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Monday, 05 October 2009 10:29


Critics of Scientology will probably never grasp how important Scientology is to a Scientologist. And in pointing out LRH’s personal faults, in an attempt to invalidate Scientology, critics seem unable to accept that we Scientologists are well aware LRH was no god, that he was just a man, one who lived life from the bottom up as he put it, which is another way of saying “I have been there and done it.” LRH has told us as much himself, told us he had fights as a kid, got married, divorced, went through a tough marriage co-audit with Mary Sue much like you or I might, and even crashed his car one day because his head was turned by a pretty redhead crossing the street. He was after all human.

But LRH was a human being that gave and left to us something truly special. And unless you’ve seen real Scientology in action or experienced it firsthand you are not likely to appreciate it or grasp its importance.

But loving LRH or the tech and experiencing Scientology doesn’t make you a Scientologist, that’s not even close to the definition. Perhaps it makes you a church member or a supporter.  A Scientologist is something entirely different.

By LRH’s own hand, a Scientologist is: 1. One who betters the conditions of himself and the conditions of others by using Scientology technology (Auditor Magazine 73).  2. One who controls persons, environments and situations. A Scientologist operates within the boundaries of the Auditor’s Code and the Code of a Scientologist (Professional Auditor Bulletin 137).

So receiving auditing (improving your own condition – assuming there is no out-tech) and donating large sums of money no matter how stressful that might be does not qualify someone to be a Scientologist. A Scientologist, by definition, is someone who takes responsibility for people, situations and the environment, and works to better those conditions all while staying within the bounds of the Auditor’s Code and Code of a Scientologist.

So if I say to you: there is an extreme situation within Scientology that has caused deteriorating conditions which have heavily and adversely affected its people, Scientology and the world at large, it is your duty, if you consider yourself a Scientologist, to look into it, and if you find there is a valid situation it is your responsibility to help handle it. To just ignore the claim as “disgusting entheta from some disgruntled critic” or dismiss it as some “horrible attack from SPs” is to relegate yourself to being something less than a Scientologist.

I know by the laws of the KRC Triangle that taking such a responsible step (as looking into the state of Scientology today) is not easy, because to gather such knowledge with the view of having to control any situation uncovered would first require that you take responsibility for Scientology itself.  You would have to assume a viewpoint of responsibility for the whole of Scientology as if you were its leader. A tough ask perhaps, but NOT doing that has put us where we are today. Not doing that allowed a tyrant to step in, grab the power and pervert Scientology. Not taking responsibility for Scientology but blindly and obediently following orders allowed him to stay in power.

The problem lies in the fact that it seems much easier to continue to follow those orders no matter how costly and painful they might be than to take full personal responsibility for Scientology, but it just looks that way.

And on the subject of the Internet, what are you so afraid of? The truth? How can you go PTS to the truth? If you are afraid to look, afraid to reach, then I say you are PTS to the person telling you that you MUST NOT look, you MUST NOT reach, or those telling you that it’s an offense to look  which will cost you more money, more sec checks and probably more trouble than you care to deal with. Well, deal with it. If you want to call yourself a Scientologist you have to deal with it.

I am not saying it will be easy. It takes quite some confront to wade through the vehement objections to Scientology on the Internet and sift the wheat (valid situations) from the chaff (anything from general natter to calls for Scientology to be burnt to the ground and utterly destroyed as the most evil invention this planet has ever seen). But it is doable and you are capable of doing it. I know, I’ve done it. So have many others before me.

And when you’ve completed the sifting process and discerned the truth, or as much of the truth as you can stomach, don’t think it is easy to face up to the fact that there is something seriously wrong with Scientology today. I know many a grown man and women, including myself, who have plunged down into a grief charge when the inevitable truth dawned. But it passes, you rise through it and realize that what is wrong with Scientology bears a person’s name and, in addition to our own irresponsibility, the things that person has done explain the trouble we’ve been having. And it becomes the most refreshing, rejuvenating and exciting experience one can undergo. Your true self determinism returns and you feel alive. Ask anyone who has gone through the process. There are already thousands of them; they are very easy to find if you look. They now go by the name of Independent Scientologists (a member of the Worldwide Independent Network of Scientologists, dedicated to living by the Auditor’s Code and Code of a Scientologist).

