Home Bad Control: Reverse Scientology
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Sunday, 18 July 2010 16:45

I woke up this morning fuming.

Last night I watched the amazing fantastic hyperbole-laden Maiden Voyage event announcing the new Division 6 routes onto the Bridge.  During the video, I was inexplicably upset during the presentation of the magic hands-off video example explaining the Anatomy of Control for use during the Personal Efficiency Course.

Even though I was disoriented by this video during the event, I couldn’t explain WHY. I must have figured it out while I slept.

Because I woke up this morning fuming.

The part of the video that demonstrates “bad control” goes like this:

Narrator: Good control is certain, positive and predictable. For example, imagine being moved around in a room by somebody. First, he tells you to go to the desk. To do so, you would have to start, change your body’s position, and stop yourself.  Then he tells you to go to the chair, and you do so. Then he sends you to the door.

Now, oddly enough, you wouldn’t mind this as long as you are able to complete each cycle of action before you started another.

But let’s take another look at this. 

Imagine for instance, someone told you to go to the desk, but before you arrive there, he tells you to do something else. 

But before you did that, told you to do something else, and then claimed you were wrong in not having gone to the desk.

You would be confused and upset. This would be bad control, since it does not permit you to finish any cycle of action before another cycle of action is demanded of you.

Bad control is uncertain and unpredictable. 

There can be so much of it that some of us begin to believe that all control is bad. Which is not true. 

Actually, there is no such thing as bad control. It is actually NOT control, because one either controls something, or he does not.

Why did I wake up fuming?

Because DM was very proud of this video and his audience on the Freewinds actually applauded... and when the rubber meets the road, all you see is a dictator who is just plain evil surrounded by a bunch of robots who are both blind and stupid.

Let’s see why I say that.

People who completed OTVIII years ago have nowhere to go on the Bridge.

OTVIIIs now have to go back and redo OTVII.

People who completed a Purification Rundown had to go back and redo the Purification Rundown.

People who years ago completed OT III had to go back and do OT III Expanded.

People who did extensive FPRD programs had to do the FPRD Rundown.

People who did the PTS/SP course had to redo the PTS/SP course. And then, just for good measure, redo the redo of the PTS/SP course.

People who completed the TRs and Objectives course…or completed Objectives on their Grade I…have to go back and redo their TRs and Objectives course.  Or get their Objectives redone at HGC rates.

People who attested Clear and did part of the upper Bridge have to go to AOLA and get NED at AOLA rates because they weren’t really Clear, but they’ve seen advanced course material.

People who audited to Clear last lifetime have to get audited to Clear this lifetime in violation of LRH Tech Bulletins on this.

People who trained to Class IV, or Class V, or Grad V, or Class VI or Class VIII have to return to the beginning of their training Bridge and redo everything. Metering, TRs, internships. Everything.

People who received a gold seal cert for their training level were told it was “no good” and that they’d have to start over.

People who donated for Super Power were told not to wait for it but to do something else, whether it was on the Bridge or not (“do your ACCs”).

People who studied the basic books on their Solo Auditor Course, or SHSBC, or auditor training were told it didn’t count and they’d have to start over.


He doesn’t let parishioners complete a cycle of action.

He’s even worse than the lousy manager in the Personal Efficiency Course’s ANATOMY OF CONTROL video.

So DM, standing on the ship, proudly boasting his video and watching it himself, is playing a nasty joke. He’s smugly showing everyone exactly what he is doing to everyone and laughing because no one gets it. It’s the ultimate in arrogance.

It’s all done under the pretense of world-shattering expansion. But is having the actual effect of total collapse.

He’s the biggest violator of GOOD CONTROL Scientology has ever seen.

He’s running Scientology in reverse.

-- written by Plain Old Thetan



+1 # Me 2010-07-18 17:45
Oh, believe me, some of us public saw it. The Basic's BS was the last straw for some and now the new bottom of the Bridge shit is coming out soon. Mostly people who are trained see it, but some haven't quite figured out what is going on yet. LRH's tech is almost no where in sight with all the "lost" tech found.

He is getting rid of all the trained old timers and training any new public or second generation public coming in as droids.

The house of cards will fall one day. His joke is not funny.
# Perikles 2010-07-18 20:43
this guy's sellin the same courses to the same public in a different wrapper and the sad thing is the public are buying the b.s. Talk about the blind leading the blind leading the blind.......we ought to set up a cemetery near flag and hang a sign "FOR FSO PUBLIC ONLY"
# no thank you 2010-07-18 21:54
My number one issue is Bad Control. It's everywhere (generality, but true). So vwd on connecting the outpoints.
# John Doe 2010-07-19 01:17
I would add that if one were in such a sorry state as to care about the "status level" one was at in terms of IAS donations, well, they couldn't even finish that. Just when one gets to the top as a patron, there was the "double patron", then all kinds of new patron levels,"patron ad nauseam"...
+1 # Maria 2010-07-19 07:34
I don't think it is "bad" control or "no" control. I think it is deliberate control towards the end of purging official Scientology of any individual that is a free thinker or a dissenting voice to out and out full-on tyrannical control with all Scientologists who are "in" following orders without question.

All that will remain once this purging process is complete are youngsters who do not know any better or anything else and party-liners who obey and believe without question.

Once that happens, there will be no one to remember what once was, LRH good and bad, and what happened to the original management structures. As far as I know these were somewhat documented in the OEC volumes, but not fully and so it is easy enough to present these as being the result of an LRH advice or from an evaluation fully done. No one will question it, no one knows any different.

The weakest area of policy implementation IMO is not at the level of policy at all. It is at the level of workaday and unquestioned directives such as statistics, VFPs, Org Boards, routing forms, checklists, and executive directives. These are issued and assumed to be correct but I believe that they are the actual held down 7s behind this debacle.

Consider this: the routing form for a new Flag pre-OT has all kinds of steps on it, including REQUIRED participation in IAS by making it a mandatory routing form step. On the leaving org form, visiting with each and every ABLE office and the WISE office is REQUIRED.

Also consider the impact of HCO having the statistic Qualified Staff Hired, instead of a statistic that reflects sane establishment of an org. Its push push push on recruitment of anyone by any means to get that stat up and keep it up. And of course, its impossible to do that very well when unhatted staff are on the lines and so the recruitment pool dwindles and so the HCO people are under the gun and then they are RPFed and excuse me, but how exactly does that statistic reflect the purpose of HCO, which is to build an org that can truly DELIVER?

Of course, since they can never be truly upstat, then they can never get any auditing.

Accident? Deliberate? Who knows. The intent doesn't really matter, when you can see the result very clearly. The road to hell can be paved with good or bad intentions. Its still the road to hell.
# Barney Rubble 2010-07-19 14:49
I wonder how many seats at that event were filled by staff- my guess probably half. And that's precisely why you have applauds for crazy dictatorial "presentations". Does anyone still on the inside know what the percentage of VIII's that were really there.
+1 # Penny Krieger 2010-09-28 00:21
Aside from being stark, raving mad, he's the SP's SP. Anything he can do to keep one and all from finding him out. He has declared every single competent auditor, CS and admin terminal...His goal is to nullify and suppress. It should be pretty obvious by now.

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