I arrived in LA having been awarded the Class 8 course at AOLA. I expected to return to my WISE group having completed that long overdue training and OT-5. But before I could do anything I was greeted by a Stop Service Order from WISE. Stopping service runs contrary to everything I had worked towards for 15 years. THAT turned the tide.

4. Same as #3.

5. See my preamble.

6. There is no justice, there is no "other side of the bridge." Scientology abandoned the individual in the '60s when it quit helping pc's find own goals.
# LEX LUTHER 2010-08-06 07:58
1)I was paying for services and not getting my exchange from the church.
3)My auditing outside the church.
4)My contribution to the a Building fund and the stealing of my money at my Flag Account.
5)Haven't heard much.
6)Floating needle
# Fidelio 2010-08-06 08:02
Dear Mike,
1.I observed the DEVASTATED PR of the United States of America around the globe after 8 ys of G.W.Bush turned around 180° within months of President Obama in office into an almost overwhelming agreement and hope and trust for the US around the globe and especially in Germany. I saw how he did it (constant communication and sucessful leadership) and asked myself why Miscavige was obviously completely unable and incompetent to make ANY inroads to goodwill and recognition for SCN AT ALL - quite in the contrary.
2. The release of the Basics and the party line that the original books were bastardized editions.
3.The events and incidents around the opening and the three first years of the Berlin Ideal Org with CPN SO missions slaughtering the anyhow little field into a tiny rest of not-goldenrodded and the decrease of staff of 130 into an incompetent wobbling mass of jelly of currently about 60 persons. The final straw was the news that Miscavige faced personally lawsuit because of human trafficking. Then the true source of all the suppression within the Church became visible to me. From there on I went to the net to LOOK.
4. Unsaturable greed for money, personal grossest invalidation connected to that demand, and finally human rights violations in the SO and on staff to an extant beyond my wildest imaginations.
5. Constant regging and demand for huge amounts of money accompanied even with threat of declare when not satisfied.
6. The COMPLETE corruption and destruction of the Tech by Miscavige.
# FOS 2010-08-06 09:13
1. I began putting together an out-point count I had personally been subjected to, such as injustice or arbitraries on post or in auditing, or seen happening to others. I began seeing the (altered) importance being put on a lot of TAKING and not enough GIVING by the Church. I knew that this new disease wasn't something perpetrated by my local church but that it was coming from above.

In summary, seeing out-KSW on a broad scale and it explains the widening rift between those in Scientology and those out but still using it.

2. Tom Cruise acting like an ass didn't help.

3. I know people who are declared SP for writing things up or trying to get things corrected. I myself was almost declared for standing up against the BS that Management shoves down the throats of Class V orgs.

4. The Church's arrogance and self-protective stance "we're right, we're 100% ethical and everyone else is not" Tommy Davis and DM approach to handling the situation.

5. Unfortunately, it's unsafe to speak to your fellows and disagree because usually that ends in a KR. This day and age seems unsafe to communicate your own viewpoint unless it corresponds with the Party line. But from a couple of people I have heard that the focus on the building is an altered importance. I've heard from others that certain people aren't satisfied enough until your bank account is poverty level. I've heard of people, and I have much reality with this, are "used" to perform or do tasks by church people and when no longer needed, easily discarded.

6. Honestly, one thing that really assaults me is the slighting of LRH, denigration of his legacy and DM's attempt to position himself as being smarter than LRH and "improving" on LRH by redefining FN's, GAT, and all his cocky "per LRH notes [you will never see but that only I have in my possession"] this is how we are going to do things now. Results: people leaving and Scn no longer being applied.

Nevermind the rest of the outpoints, the buildings, IAS, donations, lack of auditors being made, FN's screwed up, heavy ethics, Scientologists spying on one another, being called at 1am to buy the new release, people showing up at my door to get more money, etc., ad infinitum.

Restore the tech to LRH's brand and get rid of those altering it and the guy trying to BE the new LRH and the rest of the outpoints will iron out, and likely quick.
# Penny Krieger 2010-08-06 09:23
1. Release of "The Basics". Completely out R. This invalidated the huge wins I had prior reading LRH Books.

2. Out tech in my auditing in the last decade. Out R on the building campaign.

3. Seeing Jason Begai on the front page of my browser and then going to uTube and watching the Truth Rundown! Reading about LRH's condition when he died.

4. In reading Friends of LRH and Marty's Blog, realized the cancer was too deep and SCN as I knew it was GONE.

5. Having to re-do an already completed service. Constant phone calls. Too much regging for non-bridge.

6. Alteration of LRH tech. Betrayal by DM and management.
# Maurice 2010-08-06 09:39
1. Out Tech - I was on OTVII and experienced repeated overruns in session on 2 separate trips to Flag. My last trip there was in Oct 1997.

2. High debt, out-exchange (constant regging for IAS and similar programs), health problems

3. I had a 4 hour "PTS rundown" (which I didn't ask for) with 100 or more questions. A wrong item was found. Total waste of time and money. The auditor could have asked me just one question: "Who or what are you PTS to?" My answer would have been "this organization". We would have been done in 10 minutes or less.

4. see above

5. Had only one recent conversation with such a person. His biggest interest was out tech.

6. (a) willful destruction of LRH tech that was working well for 45 years

(b) what is really happening with all those donations
# Jack Airey 2010-08-06 10:58
1. Reading and watch videos from St. Pete Times article in June and August of 2009

2.Witnessing David Miscavige up close in late 2008. Heavy regging for IAS donations while on course at FLAG. Cost for bridge was too high for an average wage earner like me. Stealing money out of my ASHO accounts without my permission and shipping me the entire set of Congress Tapes. Conducting exhaustive research on the internet about the subject of Scientology over a 4 month period. Reading 2 KR's by two upstate OT8's on Marty's blog in October 2009.
3.When I took a look at all the outpoints collected from my research I knew the COS was a criminal organization that I have been part of for some 40 years.
4.All the above
5.Not in contact with any current church members. All my friends (so-called I might add) continue to drink the Kool-Aid and make others wrong.
6.The folks still in this criminal organization seem to be blind and afraid to look. I think we need to move on and find a legal way to study and get auditing using true LRH tech. The current Church is dead, dead, dead.
# eyeswider 2010-08-06 11:02
1. The realisation of the difference between 'knowing' and 'believing'. I actually searched the internet because I wanted in revive my church involvement, and saw that just being told that other stuff was wrong was not enough - only if I saw with my own eyes would I KNOW that the church was right. The first place I visited was RonsOrg, and the differences convinced me at that time that the church was the RIGHT thing. But I accidentally also came across Marty's blog. Big re-think time!

2. IAS regging (and that fact that it was accepted practice for everyone to hide when the IAS came around). High prices for servcies.

3. The mass un-declaring of Clears. I went through this myself in the early eighties when a similar thing was done. At that time I decided if it ever happened again I'd catch the midnight express... and it did.

4. I spent months reading everything on every independant blog (and many others too). It was the accumulation of ALL that information.

5. Complaints about IAS regging (many complaints). Complaints about being bombarded by phone calls - and if you don't answer they let it ring and ring and ring - heard many complaints about this, and saw many non-scn family members extremely upset about it. This one thing is causing big ARCX's among people who otherwise would have no negative thoughts about the church at-all. And when someone moves to get away from the calls, the church then bombards the new occupant - this has resulted in org phone numbers being listed on many internet "phone abuse" sites.

6. I was going to say: the data on FriendsofLRH site (and still would), but something else occured to me: I have heard many complaints about IAS regging, but not idle org regging. In fact they all seem gung-ho and enthusiastic about it. But I also detected that they actually do believe that they are buying their own building. It would be very easy to expose the truth to them, and the shock would hit them hard because it's a more personal thing. They won't get answers about it from the church so they would have to search the web.
# Thought provoking 2010-08-07 16:12
I agree that exposing the Ideal Org fraud would be good. All of the public and staff at SNC felt they were buying a building. I wonder now if they still have a mortgage. SFO had a big flap over that as well.
# Foremost 2010-08-06 11:38
1. There no single item, but the incessant pressure from all sides, be it IAS, Ideal Orgs, etc. to get every buck out of your pocketbook makes the #1 Spot.

2. Yes, many. a.) Having to have completed cycles re-checked/redone/retrain. b.) Heavy-handed blanket Requirements that every Scientologist now has to do ... c.) Services becoming way too costly. d.) General High Pressure Environment

3. IAS Event Crush Reg Cycles. Jason Beghe's video.

4. Specious urgencies presented, such as 9/11 being cause to sign up for more services. Full certainty that the bridge was no longer doable at Co$.

5. I don't know.

6. The Bridge can be done in the Freezone without breaking the bank.
+1 # Wayne Froemke, aka Safe 2010-08-06 12:44
1. The alterations and deletion of LRH works. RTC not guarding the tech like they claim.

2. All LRH works NOT attributed to "By L. Ron Hubbard" on his books anymore. I knew right then there was something clandestine going on and ethics were majorly out.

3. My knowledge reports would always end up running into a brick wall and I'd be sent to ethics for "criticism" because I was reporting about alter-is of tech.

4. Learning about the earlier suppressive takeover of the church by David Miscavige, realizing he's an SP, and spotting that church scientologists are fully, 100% PTS and unaware of it, and that nothing can be done to resolve the situation from within.