Now, if you simply wish to continue to be subjected to your own personal brand of slavery, if you wish to continue paying money time and time again for the dubious privilege of being one of the elite that receives the expensive, out-tech riddled auditing or training then please don’t let me stop you. I utterly believe in the power and freedom of choice. But please don’t call yourself a Scientologist. That description should be reserved for those that live by the Auditor’s Code and Code of a Scientologist, those looking into or doing something about the situation in Scientology or helping the people and environment affected by it.

If you wish to continue to be handled by people who are not Scientologists (they do NOT live by the Auditors Code and the Code of a Scientologist), be my guest. But you and I both know it’s no fun and there is no real worth or joy in it.

Let me remind you of point 23 of the Auditors Code (I promise never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain). I know for a fact this point is being ruthlessly violated, at Flag as well as elsewhere in the world. W/Hs gotten off by PCs in actual sessions are being divulged to Ethics for the purpose of discipline and punishment. I have the stone cold evidence sitting on my desk as I write this. And that’s just one of many examples, so the Auditor’s Code is not in. Fact.

And let me remind you of point 2 of the Code of Scientologist (To use the best I know of Scientology to the best of my ability to help my family, friends, groups and the world). The evidence is overwhelming; “Scientology” has been used to harm thousands of families and friends. There have been countless enforced divorces and abortions in the Sea Org. Children have been mistreated. People have died. Families have been split apart. Many of you are barred from speaking to a friend or a loved one. Oh, I know the reason you were given sounds plausible enough but if you look on the Internet you will see there is far too much of it going on to make any sense at all.

And if you care to check out a website set up by ex-Scientology kids and have the courage to read what they have to say you will think “but what occurred, how they were dealt with, that’s not Scientology” and you may well be right, but that’s not how they see it because they lived it. Realize that if this point of the Code of a Scientologist had been applied by David Miscavige, it wouldn’t have happened and similar injustices wouldn’t be continuing now because Scientology would have been used to help families and friends not destroy them and our group.

Anyone who has ever audited another knows that with some discipline and application, the Auditor’s Code can be kept in for the duration of the session. But they also know that to live by the Auditor’s Code, using it 24/7, along with the Code of a scientologist is something else entirely. But that is what it means to be a Scientologist my friend and there are precious few around these days. And that’s what’s really wrong with Scientology.

I am reminded of a chance meeting I had with a complete stranger many decades ago. I was so impressed with the way this person conducted himself, how he was in communication with the world around him and continuously granted it the right to exist (that’s the only way I could describe it) that when I found out he was a Scientologist I immediately looked into the subject and I’ve been trying to help it along all I could ever since.

I know now of course that my stranger was the very definition of a Scientologist. Yet, by comparison, recently I found the conduct of a New OT 8 so poor that a colleague began to hate Scientology even though she knew nothing about it. When I intervened she asked me “but why are YOU so different?” and I felt shamed because it was only recently that I had decided to work hard at living by the Auditor’s Code and Code of a Scientologist (following the example of my mystery stranger and countless people I have met since who left Scientology over the years to maintain their integrity and honor and who apply these codes as part of life, the ones who have truly flown the flag for Scientology).

With these two crucial codes so far out, I say to you that the situation in Scientology today is that David Miscavige (no matter how polished his public persona might seem) is something far less than a Scientologist (that is the mildest way I can put it) and we have allowed him to set himself up as a god and make us all in his own image.

And I say to you that it is your duty as a Scientologist to look into this claim and to act on what you find. Because that’s what it means to be a Scientologist.  By definition, that’s what a Scientologist would do.

If Scientology is being damaged and perverted and you fail to act, what kind of Scientology will your children get, or their children, if any at all? Don’t think you can ignore it now and hope your kids or their kids will handle it, it might be too late by then, Scientology might be too far gone, with these two codes out it’s already virtually unworkable. Besides, do you really want to leave it to your kids to deal with?  That far down the line there is no possible chance they’ll have a clue what real Scientology looks like.

But no one can force you to take responsibility. As LRH points out:

“In order to make up one’s mind to be responsible for things it is necessary to get over the idea that one is being forced into responsibility. The Power of choice is still senior to responsibility.”
And as LRH also points out, what you do here and now, whether you take responsibility or not, determines what you get when you come back next lifetime. By the time next lifetime comes around you may not be able to find Scientology or at least anything resembling it.

