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Monday, 02 August 2010 12:23

On my first trip to Flag I had a problem. In my home org was a person of whom I knew something was wrong, I just felt it with every fibre of Beingness. But that could not be the basis of writing a Knowledge Report. I couldn’t write a report saying, “I feel that something is wrong with this person.” What would the Ethics Officer say? “Welcome to Planet Earth!”?

So it came to talk about that with one of the Class XII’s. And she gave me the following advice: “Do not invalidate your perception. Look. And if you look close enough you will find indicators in the physical universe, without fail.” I have taken this to my heart and it has helped me many times since then. I still use it today.

So when you Look yourself, make your decisions and act accordingly, then.

The Minus-Tone Scale

The following quotations are taken from the book “Problems of Work, Chapter on “Affinity, Reality and Communication”). Although some of these quotes deserve to be capitalized in 46 point size, bold and underscored a few times due to their applicability to the situation I left them as they were and leave it to you to decide about their importance.

Without affinity there is no reality or communication.

The Tone Scale starts well below apathy. In other words, a person is feeling no emotion about a subject at all.

In other words, on many subjects and problems people are actually well below apathy. There the Tone Scale starts, on utter, dead null far below death itself. Going up into improved tones one encounters the level of body death, apathy, grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, enthusiasm and serenity, in that order. There are many small stops between these tones, but one knowing anything about human beings should definitely know these particular emotions.

Actually the below apathy level is so low as to constitute a no-affinity, no-emotion, no-problem, no-consequence state of mind on things which are actually tremendously important.

The area below apathy is an area without pain, interest, beingness or anything else that matters to anyone, but it is an area of great danger since one is below the level of being able to respond to anything and may accordingly lose everything without apparently noticing it.”

He cannot stop anything, he cannot change anything and he cannot start anything and yet, on some automatic response basis, he manages some of the time to hold down a job, but the moment a real emergency confronts him he is not likely to respond properly and accidents result. Where there are accidents in industry they stem from these people in the sub-apathy tone range. Where bad mistakes are made in offices which cost firms a great deal of money, lost time and cause other personnel difficulties, such mistakes are found rather uniformly to stem from these sub-apathy people.

So do not think that one of these states of being unable to feel anything, of being dumb, of being incapable of pain or joy is any use to anyone. It is not. A person who is in this condition cannot control things and in actuality is not there sufficiently to be controlled by anyone else and does strange and unpredictable things.

On the level of each of the emotions we have a communication factor. In sub-apathy an individual is not really communicating at all. Some social response or training pattern or, as we say, “circuit’ is communicating. The person himself does not seem to be there and isn’t really talking. Therefore his communications are sometimes strange to say the least. He does the wrong things at the wrong time. He says the wrong things at the wrong time. Naturally when a person is stuck on any of the bands of the Tone Scale, sub-apathy, apathy, grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, enthusiasm, or serenity, he voices communications with that emotional tone.”

How do you recognize if someone is in the minus-area of the Tone Scale or in the area above 0.0?

When I meet someone I look if there is Affinity or warmth emanating from this person or if there isn’t. If there is, I conclude that this person is in the section of the Tone scale above 0.0. If there is nothing, I don’t bother to look at the section above 0.0. This person is lower, on the Minus-Scale. One can also use any of the other characteristics as quoted above. (Please note, it is not friendly treatment, politeness or a smile, the relevant factor is “Affinity” And please also note that I do not talk about the social tone level, that is presented to the environment as part of a trained social pattern.)

So look at a picture of Mr. Miscavige in a magazine. You could throw in the DVD, “Golden Age of Wisdom” issuing the basics book release. Stop at random points and look at his eyes. Do you see affinity? Any of it? If you are not sure compare it with a picture from LRH or from the declarations of independence on this page. Is there a difference? Do you see Affinity there?


Sometimes it may be hard to observe something which isn’t there. So one could ask, if there would be affinity in Mr. Miscavige, would he have beaten his juniors in the first place? And even if, with affinity present in him, would he have felt bad and apologised afterwards? Would it be a natural inherent impulse of ethics to apply the condition formulas and make up the damage he has done? To the damage to the person concerned as well as the damage to the Ethics system and to the trust into Scientology itself?

If there would be affinity for mankind, would there be a collection of empty buildings or would there be service?

And with affinity for mankind what kind of programs would be initiated? Definitely not one that excludes the participation of the majority of mankind. I would rather expect something like some huge co-auditing-program with no big stops. Maybe even course fees returned for every auditor after having produced evidence of having audited PCs for 500 hours. (And for those who say “that would be off-policy,” I would answer “how about rewarding production?”) Some  program like that could help to change the planet! Provided you have some affinity for it.