5. Prices for scientology services are too high.

6. The true story about David Miscavige's takeover (usurption) of the church, his insane abuses, and as a leader allowing or even CAUSING the squirreling and alter-is of LRH's works.
# Rob Thomas 2010-08-06 13:43
1. rolling stone article in 2006. it was sent by angela sharp to me in an email saying 'don't read this".

2. yes, hubbards dissem course bulletin where he says the greatest way to trap a thetan is mystery. i then knew why the ot levels were confidential.

3. i put together 33 questions based on the research i had done and Kathy True refused to even look at them.

4. that action by kathy true.

5. having to redo levels over. MONEY. too much time spent on course. life not getting any better even though they are spending the bulk of their life doing SCN.

6. that the bridge goes nowhere. that the data can be found elsewhere to help someone live a better life for pennies compared to what they invested.
# AppetiteOverTincup 2010-08-06 14:57
1. Hearing of Marty's interview in SP Times
2. Having two Scientologists turn up at my house questioning me after I enquired about the Synoposis in Dianetics. Flag taking money from my bank account (not Scn account) unsolicited.
3. Seeing Hayden James on the Independents list
4. I realised the man running the show was a 'Gordon Gekko'
5. Expense of Scientology
6. The lack of expansion and the Ideal Org buildings being out-LRH.
# Jimmy Rebel 2010-08-06 19:08
1. IAS and Ideal Orgs regging money with no exchange.
2. Friends broke with good jobs.
3. The Basics Regging.
4. The church had become criminal.
5. Out-Exchange Regging.
6. True current stats.
# Virgil Samms 2010-08-06 19:30
1. In 2006 I was being hammered to purchase the basics. All of OSAI and FB were off post regging like there was no tomorrow. I knew right then and there something was wrong because if that amount of effort were used to get people onto services, the orgs would be booming.
2. Every time I entered an org it seemed like death. It got worse through the 2000's where orgs were at their irriducible minimum. I been bitching about this for 20 years.
3.When the GAT came out I was outraged by the term Golden Age of Tech. I thought: "Youlittle pecker, calling Rons tech less that what you put together." I was really pissed. This was followed by more squirreling than I've seen in 39 years of being in Scientology and it was being perpetuated by RTC.
4. When I read all of the facts of DMs altering LRH tech. I can handle the beatings and the hole and all of that, just barely, but altering LRH is shooting material in my manual.
5.I have heard from on-lines Scientologists who disagree vehimently about IAS crush regging.
6. Actual delivery stats of the orgs individually and collectively over the last 15 years.
# Misha 2010-08-06 20:18
1. I left the Church because I considered it suppressive because I was not allowed to produce products of my post at Gold while everything I worked for was being systematically destroyed. I thought there were several WHOs, including myself, but for many years I considered ED Int as the most major WHO. After I left I started realizing that ED int is inadequate as the WHO and started searching for the WHO.
2. I also got in comm with several old friends, some of whom suggestted that I read Mart's blog and Steve's site.
3. I am not getting into the nightmare at Gold for many years. When already out for some years and still not understanding what the hell happened and why and who, I met with Mike Sutter and Hansuli Stahli and that was that. I found Mike to be basically psychotic: obsessively talking, not listening, totally shut off from any reason or observation, kind of hysterical, a total stranger to comm cycle, ARC, facts, etc. I realized that if I were fired on mission to handle the field, I would have seemed to be the same psycho as Mike. I asked myself WHY?
4. I was not able to produce my translations, TUs were destroyed to one degree or another, TU Int was gone, the scene was too suppressive to survive there so I walked off post and asked to be offloaded.
5. No data.
6. Most impinging in my eyes is out-tech which is, first of all, the alter-is of F/N and, second, GAT auditor training. A bit less impinging are stats. Stats are less impinging because they have been false, padded or manipulated for so long that who knows what to believe.
# Karen#1 2010-08-07 20:47
Dear Misha,

In reference to your comment about Mike Sutter acting psychotic, please read this posting by Dan Garvin, where Mike Sutter, in a room full of people offered to Kill for DM. (homicide)

# Obnosis 2010-08-06 22:11
1. Ultimately, leaving was my own decision because of not enough wins vs. the time and money invested. I decided I wasn't going to go further into debt to pay for auditing, and I was tired of spending my life in the Academy on a too-long-runway instead of living life, so I decided I would leave. Once I did, I then felt free to search the internet to hear opposing views. So I guess the single most important thing was that I was already not winning. I already had disagreements, was already unhappy, was already disaffected.

2. Various disagreements: how SO members live, including the 2D policies; the prohibitive cost of auditing; the way Scientologists are often so judgmental of others; the sterility of orgs, both current and "ideal" (no 5th dynamic); the Ideal Org pgm (having to have before you can do); how LRH is only portrayed as perfect when we know he was human; not being able to look at or do certain things I felt were not wrong (felt other-determined); the aberrated game condition with the psychs (LRH says numerous times in the Basics lectures that it's his own chosen arbitrary.); the general belief that all homosexuals are all 1.1; etc.

3. My withdrawal was very gradual, over a period of a decade really. First it was no longer volunteering, then not going to every single event and no longer donating every time I was asked, culminating in going to course but not being involved in any other way, knowing after I finished the course I was on that I was going to stop.

4. Like I said, the decision was my own. Once I decided to stop, I decided I would no longer be involved, and after I did stop and started reading the internet, what I found cemented it. Hearing Mike and Marty had left made me wonder why. I'd also noticed the absence of the various former Int Execs. Hearing Jenna Miscavage's story was an outpoint too. Later, when I first heard DM beat his staff, I didn't think a big deal of it, but when I heard it over and over from many former SO members, it became real to me. A big factor was hearing Dan Koon had left, because he was an opinion leader to me. After reading the blogs, understanding that fundraising for donos is off-policy. Learning the mis-implementation of GAT causing too long a runway. At my local org I experienced and witnessed numerous students get stuck on EM 22 and 25, some for months, some never finishing Pro Metering. Realizing after the Anderson Cooper show that the Church was flat out lying to protect itself. Seeing the way the "church" deals with those who disagree. I really had no idea Fair Game was alive and well.

5. A certified auditor being made to re-train. Being expected to jump every time one is asked (to go to an event, donate, whatever).

6. They need to know about all the high profile people who have already left: Mike and Marty, Dan Koon, the well-known publics like Sherry Katz, Mary Jo Levitt, Helmut Flasch, Helen Chen, David LaCroix. Anyone who's been around a while will recognize those names and others. That dono fundraising is not LRH! Not just that DM beats his staff and rules like a tyrant, but that a couple dozen (or more?) former Int staff say it! That the "church" has no succession plan and thus no one elected or appointed DM, he just seized power. That the church lies about membership levels and international stats.

P.S. For whatever reason, Marty's blog gets way more comments than this one. I think you would do well to have Marty put this survey on his blog.
# Kirsi 2010-08-07 01:45
1. The fact that I was out. Had abandoned the one activity most meaningful to me. How come? Made no sense.
2. No
3. My withdrawal of support began when routing out of the SO having spent the last 2.5 years in the RPF. Reasons for routing out were not clear but in essence followed a knowingness that something was awfully wrong with the activity - especially many long-time, dedicated staff had been humiliated and de-powered in front of this communion. That alone left me with an unhealing scar.
4. That it wasn´t possible to win in this activity - ARBITRARIES on LRH Tech and Admin "application" one could not keep track of.
5. I have no on-lines Scientologists on my lines, so no data.
6. The data on Miscavige gotten out widely as has been provided by Marty, Mike, Steve, Dan, the James´ gang, Amy et al.

Thanks for asking.
# Conny Lundberg 2010-08-07 04:23
This all takes place in Stockholm in Sweden.
1. That our Org never expanded during the years, but instead contracted. The looking was not deliberated but on the other hand could not be avoided.
2. Yes, the constant musical chairs in the Org, minor out-points that never seemed to really get handled. The shrinking of the Tech Staff.
3. Everything culminated, so to speak, with the havoc being created during the 80´s with Heavy Loans promoted by Flag Remote Registrars and FSM´s. When all this blew up in chaos no one at Executive Levels of the Church seemed to understand what had happened and no one applied Standard Tech and Ethics to handle the effect that this created on the Group. Some friends and I started to handle the charge this had created in the Group and we had great success. This convinced me even more that things really were wrong in the Church when the upper levels of the Church structure didn´t take responsibility for the Class V Org´s anymore.
4. When I and my wife wrote a report on 3´d partying being perpetuated by the Ed Stockholm Org and grossly inappropitiate conduct of the HES of the same Org. We were being handled as criminals and investigated by the Org and we never got any respons on the copy of the report that we sent to RTC.
5. The heavy crush regging! We do not have any recent experiences since we more or less broke contact with the Org since about 5 years ago and have a very limited contact with Churchies now.
6. That all the money they donate for great and noble causes are not at all used for any of that and also that all the propaganda for the release of OT 9 and 10 are false since there is nothing there to be delivered! I think that the money that they have donated ties them up to the Church and makes them not-is that anything is wrong since this realization would make them wrong. So, if it could be proven beyond reasonable doubt that their money is instead embezzled they would really blow up!!!
# Anonnymous 2010-08-07 08:45
1. I was a fully-hatted staff member who originated Clear, and was told that I couldn't get a CCRD until I had completed all lower grades.

