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Wednesday, 10 February 2010 11:05
Predictably, over the next months or year or more, we will be seeing a tremendous metamorphosis happening within the Sea Org and Scientology as more and more people realize what is really going on under the David Miscavige administration. While he can continue to open up "ideal orgs', with himself on the podium to magnetize Scientologists into believing that he is expanding Scientology, we know the truth is quite the opposite. Life being life, and people being people, truth will eventually crack his facade and it is only a matter of time before his camp falls apart and HE loses control.

This quotation from Abraham Lincoln encompasses the situation very well, I think:

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Unfortunately we've seen the results of power in the hands of David Miscavige.

The question I'm posing to anyone reading this article is what do you think needs to be done, if anything, once David Miscavige is deposed or steps down? In other words, do we just let the Sea Org and the Church learn from its mistakes and morph and mature back in the direction of a stronger group that has gained insight from this experience, or do we take a more aggressive stance and propose or insist upon some kind of system or means of empowering Scientologists so they have a say in who leads the movement?

More and more people are going to join the ranks of independents. There are probably hundreds, if not thousands already hovering over that very fence as we speak. The question I am posing to anyone reading this is do we want to propose something, within the framework of LRH policy, which permits a free people to have the right of say-so about their government - in this case the government of Scientology? Or do we want to leave it to fate and hope and assume that in the long run Scientology will end up in favorable hands that will undo the insanities, perversions and technical and administrative alterations that the current administration has permeated the system with?

Realize too, if you read basic OEC Volume 0 policy, LRH does not say that the development of all policy has ended or is absolute - quite the contrary - he makes it clear that policy is developed through experience with the organization. It is a learning curve, and through that experience one sets down policy. Scientology has accelerated in expansion in its short 60 years of existence; through a period of dramatic and unfettered expansion in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and then it entered the realm of marginalized, dictatorial and authoritarian administration for the last three decades. We can all hope that when David Miscavige is de-throned, that his successor will be sane enough to revert Scientology back to its true form - but given that we are dealing with men and women who have weaknesses and are still human, we have to assume more responsibility than just hope and good intentions.

So... I am asking for your input, your ideas, what should we do for the future to ensure that Scientology stays in good hands once the dictator is gone?  I am attempting to put together something, some paper or proposal, within the bounds of basic LRH policy, that would give us a sensible direction to go with this. Or, if the general consenus is that we should just let the Church morph on its own, and let Scientology dig itself out of the soup and mature by its own means without any outside pressure from Scientologists, then of course that should be put on the table too for everyone to see. I am not asserting which way to go with this. I do have my viewpoint but what I am interested in is YOUR views because in the end, WE have to deal with the mess that will be left behind.

Keep in mind that the governing body of Scientology is no different in essence than the governing body of any free nation - they both operate on the same principles and they must also provide the same rights and freedoms. Currently, WE, as Scientologists, don't have any rights to demand that our "government" in Scientology reforms - nor do we have the right to vote them out of office and to install others whom we feel would do a better job of government. That by definition is a dictatorship or tyranny or monarchy - all the same basic thing.  A philosophical and spiritual movement with the purposes of FREEING all beings, cannot be run by an administration with a diametrically opposed mentality.

With that said - let's get your views on the table so that everyone can see it, contribute to it and see if we can make anything out of this.



+1 # Gaiagnostic 2010-02-10 07:10
Thank you for the excellent and necessary post.

It is not an option to "let the church morph on its own" (that was a joke right?)

There will be a mess, and most of the people still in when it goes down will be in a state of shock and will need time to understand what occurred and recover.

I think there should be a period of time for this adjustment to take place before any permanent changes are made or structures are put in place. No one should "take over." Everyone needs to have a voice.

Adequate communication lines will have to be set up, and lots and lots of information will need to flow.

Ultimately, access to the written, audio and video legacy of LRH should be free. Training and auditing should take place with exchange determined by the individuals involved.

Any leadership of any central organization should be elected by Scientologists. Control and power should be localized as much as possible. There should be complete transparency with statistics, organization structure and financial information.

The IAS should be dissolved. Miscavage should make reparations (what and how to be determined). Criminal acts should be prosecuted.

The bottom line is free and open communication, if we do just that...

imagine :D
# Lise 2010-02-10 19:29
I agree wholeheartedly with you Gaiagnostic especially that Control and Power should be localized as much as possible.

I don't know policy as well as others but to me its plain common sense that putting someone else in Power to replace DM will change absolutely nothing.

As it currently is and was when I was on Post, You can't get Scientology done because of interference and heavy ethics from the Sea Org. If the Public don't have some sort of say then all what is happening now will just be replayed over and over again.
# Theo Sismanides 2010-02-10 07:12
Dear OTB, thank you for this opportunity. Indeed we should think over this and give our views. I am for a solution which involves Scientologists for sure. My only problem is that I know people agree on bank agreements and thus chaos can occur. Thus I might say that a system should be developed that would give the opportunity for a multi viewpoint type of government from where someone will excel and become the leader finally. Someone who meanwhile will have proven his/her worth as a leader. That would be measured by stats. Let's say there are 10 people who are going to take over the leadership of Scientology. 10 people we all trust. Those 10 can take leading posts in various sectors of the church and lead them independently. Then start seeing who is making that big progress in stats, real stats which by the way should be monitored by a well respected body of Scientologists.