Ignoring these appeals while remaining a card carrying member of the club of “I’m alright Jack” will just prolong the situation and cause more damage and believe me, you don’t want that damage on your conscience. I assure you, in the end you will thank the people that brought this to your attention.

Look into it -- that is what I ask of you as a Scientologist because that’s what it means to be one. But I warn you in advance, it might make you weep.

Written by T Paine

A member of the Worldwide Independent Network of Scientologists, dedicated to living by the Auditor’s Code and Code of a Scientologist




# T Paine 2009-10-05 08:11
Thank YOU Jim, I take my hat off to you as one of the few that stuck to his guns on those two codes. I suspect you do a lot of beaming and you deserve it.
+1 # jim logan 2009-10-05 10:52
Mr T Paine,
Thank you. I'm sure Thomas is beaming right now. I know I am.

WINS member, Jim Logan
# Joe Howard 2009-10-05 12:54
And possibly the most effective thing one could DO, besides educating oneself on what is going on, would be to do nothing. That is, stop supporting the current structure by donating money you can ill afford for this or that "world changing" project. Instead, use your income to pay down your credit cards or your mortgage. Ceasing to feed the beast for nothing in return besides "status" will eventually starve it and you'll have the wherewithal to continue up the Bridge. Meanwhile, happy reading!
Joe Howard
+1 # RJ 2009-10-05 17:50
I think you guys are doing a great job of getting the truth out.

The point is a Scientologist is one who changes conditions, not one who continually donates money to spurious causes and strives to become a status seeking elitist of the IAS.
# casey 2009-10-05 20:28
very well written and I totally agree with Joe Howard stop feeding the beast. Cutting of the money will stop this faster than anything will. The crimes that have been committed against our fellow group members needs to be stopped and stopped now.
# Louis 2009-10-06 03:40
I believe a copy of the 31 Points should be posted on the door of every Org and at the gates of Int in the same way that Luther posted the 95 Thesis on the doors of the Catholic Church. Symbolism and dissemination are powerful bedfellows.
+3 # Roy Selby 2009-10-06 15:01
I've gone into grief, like you mentioned, when I have thought of how Scientology was some years ago. I have also, instead of doing what I know is right, been apathetic about it, just as I was when I left the PAC Area in 1982. Tom, you've found and indicated something to me and others I'm sure which opens the gate to help for others.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

+1 # Mark A. Baker 2009-10-06 15:05
An excellent essay. :-)
+2 # Thtatsnotmyname 2009-10-07 07:07
Brilliant. This sums things up perfectly. On-lines scientologists reading this should make it a point to pass it on. Maybe print it off and casually ask your friends "did you see this? What do you make of it?" as a confrontable gradient.
+1 # T Paine 2009-10-07 18:18
I appreciate your openness Roy. I believe many like you and I felt isolated and alone so drifted into apathy about the scene. Making us feel isolated was all part of the strategy. And it worked for a while. It's no longer working.
+1 # Margaret 2009-10-07 18:20
I have a question for people in this group.

I have about $40K on account at my local Org (unused) and I have a ton of debt ... much more than $40K.

I'm through with the existing Church and am starting to look for an independent auditor, and doing my own auditor training.

Do you guys think I should ask for the money back from my local Org?

FYI, I'm already about to get a non-enturb order issued on me and probably an SP declare, since I'm not planning to respond to any of the Church's threats/comm.
# Eldon Braun 2009-10-10 13:05

Getting your money back is probably the best idea -- for all dynamics. The question is, how difficult will it be? I suggest you come down on them hard, perhaps starting with a letter from an attorney.

Yes, it's your local org where you know people and all that, but Miscavige will tell them to hold onto the money if he thinks he can steal it. He's a bloodsucker.
+2 # Rob Thomas 2009-10-14 06:15
Yes, that is 40k they will use for a bad purpose. It just arms them to move forward with your power (money) to make things worse.
+2 # S 2009-10-08 10:40
I have been a scientologist for 17 years and have given up lately ( nothing formal but I just don’t feel a part of that group anymore)
I think its called disaffected, nowadays there is no real freedom within org lines to think or talk. your friends can disconnect form you on demand, your livelihood can be jeopardized if someone wants to pressure you or blackmail you into buying some service or updating your IAS status or what not, it’s a control mechanism, a very suppressive one
(excommunication) this is not scientology.