2. Constant demands for money, musical chairs on posts, misrepresentation of staff member viability, Class VIII C/S who didn't know basic Book 1 tech, Admin interference with tech delivery

3. When my wife was a public on course and wrote a KR on the course sup over a repeated huge violation of basic study tech, and the EO called my wife in rather than investigate the sup.

4. My wife was about to comp a course and originated to me that she didn't want the full-court press reg cycle that she knew from experience she was about to get. She had a lot of stress at work, and wanted to take a break from course to apply what she'd learned so she could get work back under control. She was also thinking about applying for another job, and we'd need the money she had on account to move if she got it. As a staff member I knew exactly how to make all of that happen - she needed to apply for a repayment.

5. Out-tech academies, slow courses, non-delivery of what is promised, difficulty getting refunds/repayments, constant reg cycles, over-priced services, constant re-issue of materials that requires getting the "latest & greatest".

6. That the church is NOT exempt from US Federal child-labor laws, and is in violation of them constantly through the activities of the Sea Org.
# Anonnymous 2010-08-07 11:05
There was one other thing that happened which applies to #4. They happened at nearly the same time. This other thing was when a Class V auditor who had been on staff for 25 years (and whom I had a lot of respect for) received an SP Declare from an EO who had only been on staff for 6 months and hadn't completed his EO mini-hat. This same staff member was OT VIII, but somehow this EO who hadn't completed his mini-hat "discovered" an SP who had passed the OT VIII Ethics investigations on the FREEWINDS? I don't think so!
# Mark List 2010-08-07 09:01
1. When they stopped making auditors. The stat trend is downright treasonous.

2. The loss of practicing field auditors and groups.

3. After years of being thrown into ethics, declared, suspended from post, etc. for correcting the orgs towards training auditors who can audit I finally realized that the CSI did not want my services as a Class VIII, so I left the church.

4. The falsified stats and lack of actual numbers of auditors made.

5. All the above.

6. The actual numerical stats of Auditors Made.
+1 # Margaret 2010-08-07 09:24
1. Seeing Marty's video at St Petersburg Times, which also included your (Mike Rinder's) statements backing up what he was saying.

2. I also read Jeff Hawkins' Story ... that had an impact ... along with the more than a dozen other firsthand accounts. And learning that the standard LRH Bridge was being delivered outside the CoS made the decision to leave the CoS that much easier.

3. It was really the above. I've never left "Scientology, the subject". I could just no longer support the organization, having learned what Miscavige was really like behind closed doors. The crush reg'ing and people showing up at my house uninvited was certainly getting annoying, but I had (resistively) learned to manage it. There were plenty of things that I would have done differently in the CoS, but I had held out hope that the guy(s) at the top were at least rational and were simply trying to bring order to these outnesses that existed at various Orgs. Discovering what it was REALLY like at the top and that the insanity was EMANATING from the top -- that is what did it for me.

4. The sheer number of first hand accounts, especially the fact that they were right from you and Marty -- two guys that worked directly with Miscavige for decades.

5. #1 - Un-ending crush regging.
#2 - Un-ending crush recruiting.
#3 - Overall "stat pushing".
#4 - General misapplication or non-application of Scientology basics (ARC, KRC, gradients, etc.) by SO and staff.
#5 - General "ends justify the means" attitude, especially by SO.
#6 - Lies in PR and overall poorly managed PR (worsening after 2005).
#7 - Enforced Disconnection.
#8 - Lack of transparency of what was being done with CoS/IAS donations, and how major decisions were being reached by management.
#9 - Horror stories about the SO and from kids raised in the SO.

6. Miscavige's violence. Short of a video of Miscavige actually beating people ... more and more first-hand accounts from respected people at the top of the Org Board or internal Opinion Leaders, describing the destructive culture created by Miscavige and the violent behavior conducted by Miscavige.
# Wallflower 2010-08-07 12:03
Hope you don't mind that I state as a wog on why follow this story...

1. I stumbled across a video on LiveLeak about a picket with what I thought at the time was just a crazy lady spouting her own insanity at the protesters.
2. I found YouTube and Xenu.net and so much other info.
3. Thinking of ways to fight the abuses that I read about and saw on video "brought me in".
4. The fact that hate abuse of any kind drew my support to your cause.
5. I feel I'm lucky that I can't answer this one.
6. The whole thing is about money and power and not about helping people
# Thought provoking 2010-08-07 15:21
1. My aunt, a non-Scientologist told me she heard on the news that top executives said the leader was beating the employees. I searched the for articles so I could understand and handle her. Ie. dead agent the report.

2. Not really.

3. The Truth videos, seeing Marty speak I could see the truth was being told and the fact he took responsibility for his own overts too.

4. I immediately withdrew my support anonymously but I only did it publicly after spotting that I was in hiding and it restimmed the negative out ARC stuff I'd experienced while on staff. (The reason I left staff.) I decided it was more important to have my integrity in that to be safe. In coming out publicly, I've experienced no adverse effect as a result of it. But I sure do feel a lot better about myself.

5. The orgs are not thriving despite proclamations of expansion and have not been thriving for many many years. I left in '06 and at the time the Scientologists I was connected with were not talking about anything which might be construed as an upset. They were and I believe most still are mum about their upsets.

6. I am not sure what would make them break rank and actually look at facts provided. Getting them to look is the key obstacle. Many things already presented would affect them greatly. I think the top items are: FNs, IAS money not going to stated programs but filtered elsewhere, Heber (especially) and top execs being held captive and being treated inhumanely. I never met Debbie Cook but her influence on Flag public is huge. If she could confront telling what she knows that would have a big impact. Again, getting them to look is the biggest problem.
# Carol K. 2010-08-07 17:44
good job Mike here are my answers.
1. I started looking when LRH died. never did I believe DM was put in-charge.
2. treatment of staff and public these are not less important things but noticed.
3.Golden Age of bs
4. Golden age of tech
5. golden age of tech, basics, ias regging,constant calling, nagging, to much printed material, oh and for ethics handlings the regging of monies to get a lesser sentance!regging children for the SO, turning familes against each other, disconnection.
6.Many love Heber and want to know how he is being treated. From my experience some people are concerned with disconnection, some with RTC some with friends they had in the SO and what has happened with them. Again the treatment of Heber is important.
# DFB 2010-08-07 21:23
1: I've always read everything and looked on the internet. When I heard Marty and Mike and other higher-ups were speaking out that gave it a lot more weight.
2:Things just seemed wrong. Scientology as a group and on a personal level wasnt working anymore.
3:The allegations in the Truth Rundown turned the tide for me. Also, there was something in an event that I knew was faked. Events were really getting alot more phony and PR, but this was literally a flat out fraud/lie.
4:Theres so much. I think Marty's blog and all the data that comes out there and places like this site. Data on FN and instant reads alterations, GAT, Marty confirming that the EM9 film was messed up by Miscavige.
5:Having to buy all the new releases. Scientology has become a business that forces it's members to buy expensive lectures and books packages every year or so. Also IAS/Ideal Org reg events. Oh, a big one- NON DELIVERY AT CLASS V ORGS. I know people who just cant get decent delivery, auditing or anything at the local org.
6: If they knew IAS donations were not really funding what they think they are. That Ideal Orgs and pure donations are off policy. That Tech has been altered.
# Common Smith 2010-08-08 01:41
1. I looked around and saw that almost every wog was happier than me while I "supposedly" had the answers because I had been in Scientology and was on staff propulgating the "message".

2. The fact that at each event and staff meeting, I kept hearing "we're closer than ever" yada yada, and "these are the times" but I had heard that my whole life and the only thing they ever wanted was more money to achieve their aims.
3. I was personally threatened by higher up execs to produce and help the Church or else they would personally see to it that I was declared and would never see or hear from my friends or family again.

4. The fact that there was no such thing as OT IX and X. Also, that the slavery and mistreatment going on in Class V orgs was originated at the top.

5. Crush regging is the biggest. The fact that so many people are getting declared is a big one, too.

6. The fact that the "Church" controls their family and friends and at the drop of a dime, they can remove their entire social life as they know it if they so choose. Who wants to put their faith into an ethereal social life with fake promises of becoming a god and saving the universe??
# Lise 2010-08-08 03:32
1. The disappearance of Mike Rinder

2.Things just not matching up, suspicion of stats being made up at International events.

