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Thursday, 26 November 2009 09:47

Photo of firemen fighting a fireThere have been times and places when being in the Sea Org was fun. There was purpose and even honor. Those days are long gone. Now it's more like being a prison guard (or prisoner) in a 1984-style prison system. Harsh ethics has become pervasive, trademark Miscavige; pointlessly so, unnecessarily so, arbitrarily so. Sea Org members were tough by design. They had to be because there was a big job to do and few to do it. But this is the crashing misunderstood word: toughness is NOT the same thing as harshness.

The only people who think so are the WEAK and criminally-minded people of the world. The truly TOUGH person is kind and able to love. They are so TOUGH they are able to take it all, handle it all, overcome anything, and yet they are still able to love people, laugh easily, and inspire others to do the same.

When I think about "tough," I think about LRH in the early days. I think "tough" and "character" go hand in hand. "Tough" and "compassion" go hand in hand. "Tough" and "wisdom" go hand in hand. "Tough" and "faith" go hand in hand.

"Harsh" -- that is the province of weak and the stupid. It is their misunderstanding. It is as close as they can come to "tough" since they have no way to comprehend what "tough" is really all about.

Here's who I think are really TOUGH: those individuals who have seen what's going on and who are now standing up and doing something about it against all odds, with zero funding... and winning. And all with zero harsh ethics, musters, justice actions, physical assaults, HCO Summonses, disconnections, rumor campaigns, black PR, lies, entheta, Severe Reality Adjustments, stat graphs, condition assignments, multimillion A/V systems, million-dollar events, written programs, projects, orders, and confidential COB Transcripts marked, "Not to leave the base."

It has taken a lot of hard work and even a few all-nighters, but even those were fun. :-)

Instead of all the wholly unnecessary idiocies, our efforts are characterized by honesty and intense friendships on every hand. Because the camaraderie is so high, we naturally have each other's back. Without enforcing a single aspect, we are the very definition of an OT team.

Instead of written programs, projects and orders we have initiative. We act in concert without a single product conference or planning session.

One of us starts something only to find that someone else started the exact thing needed to complement those actions. It's exactly like this: one of us decides to build a door and starts. Then he or she notices someone else is building a roof and someone else is building a wall and someone else is building a path.

Every one one of us is wearing a hat and doing a job and doing it for free because we care. Included in that are all the people who comment and lend their voice in support and defense.

I think some people believe there is a group of beings watching over the human race. I think even this idea is a romantically-stupid misunderstanding. The actual truth is far better than this fairy tale misconception.

The heroic beings exist. That’s a fact. But they aren’t “watching over” the human race... like angelic firemen in white gowns laying around on Cloud 9 until they are needed, then coming down to intervene.

We aren’t “watching over” the human race or “looking down upon” the human race.

We ARE the human race!

The human race is something special. Membership in our group is entirely open-ended and voluntary. Anyone can belong to that group who wants to belong because it's a matter of character.

Some of them joined the Sea Org. Many more never heard of Scientology. These beings live and work throughout the world and are called collectively the human race or in Scientology we call them the "4th dynamic."

David Miscavige thought he could subjugate them, "take them over" and make them follow his gibberish orders. I call that the incredible arrogance of a criminal imbecile.

He can label us “suppressive persons” or spread false rumors. He isn't going to crush the 4th dynamic. Not now, not ever.

With kindness, we are doing something about him. 

Written by Thoughtful




# Kirsi Ojamo 2009-11-27 03:12
Thoughtful, you hit something very deep and dear, my god do you have a way of getting under the skin! I wept then laughed, when was the last time I laughed like this? That artificial and false toughness was the primary reason I left the SO after having served 18 years. The disappointment in self and the initial idea of having failed, as by all appearances I had, have been replaced by the truth which is so well articulated in this site. Who is Tough? Thoughtful, Steve, you are, without a doubt.
# Thoughtful 2009-11-29 09:53
Kirsi, Thanks for the huge compliment. Miscavige's ideals violate the ARC triangle. ARC has always been the keynote of any real Scientologist, not combativeness. LRH said many times the Auditor's Code would be the ideal for anyone living a successful life. Miscavige has perverted the ideal to being a Gestapo-like "ethics interview." The guy just flat out has zero ARC. He can't conceive of ARC (being a textbook SP) since in his delusional state everyone around him is an enemy and he's fighting them.
# Guest 2009-11-29 02:38

You outdid yourself. Harsh is the appropriate word to describe what it had become.