I am thinking something like that. Maybe it is not so workable but it's a rough idea. Maybe I come up with something better.

This should be done in some way, I am not sure though yet, how that would be.
+1 # Charls Martinez 2010-02-10 12:56
I believe we can not establish a "democracy" but rather apply policy. The only problem now adays is that what is happening is too incredible to believe and many blindedly follow whatever is uttered, but after overcoming this debacle, all of us will learn a great lesson: NO ONE is above policy and every scientologist based on KSW has a saying on what is done within the church. We all have different HATs but no one is really above the rest, as we have no authority other than to enforce LRH´s materials. And we will be able to disagree whenever policy is violate and not ever pretend that the violations are ok because are coming from whoever. That is my humble opinion. I vote for ED Int as a great leader by the way.
+1 # nina bobi 2010-02-10 13:14
I think that we the Scientologist public to have a decision on who runs the church base on LRH policies, as we don't want a dictator running the church again.

yes maybe a Watchdog committee formed by public scientologists to watch over the new COB

And also we have the right to know how our donation money is been expended.( well I think we have to ban and cancel the IAS because is off policy, as well as WISE, ABLE, etc, etc.
+1 # Ralph Hilton 2010-02-10 13:17
It is my view that if nothing is done then another crazy dictator will eventually take over.
The problem of succession is ever present with a dictatorship as we have evidenced. LRH put forward in HCOB 17 March 1969 a scale of government with a republic at the top. The most succesful organizations in Scientology have been those which had the least external management - the pre DM missions. If the Sea Org is to run the CofS then I believe that it needs to be accountable to its members. I believe that it is time for the whole of the writings of L.Ron Hubbard to be placed in the public domain. Everything! That would include all the research notes, OT levels etc. The danger of people being exposed to OT level data has actually proven to be minimal. Such an action would ensure that no-one can ever control another with the threat of withheld freedom. I do not really see any sane choice but to have an elected assembly run Scientology.
# Aeolus 2010-02-18 04:03
Ralph, you are exactly right about another dictator taking over. A rigid hierarchical organization that can be controlled from a single post on top is a magnet for antisocial types that need to dominate others. Base that organization on a military pattern, as the SO is, and the draw is irresistible.

The most successful pattern for Scientology was the franchise mission network that Miscavige destroyed. The mission holders had legal rights that they failed to hang onto. If that system is recreated, perhaps they will be smarter and tougher next time.
+1 # Joe Howard 2010-02-10 13:26
One thing I heard about at one time was a system by which any junior could call for a vote of confidence on his or her senior. That senior's juniors would be able to vote yea or nay and if the nays won, the senior would have to be replaced. I can see how this could be a very valuable system. The senior would genuinely have to be concerned about the overall health of his sector of the organization, which includes the juniors. The KR PL tried to cover the circumstances of bad seniors but this obviously hasn't worked. Any reconstitution of Scientology organizationally should give juniors a hammer they can use when needed.
+4 # Olga Vernardou 2010-02-10 13:44
There is a prophecy in the Bible, which relates to DM in a strange manner: "The first shall be last". And I have a feeling that this prophecy will be fulfilled this year... So, what is going to follow the inevitable fall of DM?
I know that many of the independents believe that DM is the only plague of Scientology. I do not share this viewpoint. I believe that DM is not the head of Scientology by coincidence and that if the same system continues to operate behind him, we will get another DM, after this one falls (in the same way that one USA President follows another, and I'm sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes).
Therefore, if you ask me, interference by the Independents in the Sea Org and Church matters is not only desirable but vital, as it is clearly a matter of ethics. The formula of the Danger condition should also be fully applied on a third dynamic scale to make sure the situation does not repeat.
That's my general idea about it. Thank you for asking!
# fnx3 2010-02-11 10:03
Exactly Olga - plus the awful example & my own experience of the current CofS really undermines my confidence in the efficacy of LRH's tech altogether - how come it has produced such a horrible organization & low-toned people???

I did have dreams of maybe a "Clearbird Academy & Clearing Center" once upon a time but then I discovered that Clearbird was including material from people other than LRH & so I lost confidence in following that either. Scientology does require central monitoring of how it is delivered so as to preserve it's technical integrity - but doctors & lawyers have worked out how to manage this without being "boot camped" so it must be possible.

But this issue continues to hold my attention as per instant & early wins with just good ol' Dianetics which it would be great to see more readily accessible for the general community.
+1 # Olga Vernardou 2010-02-11 11:55
Thank you, fnx3. I understand how you feel, and I have often asked myself how come LRH did not predict or find a way to prevent this outcome. But the technology of LRH is not to blame. There are people working very diligently to bring about such results as you mention. It is amazing to observe how far adrift people will go from the truth with a little help from the SPs. And this is not the first time it happens. Distortion of truth has been happening since time immemorial.

