Home Illegal blanket C/Ses from David Miscavige
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Wednesday, 28 April 2010 00:23
It was interesting to read one of the latest emails from FLAG, inviting people from all over the world to come to the Mecca to do the TRs & Objectives co-audit course. I shook my head and sighed. Fancy going all the way to FLAG to receive something that should be readily available in your local Org.

I can only assume that FLAG must be very desperate for public.

I then wondered how many people were having to redo their Objectives at FLAG because it was certainly rampant down here at the Class V Org level.

Blanket C/Sing of Objectives had started to rear its ugly head Down Under in 2002 but it was only the first trickle of it as far as I know.  I was on the “C/S Objectives to full EP” part of my C/S internship and I gathered as many pc folders as I could to do an Objectives table on them, ensuring they were all in.

I diligently checked each pc’s end phenomena on each process against the process reference, using a piece of HCOB QUICKIE OBJECTIVES as my stable datum. The tech of Objectives is extensive and still very much in force. They have their own EP's and with these they are fully run to actual change for the pc.  Only this is a valid handling of Objectives.

I  noted  any turn-on’s the pc had had. I was also to note the length of time that each Objective process was run.

I didn’t realize it at the time but there was no reference in any of the packs that mentioned the length of time that an Objectives process should be run.  Looking back this was probably the beginnings of “Objectives must be run for hundreds of hours,” as stated by one David Miscavige.

At an international event one night David Miscavige was filling everyone in on what an onlines/offlines public really was and how it had come to his attention that staffs all over the world apparently had the same misunderstood word on it.

He went into very descriptive definitions of this arbitrary and also mentioned, “...and I don’t want to hear anyone say they are ONLY Objectives completions. This planet has never had any tech before us, and Objectives far surpasses anything this planet has ever seen before.”

In my own Org I had programmed quite a few pc's and some  were very definitely quickied on Objectives and some were not. I was amazed that some pc's had been quickied to the degree that they had, processes run for 1, 2 or 3 minutes, with an EP of “I feel better.” 

I mentioned this on one of my telexes to the Snr C/S Executive Officer from Sydney, Stephanie Philip. I told her that it was one particular C/S who seemed to be doing the quickie Objectives and that I would send a cram to him as he was in the Sea Org now. Well, Stephanie told me not to worry about it because, as he had joined the Sea Org, his ethics must be in and he was training at FLAG now anyway.  

She then asked me what the Objectives delivery programs from the other C/S were like. (This C/S was a public who was not GAT trained). I told her that it all seemed pretty good and that just the occasional Objective process here and there were not flat but, generally, all were ok and pc's had definitely voiced the overall EP's.  

This was not good enough as far as Stephanie was concerned and she ordered me to write a KR on this particular C/S.  I am ashamed to say that I did KR this C/S even though everything inside of me told me not to. For the first and only time in my entire 10 years in Scientology, I did not route this particular person (the C/S in question) a copy of the KR. I was too ashamed, because I did not agree with it and I was simply being "compliant." 

A few months later I sent a request to have it removed from his ethics file but I don’t know if that ever got taken care of.

Anyhow, jump forward to 2006.  The AO had held a tech banquet in the Brisbane Org which was a really fun night and had revitalized three PC's.

These pcs' folders went down to the AO and were programmed to get the guys moving on the Bridge.  

Within a few weeks the folders were back with the pc's ready to rock and roll.  I cringed when I saw the programs. All 3 pc's were to “flatten” their Objectives!

Two of these guys had already “flattened” them twice, which would mean that they would be re-doing Objectives for the 3rd time each! Nuts, nuts, nuts!

Now I was left with the task of writing a reality factor for each of these poor guys. How I would do that without invalidating their prior gains, was the question.  

I put myself in their shoes and thought, "What would I think if I had to do these again?"  Well, I did the only thing I could and avoided looking at the folders!

My solution would not last long.

My senior was very excited as he came into my office to let me know he had scheduled two of the pc's to come in and get their R-factors from me.  I decided, if there was even a whiff of Bad Indicators from these pc's, then Objectives would not be done and the folders would be sent back for re-programming.

PC #1 sighed and said "Well, I guess the C/S knows my case better than me, so I’ll just do whatever he says."  That pc could never find the time to make a schedule to redo her Objectives and I never saw her again.  