3.My Comm Ev and nn accumulation of little things with the final realization that the Bridge was squirrel

4. The Truth Rundown, scientology-cult and Marty Rathbun's blog.

5. Regging and donating money and not getting what was promised in regards to Bridge actions.

6. David Miscavige beats his staff and the redefining of a Floating Needle
# Li Po 2010-08-08 04:40
1. The Truth Rundown (SP times) with Marty's declarations on the violences at Int base.
2. Years after years of degradations and alterisness of tech, ethics and admin inside the Church.
3. Having constantly to handle squirrel ethics cycle on myself and others, as well as numerous outpoints observed ("Ideal Orgs" strategy, donations pushed instead of honest delivery, accent on Status, lies instead of PR, tech degrades, all this indicated something very,very wrong at the top).
4. OSA being totally unable to answer my questions with FACTS (real stats, etc)
5. Constant push on donations, harsh ethics handlings on OTs and publics.
6.Showing how much the tech has been squirreled (Friendsoflrh should be more active, or another similar website or section of scientolofy-cult created). More data and testimonals on the human rights violations perpetrated by david Miscavige.
# mina bobi 2010-08-08 07:54
1 GAT "the blind leading the blind" I was in shock
2 Bad ethics handlings, out tech, my life not getting better
3 the church trying to control every aspect of my life, they wanted to know How much money I have, how many bank accounts i have, if i have a mortage, wich credit cards I have, etc etc
4 Looking in the web that LRH died with a drug injected in his body
5 IAS regging, prices to high, ideal orgs regging, overruns,do the same levels again and again.
6 The truth about LRH dead, I told some friends about it and they look on the web and they were in completely shock, and they are no more in church's lines.
Also they way DM expending the parishioners money
# TL Lets Look 2010-08-08 08:40
1. "...to START the process of LOOKING to find the truth about the Church of Micavige?"
Discovering the deception involving 9/11/01 was the basic on the chain of STARTING to LOOK at CoM. (Remember...It is forbidden to look at entheta sites by the CoM.)
2. After being a chump about the official 9/11 story, I opened my eyes to all the outnesses which I had personally observed during my 30 years in Scientology. (e.g. GAT, The Basics Books, the KTL-LOC definition of 2-D, destruction of PL's/HCOB's, friends being 'declared', etc.)
3. The recognition of the 9/11 lie led me to LOOKING at websites about Scientology such as Tampabay, Friends of LRH, forums, etc. which validated my own knowingness.
4. The reaffirmation of my knowingness in seeing others who also noted the CoM outnesses.
5. Crush regging, the release of The Basics, enforced 3-D contributions, nasty evaluations/invalidations of people who do not agree.
6. The redefinition of F/N.

Primary Barrier: The primary barrier in getting current Scientologists to LOOK at how the church has been hijacked is the prohibition by CoM to look at this information. Must not look.

My contention is that the best way to get current Scientologists to eventually look at the CoM hijacking is to 'present something which they CAN LOOK at' (such as 9/11). It is like a pc... give him something which he can confront. Current church members are not allowed to confront the deceptions of CoM, but they are allowed to look at other deceptions.
# TL Lets Look 2010-08-09 21:37
- DATA SERIES - http://www.friendsoflrh.org/Section2/

You can safely say that 'being reasonable' is a symptom of being unable to recognize outpoints for what they are and use them to discover actual situations. Data Series 30

Their confront of evil isn't up to it — basically, their confront of outpoints. Data Series 43RA

To relieve the discomfort they distort their own observation by not-ising the outpoint and concluding something else. Data Series 7

For me, it took being able to confront that the 3 World Trade Centers were blown up, before I could confront bypassing the Church's taboo of being able to thoroughly look at anti-scientology threads.
# Les Warren 2010-08-08 10:59
1. Being attacked and even given a comm ev for writing KRs on obvious out-tech points.

2. Very out ARC ethics terminals at Flag, Tampa and ASHO.
Sec checking when there was no justice action in progress.
My wife spending $100,000 at Flag being totally BI's and RTC refusing to do a folder review, then having the Dof P at Flag tell me it was all her fault because she had overts.
Incessent regging.
Obvious false stats being spewed by DM at events.
Tampa org blowing off my new selectees with gross out ARC regging.
Friends who are wonderful class VIIIs being declared or Dead Filed. This outpoint list has hundreds more items.

3.When I finally pulled the string on my wife's auditing and found out she had spent hundreds of hours on Rudiments and had over 500 bypassed F/Ns in her auditing at Flag. I already knew they attacked you for writing up out-tech at Flag, so I decided that I was finished with them. Told the reg no more money until they cleaned up their out-tech... he never called back.
Up to this point we had no idea that good tech was available in the freezone.

4. When I did my doubt formula fully and honestly and realized that Flag, ASHO, AOLA and RTC were 100% a squirrel group. And I realized that the squirreling was knowing and deliberate and was not going to stop.

5. Incessent regging, controlling and manipulative, too much money, no wins.

6. Specific false stats spewed by DM. Actual WDAHs, Actual # of auditors trained and auditing, # of class VIIIs made in the last 15 years vs # declared by DM, etc etc

Honestly Mike, I could write a full novel on the number of violations of basic LRH that have been perpetrated in the church of miscavology.
Les Warren
# Songbird 2010-08-08 15:54
1. Unbelievably gross out tech at Flag in 2001 which led to the utter destruction of my family and finances, which continued unabated despite my carefully-written KR's (I'm a trained auditor and no fool.) I actually thought if I kept writing things up, things would change. Hah!
2. I knew that fund-raising for Ideal Orgs was completely off policy but nobody in my circle of acquaintances seemed to care except me, which made dig into the internet so that maybe, just maybe, I could find somebody else who noticed that same outpoints as I did.
3. I was told on the phone that I may not be Clear and that was the WHY for my upsets. I vowed never to go back to Flag after that. I did, however, buy the Congresses and realized that many of the things the old man had said therein corroborated my suspicions.
4. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I read and saw the SP Times videos but only AFTER Tommy Davis FREAKED out and said Marty was the one who had committed these outlandishly violent crimes (which Marty had already admitted to). It was SOOOOOOOO OUT PR I couldn't believe it. Talk about forwarding the enemy line! It was then I KNEW that everything that Marty and other whistle-blowers said was true and that out tech was as common as house flies in the C of S.
5. I had several close friends who, after getting as far as OTV and OTVII, were made to re-do their entire Bridge. After that, their bad indicators toward life and livingness were proof enough for me that there was some SERIOUS ARBITRARY out tech. I knew then that I had made the correct decision to stay the hell away from the squirrels at Flag.
6. I think if my current on line Scientologist friends and (sadly) ex-friends knew about the alteration of the tech, especially about changing the definition of the F/N, that this would rock their world enough to look more and all of the other HUGE outpoints.

Thanks for the survey, Mike. It's pure genius.

# veritas 2010-08-08 17:54
1. Noticed sycophancy (excessive flattering and "care") to people who had a lot of money, as if this made them valuable. No response by RTC to standardly submitted KRs about confirmed lies & intentional fraud committed on a new pubic by 2 publics

2. a. Low hygiene berthing and duress conditions for staff, particularly my auditor and others I respected.
b. Not allowing staff and public to really be and own the space they were in (with ostentacious MEST worship).
c. Frequent post changes, staff terminals were easily bypassed, even when they appeared to be doing well on post. (Being "hit" out of the blue making it seem there was no way to control and protect a post.)
d. Staff & public appearing under duress and shut down their own personal integrity for "the cause" (which was off purpose anyway, and became regging)
e. "group think" and suspicions sown to undermine true, lasting friendships based on personal observation and confidence in Scientology training (to observe!)

3. Being told that the OTs who committed fraud on someone would "get theirs" by having to pay for more sec checking -- as if this shuld make me happy and would be justice and consolation of my concerns. It became apparent there was no comprehension of true justice, standard tech, and a whole other game was being played.

4. Watching a DVD where David Miscavige announced to an auditorium of clapping seals that they had not understood anything they had read in LRH books for the past two decades, and that he had "fixed" LRHs books. I then knew something more really really wrong.

5. a. Being called by orgs for "emergency meetings" and when the person shows up (at CC Int for example) the reason turns out to be some reg cycle and hardball fundraising ( chauffeurs and assistants witness celebrities complaining about it)
b. repeated phone regging
c. insincere ARC for stat-based agendas
d. painting the environment as a dangerous evil place, therefore needing more money
e. delays on actually delivery of the Grade Chart.

6. a. There are not exponentially more (nor as many) people doing the Bridge today as 15 years ago.
b. Number of people who have left. Number of "good hats" and clearly social personalities who suddenly were declared "SP".
All that glitters is not theta.
# Anonymous 2010-08-08 18:14
1. Being told that the books published under LRH's direction were "out-tech," that I would have to buy another entire set of books, destroy my old books and start all over again reading the books. This is was "command intention" and that I was expected to purchase these books on an immediate basis. The combination of this action plus constant regging, visits and even threats of being declared if I did not "comply" with command intention.

2. These were not less important, but subsequent, and in no particular order. A 25 year plus veteran Sea Org member that I knew, respected and utterly trusted suddenly routed out of the Sea Org. He never said why except he wanted to be near family. Shortly after that I found out that Mike Rinder had also left. And Marty Rathbun. And several other long term Sea Org members for whom I had tremendous respect and trust. Attendance at events become mandatory - no longer an option. I cross flowed three ethics cycles in a row that were utterly insane. CLO WUS executives showed up at my door to enforce compliance on buying books, essentially attempting to order me to purchase them. My Clear status was revoked, I was not informed that it was, was told I was doing a "special action" instead, and I was not allowed to leave until the special action, which was really just NED auditing was done. I was not given a choice. I was not given an option to leave or to ensure that my finances could support this additional and, in my opinion, unnecessary action. Trey Lotz was declared. Geir Isene quit.

3. See above

4. See above

5. a) Constant regging for books, ideal org, etc. b) Mandatory six months checks on OT7s c) Denigration of LRH's original books and materials d) Mandatory events, meetings, interviews e) Poor and/or cruel treatment of Sea Org staff f) Lies about statistics g) Unjust actions with no proper ethics gradients, no comm ev, and utterly crazy ethics cycles, particularly that invade one's personal life.