If there is something to admire in the SPs is their diligence. We have to admit they work hard!

But to lose confidence is not helpful. We need to think positively and have high expectations. After all, a thetan gets only what he postulates.
+2 # jim logan 2010-02-10 15:21
It's been a long time since I studied the OEC. A lot of water has gone under that bridge. At this point, with experience and having gone over several key humps on the case end of things, I'm in need of a full restudy of the area.

Off hand, I'll offer this idea. There HAVE BEEN successful, 'working installations' in the past history of the group on every area; a Central Org, the field, and Missions and Management and any area that is important.

Granted, not every obstacle to encounter has been encountered and there may very well need to be policy, as described in the reference The Structure of Organization: What is Policy?, reviewed, reissued, issued newly, cancelled and the whole gamut of the various points of that What is Policy issue.

However, there ARE successful applications of what exists. The Sea Project and then Org, witnessed an incredible amount of study and issues resulting from that study (Data Series, Org Series, Esto Series, and so on) and at various points there have been very successful organizations. It's my view that, as it is with Standard Tech, a full understanding of the basics as covered in the materials, will result in the KRC, coupled with the past decades of experience, that will provide the knowledge of how to go on. In other words, rather than look for some new mousetrap, I'm going to study the one that we have. I'm positive, since I'm still very much a Scientologist and so are many more, that somewhere along the line, what has been set up with the policies so far, has to have been a working installation to some degree and I'm in need of study of just exactly how that was done before I throw it away or come up with some substitute.

I think I'll take advantage of my new awareness gained with Standard Tech to revisit the admin materials. I've not been let down at any point with Standard Tech, I figure that will carry through to admin, and considering as well the Third Dynamic Tech issue of 11 April 70: "In its present state of development, like early auditing material, Third Dynamic Tech is used to think with, and only the bright mind will achieve its full potential in action."
+1 # Theo Sismanides 2010-02-11 12:23
Dear Jim,

Thanks for reminding us that the Admin tech was not complete. You are right on that. And it's great that someone is going to re-study it in a new unit of time to provide some overall viewpoint about it. This is a great task. keep it up!
+1 # Marsha 2010-02-10 18:05
These are my thoughts and opinions regarding the various posts thus far.
First, if we should ever decide to overtly depose DM, we need to be very carefull not to turn him into a martyr. And, don't overlook the fact that he has access to extreemly deep pockets, should he want to drag this through the courts by placing blame on any of us.
We must be prepared to handle, literally, hundreds, if not thousands, of staff, public and independents who are PTS, suffering from multi dynamic personal and group engrams, out tech/policy/ethics victims. There isn't time or space here to list all the things that will need to be handled.
My main concern on this topic is that the Church of DM will come apart at the seams without any real warning and we will be caught by surprise. IMO we need to have some kind of plan and structer for the probable inevitablity of that happening. Some kind of plan that most can agree on and put in place preemptively. It's going to be a HUGE task. I think some kind of organization on our part is called for. The sooner the better.
This is not to say that it would be written in stone. I, for one, would need some kind of promise that would make it clear to all that this would be, originally, as sane a stopgap as we can manage up front.
It may be niave on my part to think that we could come together and get this done without a lot of natter, devisiveness, bitter feelings, enturb being spread around, and paranoia about "who, what and where". As evidenced by so much bickering that is going on in the various sites and blogs. It makes me sad...really. It hurts us all.
It wouldn't hurt to look into the legal aspects of how to proceed during that phase. IE: freezing Scn. bank accounts, audits, etc..
+4 # EXILO 2010-02-10 18:50
Persoanlly, I want dedicated Scientologists to take over the Int operation. Preferably Ex Sea Org members of the caliber of Marty, Steve, etc. Those who were there, left for a few years and have now a new viewpoint and want to start over in a constructive manner.

1. No single leader for the Scientology movement.

2. No international events.

3. All the off-policy crap that has been implemented under DM gotten rid off.

4. The IAS disbanded and membership policy as per OEC Volume 6 implemented.

5. All alterations to LRH tech reverted to the LRH approved texts.

6. Sea Org members can have children if they wish and have tine to raise them and be parents.

7. Disconnection policy cancelled for good as per LRH intentions.

8. Scientology justice system overhauled with recourse to independent scientologists not on church lines.

9. The truth of the circumstances of LRHs death being made public. No more lies or PR crap.

10. The RPF reduced to a few weeks instead of years.

11. RPF not be used as punishment but used to make people redeem themselves and become better beings through co-auditing and MEST work. (As per LRH intentions)

12. Freedom of speech guranteed.

13. No more Human Right violations

14. Sea Org members allowed to have LOAs without days of sec checking.

15. People who wish to leave the SO can leave within 48 hours withour repercussions of being declared.

16. International Amnesty including all SP declares canecelled.

These are some points I would like to see as part of a major overhaul and reform.