PC #2 started in on the processes and her indicators got worse and worse. She decided to go onto her auditor training because, obviously, there was "something wrong" with her. She never arrived on course!

Sometime after COB's event and the mention of Objectives, the staff were privvy to a staff-only briefing by DM, (this I believe was one of the Freewinds Maiden Voyage OT briefings).

I distinctly remember DM saying to one of the OT's in the audience, “Don’t even bother to try and take notes, you will never keep up." I remember that well because one year earlier he had said exactly the same thing in regards to some other situation he was "correcting".

I don’t recall the exact words said, because DM was much too fast for me to bother taking notes. Put succinctly, his theory was along the lines of “Objectives should be run for hundreds of hours."

I could not think with that datum as it was such a generality.  I myself had had 30 hours of Objectives and could remember my cognitions. Mine definitely felt flat!  I would make sure that each pc had good, thorough Objectives and as long as the proper EP's were voiced, I was not going to listen to the “...hundreds of hours” opinion from someone who is not even trained as a C/S.

I C/S'ed quite a few first-time Objectives and was very happy with the results. One pc had 112 hours and good gain. I don’t recall the others' exact times but they were certainly not hundreds of hours. I would say 25hrs to 60hrs was about the average time.  In PT, at least three of those pc's have had to “flatten” the "out-tech" of "not enough hours."  So, as a “perfect” Golden Age of Tech C/S, I felt quite invalidated.

In March 2007, I went down to the AO for some self-originated cramming, and while I was down there I chatted with an SO member redoing his Purif.  He told me that he was not gaining on Objectives and that it was because his Purif was "unflat."

He went on to tell me, it had been found that lots of guys were actually unflat on their Purif's and what a theta thing it really was. (This “theta thing” was also used for the two huge piles of folders designated for non-Clear R-factors as well).

I asked "How is that a theta thing?"

His reply was, "Just imagine how bad it would be to move up the Bridge with an unflat Purif and all the gains that would be missed-out on."

So it seemed that not only were people being blanket C/S'd on Objectives but also on the Purif!  

I was glad to have been born in Brisbane and I was glad that we didn’t have too many pc's, because I was feeling very uncomfortable about the lack of control I was starting to have over my post.

And all due to these arbitrary and totally OUT TECH C/S's that were being issued!

I had also started to receive written and verbal crams on Objectives which were referring me to all sorts of references from the Congresses and other tape transcripts.

My staff contract ended in November 2007 and I managed to get out of the Org the day it finished.  I helped a tiny little bit in the Org as a volunteer after that but gradually, over time, it became less and less.

My plan was to ease out gently. This worked beautifully until I got a phone call from Stephanie in November 2009. She was back from FLAG where she had spent the last couple of years doing more training.

"Lise, how are you? I’ve been thinking of you for ages and wondering how you are doing."

Then the recruit cycle started but I was onto it and she got nowhere. The phone call ended cordially but I knew it would not be the last, so I braced myself and just kept saying, “No, I’m not joining staff.”

I would ignore all of the “Your Org needs you...” guilt-provoking communications.

I had not banked on Stephanie and the LRH Comm, Christine Harris -- both of whom were responsible for convening off-policy Comm Ev (a justice action in Scientology, short for Committee of Evidence) on me -- actually flying up to Brisbane to see me.

“Guess what, we’re coming to Brissy to see you and we thought we would come to your place and cook you dinner."   

I said “Sorry, but no.” (I did not want any SO people coming to my house, as they were renowned for not leaving.)

"Don't be like that, Lise. We really want to cook for you and just catch up."

“The Org has an oven.” I said.

Anyway, to cut a long story short it was a very surreal scene as I sat in the Org, eating a very nicely cooked meal with the 2 people that had previously Comm-Ev’ed me.

Life is certainly full of surprises!

The “recruit” meal did not work but I did say that I would volunteer and audit a couple of pc's until our FLAG cash cow returned.  

Stephanie proudly told me how unflat the pc's were on Objectives, because they "hadn’t had hundreds of hours" and how she was putting things right.  

She looked at me and said “You have only had 30 hours on your Objectives.” (Which certainly told me what my next C/S was to be).

I thought I would be very clever and I said “Well, luckily, I can remember all my cognitions so I am definitely not one of those who needs hundreds of hours."  

She laughed and patted my back.  That was the exact point at which I knew that 100% of NO-ONE could get a standard Bridge at ANY level!  And from all data to hand, the person totally responsible for this is none other than David Miscavige.

