Home The Group Postulate
Saturday, 09 January 2010 18:48
It was July 7th,1998 and it was one of the hottest, driest summers in recent U.S. history. A well-known, national radio talk show host named Art Bell was about to take part in what would ultimately prove to be a startling, on-air experiment which would result in nothing short of miraculous, perhaps even awe-inspiring, results. He had invited a special guest into the studio that day to perform a ritual some might consider bizarre or rediculous. The guest's name was Neil Slade and he was there to lead a sort of "group postulate" over the airwaves, requesting that the estimated 8-15 million listeners that day, mentally band together, radios by their side, at a specified time and follow him on a journey of vizualization. The goal was to collectively cause a specific part of drought-ridden NE Florida to receive much-needed rain by simply "thinking" it into existence. Lacking any of our tech, Mr Slade's emphasis was on utilizing the frontal lobes of the brain for this experiment. Well.....correct item or not....it apparently worked! Or, as skeptics might've said....."Well, it definitely RAINED! That's for DAMN sure!"
What happened shortly after the experiment was indeed impressive. The parched land had been experiencing wildfires galore, with no hope in sight for precipitation. Yet, within 24 hours of Mr. Slade's nation-wide vizualation experiment and despite all weather predictions from local forecasters, it began to rain over NE Florida. And it rained, and rained and rained!
Actual satellite images from that time, currently available on the internet, show rather unbelieveable results. This particular portion of Florida was, in fact, almost the only part of the entire United States to receive any precipitation whatsoever for the next several days. Weather professionals were dumbfounded. It was "impossible" that this had happened. There were no clouds or storms predicted. There were none of the normal ingredients necessary to produce rain in any of the forecasts. But, out of nowhere, clouds and heavy rains simply "appeared" nonetheless.
The experiment had apparently worked so well and it had rained heavily for so many days in a row that the land actually began flooding. The considerable results scared host, Art Bell, so much that he publicly vowed to never again use his show for such purposes. He didn't know exactly "how" it had worked, but what he was forced to observe was that a large group of people with a unified purpose and very clear focus could achieve something that defied the seemingly normal workings of this universe.
In reading the above, one is, of course, free to claim the possibility of mere coincidence. One must definitely think for oneself and view things from one's own reality. For that is called Personal Integrity!
That being said, the above story can, at the very least, serve as a positive (and somewhat entertaining), analogy for what thetans can do when working together in a coordinated fashion, and with a real purpose in mind, especially as it pertains to Scientology.
Which brings us to the main point: As one continues reading articles on the excellent websites created by the Middle Pather's (those who are peacefully both looking for and providing truth regarding the church so that they and their readers might make better-educated decisions and thus act accordingly), one notices a certain momentum that seems to be building and building as the months go by and as we move into 2010..........The GROUP POSTULATE is working!
More and more, the numerous website authors as well as the myriad readers sharing their thoughts in the comments sections are communicating in terms of how much better things will be once DM is gone. Perhaps knowingly, we are now communicating in terms of "when" it will happen, rather than "if" it will happen. And this is a very good trend! For it is actually a giant, group postulate, and it is indeed becoming a powerful force. Nowadays we even have numerous, well-trained, vastly-experienced, widely-known and thoroughly-processed individuals who are rising up to take a stand. To take responsibility. To truly be OT about the current scene.
The creators of these sites are to be highly commended for initiating this brilliant and courageous movement. For opening the door for so many to walk through, learn from, de-stimulate by, share with and in turn, offer their own help and support for one and all. For creating what is becoming a massive group postulate that the Scientology religion can and will be restored to what our founder, L. Ron Hubbard, had envisioned all along. For spawning a planet-wide movement to preserve the tech in its pure form.
You are encouraged to flow some power to these individuals and to utilize what they have initiated to the best of your ability, hopefully in an ethical and effective manner.
Our founder has something to say about postulates in the tech dictionary which may be of great use. Under the definition of Positive Postulate, he states that: "...it's not only that there is no negative given attention to, but it does not assume that any negative is possible."
From Advanced Procedure and Axioms, LRH states that a Postulate is: ..."that self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts."
Please keep this in mind when putting your attention onto the subject of Scientology and it's ultimate, successful outcome. See it as though it's already happening. Imagine the collective sigh of relief we shall all experience when the change takes place. You are encouraged to remain uptone and productive in your world and most of all, to communicate. After all, it's your devine right to do so.
With respect,
Idle Org