6. The number of highly trained and respected auditors that have been declared suppressive and/or who have left the Church in disagreement, especially those trained personally by LRH. The lies about the circumstances surrounding LRH's death. The opulence of David Miscaviges living and working conditions compared to other staff members and particularly in view of the amount of money being demanded for services and donations. The number of OTs that have either been declared or have left the Church. The true technical degrade perpetrated by David Miscavige as outlined on the website Friends of LRH.
# Independent Scientologist 2010-08-08 18:41
1. I was told point blank that it would not be a good idea to allow me onto the OT levels because my wife - a highly-productive Class VIII staff staff auditor - had voiced concerns to me about GAT and the Ideal Org campaign. I was told that she needed to be "handled" for having such thoughts.

2. The crush regging I was subjected to, that made me feel like I had to buy my way onto my OT levels (extortion).

3. What turned the tide for me was that my wife called me up one morning and said "we need to talk." And she proceeded to spend about 2 hours briefing me on what she had discovered, after which I spent about 2 days on the Internet reading about Scientology.

4. The facts and figures that cemented it for me were those shown on the website "Friends of LRH."

5. The crush regging. The alteration of the tech.

6. How worldwide stats have been crashing, even though we are told at event after event that Scientology is experiencing unprecedented expansion.
+1 # Tony DePhillips 2010-08-08 22:07
1. My experience on solo nots were painful and I guess that primed the pump to be willing to look. Then I saw the Truth Rundown and it was all over.
2.they all meant alot to me. I didn't know any of this shit was really even going on until I looked at the internet. I will list some of the yop ones not necessarily in order.
a. Personal loss on OT7 and huge waste of my hard earned money.
B. The abuse of veteran Sea Org members.
C.The disconnection policy
D. Not being free to communicate tot he church without reprisals.
E. The incompetence of church management
3. The never ending sec checks on OT7 and never feeling that I would ever finish it and the feeling that they felt I was an enemy to them. This coupled with the long term mis-management I had seen through the 30 years I was involved.
4. When i saw the Truth Rundown.
5.constant regging for money. IAS creating a dangerous environment. The churches not delivering. The gross mismanagement of the church. always a "new" thing that will save the day but doesn't. Constant selling of the basics and getting people to buy more thatn they really need.
6.DM wasting money. I dont think people will believe that he hits people, but if it could be proved then it really would. DM is altering the tech and stopping scientology from actually working. No financial transparancy. It would impinge if the people on lines knew the AMOUNT of destroyed comm lines through incorrect disconnection.
# John Doe 2010-08-09 01:31
1. I received Geir Isene's doubt formula by email. Written logically, without a lot of bitterness or drama. Made me willing to look on the internet.

2. Finding out that Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Dan Koon, Sherry Katz and others had left. I know all these people and have a great deal of respect for them.

3. Seeing the church careening off the rails, with crush regging, basics throat shove, elevation of IAS above technical delivery. Also a loooong history of seeing injustices dished out continuously while on staff.

4. Hearing about how Miscavaige was living like a king and wasting parishioners donation on PIs and such. People will be suffering for years trying to pay down debt incurred on those donations the IAS extracted from them.

5. First and foremost: Extortion practices by the IAS to take every last dime from parishioners, to the detriment of them having any money left over to pay basic bills let alone do expensive services.

6. Fraudulent and specious reasons Super Power and OT 9 and 10 haven't been released and, according to recent blog postings, 9 and 10 never will be.
# Ex-GEM 2010-08-09 13:33
1. Tom Davis' lies.

2. The lies of the execs in AC 360 - quite sad.

3. Irrational behavior toward me and other staff in my Gold S.O. div on the part of our div head.

4. The lies, the crimes and the human rights abuses.

5. I don't know.

6. Describe the real scene to them in detail then give them their item.

You can simply number your answers 1-6, no need to repeat the questions.
# Andrew 2010-08-09 14:13
1. The very public defection of Jason Beghe and Paul Haggis.

2. Personal experiences, observed outpoints, etc.

3. Jeff Hawkins' story as told on his Counterfeit Dreams blog and as corroborated by the number of ex-int staff members speaking out.

4. Finally, openly comparing notes with my spouse.

5. The cost of services; The Basics and the implication invalidation of Source (i.e. Ron never noticed the books were wrong); The oppressive and dunderheaded micromanagement that WISE perpetrates vis a vis MAKH.

6. The rampant abuse in the SO and Miscavige's lavish lifestyle compared to the abuse other SO members face. Who watches the watchmen?
# freespirit 2010-08-10 12:31
1. I decided to use the Internet and see what was written about it on the information highway. I was curious to see Scientology on the internet and stumbled on all sorts of stuff. When I read the Jesse Prince tapes that did it for me. Even thought I was out for a while, I was not aware of all the stuff that had been going on.
2. No.
3. For me it was the way I was handled that prompted me to blow and then come back and route out. It was that brutal realization that I was a non-person. I was a producer,but not a human being. There were many instances where I disagreed with orders or actions that I saw on myself and others. There was an accumulation of these, and eventually I ust exploded.
4. Ultimately when I read about how DM viciously bullied MSH into turning over rights to LRH's estate to DM. It was demonic.At that moment I realized the man had no boundaries and would stop at nothing to get his way.
5. (a) The continual onslaught of regging for everything else but Bridge. (b) the incredible expense $30,000 to stay on OT 7 every year. (c) the financial drain of maintaining an acceptable level of status with the church (d) the fear of being forced to disconnect from those they love if they come out and express themselves publicly (e) making it up to OT 7 and then being told one was never Clear and spending $150,000 to redo grades only to get to Grade 1 at Flag. That one put a couple of people I know right over the edge.
6. What REALLY goes on in the inner sanctum of Scientology. The abuses and disregard and contempt that is held to other staff and public. What is really done with their donations; exactly how DM perverted the tech. The "Truth About Scientology". What DM really thinks about specific terminals in Scientology. Each of these persons should be given an R-factor via email, or letters or whatever.
# Rory Medford 2010-08-11 11:00
#1 The lack of ARC and the robotic feel you got when you walked into an org was enough for me. They barely said hello and EVERYONE became a REG!!! They lost the most important element in SCN "Caring about the person in front of you" If you were not donating to the cause you were cast aside and looked at as a piece of shit

2. The above will do

3. Accumulation and I really opened my eyes and i did not like the way I FELT anymore

4. I decided to withdraw when it became really real to me the entire library donos, IAS funding and all the other fundraisers overtook the real purpose and that was to help people with DN and Scn. Scn became and is a fundraising machine, its quite comical and disgusting at the same time

5. The constant crush REGGING and lack of regard for the being and the over the top attack on its critics and the disconnection policy

6. Miscaviages real motives and intentions and what he does with their money. That will hit home the most when they see how he spends sooooo much money on PI's, attorneys and his personal luxury lifestyle and the fact he doesnt even do SCN anymore himself. He abuses his staff and he is really 1.1, he puts on quite a show for the public but its ALL FAKE and PHONY. He will be cast aside himself someday and hopefully very soon
# Me 2010-08-11 23:08
1. I was wondering one day what ever happened to Mary Sue was shocked at what I found out. I started hitting the links.
2. I wondered why I didn't want to be involved in Church activities or answer phone calls. I just went to do services when I was ready to over the years and found myself avoiding the church otherwise. It was a nagging feeling that something was just not right. But I had a busy life and really never stopped to find out.
3. A few things stuck with me as outpoints over the years:
A. When I finished OT V, I wrote my success story. The reg looked at me with a concerned looked and said...aren't you going to thank RTC? I was shocked! She died about a year later.
B. I hated going to events. After I finished staff in 1989, I think I only went to two events and they were painful.
C. I had to give references to the Sup on my Solo courses (GAT) insisting that I could use buttons when running ruds because I was trained on doing so. When I showed him the references and would not back down, he backed off and let me use them.
D. My first time at Flag I went to the IAS reg on the routing in form. He told me that anyone on OT VII had to become (something) that cost $50,000.00. I said were is the LRH reference on that? He gave me this reference and I turned to the last page. I handed it back to him and in a loud voice said, This is not LRH. If I had $50,000. I would put it on the Bridge! He said.. Giving to the IAS is more important than doing OT VII. I said in a loud voice,.. What are you talking about! I want to see Qual! There were people around being reg'd and another reg came over and pulled me aside. He got in comm with me and put in a lot of ARC and then agreed that it was not LRH and that what the other reg said was only his opinion. I still went to see Qual, I was pissed!
E. When I was at Flag, I was asked a question to see if I was really Clear. I answered it and was sent to Qual. She gave me sections of references to read and basically told me I had to finish NED. I went into auditing and my poor auditor was always trying not to show that she had a bad cold. Running NED again was hard to do this time around. I had to say, once and a while, that my needle was floating to the auditor because she kept looking at the needle and waiting. After I gave the EP that they were looking for, I got some clean up because I was OT V. While this was all going on, I was being reg'd by everyone for the Basics, even when I was eating. I would be in the HGC waiting for my auditor and I would be told I needed to be in the Basic Course Room doing the Basics while I was waiting for session. I would always have to say, I don't want to do the Basics, I already read the books on my Auditing Levels and when I did the BC up to Level D, I read the books in order. That did not handle it, I finally said I don't want to... then the Whys? started. Then I would have to say, I am not going to List on it, I don't know Why!
When got home, I was sicker than a Dog for a month. Someone told me I should go back to Flag and get handle. I said, are you kidding me, if I go back, I am going to get kicked out before I finish even routing in. I can't go back, I will just destimulate.
F. I finally figured out that the question that was asked was not the right question to ask to get the right answer. The answer I gave was the correct answer and I was Clear. No wonder I got sick, I was thrown right back in.
4. That the Tech had been altered to Control others, not help.
5. Disagreement with 6 month checks on Solo Nots.
Disagreements with GAT.
Disagreements with giving donations for Ideal Orgs.
6. I think that would depend on the person. Auditor, Admin person, OT, Staff Member would all have their own #1 fact.
What I do think is that these sites are not Public Friendly. Subjects with people's names are written with the expectation that everyone knows who these people are. Example: there are video's on this site with PI's chasing somebody and it never says why. Who are these people and why are the PI's watching them? It would be nice to know. Seems like they are more Ex SO or Staff friendly. IMO.