Some examples of Tone Levels that can be dramatised in the area below apathy:

Shame—(being other bodies) -0.2
Accountable -0.7
Blame—(punishing other bodies) -1.0
Regret—(responsibility as blame) -1.3
Controlling Bodies -1.5
Protecting Bodies -2.2
Owning Bodies -3.0
Approval from Bodies -3.5
Needing Bodies -4.0
Worshipping Bodies -5.0
Sacrifice -6.0
Hiding -8.0


An Example

“Where bad mistakes are made in offices which cost firms a great deal of money, lost time and cause other personnel difficulties, such mistakes are found rather uniformly to stem from these sub-apathy people.” (Problems of Work, the Chapter on Affinity, Reality and Communication)

The most general strategic source for difficulties concerning the “Golden Age of Tech” comes from violating this formula:

“But you begin with QUANTITY. And out of that will come quality.”

To put this quote into the context from which it came, here it is, HCO POLICY LETTER OF 9 DECEMBER 1971R:


Every time I see an org with its staff unaudited, every time I see delivery statistics down and backlogs piling up, I wonder What the hell is going on?

If you’re not a tech person or even if you are, it is vital that you know some of the facts about getting auditing done.

To begin, a large, large proportion of people in and around Scientology would like to be an auditor. There is no slightest scarcity of people who want to audit.

Of these people a large percentage are “naturals” who readily grasp auditing with no huge struggle. Amongst those will be found a small but present few who are capable of terrific skill.

The complete checksheet and pack for Dianetics is readily available to orgs from Pubs.

Checksheets and packs for every Academy Level are easily obtained from Pubs Org.

Meters are nowhere barriered or banned and are easily obtained from a Pubs Org.

And for that matter a Course Supervisor checksheet and pack are easily obtained if you want to train well.

In fact there are people in Pubs who would mob down on you to get them into your hands.

All you really have to do to get at least a minimum job of it is to get the materials and the students and keep them at it.

It takes a steady three or four weeks of work to make a Dianetic Auditor. At least you’d have that!

And it takes only a few more months, with the new Academy Checksheets to make Class IVs.

Tapes now exist that show how good auditing sounds.

All right, so all it requires is the materials and persistence to make passable auditors.

Anybody who tells you different is just blocking the road.

Better auditors are made by good Course Supervisors.

Auditors become excellent only when Interneship and Cramming and Word Clearing are available.

But for an org or activity of any size not to have auditors is downright silly.

The way it’s being lined up and speeded up, even Class VIs and VIIs and IXs aren’t all that hard to make IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO IT.


There is, sad to tell, a lethargy about making auditors in orgs. That’s because the need is NOW and it would be three months before one could have 5, 20 or 50 HDC Class IVs.

If you had a real live trained Course Super and a Course Admin and ran a real “What is a Course?” PL type course you would have enrolled and graduated paying students enough to supply org after org!

It is NOT hard to do.

In fact it is very hard NOT TO DO IT.

We have run highly prosperous orgs in the ‘50s with which the public was very, very happy, using auditors who were not one-tenth as well trained as those you would make just by getting the materials and a couple of guys down to it.

Yes, auditing can reach heights today that nobody ever dreamed of in the old days. And your auditors can also reach such heights eventually. But you begin with QUANTITY. And out of that will come quality.

I’ve seen some execs lately moping around trying to “find” auditors for the org.

You don’t “find” auditors. You make them!

So, Executive, don’t ever let yourself be fooled about how hard it all is to make Course Supers and Auditors.

Never sit around wondering why there are backlogs in the HGCs (or low student points in Dept 11). Just force the barriers and make Course Supers and Auditors.

Have you asked those in the Academy already? Have you asked HCO to recruit one for one Tech and Admin and begin to TRAIN people under contract? Have you thought it was hard to do?

Last time I looked, every clerk in the org wanted to be an Auditor.

Well, who’s stopping them?

Or who’s wasting them when trained?

Auditors are valuable. Make some fast and get them to work!


In ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’, 10 May 96 “A New Golden Age of Tech gives Mr. Miscavige, who “compiled” it, in a “Summary of Whys Found”:

“An insufficient quantity of auditors to make planetary clearing a reality, right now in the present time, due to the inability to invariably make 100% flubless, standard and perfect auditors, in any org on earth.”

So we didn’t have enough auditors because they were not perfect! Do not try to make sense of that. It is an A=A thinking (irrational). Quantity does not equal Quality! The above is not a “Why,” it is an aberration. The result of this you see in orgs today.