I would even consider coming back as per the motto of the Sea Org.
+1 # Renegade 2010-02-10 19:17
From what I recall while on staff, there always seemed to be a built in check and balance system in the org board as well as in upper management.

No one was in absolute control. If things went off the rails there was always some avenue of intervention. Even the ED had to answer to HCO or the SSO for not attending study. Qual had the responsibility to ensure correct application of the tech as well as the LC, etc.

Ensuring that intervention is built in will prevent another dm taking over. That plus making sure the in charge got his enhancement like LRH said in "Talk on a Basic Qual" where you care about your senior to get them help, if they go off the rails. This can be much harder to do in reality. Some seniors can get pretty nasty that you don't want to even try.
# Ed 2010-02-10 19:38
There is already a third dynamic engram. There will be more where that came from before Miscavage leaves. Billions in lawsuits are a real possability. An administrator is supposed to be a third dynamic auditor. David Miscavage is not an auditor I would go into session with. In fact, I left Scientology 30 years ago when I realised I could not co-audit up the bridge, and I could not afford professional auditing.
Whatever happens, there will be a need for auditing, to audit the church itself, before it will be able to persue the goals of Scientology
+1 # Guest 2010-02-10 20:56
Okay. First of all, thank you for bringing this up in this manner.

First: In the confusion following DM's departure, a stable datum needs to be in place. That can only be LRH, as that is the basic agreement point. I haven't thought about what specific stable data formulated around LRH would work, but I know it could be worked out.

Second: DM will probably blow quite destructively, possibly with legal rights to the trademarks assigned to him, and a few hundred million. But if he gets arrested and criminally charged, these can be pried away from him, but oh woe is the church--ALL staff will be diverted to anything deemed necessary to assist Dear Leader.

Third: The election of a leader is essential. I would try to model some sort of system after the US constitution, where there are 3 branches of government, each with policy checks and balances enumerated in the Constitution.

For those that say, "we just need to follow policy" I say that is no longer enough. If we don't learn from this massive FAIL, we likely will go right back into situation of a despot controlling everything.

LRH never wrote specific policies about how to go about selecting a new leader; the fact that he was the leader and so accomplished at it made such a policy unnecessary at the time. Possibly he had ideas about it, but didn't want to put them out as he could then be overthrown by SP, etc., as actually happened in the early days.
# Symbiote 2010-02-10 21:48
Its a good question and an interesting thing to contemplate so I'll toss a couple of suggestions in the mix...but I'm afraid it is going to be a long, slow, and very chaotic process getting the CoS back on the rails. In the long run, the application of LRH's discoveries will occur in many different venues and probably by many different names.

One of the main lessons of this horrible regime is that THERE IS NO COB. It's a made up title. LRH acted as a benign "dictator" so to speak, but he was Source and he was in fact, benign.
So the structure of upper management, returned to their actual,on-policy duties would be an immediate improvement.
I "vote" for an "on policy" solution vs. a "democratic" one.
Transparency is mandatory however. The days of super-secret everythingnessess are over.
+1 # Jimmy Rebel 2010-02-10 22:06
I believe that the first step is alway to go back to what did work. I am with Jim Here. I will only add...

We Don't Need Another Hero. We have one.

We only have one unquestioned leader and that is Ron. No one over rules him,takes his place or wears all his hat. Though everyone will wear some piece of his hat. Ron will lead us through his policy and tech.

He had a very workable setup for years. Let's get back to that. To figure out which one was the best research will need to be done.

For each scientologist to have a say each will need to educate themselve in the basics of LRH policy. (not DM's) Even if it is just Volume 0 and be a book one auditor with about 100 hours. Otherwise we are back to bank agreement.

I respect anyone who talks from a hatted viewpoint with experience. They also have to be able to truly love their fellow man or all the good policy in the world is useless.

As for those left at Int... They should not rule again. They should be allowed to properly destim.
# fnx3 2010-02-11 10:14
Well - you put yr finger right on the very "Catch 22" JR when you said "they also have to be able to truly love their fellow man or all the good policy in the world is useless." ... so if the purpose of the tech was to produce just such high-toned people how come they aren't in evidence as per the actions of the whole representative organization???
# Old Auditor 2010-02-11 01:03
I think we have to let the Church of Scientology die a natural death, without frantic efforts to revive it and with no attempt at putting it down like the crazed organism it has become.

The basic flaw, rigid top down management, is built into the very DNA of the church. Any organization where you cannot write a knowledge report on a senior or indicate a senior terminal as a PTS item is easy prey to an SP who works his/her way up in the ranks.

In studying LRH policy I was always amused by his presumption that management always knew better than people working in the field. Whenever he mentions getting a corrective input from lower on the chain of command, it was always as an afterthought, the remotest possibility.

As a result, there will be no effective correction from within the church as "management infallibility" is drummed into the heads of all staff and SO members. Like "Papal infallibility" this only works if you are a true believer and ignore real world inputs.