The inventor of SRA - Severe Reality Adjustment has taken Harsh to a new level and graduated to simple angry barbaric physical assaults, when those SRAs don't work.

There were some very tough times with LRH, however, after those storms subsided the warm sunshine was incredibly good and a contrast.
# RJ 2009-11-30 03:22
So true Thoughtful Steve.

Scientology under the direction and control of Mary Sue the Controller in consultation with Ron, Commodore and Founder was a tough, dedicated Organization but it was never harsh and it was always fun. Even when we were working maybe fifteen hours a day. Not because someone told us to but because we wanted to be there.

In fact it was Mary Sue who said that "if it wasn't fun it wasn't Scientology."

It is obvious that Miscavige canceled that directive when He took over.
# OnceUponaTime 2009-12-01 13:21
Funny you brought this up because I had recently examined why ethics presence was so misunderstood. Brutality is not ethics presence. Total ARC is ethics presence. Breaking ARC in others does not increase ethics. You can never enforce ethical behavior in someone. Ethics comes from a native sense of right and wrong. Ethics exists at the highest level of theta and is what makes integrity integrity. If going OT is becoming more and more "knowing cause" then you have to ask yourself what are you going to knowingly cause. Ethics is native to theta and guides one in what to knowingly cause
# Thoughtful 2009-12-01 14:22
My God, that was well said!!! SPECTACULAR COMMENT. Thank you so much for contributing that; you rock.
# OnceUponaTime 2009-12-03 10:29
You've inspired me!
# WomanSetFree 2009-12-01 15:00
Thanks to you!!
My dream when joining SO was to be an MAA, just for this very reason. That I was never posted to any Ethics position was a miracle, "Thank God for unanswered prayers". OnceUponaTime you have reminded me why it was my purpose, and I thank you!!
# Jim Logan 2009-12-01 16:08
Once Upon a Time,
I second Thoughtful heartily. In fact, I think you have nailed a MAJOR why on the whole management action for decades. This is so insightful I'm excited as could be. Brilliant.
# OnceUponaTime 2009-12-03 10:31
Thanks Jim,
Admired your work. This site might benefit from a proper work on "Getting Ethics In On The Planet" so that understanding of the subject could spread. I'm sure that hidden in some of Ron's tapes are plenty of inspirations for the subject--before ethics became a "Justice System."
# Elizabeth 2009-12-03 10:25
I think this sums it up:
(From How to Present Scientology to the World)
"It's perfectly all right to be nice to people. It isn't a weakness at all; nothing weak about being nice. In matter of fact, if you aren't, you're in the soup"
"You could say that the only times for which you were suffering are those times when you weren't nice enough. When you weren't kind enough and when you weren't unmean enough and those are the only times from which you're really suffering"
"The only thing you should ever be tough about is insist that the other fellow ought to stand on his own feet too. And the only way you'll ever communicate that to him is to communicate it to him in a very nice way. Then he's liable to receive it".
- L. Ron Hubbard (copyright © L. RON HUBBARD!!!)
# OnceUponaTime 2009-12-03 10:30
Yeah, sorry about the dream--sort of, as you understand. Our basic purpose always seems to fit somewhere on the org board. Even though we hold every post on the first dynamic, we specialize our posts as we move across the second, third and fourth. Efficient utilization of resources dictates using the best resource for its purpose. You wouldn't use a cow as transportation if you had a horse also. Maybe I should do an article on "Finding Your Proper Place On The Org Board." That orgs misuse resources by improper personnel placement always left me scratching my head. Why put the doctor in the bathroom and the plumber in the clinic? Hmmm. I think a lot of people leave by being pulled off their basic purpose which creates a personal dynamic problem.
# Smeso 2009-12-10 04:53
The comment on misusing resources reminds me of another way that DM is blocking expansion.
Apart from the fact that he uses musical chairs to unmock the production on the Int Base, he makes it worse by putting the wrong people on the various posts (and removing the productive ones).
Why else did he put Steve to write scripts in Cine?
Putting people on posts they don't want to do and to pull successful people off post is just another way to suppress them.

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