Hope this helps!
# Do Dirds Fly? 2010-08-11 23:09
1. Other friends who are also Scientologists.

2. Just the constant crap I would hear about in the media... some of it rang true.

3. For me, it was an accumulation of getting more friends who were telling their stories of discontent with the way the church is operating these days.

4. The times articles with Marty, Mike, Amy and Tom last year.

5. Marty's Blog, Sp times articles, friendsofLRH.org, Scientology-cult.com, you tube exposure... not necessarily in that order although Marty's blog is definitely number one among my list of "on=line" scientologists.

6. Alteration of the tech. It seems to me all else can easily be justified, but when you have swallowed the tech hook, line and sinker, then alteration of it would put you in front of a firing squad. Especially the bigger items like the redefinition of the FN
# Dean Blair 2010-08-12 01:55
1. Two years ago I had decided to get back on the bridge. I put down a couple thousand dollars for my next course. Then I heard that all of the books and tapes were re-released and all "corrected" and I was being pushed to buy the whole "new and improved LRH library". I knew right then and there that something was screwed up because I had already read all the books and listened to most of the tapes and there was not any reason to "re-release" the tech. I was a class 9 CS and auditor and we had nothing but wins and successes using the original books and tapes.
2. The SO cancelled family time when I was in and made it impossible for parents to be parents to their children. Even tho both myself and wife were delivering NOTS week after week at AOLA we were denied liberties, vacations, family time, our weekly allowance, decent food, and were generally treated like s***. I left in 1991 and my wife left two years later.
3. See number 2 above.
4. I started to read what others were saying on the internet. I watched the video interviews given by Marty, Mike, Amy, Jeff, and many others. I then read stories by ex-SO and eventually bought some books written by ex SO and ex-Scientologists. (Blown for Good, My Billion Year Contract, Abuse at the Top, The road to Xenu, etc and was no longer in doubt. I have since informed many others of these readily available references and have gotten them out as well.
5. a.The cost of doing Scientology
b.All of the damned events.
c.For staff it is as I had earlier mentioned:No liberties, No vacations, Not being allowed to visit relatives, No pay, No food, No health care, No love from seniors despite the fact that you are working your ass off with no rewards of any value whatsoever.
d.Failure to apply standard policy and when you bring it to someones attention, you are considered "disaffected" or worse and you quickly learn to keep your mouth shut or what was already really bad, would get much much worse.
6. The fact that DM took over in a coup and that not LRH or anyone else ever gave him the position he now has. He never even finished high school for God's sake and he was certainly never an auditor.
# Pericles 2010-08-14 13:56
By 1975 DM was a Provisional Class IV auditor, drilled but never audited anyone. He has declared himself as a "wanna be auditor and C/S"
# Nightmares Getting Less 2010-08-14 17:25
1. Reading the morning newspaper last summer (09) and seeing an AP wire pick up that DM beats his staff- that led me to Tampa Bay.com and the various vu=ideo's and "voila"!.

2. Yes, various E/Ses, a gang bang meterd Interview and a horrible RTC Experience years before led me to eon's years of Apathy and the desire to have nothing to do with DM led Mangemnt this LT.

3. Accumulation of things. Ultimately once the SP Times article came out, this then led to hundred's hours of Internet
research of 3 maybe 4 trusted websites. I also knew peronally these whistle bowers that came forth and knew they were not lying.

4. The Dono push was the step that took me over the edge. The constant stat push phone calls, the fact that these pushes never mentioned the bridge, led me to be convinced that Scn had gone insane.

5. Bridge/Grade Chart defamation by DM and gearing it all towards $$$$.

6. The C of M becoming something so far and beyong what I knew it once to be. Nada I am done, want nothing to do with it. Call me when he is gone and it is truley reformed as LRH would want it.
# hadley 2010-08-15 09:21
1)When I noticed the behaviour at Flag with Dm arriving and his brass and staretd to fire people out of Div 6 and demand our pgotgraphs were taken.
2)Pressure beyond beleif on the reg linesand the treatement related to tech people getting sent to RPF ( appeared to me to be very odd) removing any one that was UPSTAT
3)Majorily Guardian office and Flag land base DM's instructions to Heber Jentzh with threats and hrs and hrs of sec checks and invalidating Tech Lines.
4)read many websites, started with Indept in 1981 and tried to give proper data in regards to the sit from the church and let people make up their minds, and ensured they had a place outside the church to go
5)A)Prices within the church.
B)Hidden data line as to exactly what is going on in the church and outside rumours spread what is facts and what is Not, more unknown.I noticed a lot of mixed feelings on websites including suppression to whats happening with the church (which was all ours)
^) The truth will be hard to known but it should be and DM removed no matter what.
Concern as to what happens to the church when DM finally sucombs he goes!! Its vital to all Scientologist active and intrested in improvement in oneself and for others /mankind.
+1 # Synthia 2010-08-15 21:36
1. As a staff member, I was very concerned about the condition of the planet and the various powers that be attempting to completely enslave mankind and bring the world to a totalitarian, one world police state. I thought Scientology was the answer to that but it became more and more apparent to me that no one in the positions I would turn to for answers about this gave a crap about it and it was all about the money. The fact that the CO OSA spent most of his time regging for the IAS and was often off post and the few others underneath him were also regging for the IAS, I could see that they weren't on the comm lines of the world addressing the evils I felt necessary. This started me questioning as I couldn't get any answers. I started to feel like a sleazy, greedy non-caring salesperson after awhile and I would get somatics in my head and stomach everyday due to having to reg when I thought it was wrong.

2. It's always bothered me that confidentiality was not honored. This was true in my org too. Also, I felt that the FSO had gone completely off policy and rogue and it seemed like it was going to be like having to get through the eye of a needle to go OT and I didn't want to end up being like those who conformed anyway.

3. It was an accumulation of a lot of things but none of them were ever bad enough for me to feel totally justified in saying, "enough!" until the Basics came out. That's when crim registration took on a whole new attitude.

4. DM beating staff. The St. Pete Times videos from Amy, Steve, Marty etc. The Maureen Bolstad vid from Feb 2010 was also HUGE for me. Also, the Freedom Mag David Miscavige at the Helm was the actual first key piece that made me feel justified in continuing to look.

5. Lack of freedom to speak freely.
Too much registration and complaints about the way the registration is now being done.
I have words like, "At Flag, it's full court press on the registration for donos." "It's painful." "I feel sorry for anyone who has money when they go to Flag." "It's brutal." I could list many more and will if needed.
Staff being turned into telemarketers or being pulled off post or not even knowing what their actual post is anymore as it's all about meeting dono quotas.
Not being able to pay for Bridge or not being talked to and personally cared for on an individual basis because the concentration is on straight donos.

6. If there was REALLY a verifiable, well put together list of DMs extravagances with parishioners monies that was well documented and could not be explained away. Money talks. I was appalled by the beatings and abuse, quite frankly I am appalled that others are not as I was but I think if ya hit people where it hurts, in the wallet, it WILL impinge. At least it will be the place to open the door to getting them to confront the other stuff and sooner or later they will be disgusted by that too.
+1 # TL Lets Look 2010-08-17 07:25
"...I was very concerned about the condition of the planet and the various powers that be attempting to completely enslave mankind...." --Synthia

I hear ya! I know exactly what you are saying.

David Miscavige can NOT reveal nor allow to be disclosed some of the major cover-ups and covert actions going on with the 4th Dynamic.
He can not let people know about things like Operation Northwoods, The Federal Reserve system, the IMF and World Bank subterfuge, the 9/11 cover-up, the Federal court case of MLK's death, etc.

If members of the Church started to research these many undisclosed, proven, 4th Dynamic criminal activities in society, then Church members would START to LOOK at the hidden crimes of Miscavige.

David Miscavige must intentionally suppress the awareness of 4th Dynamic threats in order to thwart Scientologists from researching his own crimes.