There are definite advantages in having a large enough organization to exercise political clout as in securing advantageous licensing arrangements for practitioners and defending against efforts to have practitioners shut down because they are not "licensed" therapists or counselors of some type. This can be achieved by creating a large coalition of smaller groups and individual practitioners for the purpose of protecting the practitioners and exchanging information on best practices.

The coalition should concentrate on empowering the individuals and groups through exchange of information and through facilitation of training in the various disciplines used in the coalition. If the coalition is to become truly successful, it will embrace multiple disciplines, those in the Freezone and in the independent field.

The focus should not be on the technology employed, but on practices that ensure that PC, clients, etc. are able to get what they expect from the practice. Setting expectations and meeting them is far more important than how the result is achieved.
# Olga Vernardou 2010-02-11 14:47
I'm afraid the C of S will not "die a natural death", because the condition it is in did not come about naturally. Like Christianity and other religions, Scientology will not even resemble itself after some decades, if we just let the suppresives carry on with their plans.
+3 # RJ 2010-02-11 01:37
Here's a novel concept!

Why don't we apply Standard Scientology as given in the OEC Volumes!

I don't know how many times I have written this but I feel I must write it again!

The HCOPLs you should read are:

Advisory Council, 8 May 57, 1 Nov 66 and 21 Dec 66

Ad Council Appointments 27 May 57, 2 Nov 66 etc plus several others dealing with Ad Council, Advisory Committees on and on.

All these policies are in OEC Vol 7.

The thing that's missing here folks is actual application!

I mean you can have the tech sitting in the Tech Vols but if no one bothers to read it or worse does something else, then guess what?

Rhetorical question! You get something other than Scientology while calling it such which is exactly what is occurring now under the rubric of the Golden Age of Tech!

There is no such thing as a Scientology Leader or top clown as Clown on Board or COB !!!

The post does not exist, never did!

Like as in Scientology tech. If you want some organizational system other than what is contained in policy and elect some dim wit to run the show while every one else does do nothing motions and takes no responsibility which is what wog government is, then at least be honest about it and call it squirreling.

There is squirrel tech and there is also squirrel admin!
# Jimmy Rebel 2010-02-12 12:01
You are correct. Standard application is what is missing.
+2 # Doc Holiday 2010-02-11 03:07
I agree with most everyone's posts but have a particular liking for Exilo's. Maybe because they were listed item by item but also because they were well thought out.
I would just like to add that anyone in management should need to be a thoroughly trained auditor. Thus, input from all the remaining Class12 and Class8 auditors is imperative as they know what works to get people up the bridge and they know what it is like to train and make it. They also know what it takes to treat people with respect.
By the way, all auditors who were declared SP's (especially the 12's and 8's) need to be undeclared ASAP (as should everyone else). You don't make it to Class12 and Class8 and then all of a sudden go evil! Who the hell thought up that garbage! Real auditors are dedicated people who are valuable and want to make things go right. God bless them!
# L 2010-02-11 06:44
"What should we do for the future to ensure that Scientology stays in good hands?"

Have good hands!

Some will hammer away at the evils in the church. When DM goes, the Directors of the CST or the RTC will appoint a successor. What follows will be relief or more hammering.

Others will let the church go and support independent field groups. Individual Scios can then exercise their power of choice. The marketplace will decide. [This is my choice.]

Don't worry about the confusion that's coming. Pick a game and play!
# Dave 2010-02-11 06:56
I think a total review of the Tech needs to be done from top to bottom. There is workable Tech, and there is unworkable Tech. There is also grossly exaggerated promotion of gains for all levels. This needs to be fixed, and put into proper perspective. There is also data on upper levels which seems to obviate the lower levels. LRH never went back and refined his Bridge. This needs to be done.

PC's are not allowed to talk about there experiences with auditing, so no-one actually knows the full extent of the un-workability/workability of each level. It is just assumed that the Tech is perfect, and that any unworkability is the fault of the auditor or pc. I personnel feel that LRH made a hell of a lot of mistakes in the Tech. These need to be fixed up. The only way to approach this is to do what he claims he did - put some proper Scientific testing on everything. Lets get some proper scientific validation of the Tech. LRH said that 20% of people will get better on a placibo. The Scientific community says the percentage is between 40 and 60%. How do we know that Scientology's gains are based on the placibo effect?

The same needs to happen on the Admin Tech. There are things that LRH claims that I have noticed from my years on staff that are just totally un-true, like the fact that income goes up 6 weeks after a big BMO stat. Just not true.

And we can start by throwing out KSW 1. If you have done any research on the net you will know that LRH did not develop most of the Tech. Proper credit needs to be given for those that contributed, even though most of them are now dead.

So I believe that a thorough review needs to be done of all aspects of Scientology. Lets make it workable.
+1 # Dan Starr 2010-02-11 08:50
If "workability" is the key to a better world, then we should take note of all the above posters who also observed working installations. The steps to take are obvious from my observations.