Here are some justifications I've heard:

"It's lost tech that has just been found." (Hidden Data Line. Outpoint: Added Inapplicable Data)
"People are not moving up the Bridge after Objectives and so they must be unflat." (Outpoint: Wrong Target)
"You saw the event and heard what COB said." (Outpoint: Wrong Source)
"Objectives is key to going OT successfully." (Outpoint: Omitted Data)
"We are very lucky that we have COB because he is so switched-on." (Outpoint: Added-Inapplicable Data)
There are literally hundreds of unused references that show the importance of Objectives. (Outpoint: Omitted Data)
For the new "lightning-fast" grades to work "correctly," the Purif and Objectives now must be thoroughly done to a full "end phenomena" (which apparently takes hundreds of hours. Outpoint: Assumed Identities aren't Identical) 

Additionally, I also received a text message recently from someone who had watched the Aussie TV show where OSA had actually taken the media into the AOSH ANZO and on TV we saw people doing clay, metered word clearing and even two ladies doing Objectives.

Just after that, my phone beeped and this is the message I received from a friend:  "If I had to do Objectives for the 3rd time like 'Dick and Jane' did, I would be doing more than touching that fucking wall!"

So, there you go. All these soft fluffy woolly blankets are to protect you from the cold hell you may go through should your Purif and Objectives be unflat because of "not enough hours."

Written by Lise O’Kane


+2 # Alice 2010-04-28 04:49
Dear Lise,
That reminds me on the phenomenon of "other people's Witholds", that someone who is critical is attempting to find fault with others in exactly those matters, that he has as skeletons in his own closet.
For someone on alcohol the Purif would not be the worst choice.
For someone on the minus-tone scale (called "sub-apathy" in Problems of Work, Chapter on ARC) the Objective Processes seem to be the correct choice either. CCHs, for instance, were developed by LRH to move someone out of the minus band of the tone scale.
For someone who is on the minus-tone scale AND on alcohol it seems to be also a good idea to study some BASICS.
Brilliant actions, however unfortunately not aimed at the correct target. Basics, Purif, Objectives are DMs program!
And this is generalized then because it is "the thing wrong with me and you" (in his mind).

I admire your courage to get this story with the KR off on such a boad audience.
+2 # Moving Forward 2010-04-28 10:07
Wow. This is just so massively, massively out-tech. What a way to invalidate the hell out of people and hold them down at the bottom of the bridge.

And to think I was concerned that there might be squirreling outside the CoS.
+3 # plainoldthetan 2010-04-29 00:10
This story is more of DM's alter-isness of Scientology.

The EPs of the Objective processes are clearly stated in HCOBs and other materials and are stated unequivocally and succinctly.

As a C/S, I made myself a table of the EPs to check against:

OBJECTIVE EP Reference EP commentary

OBJECTIVE ARC HCOB 19 June 1978 This process will bite suddenly and bring a person up to present time. EP is person in present time, cognition, and VGIs accompanied by an F/N.

CCH 1 HCOB 11 June 1957 To demonstrate to preclear that control of preclear’s body is possible, despite revolt of circuits, and inviting preclear to control it. Absolute control by auditor then passes over toward absolute control of his own body by preclear.

CCH 2 HCOB 11 June 1957 To demonstrate to preclear that his body can be directly controlled and thus inviting him to control it. Finding present time. Havingness.

CCH 3 HCOB 11 June 1957 To bring up preclear’s communication with control and duplication.

CCH 4 HCOB 11 June 1957 To develop reality on the auditor using the Reality Scale (solid comm line). To get preclear into comm by control plus duplication.

CCH 5 HCOB 11 June 1957 To give the preclear orientation and havingness and to improve his perception.

CCH 6 HCOB 11 June 1957 To establish the orientation and increase the havingness of the preclear and to give him in particular a reality on his own body.

CCH 7 HCOB 11 June 1957 Process is used to heighten perception, orient the preclear and raise the preclear’s havingness. Control of attention as in all these “contact” processes naturally takes the attention units out of the bank which itself has been controlling the preclear’s attention.

CCH 8 HCOB 11 June 1957 To remedy havingness objectively.

CCH 9 HCOB 11 June 1957 To increase havingness of the preclear and bring about his ability to keep things from going away, which ability lost, accounts for the possession of psychosomatic ills.

