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Friday, 14 May 2010 02:13

What’s it take to be an Indie?

Why is it so hard to come out and announce being an Indie?  I recently came out after 8 months of Q&A and procrastination.  Linda and I were so worried about our kids and some of our friends who wouldn’t take it easily.  But I finally put my foot down and just did it.  And I paid a LOT of attention to what was going on around me while I came out.  It was a crazy adventure, and things happened as I thought they would.  But paying attention to it as it happened made it easier to as-is.

The first thing that happened is people all around me disconnected from me. And I wasn’t even declared! Even though I pointed out that it was not per policy to disconnect from me when I was not declared, they still went ahead and did it.  WTF was that?  Oh, OSA doing their thang.  

But there was more to it than just simply OSA. It was too easy for OSA.  The interesting thing was that a few of my acquaintances worked and are still working overtime to bury Linda and I.  I took note that these people are most likely suppressive.  

But why did our kids and best friends disconnect so fast?  This was interesting.  Why did they listen to OSA so easily?  It took a little research but I found it in the tech volumes. LRH always has the answer.  

The facts are this:  Most of the people in Scientology know there is something wrong. Our friends and kids all admitted that they knew there was something wrong, but they didn’t want us handling it. “Let someone else handle it” was what we got a lot.  This was the outpoint I followed up and led me to the situation:  “They aren’t worried about me, they are worried about themselves, what we are doing to them by coming out!”  It reminded me of the 70’s when my parents gave me grief for being IN Scientology: Same feeling.

HCOB 16 April 1982, LRH says; “PTS is a connection to an SP. That is true.  But what may be overlooked is that persons of the middle class (which is a culture, not an income bracket, to which belong all the puritan hypocritical mores of the cop and the get-a-job-be-a-moderate-plugging-success) frown very terribly on anything that at the least bit tries to make a better world. The middle class wants the world of a job and order and even hypocrisy and cops because they are AFRAID.  They hold their narrow views because any other views may disturb their twenty-year house mortgage, the store, the job. So when someone decides to make a better world, they look on him as a direct menace even though the dull middle-class world is a sort of slavery and suicide. It is the middle class that tries the hardest to keep the down-and-outer out and down, who go along with a cop America and hate support of anything not in their class. And nearly every PTS you have will be found one way or another to be PTS to the middle class. As a group, not as individuals, the middle-class parent world suppress anything different. So you have PTSes.”

People around me got mad at me for coming out because they are AFRAID. They admitted that there was something wrong with the Church, but they didn’t want me to do something to handle my church because it would upset their equilibrium with their society. They all told me that they had jobs in WISE companies and they would be forced to disconnect from me or lose their jobs. WTF is that??  Disconnect from the person you love so you don’t lose your beautiful house and jobs?  

It was then that I realized that I was PTS to the middle class. That’s all most of this crap is about.

We rebels like to shake things up. That’s why we are here. We’re not afraid to demand reform. We can look “declare” right in the eye and say “Make my day!”  But those around us are afraid we’ll mess up their precious environ.  But our friends and relatives are about to kills us for doing anything radical. We are going to upset their delicate state of mind.

“Many of them are caught up in the mystery of why they are snarled at and have no conception of the middle class as a formidable and jealous force that goes psychotic when it feels anyone may get away from the treadmill and threaten their uneasy and doomed lives.”

So if you are feeling CI to coming out and announcing your freedom as an Indie, realize you are connected to a very rabid middle-class. DM has built a middle class right inside Scientology.  And these people are the Puritans of Puritans. They will still snarl at us after DM is gone.  They’ve given a lot of money and they aren’t going to easily confront the fact that they threw that money away and got taken for a ride.  

But the rest of the middle class, the ones that work for WISE companies and have nice houses and nice cars and all of that are going to really give you a hard time. They will hate you for coming out. This is where the CI is.

Beat the CI and become free. It is PTS-less out here and that is a good feeling!!

ML Tom Martiniano
AKA Virgil Samms



# Fellow Traveller 2010-05-14 04:12
ZZZZZ wzzzzpft TWANG!
Bulls eye!

You may have even split the preceding arrow already in the bulls eye.
# Idle Org 2010-05-14 05:05
"They will still snarl at us after DM is gone"


You've nailed it here! My only hope is that the above sentence is not going to be the case.

My hope is that DM goes down in such a public and transparent way that NOBODY can deny who or what he was, once the smoke clears.

That is the only way we will have attained true freedom for our friends/family who are still in. And even for ourselves.


Idle Org
# Alex Metheny 2010-05-14 05:44
Hi Tom!

Great article!!

That makes sense. It's kind of ironic that I got the middle class PTS thing going in AND going out!!

Thankfully I have my won business and never got too financially attached to Scientologists. It is also pretty eerie how DM has created this kind of dependence. If you look at it, throwing everyone into heavy debt (they allowed it of course) to buy Idle Orgs really put some people at effect and I see this as another way of DM suppressing people.