Here are mine:

1. Missions - I started at a Mission. Mission policy was loose, very loose, and consequently worked. Sure there were "other practices" as people want to try out a variety of things. So what? The goal is what works, no, and some others do and some others don't and that is an individual judgment. I don't hold that individual thetans have no ability to judge. They do. Read history.

2. Basics - I'm not an OT, spent too much time on staff without any enhancement. I do know that the basics work because I've used them every single day and seen their value.

3. Op 4 D - Anyone else recall this from the first of the eighties? It worked in LA. Diana ran it. People went into the world applying LRH tech and making friends for Scn. PR Area Control was excellent. Good Scientologists were promised "training awards" in exchange. Than that filthy bugger DM came into the picture and Senior Policy was ignored. Op 4 D collapsed completely. Now we have Tom bloody Cruise out there ruining any hope of Scn PR.

4. Freedom. Even in LA, where I was posted, right there with Upper Management, there were heros of the Scientology movement whose application of the tech we respected and looked to for help. They were all either Declared or removed, etc., in DM's and his cronies lust for personal power. Allow this to recur which would be natural, especially with the Internet.
+1 # Guest 2010-02-11 13:11
"Simon Bolivar" ladies and gents. "What would Ron Do? (perhaps):
Those who have not left the S.O. and those who have left, but want to go back, need to have a real Board meeting, appoint a sane leader, get Tech, Ethics, Admin IN, with purpose once again being senior to policy, and get FAITH restored in the CofS delivering LRH tech by example, not just PR, word of mouth is a very powerful tool. Re-hab the theta- revitalizing mission, with Qual actually running the org HCO established.
+1 # craig houchin 2010-02-11 17:03
Since none of us really knows the actual current legal structure of the church, a lot of this is speculation. For all we know, after the fall, all Church intellectual and physical property could simply revert to the control of the IRS or some other non-religious body.

So setting aside that big unknown for the moment, it is my opinion that the current structure of the Church should NOT be re-formed. PERIOD.

Top down management and control has, throughout history, always wound up becoming, to one degree or another, rigid, dictatorial and totalitarian.

We can even see the signs of this in our own country (USA), considered by many to be the freest on earth.

You could argue that this kind of organization sort of worked while LRH was on the line, but you could also argue that it beautifully set the stage for a DM to rise to power.

Scientology should be free to whoever will use it.

Individuals and groups may, if they choose to, form up to create Scientology Centers, schools, academies, etc. They will charge fees for their services as they see fit and according to what their local markets will bear.

No overlord, governing body is necessary or desirable. No Sea Org.

People helping people, one on one, is the bedrock of any sustainable philosophical or religious movement.

Without the force and duress of a “my way or the highway” leader, Scientology will be able to flourish as a movement of people using the best they know of Scientology to the best of their abilities to help themselves and others.

If people are successful in their use of Scientology. Its use will grow.

That is what I would like to see Scientology become.
+2 # Chuck Beatty 2010-02-12 09:24
1) International Amnesty, undeclare everyone ever declared SP, unconditionally. References: the two LRH lectures of summer 1966, one is the lecture "About Rhodesia" and the other is the lecture to the GO a day after the "About Rhodesia" lecture. The Board of Review policy authorizes overturning ALL justice misapplications which amongst other things, "violate basic policy." Well the policy violated across the boards is by SP declaring people who are NOT SP. People may have committed a number of SP acts, who hasn't, but they are NOT SPs per the 1966 two summer lectures by LRH.

This would allow anyone of the independents to return to the official movement, and most would NOT desire this, but hear me out.

I think the independents should just be accepted back into Scientology. The independents are NOT SPs.

Official Scientology has the full LRH cannon of writings and lectures. They have the advantage, particularly the full body of private despatches from LRH to "top management". One particular LRH despatch that I think long range, when someone someday rises up to appreciate it, is the despatch to ED Int, where LRH half jokes to ED Int that he probably didn't really the authority he (ED Int) has to handle "arbitraries" set up by policy, in the case of this despatch, it was arbitraries regarding hiring requirements for staff, a particular instance of an arbitrary. LRH was half chiding ED Int.

LRH wished to give to Exec Strata the "think tank" hat. Reference 339R Int.

The Eval Corps, now defunct, was under Exec Strata.

WDC ensures qualified exec positions of top management, including Exec Strata, are filled, including ILO (Int Liaison Org, and LRH had some minor influence on the name of ILO, someone ask Ron Norton, or others who saw the traffic, LRH said something about how the old FB was really an Int Liaison Org, like a superior to the CLOs, which is why ILO has its name today).

b) To reform actual existing Scientology, I think the LRH policy, his urging a number of places, when LRH says "It's YOUR Scientology too!!!" I translate this, or I would just make LRH's broad private "top management" traffic public, and THAT WAY the whole Scientology public can see just HOW MUCH of what is going on, IS based on some nooks and crannies LRH despatch private "advice" traffic from some time in the past. All LRH's advice is everyone's advice who considers themselves a Scientologist, is my point.

