Home 1984 SP declare on David Miscavige
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Sunday, 27 June 2010 09:59

For info, here is the 1984 SP Declare on Miscavige. I am not vouching for the accuracy of the data; you are free to do your own investigation and draw your own conclusions. The original document may be found at http://library.endthecult.com/index.php?title=David_Miscavige_SP_Declare. I have corrected only a few spelling errors. Here is the document. - Karen de la Carriere/Jentzsch (posts as "Karen#1" and formerly posted as "War and Peace"). Anyone who wants to contact me privately can do so at:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Home page: Karendelac.com


8 June 1984

Ethics Order 1 Int
All Scientologists


DAVID MISCAVIGE of Los Angeles is hereby declared a Suppressive Person.

This is in accordance with the Findings & Recommendations of the Comm Ev on Miscavige, conducted at the request of the OT Committee WorldWide. The Findings & Recommendations are available for public view at the OT Committees, and at certain Delivery Centres.

The Interested Party failed to appear, nor did the Committee receive any evidence in defense of Miscavige. In the interest of Justice, the Committee nevertheless proceeded, despite the recommendation in HCOPL 7Sep63: "Refusal or failure of an Interested Party to appear results in a recommendation of the full penalty possible in the case for the Interested Party."

In June 1981, Miscavige - as Chairman of the All Clear Unit - forged a dispatch purporting to come from LRH. This dispatch removed Diane Voegerding, the then SO CMO Int and Miscavige's senior, from post. This was an act of Mutiny.

David Miscavige was a signatory of the splinter group RTC on 1 January 1982. There is no evidence that this group was authorized by LRH. The "legal" documents transferring Scn Trademarks from LRH to RTC bear a forged signature, and in fact Miscavige notarized these documents although he was a party to one side of the "agreement." Further, re the forged LRH signature, according to two independent experts, John Swanson and Irmgard Wassard, Miscavige was a party to this forgery.

No HCOPL exists authorizing RTC. RTC has engaged in the perversion of Scn practices. Miscavige was personally involved in the gang Sec Checking of Jay Hurwitz, then CO LA Day, at Gilman Hot Springs in October 1982. This violates HCOB 30Nov78 Confessional Procedure, which states: "If the PC is not in session, you won't get the withholds... A wrong or challenging auditor attitude can throw the scene off as there is a destroyed comm cycle."

During October of 1982, Miscavige assaulted John Aczel and Roger Barnes at Gilman Hot Springs, according to testimony from Jay Hurwitz.

On 17 Oct 82, Miscavige verbally declared top Mission Holder Martin Samuels. There is a photograph of him doing so in the Church publication "Sea Org Expansion News." Kingsley Wimbush and Dean Stokes were also verbally declared at this meeting. This violates HCOPL 16May80 Ethics, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, which states: "All investigations must include confronting the accused with the accusation and where feasible the accuser, BEFORE any action is decided upon or taken." It is worthy of note that Samuels and Wimbush were, at the time of their "declares," the two most successful Mission Holders in the world, by actual stats. HCOPL 15Aug67 states "One of the ways an SP works to stop an activity or halt an affluence is to pick out key personnel and spread wild, false and alarming stories about them."

The "Running Program," where senior executives were punished by being forced to run around a tree in desert heat for up to 12 hours a day, is another example of perverted tech authorized by Miscavige. This happened from December 1982 to the summer of 1983. Amongst those on the "program" were David and Merrill Mayo. David suffered an unhealthy loss of weight, physical debilitation and the loss of teeth, whilst on the program.

At the San Francisco Mission Holders Conference on 17 October 1982, David Miscavige made scornful comments concerning Scientologists in good standing. For example, "These bribe days are over. These squirrel days are over." (See SO ED 2104 7Nov82.) Miscavige also threatened Mission Holders with criminal prosecution. This violates HCOPL 18Apr70 Ethics and Franchise, which states "It is not our policy to harshly handle Franchises... Almost without exception, Franchise Holders are fine, willing people and we trust them to do right."

Miscavige allowed publication of the SO ED of August 1983 Story of a Squirrel. This was an attempt to destroy the authority and reputation of one of the highest officers of Scn - the man chosen by LRH as his technical successor.

Under Miscavige's direction, civil suits have been brought against Scientologists Eddie Mace, Marian van der Linde, Bernard Wimbush, Don Hills, Lawrence West, Robin Scott, Ron Lawley and Morag Bellmaine.

According to HCOB 23Dec71R The No-Interference Area, "It is vitally, vitally important that one gets any person who has gone clear through his next required steps onto OT1 and through OT3 rapidly." HCOPL 23Sep64 Policies: Dissemination and Programmes, states "One week's process (25 hours) should cost an average month's pay." By violating this policy, the Bridge has become unobtainable and Scientologists have been placed at risk.

Under Miscavige's direction, almost 2000 SP declares have been issued, most of these without Comm Ev. Many senior executives had top auditors have been declared and removed -for example: Diane Voegerding, Gale Irwin and John Nelson, all ex-COs CMO - Bill Franks and Kerry Gleason, both exED INTs - Emille Gilbert, exCO Canada - Ron Hopkins, exCO UK -Murray Chopping, Leon Steinburg, Merrill Mayo, David Mayo, Alex Gerber, Brian Livingston, Mike Mauerer, Ron Shafran and Alex Sibersky, all Class XIIs.)