CCH 10 HCOB 11 June 1957 Same as CCH 9.

SCS Object HCOB 18 May 80R One runs Start and one runs Change and then one runs Stop, in that order, over and over and over again until all three are flat and the pc has a cognition and VGIs. The pc might go exterior before all three stages have been run, and if this occurs, the auditor should end off at that point.

SCS Body Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One
HCOB 15 Oct 1958 The auditor does this many times until the preclear understands that he himself can stop the body, or he has regained an ability, or the process appears to be flat and has no charge on it.
Per the HCOB the purpose is to give preclear good control of his body and to exteriorize him.

See EP of SCS Object as well per HCOB 18 May 80r.

Opening Procedure SOP 8-C Grade I Process checklist
PAB 34 4 Sep 1954
a) Is run until the preclear has a uniform perception of any and all objects in the room, including the walls, the floor and the ceiling.
b) Is run until the comm lag is flat and the preclear is freely selecting spots on the walls, objects, chairs, etc., with no specialization whatsoever - which means that his perception of the room has become uniform.
c) Per PAB 34 8C is run until the person is sure who is doing it.

Op Pro by Dup HCOB 8 May 1982 The EPs for Op Pro by Dup include: (A) flattened comm lags (per PAB 48) and no more change on the process (B) a real big win with F/N, cog, VGIs and ability regained (per HCOB Floating Needles and End Phenomena) (C) Exterior with an F/N, cog, VGIs.

R2-69 Pass Object COHA The process rehabilitates the sense of play; validates nonverbal ARC; short-circuits “verbal machinery”; lets the preclear position matter and energy in space and time; gets the preclear up to speed; murders “there must be a reason” for doingness. Besides, it’s fun.

R2-35 Location COHA None specific given for the process on the process checklist. But COHA gives an EP for a modification of the command:

It does not occur to them sometimes for an hour of “Where is your face?” that they themselves have no face, and that they are still locating the body’s face. They have to understand this on their own.

If this is applied to the basic process, R2-35 should be run until the preclear understands that he is locating himself, and understands it on his own.

R2-36 Self Determinism COHA ...until we have recovered certainty and clarity on the viewpoint of dimension. It will be discovered very rapidly that there are many people making space for the preclear, and that he is to some degree contained in the universe of each one of these people and has many particles in common with them.

R2-67 Objects COHA No specific EP given.

3-Part Locational PAB 153 a) The direction of attention must not be disturbed by other mechanisms of attention direction.
b)Will exteriorize somebody.
c) A person overcomes unwillingness to show things and realizes he is not still on Arcturus and you are not the space police from Saturn.

Connectedness Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One The reason Connectedness works is because it is the basic process on association. The most aberrative thing on any case is association with MEST. This does not mean that the individual is not creating the MEST, it does not mean that he has no relationship with MEST, but it does mean that theta and MEST interconnected too strongly are the components of a trap. They are two different things actually, and it is not true that all thought derives from MEST, nor is it true that all MEST derives from thought. A thetan can create MEST by simply creating MEST, not by telling it to be created, but simply by putting it there. This is the isness of MEST. Now when he connects his thoughts with the actual mass he gets into trouble and we get association, we get compulsive thinking, we get identification, and the old A=A=A=A of Dianetic days. Thus you will see at once that Connectedness in any form is a very excellent process to run.

Control Trio PAB 137
1 June 1958 The first command will change his conceptions which earlier religions may have implanted, such as “it is bad to have”, and run out the compulsions of “must, must not, got to, can’t have”, etc. There should be no qualifications or conditions such as “If I had the money I could buy that object and then have it” or “I don’t like it and thus don’t want it” or “What shall I do with it once I have got it?”

The second command brings the preclear’s sense of active participation of creativity and responsibility out. They will find that there is no harm in permitting the sixth dynamic to continue in present time right where it is.

The third command is a very good exteriorizing process and the preclear will come up with many cognitions on his own and the rest of the dynamics.

Goals PAB 137
1 June 1958 Watch out for the preclear attaching all sorts of conditions to his answers. Work towards positive goals of “things” and not conditions such as “I want to get rid of my fears and somatics”. Check for certainty at all times, for certainty strengthens reality and the reality of a future for the preclear is most essential if auditing is to succeed all the way.

As Lise says: There is no LRH reference that says that Objectives need to take a minimum number of hours. An EP is an EP. If DM was actually trained, he'd know that.