For instance, the subject of "events." That traffic is absolutely the type of LRH writings that SHOULD be shared.

To me, square zero so people who want to help the Scientology full package operation going per ALL that LRH has written and suggested and ordered over the decades, is to GET the LRH traffic into the public domain, so people can see what LRH said to do!

Because the Sea Org bureaucracies are stratefied, not even the lower echelons know about the Int level LRH advices traffic. It's constant "need to know" and causes hidden data lines.

The whole shebang of LRH's writings need to be put out in the public.

THEN the public Scientologists can look over what LRH said, and decide if they are up to the task of jumping on board the Sea Org.


There are decades and decades of non complied with LRH orders, sitting in the filing cabinets of private LRH traffic.

Square zero, to reform/fix Scientology, to me, my second suggestion, is make LRH's traffic available to the Scientologists and the world.

c) Third suggestion, for the Sea Org, is for Exec Strata to do some long range research projects, on the Sea Org itself. i) Look into other groups how they discharge their members more honorably, than does the Sea Org, and implement something like "honorable discharges." ii) Look into re-signup blocks for set numbers of years, like re-sign for 5, 10 year blocks, as a Sea Org member, and allow "honorable" discharges when Sea Org members want to quit. iii) Get "rewards" back in, liberties, leaves of absence routinely for Sea Org

d) Fourth suggestion, the world already knows about the confidential OT 3 stuff, only people with their heads in the ground are not aware of the confidential materials. I say FACE IT, the cat is out of the bag, and the OT materials, all levels, are on the internet or easily available, and the movement is the EFFECT of being communicated to, about the confidential materials, that is effect, that's just crazy. I suggest NOT implement ANY penalties, no lower conditions, for anyone speaking or learning about the confidential materials, and just silently STOP punishing members for discovering and talking about the spiritual details of the no longer "confidential" materials of Scientology. It's MORE harmful to the members who are muzzled and self silenced, and worried they will do themselves mental damage, when that is just NOT the case. People survive the "premature" discovery of the no longer confidential materials way way way more than people who have a bad case reaction. Also, the world knows, and it is forcing Scientology to treat all the pre OT 3 people like ostriches who are obligated to stick their heads in the ground, it's just so counter any other sharing of human knowledge. Scientology's Achilles Heal is the no longer confidential spiritual theory/story.

My fourth suggestion is stop penalizing ANYONE for discovering or discussing the confidential materials.

e) Fifth suggestion: Get Exec Strata to research out a solution to prices of services and the donation scheme of the movement. Take 5-10 years, and pilot out various solutions. Proportional tithing, or proportional prices, NOT set prices, but prices to match the income of the Scientologist parishioner. Other religions have percentages, Scientology's prices (donations) should simply be proportionate or percentages, similarly.

f) Sixth suggestion. If the church wants to really make a mark, then do like other religions do, and make some huge construction object or art piece, that somehow translates the fundamentals of what is the CORE of Scientology. I'd order Int Landlord Office, to research an art sculpture at Flag and LA, one each location, something truly indicative of the CORE Scientology principles, like a HUGE ARC triangle, really beautifully done, in the LA Day parking lot, and something really impressive that transcends all religions/etc. And something that will be around for hundreds of years, and be self explanatory and have long term meaning built into it. THEN whenever news media cover the subject of Scientology, rather than clips of the glorious real estate, instead, some of the Hubbard core useful human principles, like ARC, or the 8 dynamics, or Be, Do, Have, etc, etc, is given video air time instead of just some renovated building. Like what is planned for the Superpower building, if they are going to have a huge outdoor art piece of the 8 dynamics, THAT I think is useful long range, for the reasons above.

I have more, but I'll close with this last suggestion:

g) Independent Scientologists just act decent and kind, and shrug off any false criticism,
do Scientology to one another that you trust, just do the right thing to one another, since I believe you have all the tech you could ever want out here free now, to do with whatever you will do with it.

I think unfortunately the only change will be by embarrassing official Scientology through the media stories that contrast the growing fissure of independent Scientologists as behaving more moderately than the banana republic totalitarian official Scientology style.

# RJ 2010-02-12 17:13

I pretty much agree with your suggestions except the one regarding the OT Levels for technical reasons.

Sure it hasn't killed anyone yet (as a caveat if you run R6 incorrectly you'd wish you were dead) but it sure make cases that have been exposed to higher levels at lower levels tougher to audit.

Frankly, I don't give a damn about the "PR" aspect. As I've written many times there's wilder stuff in 'History of Man' and some of the early lectures!

That said I think RTR (Revolt in the Stars) which tells the story of section III, should be filmed and released as a major motion picture or the screen play should be turned into a novel and broadly released.

Also as in the early the '70's the EP of each confidential level should be noted on the grade chart, so the public knows what their getting.

I agree that the various R-advices, Merc and Mult Telexes the Ol'man issued over the years should be issued in a pack like the LRHEDs were.

Seems like a very good idea.