What do you think would have happened to the 1950 boom if Ron would have used the “Miscavige Why” and had shifted the importance to making “100% flubless, standard and perfect” Book One auditors? It would never have happened.

In 1950 there were no internal stops. One could read Book One and could apply it. That was the simple formula. And it was successful.

Look in your Org at the number of auditors made and then decide if you want to stick with LRH or with Mr. Miscavige.


Do not get me wrong, I don’t object to perfection. In the Auditor 264 there is a clue from which level of auditor training this concept is taken:

“These drills contain precisely scripted sheets, which describe a particular auditing situation and give the Standard Tech handling below it, together with the exact LRH reference and even the correct words to use. The coach simply feeds a question to the student auditor, who then must be able to spit out the answer to that question without any hesitation.”
(from ‘The Auditor 264 (US Edition)’, [late Jan 97])

Per ‘The Auditor 264’ this drill was “derived from an LRH talk to Class XII auditors.”

“Without affinity there is no reality or communication.”

Any questions?

Written by Worsel



+1 # Carol 2010-08-02 14:12
excellent posting. This should get people looking! Thank you.
+1 # hadley 2010-08-03 14:26
well said I must say!
+1 # Kingair350 2010-08-03 19:31
The eyes of a ferret just before he disembowels a rabbit.

That said I really want to thank you for helping me understand the lower tone scale for the first time in decades!!! It has opened the door to far more understanding of myself and others.

+1 # Worsel 2010-08-03 22:53
I am glad that essay helped in regard to that. The tone scale didn't seem to work for me for decades, until I understood at one point that Ron is just using a different word for it ("sub-apathy"). After that the whole broad field of these data opened and I use it heavily since.
I was surprised, how many peolpe were in that band, who I had looked at falsely higher before.
+1 # Pericles 2010-08-05 14:49
In the mid seventies one had occasion to shake the hand of the aforementioned individual and look directly into those cold empty pale blue eyes. Altho' only about 14 at the time, even then, there was a deadness behind those glassy orbs. It left one feeling empty, cold and severely unacknowledged and his hands were cold to the touch.
+1 # Worsel 2010-08-06 12:58
Wondeful opportunity for confronting. Great first hand observations.
+1 # Ildi 2010-08-06 09:23
Long time ago already, just looking at his pictures I saw the evil, no drop of ARC in him. At Flag I have been told "he has such a great Tone 40 look". Hahahahahahahaha.
And at that time I did not know about all his "little missbehaviours". Good article, well said.
+4 # Thoughtful 2010-08-06 09:52
Yes -- not a drop of ARC in him. His social tone level is fixed in the anger band:

1.8 PAIN
1.4 HATE

As a being, he exists strictly in the sub-apathy range as Worsel pointed out. What Scientologists are mistakenly calling that "great Tone 40 look" is most of the time the emotion of "UNEXPRESSED RESENTMENT." That is DM's normal "look" when he's looking at you but not speaking.

Yeah, DM has "a great Tone 40 look"... and what comes out the back end of a dog is chocolate mousse, boiling-hot tar is delicious and Tommy Davis is nobody's lacky boy.
+1 # Pericles 2010-08-19 18:05
Observing DM's tone levels, do you suppose Tommy Davis finds sitting up straight is difficult after a boudoir session with his boss? Just curious.....DM attracted by homosexual leanings?
+1 # lamoore 2010-12-30 20:37
“Without affinity there is no reality or communication.”

Any questions?

Written by Worsel

Yes. One. How can such a thing be prevented from happening again? In terms of Global Scientology?

As a purely practical matter.

OK two, What tech or which bulletins or writings of Ron address the resolution of this bizarre possibility come true?
+1 # worsel 2011-02-01 17:51
Lamoore, brilliant questions. I would suggest this as general approach:

1. HCO PL 30 Jan 83, YOUR POST AND LIFE „If one is experiencing an adverse effect on post or in life, then he does not know or has not applied the tech or policy covering it.“
So after realizing that you and me experience an adverse effect the question comes up „WHAT tech or policy covers the situation?
2. Investigate and list out what areas of tech are concerned that were not known or not applied.
3. Then evaluate the importances according to „what application of which tech will bring the fastest effective recovery of the situation?“
4. Learn and/or apply any such tech in the sequence resulting from #3.

What specific tech or bulletin or policy applies depends on #2 and 3 above.

If you wish me to be more specific to the current situation, let me know. I will try to answer it as good as I can and as possible in a short comment.

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