I have two selectees that have been porked recently on Objectives by moving to "upper orgs".

One did her Purification Rundown, Objectives and Scientology Drug Rundown Co-audit at a Class V Org, only to have to redo her Purification Rundown and Objectives Co-Audit when she moved to CC Int. She also apparently required a huge repair of her Scientology Drug Rundown. So the plans my selectee and I had for finishing her on her Happiness Rundown were totally trashed as the money she had for it was all spent to redo what she'd already EP'd on...and WAS EXHIBITING NO PROBLEMS WITH.

The other selectee made the mistake of wanting to do her Grades at FLAG, and paid %15,000 for them, only to find out when her folders got there that her Objectives needed to be redone. Having audited this person on her Grade 0 and Grade I myself, I can attest this: THERE ISN'T A DAMN THING WRONG with her objectives.

But now I understand.

"They weren't run for enough hours."

Does anyone have any stories about being horribly overrun and no one would listen? Besides my selectees?

No wonder FLAG needs preclears. F/N abuse.
+2 # Lise 2010-05-30 06:03
Hi Plain Old Thetan...I have an update from FLAG. Apparently there are 200 to 250 people on Objectives at FLAG right now.

One guy actually said this to his pc: "Don't cognite too quickly or they will make you carry on because you must have run this process (cch 10) for about 20 hours".

So basically EVERY person on the planet who has not done Objectives since the "finding of lost tech" has an UNFLAT Bridge step.
+2 # Ceileen 2010-04-29 00:50
Lise good for you. It is not easy, but in the end it is one's personal integrity that must be preserved or we are lost.

And this is what the result is of all that out-tech:
"The Management structure of Scientology is in place. The bottom line is simply this, we weren't doing Scientology as LRH intended for your 32 years and my 34 years. We had incomplete tech, we had messed up Basics (not the same ones at all that you read 3 or 4 times over the years), there are now new lectures that were previously unfound that are clearly LRH. The materials of Scientology are out. The Basics make all of the other things of Scn, Admin for example, so much easier to understand.
Naa, DM is doing an incredible job. Start with an activity that is in turmoil as it had been over the years, discover that KSW #1 is out - having the correct technology, realize that it starts there and handle the hell out of that and realize that so many things had been altered over the years and these need to be fixed and that is the problem that DM has."

This from an OT VIII, L11, OEC/FEBC, CL V ORG ED.
This person really believes all this crap.
+2 # David St Lawrence 2010-04-29 06:54
When I first read that you had broken away from the group insanity that now rules the CofS, I knew you would be bringing a new viewpoint to the independent field.

We have had lots of stories about SO abuses, but not as many about technical degrades and executive C/Sing.

Your C/S experience gives us an insider's view of the destructive "auditing" and "C/Sing" practices now used by the church.

Keep it up! I want to republish your articles when you are ready.
+2 # Ex GEM 2010-04-29 14:55
What about the time DM went for a walk around the Int Base asking people their case level, then got Clears to whisper the clear cog in his ear and told them right there and then that that what they just said to him was not the clear cog and that they most likely were not Clear.
+2 # Joe Howard 2010-04-29 12:40
J, I am stunned by this revelation. Of all DM's heinous acts I think this must go at the top of the list. Even if it were true that the person had a botched cycle and was not actually Clear to indicate this to someone on a casual walk around the base, with his entourage there watching the whole charade go down must have quite stressful. I hope they get an EFFECTS OF AN R/SER REPAIR LIST one day. Most will need it. Dan
+2 # Peter 2010-04-29 15:14
Lise, thanks for your report.
Dave Miscarriage is not qualified auditor and not a trained C/S.
The most ridiculous is that highly trained auditors and C/Ses are in agreement with him and do not dare to oppose him.
It shows that they are PTS to this monster of a SP.
This pittbul is in Treason to LRH.
+2 # Songbird 2010-05-03 16:56
It was Jan. 2002 when I started to hear about Clears having their state invalidated, quite non-standardly. My own auditor even intimated that that might be the why on my own case (over the phone) which made me quite certain I would never ever do services at Flag again. Nothing the matter with flattening somebody's Objectives, IF THEY NEED IT! Quite another thing to blanket C/S. Thanks for the write up Lisa! You are one awesome thetan!
+1 # Neil 2010-05-18 03:49
Hello Lise,
I have been on the edge of Scientology for at least 11 years waiting to see ARC and KRC plus service. Every time I have dived in for a closer experience I have had to jump right back out.
I am not unreasonable however I have been disappointed to say the least.
I have done purif and little else actually but have read a lot of the old basics and listened to a lot of tapes. Ron has helped my life considerably - he and I as partners that is.
My son was recruited and it was the beginning of the end for me and Scientology as it did not go well. They messed up and were irresponsible and we had to save him followed by a long debrief. They are so PTS, flubbing and rushing everything.
Thank you for your stance and communication I thought something was very wrong and from friends and staff I know (that have left) it seemed a no 'brainer'. Your writings back up feelings, hearsay and actual experience for me. This is a valuable particle and I admire your strength to endure and escape, now standing up to them.
I intend to go up the bridge as I earn enough money now I am doing well. I am in Australia so I want to handle it here if possible but may be open to travel when some deals I am working on come to fruition.
I hope you can point me in the right direction.
I could say so much about my bad experiences with the Church of $ however I would prefer to look to a mutually beneficial association with the real Scientologists of the Free Zone without that sort of interference and harassment.
Warmest regards,
+1 # Lise 2010-05-30 05:41
congratulations on severing your link.