Thanks for the viewpoint and have fun kicking ass!!

# ButterflyChaser 2010-05-14 05:55
Tom, I don't always see eye to eye with you, however, this post resonated with me completely.
It's such a correct indication. This is exactly what is happening. Thank you for having this realization and sharing it with the rest of us.
# jim logan 2010-05-14 07:08
You have NAILED this scene with this reference. Spot-freakin'-on!!
# Linda McC 2010-05-14 07:22
IMHO, only a consummate evaluator would have connected these dots. It's just the truth. I kept saying that my son tried to handle me from hooking up with the nutjob Marty (that's OSA's affectionate adjective for Marty), that he was doing it out of love for me because he wanted me to have Scientology. He wouldn't listen to ANYTHING. And Tom said to him "he's doing this for him, not for you." Whoa!!! Then he went over the reference with me and I saw it completely - and it blew considerable charge. So, let's get our church back and de-PTS the parishioners. Imagine a planetary blowdown--hold onto your hat.
# Another Jeff 2010-05-14 08:01
Wow! 100% spot on!
+1 # Joe Howard 2010-05-14 09:43
Tom, you really nailed this. And these so called "Scientologists" are deathly, deathly afraid. You're absolutely right. DM has got these people scared to their very cores.
I mean, I hated Bush and my born again Christian sister loved Bush but that didn't mean we wouldn't see each other on holidays and even sometimes argue about the man.
But these so-called "Scientologists" (LRH would spit) are so afraid of their stable datum coming down that they dare not ever communicate again with family members or close friends. What a torrent of confusion would be loosed if they were forced to look a loved one in the eye who simply held the view that the so-called leader of their church might be appearing on stage and televised events stark staring buck naked for all the world (but them) to see.
I look forward to the day when the "churchies" and the "indies" can get together over Thanksgiving turkey and argue the relative merits of the "three swing F/N" versus the "LRH definition F/N" and still enjoy the meal.
That will be progress.
# Thoughtful 2010-05-14 09:48
Thanks Tom. This post brought great insight and enabled several things to "fall into place" in my own universe. I've seen that look of fear in the eyes of several "friends" who disconnected from me. Well done on connecting the dots!
# Virgil Samms 2010-05-14 23:30
Alex - let's all kick some ass!

Jim - More ammo! Thanks man.

Dan - when we all sit down and discuss the "three swings" it will be the but end of jokes.

Steve - thank you. One of the best actions I ever did was my DSEC internship at RTC. I have an unshakable ability to evaluate. Life became interesting after that.

Fellow. - Thanks buddy.

Idle - they'll snarl until all of their ruds are back in - heavy on the o/w will do it.

Butterfly - thanks. Glad you liked it.

Linda - smack!

ML Tom
# Marta 2010-05-15 17:56
Hoo-hoo-hoot! Just because we gotta eat, doesn't mean we gotta sell out. Who's da Ho?
# victor sandino ruiz 2010-05-15 17:59
I have reservations about that reference.

I do not think it was written by ron.

It asigns a generality as the terminal the person is PTS.

It a make wrong.

And it has been heavily used by the church of scientology as a make wrong for people that object to spend their money in it.

As somebody coming from a third world country I can tell you that unfortunately the MAJORITY of the world population actually ASPIRES to someday elevate itself to middle-class status.

I do understand your feelings and the idea and concept you are trying to convey.

I do not however am willing to give validity to a reference that is out of line with the axioms and basic scientology principles.

I does not sound like ron. I do not think it is from ron.

# Worsel 2010-05-17 17:24
After reading this article I realized that it is nothing but living the concept of "...the group is all and the individual nothing", connected with sufficient fear to fall for the idea that this would be a "safe" way to act.
It is not an income bracket. (There is nothing wrong with desiring some income.) It is culture. Maybe that helps.

Thanks a lot for spotting and communicating this, Tom.
# Valkov 2010-05-18 00:07
It's not really about material well-being so much as an attitude of being afraid of change and not wanting any change, and not allowing anyone to be "different".

When people achieve some degree of "comfort" in their material situation, they don't want to lose it, it's true, but the "PTS to the middle class" phenomenon has more to do with feeling safe as part of the "herd", with conformity.

Since we are each an individual, this doesn't work out very well when the individuality must be suppressed to remain "acceptable" to the group.

This is how I understand it.

It doesn't necessarily have much to do with aspiring to a better life, as most people do that. Anyone would like to have a "middle-class" standard of living, with a house, good food, medical care, etc

It's about trying to squeeze yourself into a herd identity out of fear.
# Joe Howard 2010-05-28 18:14
Victor, having worked in Ron's compilations unit for 13 years, I can assure that the middle class PTS issue was definitely, definitely, definitely written by Ron. The concepts expressed in that issue had never been touched on before in any Scientology reference. Moreover, if you look at the style of writing, there was no Sea Org member at the time capable of that writing style. Furthermore, had someone other than Ron written the issue, no one in the church would have authorized its issue. The bulletin came from out of nowhere, in a sense, with concepts that no one had seen before in Scientology. True, many others have written about the status quo, but no one had expressed so clearly for Scientologists as did Ron in that bulletin.