-1 # DragonFly 2010-01-09 18:19
Funny how this showed up today as just the other day a very good friend of mine who is OT5 and I were talking about this site and everything going on here and being talked about. The only solution we could agree on was the Group Postulate.
# Idle Org 2010-01-09 21:54
Thank you DragonFly, Freetothink, Old Auditor, and especially Thoughtful, very much! Old Auditor, I agree with your predictions. I cannot see the able and intelligent staff I personally know staying with it for all that much longer. An internal collapse resulting in a grinding halt, with a probable escape by DM (and a hundred million IAS dollars stashed in a Swiss bank account!), is in line with my thinking as well. 2010 should prove to be exponentially bigger than 09 was. The internet has more than leveled the playing field. Top opinion leaders are bailing. I'd wager some big names will drop out this year. Possibly even DM himself. Keep making those POSTULATES! Idle Org
-1 # Freetothink 2010-01-09 22:20
Wow, I love it! Fantastic post! Please keep them coming. You're a very talented writer.
# Old Auditor 2010-01-09 22:23
A timely summation of the effects being created by the "middle way" blogs.

I see the middle way independents duplicating the stress that execs are under and acting in ways that let them communicate effectively to those still trying to hold the church together. They are not our targets. Their willingness to not-know the insanity they are
working under is our actual target.

It must take a fantastic effort to follow DM's orders and ignore all that KSW 1 contains. It is so much like the situation described in Orwell's 1984 that I do not see the madness continuing much longer before staff crack under the strain.

You are right in your perception that it is no longer "if" change will occur, it is clearly "when" the change occurs.

My sense is that it will not be a peaceful transition.

It will start with a breakdown in internal discipline as more CofS staff go into apathy or below. As things grind to a shuddering halt, I do not see DM holing up with his faithful few and doing a Jonestown, instead I see him castigating all for betraying him and then driving away and doing a James Dean finale.

It is remotely possible that some execs in the church will wrest control from DM before this happens and will seek help from the field to restore sanity. I do not see them capable of doing it on their own.

2010 will be a year of change for the CofS. My sense is that July will involve many fireworks...
# thought provoking 2010-01-10 13:25
What an incredible article. I completely agree with freetothink, you are a very talented writer! I was quite moved by your writing.

Your words fall to the page like poetry. Like a leaf caught in a gust of wind flying tumoltuously through the air. Gently cradled in cushions of air, one after another, until finally it rests comfortably and securely on the earth's floor.

Your ability to point us in a direction (postulates of Scientology - free of DM control)with the added bonus of granting beingness in such a way that allows anyone's viewpoint to be gently shifted without a hint of make wrong, and then finally reminding us of the simplicity of a postulate is truly fantastic.

I second your acknowledgements to all the website creators, BRAVO to you all.
# Idle Org 2010-01-11 13:30
Thanks so much, Thought Provoking! I'm blushing. And it seems as though you are actually the true poet amongst us, in reading your beautiful review! If you haven't written any articles yourself (I'm not sure?), I bet your work would be received very nicely. Idle Org.
# RJ 2010-01-11 13:33
You pretty much nailed it IO.

Postulates and considerations are always senior to Mechanics which includes force.

I'd say it was time to do some rain making of our own :-)
# Guest 2010-01-12 14:25
Ron also says, a thetan communicates by telepathy. Let's make 2010 the year that we all apply Scientology even better. The churchies can play their game, we can go up the Bridge and improve our spiritual abilities. As Ron pointed out in KSW, a craving for Group Agreement comes straight from the reactive bank, and the church is chock full of that. However, we can agree that the tech should not be degraded or misapplied or altered, and accept out part in postulating that real Scientology will persist.
# Lise 2010-01-13 13:50
Great article Idle Org. The group postulate is definitely working well.
# Guest 2010-01-15 16:37
Scientology's annual events are a great way to concentrate a group of individuals in the same way as Art Bell did in his show.

I propose that those Scientologists outside The Church also have annual 'events'. These would create a common postulate at a specific time to achieve a specific event.

The participants don't have to come together, and buy a bunch of new releases. Instead they can all just put in the same postulate at the same time.

These events can take place on the actual Scientology 'holidays' such as Auditor's day, and can actually be allied with true purpose of those days. In this way the people who attend The Church events will be helping to some degree, as I think most parishioners really want to do the right thing.
# Ed Rhett 2010-01-19 10:17
Great Idea ... but without ANY entheta. Let's just postulate the Church of Scientology working the way it is supposed to work. We don't even need to think about "what's his name" because anybody who would suppress the church deliberately doesn't deserve any more attention than a bug (I have decided that I personally don't care if he gets stepped on or not).
How about it. A group postulate of the Church of Scientology working the way it is supposed to work
# Guest 2010-01-21 14:35
You duplicated my Altern-Events post exactly!

The idea is to flow toward the ideal scene, and not flow toward/against what we don't want.

I feel the ideal scene is a Church that is rapidly creating free and able beings.

I think that is the church LRH envisioned and created, and that is the church that was and will be rapidly expanding.

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