David Miscavige purposefully dumbs down people so that they won't become more aware of his crimes. Miscavige has to hide major criminal activity in society in order to keep people from seeing his own crimes.
+1 # Synthia 2010-08-17 21:42
TL Lets Look, I would very much like to talk to you more on this subject. Thanks for the duplication. That felt very good! :)
# TL Lets Look 2010-08-22 03:19
Synthia, Like you I am always thrilled to find others who are aware of what is going on with the 4th Dynamic.
(e.g. http://www.ae911truth.org/ )

We haven't lost site of our purposes to better conditions and become more aware across the dynamics.
I am still very much active in trying to better 4th Dynamic awareness.
# Tara 2010-08-16 09:35
1. Our mission being asked to help Kirsten stalk a young S.O. member who'd left Los Angeles to go home to her family in New Orleans and did not want to go back. Awareness that my group flew people from far away to harass members who wanted to leave or quit. No church or group I ever heard of or especially been a part of would try to force a member to stay or come back against their will. That was the 1st time I became aware of any such thing happening in CofS; I was sheltered and naive before that.
2. Mission holders threatening me that I better go to CA to get audited at their other mission (Ventura) because I obviously wasn't a product of Miami Org, after a huge FPRD and ethics cycle there. So an untrained OT7 and OT8, my seniors, invalidating senior tech trained people at Miami Org that I respected and admired. The OT8 calling me vulgar names in this process, yet I'm the highest trained auditor and C/S on staff.
Same OTs/mission holders calling my dear friend, on OT7 who'd left to join the S.O. nasty names, degrading her, trying to convince the few execs we had how she was a piece of shit.
Same OTs/mission holders going through PC Pre-OT folders telling me what to C/S people for and how we were going to get the money for that. Directly conflicting with LRH C/Sing policies I'd recently trained on.
3.OT7 mission holder berating and degrading me over phone for my confessions, which had been told to her over the phone by Bill Yaude (who was doing the C/S that the mission holders wanted done) and/or my auditor, Wayne.
I blew from Ventura and went home to Baton Rouge and never went back to the mission again (except once to try to get a Com Ev, where I was told by my long time best friend, "I don't want to do a Com Ev; I just want you declared."
4. See #3
5. No data since 1999.
6. a) Since I live in the Bible Belt particularly, if members knew the CofM employs Elliot Abelson who has represented pornographers and is quite proud of it - big blow.
b) The people I used to know also wouldn't like how people are stalked, coerced, harassed to come back against their will. Not from the point of anti-Scn but just the point of letting you make your own decisions and quit if you want to, no matter what the reason is.
c) That Floating Needle definition has been altered therefore metering in the CofM is wrong, which messes up cases. Most of their case problems they feel are from themselves ARE NOT SO. It's the bad metering, not them!
# Tara 2010-08-20 00:23
Every time a mission of any sort is sent out to harass someone, I should write a little blurb for the local papers. Something like Church of Scn. Int. in Los Angeles comes to Lafayette, La. to convince local member to return. Still thinking this one through...
# LivesWell 2010-08-17 07:57
1. The 'wicked witch of the west" comment and display pic from the Wizard of OZ re:Elizabeth,NJ at the war is over announcement, made me wonder what DM did to shift from Heber's "the IRS, and They DO" (rockslam) point of view.
2.Next way the "Rocky Mountain High" ref. DM made, "and they are/were" belittling, inferred all pre-Dm-er were n/g but pot-heads, suppose to be funny? 3.Next, on S/Ns total reversal of confidential ref. if run as written would really mess being up, "DM" at the bottom of the second page. That I querried to supe.
4. First the wipe out of the MSN holders, Finally, "just do the drill"
no conceptual understanding required, just "do the drill" on GAT. total robotism, done!
5. The "new" books? the constant reg cycles, not worth the enturbulation of being "there", on lines. "There is something terribly wrong with the current Management".
6. DM is NOT source. The whole of LRH's legacy is not "based on the works of.." or composed of acceptable truths.
LRH is Source, He gave us the tools to learn and apply Scientology, had Qual and Ethics to ensure KSW was IN.
# ceestr8 2010-08-19 11:43
1. I saw Marty and Mike Rinder on the news and that they had been outed from the Church. In that they come forward about the abuses shook my viewpoint sufficiently to really wake up.

2. …Then I read the series of articles in the St Pete Times and became a frequent visitor to Marty’s blog.

3. I once expressed disagreement about the Ideal Org effort and was called in for a metered ethics interview. I then realized there were no safe terminals in Scientology and that I was not free to express my opinion on matters that conflicted with Command Intention. The result was that I gradually removed myself from any and all contact with the church and Scientologists.

4. Tommy Davis’s obvious cover-ups and lies (he is the worst spokesman I have ever seen of any group); and the x-wives’ transparency and outright cruelty as displayed on the AC360 interviews was the final straw. During this time period I requested that my name be removed from all church mailing lists and was truly and utterly finished with the C of S. Today, I could care less about the church and what they think of me.

5. I can suspect, but honestly I’m not sure since I haven’t been in comm with on-lines Scientologist for sometime.

6. That DM is using IAS monies donated to finance his lavish lifestyle. That the news reported at Scientology events is often fabricated, or at best exaggerated. And, I think if Heber were to leave and speak out about his personal experiences and knowledge of DM it would bring the house down; he is such a well-loved personality who could possibly deny his motives?
# Michael Brown 2010-08-20 01:25
1. Your first point assumes knowledge of the reader that they almost certainly don't have. One would need to be able to put together memories of what happened in an event 17 years ago with a point of view presumably once expressed by Heber Jentszch.

2. The same goes for the second point. I can't imagine who or what S/N might be.

3. Point three is missing, but fine.

4. I can follow this one. I'm pretty sure the MSN holders you refer to were the mission holders wiped out in the early eighties. In general, try not to use unfamiliar abbreviations unless they have already been defined earlier in the text. Consider the likely knowledge of your readers a little more.

5. Fine.

6. The grammar in the last sentence is off, but OK. I also don't personally think those would be the points that, as stated, would break through to current Scientologists.
# Chuck Beatty 2010-08-22 13:20
1. What was the single most important thing that caused you to start the process of looking to find the truth about the Church of Micavige?

Phone call from Jeff Hawkins, in Oct 2005. Jeff had recently blown, had read some of my posts where I was basically apologizing and rationalizing DM's abusive behavior.

Jeff, who've I have known since I met him in 1976 when I first joined the Sea Org, he was good friends with my first wife Ann Beatty (she used to be be CS 3 and FBO Flag for a number of years on the ship).

Jeff said things were SO MUCH worse in recent years.

More and more people started contacting me, since in 2004, 2005, there weren't nearly as many ex Sea Org people who'd been at Int posting with their names online, and I was only really in the "visitor" class of being an ex Int Base staffer. I knew the people, I know all main people, like Mike I've known since 1976ish also, when I first joined the Sea Org at the FLB (I joined technically Dec 75).

Since I was doing the most blabbing on the chat sites that was spreading the news more and more about the violence, this was now 2006ish, if anyone wants to see how this whole leaking of the violence really built up, it was because Jeff and Mark Fisher and even blownforgood (Marc Headley) fed info first to me, and then blownforgood started posting the violence.

But the focus on Miscavige's damage to official Scientology, not until actually a lot MORE details came out, and really sometime about 2008 when the anonymous protesters started up, did I finally settle myself to agree that Miscavige had turned into a one man band who had usurped power. That was Feb 2008, when I pushed the message that Miscavige was the likely culprit in the whole mess.

Mike Rinder didn't blow until May 2008, a few months later.

And Marty didn't start posting and going public until August I think, 2008.

So for me, though, I was already sort of concluding Miscavige was the culprit, due to the beating stories and decimation of WDC and Exec Strata, the "SP Hole" or whatever it was earlier called, I'd heard about, it just was that the people spreading the info had not gotten up the nerve to go public yet.

Amy also confirmed way back, like 2006ish I think, to me, she witnessed Jeff getting beaten by DM.

I was working for months, trying to get Jonny Jacobsen, and other media to run the story.

When Marty went public on his blog, and I noticed NO media were picking up and interviewing Marty, I then sent around emails urging people to go interview him from the media none did.

I then emailed St. Pete Times, and told them NONE OF THE OTHER goddamn media were picking up on Marty opening up. I told the St. Pete Times there was a shit load of people they all would cross corroborate their stories.

It all pointed to Miscavige.

I'm long winded, I think the story isn't just a one or two liner.

It's a lot of networking, building up each other's confidence to speak OUT against the bad in life, and I'm sure we all did NOT want Miscavige to be the bad guy.

but he is, and he needs to get the hell out of all decision making for Scientology as soon as possible.

2. Were there other, less important things?

Well, I'm only in this whole post official Scientologist communication game since I like to see things change.

I still have hopes that WDC and Exec Strata someday DO DO what they are supposed to do.

And confront and make the strategic decisions to sanely adapt Scientology to the modern world.

The biggest thing for me, is seeing DM tear apart WDC and Exec Strata, which are the administration top management of Scientology, and the ones to deal with the major strategic problems of the movement.

Miscavige should NOT be doing what he has been doing, he's torn apart top managment, and that is enough for him NEVER to be allowed top decision making authority EVER again in this lifetime.

3. What, if any, personal experience did you have that "turned the tide" or was it an accumulation of smaller things?

Jeff Hawkins calling me in Oct 2005 telling me DM beat him up at least 4 times that Jeff could recall clearly.

Jeff describing the mentality of top management's mental manipulation and psychological abuse by David Miscavige.

Amy too confirmed DM's psychological abuse.