As for your comment that most of the world's population aspires to attain a middle class lifestyle, you're right, but Ron was addressing that bulletin to a primarily U.S. audience.

Hope that clarifies this for you.
# Valkov 2010-05-15 18:01
Yes, you have totally connected the dots.

The common generality for this behavior is "What will people think?!" (if you grow your hair long, smoke pot, live together out of wedlock, etc etc.) Those were some issues of the past, but today it is still the same. If your wife doesn't act like the "pefect corporate wife", you will be passed over for promotion, not be elected to the public office you are seeking, etc etc.

It seems to be pervasive in every culture on earth.

As Bob Dylan wrote, "Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters".

And above all, don't rock the boat! Even if you can see it is a ship of fools, sailing to nowhere.
# Karen 2010-05-15 18:08
Reminds me a bit of Rosa Parks. Having had enough, she said "NO". I'm sure there are many who were upset with her upsetting the balance who chose to do nothing. But there were enough who saw the truth in her actions and stood by her, despite great hardship and some amazing reform occurred as a result.

I am certain, not one of those who stood beside her ever felt anything less than great pride in their actions. A pride they were able to keep for the rest of their lives.

Thank you for naming this condition for what it really is.
# David St Lawrence 2010-05-15 18:19
That opens the door to handling those who recognize that something is wrong but don't dare do or say anything because they are PTS to the Middle Class.

Funny that I had never spotted that aspect of life as a WISE company employee or of life as a company that depends on Scientology customers even though I spent years in that condition.

I will have to think about how one get a person to cognite that they are PTS to the Scientology Middle Class.

That will be the subject of a future article on my possiblyhelpfuladvice.com blog and I will credit you for inspiring me to write it.


David St Lawrence
Old Auditor
# David St Lawrence 2010-05-17 00:12
Escaping the Suppression of the Church of Scientology takes a look at the ramifications of life in the suppressive scientology middle class.


Thanks for the inspiration!

David St Lawrence
Old Auditor
# Fancy 2010-05-15 18:21
The Venus project is fighting the same thing and I used this quote for them on facebook for them to read as they never read LRH.

It fits many things in society.
# Brad Hagemo 2010-05-15 18:51
Great post Tom. It is true that change is all too often the hobgolin of the timid clingers to the status quo. Fear undercuts confront which leads to diminished survival. Those who submit to fear have no hope of conquering life.
LRH said that our personal integrity is worth more than our immediate lives. Those who sell out their integrity for some vague promise of spiritual freedom will soon discover to their dismay that they posess neither.
I for one have never met anyone who was totally without fear. The difference between the coward and the hero is simply the willingness to confront fear and turn it into a fierce determination to overcome and survive. My friends in the Independant movement are all heros I am proud to say.
# Linda 2010-05-18 23:37
JFK said: "Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crises maintain their neutrality." This is the future for the middle class PTSes.
# Axiom 38 2010-05-23 23:08
I was considered a rebel for joining the church and once again have assumed that beingness for departing.
I seem to be attracted to truth for some reason...hmmmm.

(the security code is KRdue ? ;-)
# Robin 2010-05-24 18:29
Tom is it really you? From ITO in the early 90s? My "senior" while I was an intern there illegally doing mission coverage? LOL! LOVE to hear from you! I'm still scared to bite the bullet and "come out" ha! For all the reasons you state. Yikes. I'll do it at some point. I'm not going back to the Miscavige thing, that's for sure. So I'm just hanging out, avoiding da man. Chickenshit me. Really glad to hear from you, and remember the fun we had laughing our asses off about the scene back then.
# Dean Moriarty 2010-05-28 01:24
Hey all and especially Victor:

Whether or not the reference in question is "from
Ron" is beside the point. The phenomenon described has also been called "The tyranny of the
status-quo" and it is indeed a very suppressive force. It is not a generality, but rather the vector sum of collective group think; so real that it almost behaves like an entity unto itself.
Just my humble opinion. :-)

# VIRGIL SAMMS 2010-05-31 00:48
Robin, email me at
# tom\s old friend 2010-06-10 20:46
Tom, you might remember me coming to your house in Royal Oak and playing ping pong in your basement when you were declared in the 70's. I left the COS when asked to commit suppressive acts in 1983 by an SO mission to Detroit that was shaking down public for 'donations.' What took you so long?
# Gaines 2010-06-20 13:19
It has been a while. I'm sure you remember me from Detroit. We were good friends. I left the Church, still use the technology. If you answer this message, I'll tell you how to contact me and give you details.Love to get back in comm. BG.

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