Gone are the days when you could talk about philosophy, work, art or anything that is not related to LRH or help the less fortunate people and feel true ARC and KRC with the staff members.

Today scientology is no longer what LRH dreamed of, it has become George Orwell's 1984. it’s a shame because now people will never know or have the big wins the bridge has to offer, I don’t believe DM can be removed, he has surrounded himself by so many DB's and yes man's and owns the rights to LRH's materials, I hope I am wrong, I truly hope the golden days will return
# T Paine 2009-10-08 12:00

I think that is a question you have to answer for youself. Obviously we make no secret of the fact that we hate the money orientation in the Church today. But you will also notice we are not campaigning that all concerned get refunds or repayments.

You should do whatever is the greatest good for the greatest number ... I believe you will receive support in such a decision.
# Roy Selby 2009-10-08 12:52
Thanks Tom, it is a pleasure communicating with you. For 253 or so years I was out of touch with Scientology, having dedicated 14 years to helping LRH in my way as a Sea Org Member. I was a lucky one, got to train on the Apollo, meet LRH, and felt that I really contributed to getting people up the bridge. As you know there are many many like me, some spent the better part of their lives doing the same. My purpose is now renewed, and I have much to be thankful for.
Thanks again.

# T Paine 2009-10-09 11:32
Roy, the gratitude is all mine. The mystery stranger to whom I refer in the article spoke of the Apollo. It was your group that so thoroughly influenced me in the 70s and created the greatest time period of expansion, real honest expansion, in Scientology!
# RJ 2009-10-09 13:56
I second that!

Roy, you are a shinning example of a true Scientologist!

I feel honored and fortunate to have people like you I can call friends :-)
+2 # T Paine 2009-10-09 22:06
Thanks RJ, its an important point you make. For all Miscavige's hype the greatest auditing I've ever had was delivered decades ago from an auditor that trained on the Apollo. And during this comm cycle it struck me that Miscavige heavily black PR'd the earlier Scn generation to the next one that came along, always riding the wave of the latest generation. This resulted in extreme inval and disrespect of the older Scn generations when in fact they are the more experienced and many actually studied under LRH. In most other fields they would be honored and cherished but in Miscavology they have been treated like DM's old shirts.
# Axiom 2009-10-10 14:10
Very nicely put and perfect to show someone in need of reformation! You´re a shining example of a true Scientologist!!!
+2 # RJ 2009-10-11 12:05
Yes I noticed that too. The covert and overt disrespect he has for Founding Scientologists and even Ron is pretty evident.

For instance he even canceled certs of Cl VIIIs that Ron personally trained after he issued GAT!

Also the insinuation was that Ron couldn't train auditors!

All this inval is really nothing but an unmock of the subject and the people who helped Ron put it there, that is those who actually contributed the ones he talks about in KSW.

What really made my blood boil though was that the little "poison dwarf" didn't even mention that Mary Sue had passed away! Yet she more than anyone else helped Ron keep the Organization there and functioning!

Oh well I guess it's up to us T to acknowledge these people who gave so much yet asked for so little in return, like Roy and my good friend Don Breeden who passed away sometime back.
# Axiom 2009-10-11 12:05
Wonderfully written essay that really takes up what it is to be a Scientologist and strive for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics!!! This makes my heart sing and my purpose soar!:-)
# Axiom 2009-10-11 12:14
An excellently well written piece that really reinstates the purpose one has as a Scientologist!
Also terrific to show Scientologists that need to know what is really going on in the Church!
You´re doing a great job guys!!!:-)
# Former NOTS Aud 2009-10-11 12:16
Actually, while it is difficult to confront this, it's actually easier now these days more than ever to get yourself informed. 10-15 years ago you could never have gotten such information.

Any Scientologist has the duty to get himself informed. What's good about this website and a few others, is they don't degrade Source and the Upper level materials. You can feel safe in reading this website, unlike some others. As a former 25 year SO Vet and an auditor for 20 plus years as well as person who worked with a lot of these people over the years, I know what they are saying is the truth.