+1 # Ed 2010-02-12 09:26
What we have is an out-ethics, suppressive, Yuppie named David Miscavage and a few hundred people who are PTS to him pretending to be a church.
Scientology has always had a big problem with money... because it takes a lot of personal service and a lot of time to really deliver the goods. Unfortunately, that problem was never solved. Instead, we got David Miscavage and Yuppietology. The problem of affordability was "solved" and the "Solution" was David (Yuppie) Miscavage and his version of the tech.
I decided years ago that I would not pay $.50
for David's "Golden Age" of squirreling.
# Cowboy Poet 2010-02-12 14:00
There's a lot of spit and whittle going on here.
Of all the suggestions, I'm with Ralph Hilton the most.
Most importantly, all work in the public domain. How can an entity be a religion and not have its works in the public domain? Either you're a business/individual with copyright protection or its a church with its scriptures/teachings freely accessable to anyone who wants to practice or access it.
I don't mean books for free--I'm speaking from a copyright angle. Get out of our face with that crap.
As to the governing question, I think a study of the American Constitution and the background materials leading up to it would resolve the governance issues. The US Founding Fathers did a great job of putting together a representative system of governing which guarded itself against tyrannical take-over.
Limiting/defining the limitations of the authority (Federal government) whilst expressing and protecting (from the authority)the rights of the individual are and were its sole purpose.
After the "ruds" are put in, there's a world of expansion that good minds could implement. We know if you can't take a disadvantage and turn it into an advantage you can't survive in this world. Take the Internet, the immediate danger to the present Church administration.
Instead of trying to prevent or ridge against it (because of fear of exposure)imagine using IT technology to train auditors and/or offer courses. Video streaming and instant messaging between student and supervisor.
Heck, University of Phoenix has several hi-rise towers at its main campus in Phoenix and guess what? Its not for students--its online teachers for cripes sake! One can only imagine how many people they are reaching online.
The potentials are over the top for a well executed plan.
To boot, I believe there's a good marketing guy who would find the rehabilitation of the "Scientology brand" challenging but possible. Cause boy, if you don't have that, it will be like selling a Yugo; the "brand" has really been dumped on.
# BLiP 2010-02-17 01:11
There will be considerable pain and suffering to be resolved once the Co$ collapses. I would suggest that a Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal be established where those who have suffered are given a public forum to express their pain and air their grievances and, alongside, those who have caused the pain by "following orders" have a chance to confess their sins and express whatever sorrow they have. Consider the example of Mandela's actions once he became President of South Africa as an example.
# It\s me again 2010-06-01 15:07
I think that DM, and the rest, need to be looked at by the IRS for personal violations of the 501 (c) tax code. Once it is proven they have violated the use of IAS monies in a court of law, the members will want them removed.

I then think that some type of Board of Director's should be set up with each having certain qualifications and experience. Example: A Class XII C/S must be on the Board, A FEBC, OT VIII, etc. Each one's duty would be to represent the church members and have their best interest in mind at all times. No COB.

I was under the impression that if a corporation holds a 501 (C) 3, then the members of that group have access to the books.

If I am mistaken, then all books must be open to the members of the group. Example: It should be posted at all times exactly were our donations have gone, how much money is being spent and on what, how much money was donated, etc. and this all should be done by an independent company, that could be fired and sued by the church members for any errors
or payoffs occure.

Taking the church apart is not logical and would be very expensive to do, if it could be done at all. Since they already hold the copyrights, that would be a battle in itself. Plus, think of the engram it would cause to well intended SO members,staff and public.

This is a very well run machine that DM and his legal people put together. DM has made some very big errors along the way and I am sure they were made despite what his legal team advised. I think those crimes should be exposed in a court of law for all to see.

Just get rid of the people responsible for altering the tech and policies and using our donations in an illegal manner. Then have a business law firm, who knows what they are doing, figure out a way to structure the Church so this doesn't happen again and the books are open to all members.

There should still be Independent Field Groups like LRH intended in the beginning.

I also think if you want legal advise on how to do this, a meeting with a Business Law Firm is your best option.

# robert earle 2011-05-06 20:54
I agree with RJ on the point of the correct handling .It is apply standard Admin. As some posts seem to aim toward applying the danger formula which obviously should be done for a good number of individuals it might be a good idea to become fully familiar with third dnamic tech as contained in the OEC vulumes.(more ike expanded non existence) At least last time I read them in 1992 on the OEC course they were for the most part LRH issues.
as a tip if you can also find the early 70s oec volumes you can in some instances find which pls not written by LRH as they have the original authors at the signature. The point is that standard admin does work if known and applied just like red on white. I have about 18 years of staff experience during which policy correcty used brought improvement and policy impropery used brought about contraction and worsening conditions. Bob Earle PS there was in the mid sixties at least one LRH pl on what to with his various hats in the event of his departure unfortunately I do not have any OEC vol 7 of the early 70 editions or mimeo files of then to give you the date or title but it did at that time give an outline of how to set things up in his absence. As many things evolved after that such as the SO etc etc it may be superceded posibly by other issues in or to SO personel.

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