David Miscavige has been found guilty of the following charges:


1. Mutiny.

2. Organizing a splinter group (RTC) which takes and perverts Scn materials or practices, in whole or in part, and calling it Scientology.

3. Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened.

4. Reporting Scientologists to civil authorities in an effort to suppress Scientologists from practicing standard Scientology.

5. Engaging in malicious rumor-mongering to destroy the authority and repute of higher officers and the leading names of Scientology.

6. Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears (and OTs.)

7. Spreading libelous statements about the alleged behavior of Clears (and OTs.)

8. Splintering off an area of Scientology and denying it properly constituted authority to "save the organization from the higher officers of Scientology."

9. Willful misapplication.

10. Bringing civil suit against Scientologists without first calling the matter to the attention of the Ethics Officer.

11. Organizing a splinter group (RTC) to confuse people about the true beliefs and practices of Scientology and to deceive them into considering that they will be able to study part or all of Scientology and receive standard pastoral counseling from the splinter group.

Insufficient evidence was found on the following charges:

Receiving money, favors or encouragement to suppress Scientology or Scientologists.

Pronouncing Scientologists guilty of the practice of standard Scientology or of the practice of the religion of Scientology.

Miscavige was found guilty of the following CRIMES:

1. Placing Scientology and Scientologists at risk.

2. Following illegal policies knowing them to be contrary to those issued by the International Board (and LRH.)

3. Not reporting flagrant departures from the International Board (and LRH) policy.

4. Permitting the organization to collapse.

5. Condoning circumstances and offenses capable of bringing the organization to collapse.

6. Neglect of responsibility resulting in catastrophe.

7. Being a Potential Trouble Source without reporting it or taking action.

8. Using Scientology harmfully.

9. Using a local Scientology title to set aside policies from the International Board (and LRH.)

10. Instigating a local power push against a senior.

11. Spreading destructive rumors about senior Scientologists

12. Falsifying a communication from a senior.

13. Causing severe disturbances which have resulted in disrepute.

14. Holding Scientology materials or policies up to ridicule.

15. Condoning the suppression of the word Scientology in its use and practice.

The Committee also found Miscavige guilty of the following additional charges:

1. Forgery.

2. Fraud.

3. Assault.

David Miscavige is assigned a condition of Treason. All of his certificates and awards are suspended. His is dismissed from all posts and titles in any Scientology organization.

And Scientologist supporting Miscavige's usurpation of power is guilty of the High Crime of Mutiny. No auditor should give him auditing until such time as he has successfully completed his Ethics conditions and made thorough amends for the damage he has caused. As the Independent Field does not practice disconnection, no restraint is made upon communication with Miscavige. However, it is recommended that he be referred to a competent Ethics terminal, as he has proved to be highly enturbulative. Reference should be made to HCOPL 16May80 Ethics, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, before dealing with Miscavige.

Jon Atack
OT Committee UK



# Mary McConnell 2010-06-27 21:43
This document has been around for a while. The members of the OTC WW UK were all out of the church since 81 or 82 and this was their BOI. Here is the full doc with particulars for each finding.
For example, on 1. MUTINY: GUILTY it says:
Definition: Admin Dictionary

Revolt and often forceful resistance against a constructive authority – New World Dictionary
Open revolt against constructive authority

Evidence by John Nelson, (ex-CO CMO Int. Dec. 81 – 82) shows that David Miscavige, at that time Chairman of the All Cear Unit, falsified in June 1981 a letter from LRH to take Diana Voegeding (CO CMO INT) off post. She was at that time David Miscavige’s constitutional senior.
and so on.
+1 # La Mano Gaucha 2010-06-28 07:49
This document is amazing, but disturbing.

Why, after such an early and extremely accurate assessment of Miscavige, was this declare not enforced? How did such a vital thing not come to pass? What was the mechanism that Miscavige used? Was the OT Committee UK not important enough? Not enough authority as per standard Scientology?

Another thing that bothered me is this (and this is sensitive, so I apologize if what I'm going to say is a bit upsetting): "And Scientologist supporting Miscavige's usurpation of power is guilty of the High Crime of Mutiny."

This means that Marty and Mike (among many, many others) are technically guilty of the High Crime of Mutiny (assuming that they were active as Scientologists at the time; I'm almost certain that they were).

True, by leaving the Miscavige Cult and becoming such strong and courageous advocates for reform and truth they have almost certainly made more than enough amends.

However -- although most of us readers and followers of this saga know that both of them (and many others) have clearly explained why they made such gross errors in judgment and bought into DM's madness for so long (and even expressed considerable remorse about it) -- this problem should be addressed briefly here, vis-a-vis this declare and particularly that last paragraph. I believe that this is important because Marty and Mike were too vital while with Miscavige and equally vital as Independents. Otherwise, this declare is, in a sense, an invalid document to use against DM on this site (although it would still retain its power to sway folks in the right direction).


PS: I've posted before and I'll repeat that I'm not a Scientologist, but I do care because you guys are going in the right direction and that's important. I do not share your religious views, but I do appreciate that Scientology could be good if it is kept pure, affordable and if the church does not mess with people (which in turn would prevent any normal person or group of people from attacking it). This is what you guys are trying to do, so kudos to you.

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