As I'm still considered "active" (sort of), if you are in fear of getting annihilated, just stop the Dono's and as Joe Howard points out handle your own finances. And if you must, do the Basic's at home, and ignore the constant barrage of phone calls. While you're at it keep your doors of your house locked and ignore the uninvited regges, FSM's, IAS, and MAA's. DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR. Meanwhile get yourself informed, you owe it yourself and your family.

# Alex 2009-10-13 09:31
I'm wondering though why there has to be a story, a church, a leader and so forth just in order to actually do something about your environment or to become morally good, etc. I'm living my life without the need of fairy tales or churches, and I'm trying to change everything to the better around my anyway. With a religion there is always the risk for some greedy slimey fuck to take advantage of you while in my case I'm just surrounded by good friends and a good strong network. No one at a top that can abuse anything.

I admire the thing you do when it comes to better your surroundings, but I don't understand why you need a backdrop story and a church to do so. I never understood any other religion either other than the money and obedience bit of course. Invisible guys on clouds judging us... I'll take science any day, but freely letting myself place someone above me won't happen. I am my own boss and my friends my equals.

Regards, Alex
# sarah hubel 2009-10-16 10:36
I have a question for you guys. I was thinking about converting. I love what you all stand for BUT what is scientology's view on homosexuality?
# Thoughtful 2009-10-20 15:10
Hi Sara. One of the things we are trying to do is handle an organization that is stuck firmly in the past. Scientology is all about improvement, but for some ironic reason (which is no mystery) Scientology has been totally unable to improve itself and arrive into present time. They keep doing things that are, by today's standards, moral and ethical violations. And when this is pointed out to them, they simply go back to whatever LRH references that they erroneously think justify their actions and keep doing the same thing. It's the epitome of what LRH called "robotism" i.e., people who are so irresponsible they can no longer observe, decide and act for themselves.

My humble opinion on the matter of sexual preference is it's none of anyone's concern what someone else's sexual preference is. What is important is that one is honest and responsible. Beyond that I think people are getting into human rights violations and outright suppression. Show me one person in the world who shifted their sexual preference because some authority condemned it.

I'd bet not a single person in the history of the human race has ever changed sides.

Moreover, there is NO Policy from LRH that I know of that prohibits homosexuality.

Scientology is supposed to be about helping people improve whatever conditions they want to improve, not making people miserable because David Miscavige is now going to take up where Anita Bryant left off.

Marty Rathbun has a great thread going on this very subject on his blog. You can check it out here: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2009/10/14/a-very-important-letter/
# Observer 2009-11-13 23:33
I am ex SO.

This is so true. Thank you for this. I've been one of those "members" who would not look at any "entheta" because of fear that I would be pulled in for needless sessions to "fix" me from having seen something bad.

Recently, however, I came across a newspaper article about Paul Haggis. That caught my attention and I read the whole thing. I then read his resignation letter and from there I saw the St Pete articles and videos from the defectors. From there I found Rathbuns' site and now I am here reading this.

Yes, I've experienced a grief charge. I was upset for an entire week unable to sleep. I've come out of it and actually having discovered the true cause "David Miscavidge", makes so much sense.

I've since come back uptone. I see this as good news now because it makes sense and opens a door to a handling. Actually for the past week, I've been listening and reading LRH with a new sense of duplication and understanding. If we just could get rid of the squirrel DM and get rid of all his off policy crap he implemented over the years, Scientology would recover.

Example of how DM ensures we do not get LRH:

DM stated in one of his staff briefings that the OEC was not layed out correctly and people were studying the PLs they would not get them because they were out of sequence... blabla. Something like that. He openly degenrated a course in Scientology. The truth is, people don't get the PLs because of hiden data lines Miscavidge had created over the years so when someone studied a PL, they could often not relate to it because the PLs had become mostly "historic and no longer in use." Rings a bell anyone? What I mean is that if you for example read the LRH Membership PL in OEC vol 6 and you look at the IAS Impact magazine the PL no longer makes any sense as the IAS is not based on any LRH reference. There are countless other examples which have made the subject of Scientology a subject of Miscavology.

Needles to say, I fell relieved and I feel free and I am a Scientologist.

DM, your time is up. We, the free and true Scientologists are going to get you and this time your head will be on a pike.

# The Closet Monk 2010-01-08 02:48
The blog Marty had has dissapeared, what is your email address again?

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