Would love you to contact me Neil.

# Dan 2011-02-12 15:39
I used to be friends with Stephanie many years ago, in New Zealand. I was reading this piece on the New York Times (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/02/14/110214fa_fact_wright?currentPage=all) and decided to Google "stephanie philip" scientology, and this is what came up. A bit scary really.
+3 # lise 2011-03-10 03:42
Hi Dan, I believe that Stephanie would be a great person if the scn sea org robotic thought control was not there, in fact I recall a couple of times of actually physically SEEING this detachment from life take over her beingness and it was in her eyes, it was like her sea org circuits switched on and then sometimes you could break through it momentarily and see the real Stephanie. I always thought she was one of the prettiest girls I ever saw and I feel sad that she has been completely taken over by implants. I hope one day she will see...Despite all the intense pressure, heavy ethics and outright suppression she caused with me and others I don't wish her any harm, she after all is suffering in a trap and doesn't realize it and that is very sad.
+1 # akbar 2012-03-13 09:40
Hey guys ,thanks for the data.

Plainold, you did me a favor by stating a lot of LRH refs on the objectives. I realize that I would like to go back and do more. But ONLY those ones that I never even ran in the first place. There are several you mentioned that I did not do back then. What the hell was up with those checksheets back then ? Seemed a little incomplete to me.

So yes I'm open to objectives as everyone should be. But only IF IF IF the process was unflat in the first place (in my case they are just fine. If anything maybe even overrunning some of them and having to go back and correct that with rehabs). Or IF IF IF the process was never run at all in the first place. And only if that is the case.

But for DM to cause a chain reaction down the lines of overrunning the objectives on ALLLLLLLLL pcs is f-ing insane. WHAT a SQUIRRELL.

Yes that's right, DM is a Quack !

OSA snoop - relay this to DM.
# eric 2012-03-22 11:54
im getting no where with brisbane or getting my repayment back seen chaplain can any body help
# lise 2012-03-30 16:35
Eric, I think I know who you are. Contact me I can help get your money back. I got mine and I assisted another who got his back as well.
# akbar 2012-03-26 10:31
Dave, I am requesting a display of your Auditor and CS Certifications. You can have it displayed right here on this website, or on stage at the next event.

You see, my understanding is that you are only a PROVISIONAL Class 4. From 1975. Which means your certs expired in 1976, as you had NOT gone on to do your auditor internship. That's, what ... ? ... over 35 years !!! And no CS training either. And you're going around "ASSUMING" power and telling everyone what to do. Is this a joke, or are you just stark raving MAD ?

I want to see your cert, and NOT some forged bogus piece of paper either. (You know, Dave, like those forged documents you took part in back in the 1980's - like LRH's "transfer" of his copyrights to RTC papers, and LRH's last will, that all had YOUR forged "LRH" signature on them.)

I'll take your refusal to do this to signify your guilt in the matter, and your actual incompetency with the tech.
# Watchful Navigator 2012-05-06 21:35
This was so helpful to me - the Objectives arbitrary was the end of LRH's Scientology for me - the end of my Bridge. Now I have found that Bridge again outside. I am a Clear getting all my Grades and more.

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Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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Is David Miscavige a crook?
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