Monday, 14 December 2009 18:59 |
Usually when I sit down to write it is about policy or tech. But tonight I am burning with another thought as I watch a friend make a decision about whether he believes the present church can be salvaged. . .
I know that it is possible but it is also highly unlikely and this is why I am taking the route I am to ensure everyone gets a chance to learn about Ron and Scientology (More of this is forthcoming in later months).
My friend still believes that it is possible (as he has no first hand experience with the true problems that exist at the top of Scientology) and he wishes to give it a try. Though this breaks my heart (as I know it will soon break his) I will not nay say his decision as he must find out for himself. This is where he will find out what most of us have lost. It will become his loss as well.
Most of us joined the SO to assist Ron in his wish to make a sane and free planet by clearing the individuals that live on it and so attain the aims of Scientology. We worked diligently toward this goal.
Each of us had different posts and different ways in which we would do our part to bring this utopia about. But we agreed we would do it the way Ron wanted it done. That was important as that is what bound all of us individualist together. His purpose was ours.
His love for mankind we all shared. His view of man and man’s state we agreed with. And the way he had worked out to raise the state of man through communication we wished to practice. Each of us had a very personal understanding with Ron. He would lead us.
We were in Ron’s SO. It was amazing.
The actual changes after Ron left were many and came in stages. Gradually Ron’s love for mankind started to disappear from this SO. Income began to be requested without the exchange of raised state for the individual. Finally we noticed that the communication that Ron had laid out to handle the state of man had been altered and here we sat, In the SO, but it wasn’t Ron’s.
We were in some one else’s SO. It gave the illusion of Ron’s SO without the true feeling of it or the true purpose. We found ourselves living in this illusion or maybe delusion. From reading other’s stories and living mine it seems that most of us were somewhat upset (maybe an understatement). So we left.
So we all look back at that Journey to present time and ask ourselves, “What was lost?”
Ron’s not lost to us. We still have his work. We still have his reality of man. We still have the communication skill to change man’s state. Each of us still has a very personal understanding with Ron. He also left his policy here to lead us. So what was lost?
I realize now that it was the group purpose that somehow got lost. Not the words but the true love, care and devotion to mankind’s advancement to higher states of being that we admired in Ron and were inspired to bring about in ourselves and our fellows where possible.
This is what I joined the SO for. THE PURPOSE! The rest was just technical details.
So what now? Can we agree on Ron’s purpose again? Can we form at least a loose group and work together to reach Ron’s and OUR goal? I believe we can.
The future of Scientology in truth depends on all of us individuals staying on that purpose and using Ron’s policy and tech to accomplish it. We don’t need a new SO. What we need to do is work together on the same purpose. Each doing what he does so well. We need all the trained and untrained doing whatever they can. Even if that is just spreading the word that people have a choice.
Independents are a group of individuals and if you share this common purpose I look forward to working with you. Written by Jimmy Rebel
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From 1760 to 1776, the main work was done for the revolution by Patrick Henry and the Virginia and Massachusetts assemblies. A correct groundwork needs to be laid, taking the long view and thinking big. The revolution never would have happened had these guys not tried every other route first and laid groundwork and established doable targets. We won't have to resort to physical takeover, it's not the same fight. We can't lose, that's unthinkable.
Being willing to resort to the extreme of a physical takeover if necessary, will prevent a physical takeover from being necessary.
LRH condones any method be used to take out squirrel management.
I don't know how you get the idea that I don't want to put ethics in on DM and his stooges. The article is about binding us together on LRH's purpose while this is being done.Ron wanted us to continue to get the show on the road while we handled the stops in the way. Like Thoughtful and others that write here I want both.
Your point about contributing is excellent. That is why I began to write articles for Steve's high-quality, de-stimulative site. If one can't write very well, one can figure out something ETHICAL and CONSTRUCTIVE they can do. You feel great when you do something. After all...the wrong thing to do is nothing.
Idle Org
Good to see as sane a viewpoint as yours being aired out here. Not much more to say, your points are well stated and taken.
What we did on staff or in the S.O. we did because we thought it was the best course of action across the dynamics. Those decisions are still there, the dynamics are the same. The only change that has occurred is how the endless energy of dedicated people is being focused.
I personally think that if the energy of independents got focused on freeing beings as opposed to reforming the church into an on policy organization we would overwhelm the shell that remains. We do all have hats we were trained in don't we? I think Ron would want us to wear them and get the job done.
If we followed policy and tech correctly and they didn't, which way would the cards fall? I don't think they would fall into empty buildings and organizations run by beings afraid of being excommunicated because they didn't conform to what currently passes for Scientology.
Put one of those frigid, empty, ideal things they seem to want so much up against a well run comm course and see which one fills up first.
Any bets?
I'll bet - for the Comm Course. And in that scenario I wouldn't be the only one to win!
If our purpose is to get in ethics on the planet then this is where we start. Being outside of Miscavige's 'Sea Org' changes nothing.
You have a unique voice. One that should be heard.
I felt an incredible loss when the Ol'man passed away because I always considered him a personal friend and we no longer had that comm line we once had, then I was sitting in Qual one day and looked at the OECs and Tech Volumes and realized that though he may be gone he left us quite a legacy.
So, even though the Goal maker is gone the goal is still there. we still have the Aims of Scientology.
The irony is that the Organization is mainly the only thing right now, directly, preventing us from achieving those aims.
Yet the aims are still there and I'm sure for many of us here, that our purpose is still Ron's purpose and that we still helping him achieve those aims.
Just a thought.
Probably one I wouldn't have had if I hadn't read your piece.
Anyway Rebel keep writing and saying what you're saying because what you say is important.
I concur. Deliver the goods. This is what is severely lacking in the church. Expansion will occur where delivery is in. And, in doing so we will create that GROUP purpose again. It has been years since I felt that I was part of Scientology group. Since the start of Marty's blog, I have felt more and more like a Scientologist. Although I do not know many of the blogger's we all do have the same purpose. It sounds like the beginning of a group to me.
Whenever a new order begins to be put in the disorder, as you know, instantly appears. A new order is gathering and the disorder is of no small magnitude. All we have to do is just keep doing what we're doing (putting in increments of order) and the disorder will inevitably convert into order.
It seems to me that on the cycle of action CoS is at the tail end of the conserve phase (desperately clinging) but as sure as the sun sets in the west, will soon be slipping into decay and, of course, finally death.
On the other hand, from what I've been reading the Independent Scientologists Movement (ISM), although being in a phase of growth for some time, is now experiencing somewhat of a dynamic growth spurt. In any event, there is no doubt that an obvious rekindling of purpose is now well underway amongst a multitude of Scientologists and one can only imagine where this might lead. That being noted, it might be a prudent move to buckle up as I sense that we are all about to go on a ride of the likes that we have not been on for a very, very long time.
Attainment is still a fer piece away for the ISM but that's okay by me as the best part of the "juice" is in the journey.
We just need to keep writing, talking and telling our stories to each other and, indeed, to the world if the world is interested.
Definitely, this is a most wonderful opportunity for us one and all to really test our philosophy outside the familiar and predictable, even if at times abusive, confines of the CoS.
I look forward to your next article Jimmy Rebel.
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