Marc Headley (posting as blownforgood on Clambake) confirmed it in depth.

At that point, if was inescapable that the bad in the top of Scientology pointed to David Miscavige personally as the single most person responsible for the huge downturn.

4. What fact or facts finally convinced you to withdraw your support?

I withdrew support PRIOR to learning that most of the last 35 years of Scientology's bad behavior is focused on Miscavige.

I left the Sea Org, routed out, in 2003. I read the internet a bit in 2003-2004. I read a lot more in 2004, and I went public in 2004, summer.

The single most disturbing thing was DM's beating up of John Aczel, which I've posted about dozens of times.

I got some responses from others, who witnessed the beating of John Aczel.

I was obsessed to lay out the history of violence in upper ranks Scientology, these last 30 years.

Well that of course leads right to DM.

And also, there is some LRH responsibility, but I also think NO SANE WDC member nor Exec Strata member nor any sane CMO member would mistaken the LRH references where LRH speaks in extremely pissed off way, the "Knowledge Reports" policy, where LRH mentions the staff member who is sticking pins in his fellow staff, where LRH says an in ethics org staff wouldn't let that happen and at the first pin prick that the pin pricking staffer would get a black eye. Well Miscavige took this policy literally. Amy Scobee, when I asked her how the hell was Miscavige justifying his violence, his punchings, Amy said most like it was due to the KR policy.

I talked with other senior CMO ex people, and they told me no fucking way was that meant to be taken literally.

Again, I never would have taken such a policy literally.

Yet Miscavige in his personal low character viciousness, DOES take this type of LRH policy that was meant to be taken figuratively, DM takes it literally, and abuses people and he encouraged and CAUSED the exact mentality that lead both Marty and Mike Rinder and Tom DeVocht, and any others who committed this staff to staff "black eye" punching of their fellow staffers in this "getting ethics in" on their fellow staffers.

It's sick, it's driven from the top, and it's Miscavige.

I would say that someone had to have stood up to Miscavige back in the 1980s to back him DOWN from position of power that he usurped all the way back then.

Vicious bastard bullies who slip into power are a whole different breed of human being, and need to be spotted and STOPPED from doing the damage like Miscavige has done.

I'll agree to that.

LRH should have noticed this, and Jesse Prince says that LRH was onto Miscavige, and that Miscavige sidestepped being caught by LRH.

I believe Jesse.

I'm more interested in the history of the movement's top ranks, and someday getting these last 40 odd years into a history.

I truly thank you Mike Rinder for coming out.

I predicted and top major media that you would inevitably defect, though, Mike.

I told the BBC, to be "nice" to you, since you likely would someday defect. They thanked me,and apologetically said they were trying to be nice to you, when they did that spring 2008 story. I was working with BBC on that, I hooked them up with the Hendersons so they could interview them and some others.

5. What things do you know from personal experience are sources of upset from on-lines current Scientologists? (What have you heard others say -- not just suspect). This can be a list of terms, starting with the most common.

Local Scientologists here in Pittsburgh hate being overregged for non Bridge front group crap.

They naturally want to get up the bridge.


Unnecessary auditing.

That's what I've been told.

6. What fact do you think would most impinge on current Scientologists if they knew?

David Miscavige has torn WDC and Exec Strata apart, and there's NO working WDC nor exec strata, and that Miscavige is NOT following a shitload of LRH's final orders, including 339R Int.

He's ruined top management.

But the violence story is STILL so important.

People still have to see and read the St. Pete Times material, which is about 30 hours of reading and interviews to listen to. A block of information that long is SO POWERFUL to continue to use to wise up existing members.

Miscavige is dictator bad guy, and has to let WDC and Exec Strata form up and do their jobs!!!

Me in Feb 2008, with anonymous:
chuck protest sign detail

Chuck Beatty
# Inky 2010-08-23 11:34
1. I saw that Marty Rathbun had left the Sea Org. This lifted my eyes and helped me realize my problems with the org wasn't just me.

2. From present back: the phone calls from so many different orgs and posts demanding we buy the Basics, buy the extension courses, donate Basics to libraries. The org threatened for many years to declare me--I felt that would only hurt my family and not me. Many Scientologist friends not moving on the bridge for many, many years. A lack of concern of frank violation of HCOPLs and HCOBs within my local org. The constant push for money rather than service. Learning, as a staff member, to force my demand on the public rather than just getting in comm and granting them beingness.

3. It was an accumulation of the above. But for all those years I thought the problem was me and I only introverted on the problem. When I read that Marty had left I thought maybe there was more to the story.

4. Reading the personal experiences of people who have either had similar experiences to mine or people who were in the SO which explained the source of things I saw at a Class V org level. (Marty Rathbun's blog, Gier Isene's doubt formula and blog, Jeff Hawkins' online story, Jenna Miscavige's accounts, Scientology Cult site.) I read all I could find within about a 4-week period then I started talking to my close family.

5. One friend laments she will not get onto her OT levels this lifetime. She implied she would not be able to afford it. This person also described an incident at an org and said it was per own fault. Another person said they disagreed with the ideal org campaign and agreed it was off policy. (I think I'm only in touch with 2 on lines people.) An off lines person has figured out how much she would need to get herself through OT VIII. It is a staggering cost!

6. The problems they are facing are not their fault.

There are many high level auditors and OTs who are concerned that the tech has been altered and these are not just a bunch of disaffected people.

Is this Scientology? Chasing people around for money, regging for the IAS/org/library? Declaring people? Separating families?

Why is Flag advertising doing Grades there? Isn't this bypassing the Class V orgs? Why are the orgs being bypassed?

Have the local orgs made more clears in the last 5/10/20/30 years than LRH did when he was researching Dianetics?

Where are the first clears and people who were on LRH's lines? Where are the auditors he trained?
# Trouble Shooter 2010-08-24 08:39
1. News that Marty Rathbun AND Mike Rinder and other top management Execs were not only OUT of the SO but speaking out against COB abuses of people we've held in high regard and of our religion.
2. OH YES - and they accumulated over years and in hindsite weren't so little
3. Seeing lies and deception and tactics used to destroy me through the use of squirrel Justice. The number of participants involved boggles the mind - so many in whose hands we trust standard application of policy sold their souls at great expense to many.
4.When an OT VII unashamedly and even artfully attempted to disguise her manipulations as help and for this individual's personal financial gains while auditing on VII the whole time. A level she said that she was being stopped from completing and wouldn't be "allowed" to complete until she learned to behave and start doing what she was told to do. This was the last time I was going to justify the consistency I had seen in VIIs and VIIIs becoming good little soldiers. I saw no reason to reach further for the Bridge. I have no intentions to give up my power of choice or have it remolded so I dutifully march to the beat of another drummer because I "gained the ability" to imagine I am the composing percussionist. Not only is there nothing desirable to me about that but more importantly it is antipathetic to what LRH tech embodies. The IS NO HIDDEN DATA LINE. Going OT does NOT mean becoming a member of an overt/covert ops (if you get that meaning) to run Scientology from without. LRH policy gave us the agreed upon ways our group is to run our organizations. That has been destroyed. Delivering the Bridge as LRH mapped it - has been sabotaged. We need to make sure that enough Scientologists and STAFF/SO members know the credentials of those who have left and said NO MORE and why.

5. The number of deaths of OT VIIs and VIIIs from illnesses. The known lies told at DMs "events" about expansion and the elimination of auditors being made. The blatent policy violations. The years of withholding data from orgs so they can't deliver "the new grades" while falsely padding the delivery stats of FSO (the OT Ambassadors got their behind closed door briefings about how out-tech all Class V orgs were and how he had the solution - the new grades and new objectives - that briefing was 4 years ago, still no releases for the "horrible" Class V orgs) Injustices seen on 3rd flows. Push of the Basics as biggest priority for 3 years causing collapse of org delivery and org board structure.
6. The list of "declared SPs" XIIs-IVs, top execs of Scientology, top execs of SO orgs, and depositions published about COB knowingly altering LRH's definition of FN and the disconnection policy of our Church. A full page add in USA today with thumbnail photos of every tech trained person whose left with training level, years of service and what pushed them over the edge. And then another one of top org and SO org execs, OECs, FEBCs who left and why.
CEASE TO WITHDRAW AND FILL THE VACUUM WITH TRUE DATA. If it isn't green on white or red on white it ISN'T SCIENTOLOGY!!!!!!!!!

# Guy Fawkes 2010-11-28 07:48
First off, I am not a Scientologist. That said, I have heard of abuses conducted in the Church's name as far back as the 970s, starting with the treatment meted out to Paulette Cooper.

Reading all the various and sundry comments here has brought nothing to
mind so much as George Orwell's famous allegory, "Animal Farm".

Wikipedia has an excellent summary of the book at:

# Guest 2013-02-15 16:22
1. I don't think in nattery terms such as "CofM". That said, the release of the Basics felt like a huge betrayal to me. I thought OT 9 was coming. They event was hyped as the greatest thing ever. That for sure I knew was a lie.
2. The cancellation of my Permanent Class IV status with the start of the Golden Age of Tech.
3. The tide has not turned. I am still hopeful I can get help within the CofS, even if I disagree with many current practices.
4. I have not withdrawn my support.
5. I do not engage much with anyone elses complaints.
6. If I were to find out that someone in the Church was attacking me through a family member, that would be bad.

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